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/lit/ - Literature

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11072357 No.11072357 [Reply] [Original]

How old is /Lit?
What book are you reading?
What state are you from?
Are you a loner virgin?
> I'm 21
> Crime and Punishment, The Stranger, The Sound and the Fury
> US
> Loner but not virgin

>> No.11072370

Road to Wigan Pier and Stalin
No. Wife and kid.

>> No.11072373

a frolic of his own
engaged but feel lonely

>> No.11072376

Just finished Poetic Edda, listening to a librivox recording of The Dawn of Medieval Europe. Will try to finish Auf den Marmorklippen by Ernst Jünger today.
Too paranoid
Same as OP

>> No.11072380

>American Psycho
>Of course, why else would I be on 4chan

>> No.11072384

> Small group of friends // girlfriend

>> No.11072400

OP here, I'm a hopeless romantic lol

>> No.11072407

Me too anon
It's kind of suffering to be a hopeless romantic in the modern age

>> No.11072412

>23 today
>The Fisherman
>Pretty lonely right now, not a virgin

>> No.11072413

Yeah cuz sex is easy, but most girls I've talked to are incredibly superficial, guys too but it doesn't impact me as much lol

>> No.11072418

I can't say I'd never have sex with someone I didn't love or really like personally because I'm weak willed but I'd feel bad about it

>> No.11072421

Happy Birthday

>> No.11072425

> 18
> Bleeding Edge
> n/a, not from us
> yes

>> No.11072426

I'm that way now, but when I was younger I just did it just because

>> No.11072432

Kinda regret it, pretty bad memory

>> No.11072437

>listening to a librivox recording of The Dawn of Medieval Europe

>> No.11072445
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Pic related.
The UK.
Nah, gf is asleep next to me.

>> No.11072453

How to get gf

>> No.11072472

>Typee by Herman Melville
>no, qt /lit/ gf and lots of friends

>a frolic of his own
How is it? This one's been collecting dust on my shelf for a while.

b urself

>> No.11072473

I'm not American

>> No.11072537

> How old is /Lit?
Almost 24
> What book are you reading?
Brave New World, Meditations, The Discourses, and Pragmatism
> What state are you from?
Uhh, Utah I guess
> Are you a loner virgin?
Married and expecting a child, looking forward to the dirt in my eye when I get around to Schopenhauer

>> No.11072543

Man, I clicked on tt thinking I was entering a discussion about Franzen and the Corrections. :(

>> No.11072547

Did you like it?

>> No.11072597

I have only read parts of it, but I'm one of the few around here that will stick up for Franzen and laud him as an important literary figure, mostly for his earlier work, which is of high quality despite his latter work, through which he used to become a sell-out.

>> No.11072742

Crime and punishment
Not virgin

>> No.11072746

The Corrections was a boring mess, I would advise people to spend their time reading actual PoMo lit.

>> No.11072755

Virgin but not loner

>> No.11072795

No virgino

How d'ya like V.?

>> No.11072811

It's still a book, isn't it?

>> No.11072856

>not in US
>virgin yes, loner no

>> No.11072921

The Pale King, Antifragile, The Eye of the World
Eastern Europe
Both :(

>> No.11072935

St. Augustine's Confessions and Satantango by Krasznahorkai (weird combo I know)
Single but not a virgin

>> No.11072970

Mein Kampf and The Sound of Waves
I'm a friendless khhv. I'm trying to be in a long distance relationship with a girl from the US, but she's fucking annoying. Why are women so needy of attention?

>> No.11073203

Be yourself kiddo.

>> No.11073207

providence, ri
no, gf who is trying to get lit

>> No.11073209

new orleans?

>> No.11073232

>I'm 19, 20 in june
>slowly reading through violence and the sacred, and the sailor who fell from grace with the sea (slowly because I'm in the middle of my exams, and also because I've been getting too into twitter and I need to cut down my consumption of that to make more reading time)
>not American, live in Scotland
>I'm pretty schizoid and I don't really handle intimacy very well, so I am kind of yeah (also for some reason I only really need to know that woman are attracted to me and then I think "well I'm done now" and stop pursuing them, so basically have no motivation to get with anyone beyond the validation of finding out they like me--this is something I'm trying to work on but it's hard because it's so ingrained in my personality)

>> No.11073302

drawing on the right side of the brain
kinda, i have a sex doll, never with a real woman.

>> No.11073457

Nice, just moved to Providence myself. You guys have some cozy libraries here.

>> No.11073605

not virgin, but def a loner

>> No.11073631
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The Street of Crocodiles
Not a virgin, but I've only been with my longtime gf who I lived with for six years. Feels very bad. I dunno how to get with girls who aren't her.

>> No.11073653

>A Theory of Justice
>Dislike people, am alone but not lonely
>Not a virgin, have no trouble getting some

>> No.11073699

>Crime and Punishment and Letters from a Stoic
>Not from the US
>Have lots of acquaintances, but no close friends

>> No.11073718

Elementary Particles, Caesar's commentaries, some Robert Penn Warren poetry

>> No.11073729

Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.11073755

>Over 35
>Just finished 2666; starting White Noise
>West Coast gulag
>Loner, yes. Virgin, no.

>> No.11073821

deRetz's Memoirs, some fugitive Emerson lectures
divorced, removed- both actually and dispositionally. hopeless but ok. at home in all weathers.

>> No.11073881
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Finishing V
Sitges, Spain
Have a GF and pretty good friends

>> No.11073957

This thread makes me feel a little old. Godspeed to our young literates. Remember to read Siege.

>> No.11073997

>yes but I like it

>> No.11074550

Crime and Punishment and the Bible
Same as OP but emphasis on the loner part

>> No.11074586

>Ulysses, Paradise Lost, The Trial, The Canterbury Tales (Coghill Translation)
>No thanks
>Not a loner but I am a kissless virgin

>> No.11074591

eurofag, not gonna mention my nation
friendless, virgin, underdog, neet and all that pack
>tfw no /lit/ gf
what even is Siege?

>> No.11074615

The Wind-up Bird chronicle & Bertrand Russell's history of western philosophy
ND, but currently live in MN
Loner, sort of. I have my roommates and no one else
Well, I haven't been interested in sex until a month ago, and I lost my virginity to a good friend/roommate of mine. She however doesn't want to be exclusive and that makes me very sad.

>> No.11074632

War and Peace

>> No.11074643
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Catch 22 and the myth of Sisyphus

>> No.11074679

The Devils of Loudun
Virgin loner but I'm funny. I just don't tend to make meaningful connections with people.

>> No.11074989

Nothing as of now. Just studying
No. But I'm in a loveless relationship so I might as well be.
What did you think of the Poetic Edda?

>> No.11075059

Le Rivage des Syrtes
Divorced and paying a lot in child support without being allowed to see the kids. Just kill me.

>> No.11075074

The Pale King and The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Gothenburg, Sweden
Virgin, got one friend so I guess I'm not a complete loner

>> No.11075083

>Beyond Good + Evil
>Of fucking course

>> No.11075130

The Plague
Not a virgin, all my friends left me two years ago after a girl lied that I raped her.

>> No.11075138

Re-reading some Lovecraft stuff, and Herodotus on the side
I don't live in a state

>> No.11075463

>Reflections on Violence, The Year of the Hare
>not virgin not loner

>> No.11075495

>Several books on race theory and Egyptology (research)
>Fuckboy when I want to be, but mostly avoiding relationships rn b/c I don't need no drama

>> No.11075629

How'd you meet her

>> No.11075649

>Permutation City

>> No.11075676

>Pale Fire
>Same as OP

>> No.11075811

>The Box Man, The Social Contract
>In relationship, but long-distance. not virgin

>> No.11075819

Not him, but Frolic was great. Though I loved pretty much everything Gaddis wrote, including his letters, so I'm not exactly unbiased.

>> No.11075894

>Rereading The Red & the Black
>Not a virgin, bit of a loner

>> No.11075946

From my experience, not being a virgin but never having had any sort of meaningful sexual relationship feels worse than just being a virgin did in some ways. I've screwed a few random whores once and never saw them again, never actually been with a woman long-term.

>> No.11076043
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Comfy thread frens.

>Underworld or Amazonas (by Döblin)
>Not a virgin, trying to be a loner but my conscience/close friends end up dragging me outside lest I become some crusty hermit
Very good taste anon. How is the translation? I'd recommend Die Ermordung einer Butterblume (if you can find a translation), it's a collection of Döblin's stories which blows Kafka out of the water as far as literary expressionism is concerned.

>> No.11076096

Ficciones and Portnoy's Complaint
Yes, a loner virgin

>> No.11076111

> 18
> The Castle - Kafka
> Yes, I have kissed and dated for a week though

>> No.11076133

On the Will in Nature, Goethe's Theory of Colors
Not a virgin but haven't had sex since when I lost my virginity, five years ago

>> No.11076138

In Cold Blood
The State of Canada

>> No.11076159

>Confessions by Rousseau and Afterland by Mai Der Veng

>> No.11076162


The Idiot by big D
rural Alberta
Yes unfortunately both.

>> No.11076194

How'd that end up

>> No.11076399

>Ethics by Spinoza

>> No.11076451

>Infinite Jest, A Frolic of His Own
>US. In Maine for school
>Not virgin but not exactly flourishing socially. I blacked out and apparently made out with some girl right in front of the girl I've been soberly building a relationship with

>> No.11076487

It's great, although I only read some cucked translation annotated by what seems like a bit of a feminist (muh queer themes were mentioned in the introduction).

However, the themes it deals with are still very interesting. Reading the almost fatherly advice in Hávamál was quite moving actually. I was already familiar with the general themes of norse mythology through the prose edda and some plebbier secondary sources, but with each text you get a bit of a different perspective on the story which is quite fun.

I would definitely recommend it if you haven't read it already. Is it compulsory reading in your neck of the woods?

>> No.11076493
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I am unfamiliar with it myself, although people compare it to the Turner Diaries which are honestly pretty fun to read.

>> No.11076531

I'm 35
I just finished Misery by Stephen King. Heading to the library tomorrow for more.
Here in sunny California
Not a loner. Very social. But things are strange for me just now.

>> No.11076605

>The Odyssey (again)
>California, but not originally
>Loner, but I once ate a chinese whore's hairy vagina

>> No.11076634

kek i saw your post on r9k

>> No.11076637

mention ur nation then you could maybe change the friendless part

>> No.11076650
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American kingpin
new South Wales
no I'm not loner virgin

>> No.11076820

Anna Karenina
Not from US
Not a virgin but I've become more and more asocial the last year.

>> No.11076836

him, Frolic is my first big Gaddis and it's pretty great. It's not like bombastic writing that's slapping me in the face with every page but it is well written.

>> No.11076839

Loner yes, virgin no

>> No.11077663

>tfw no trying-to-get-/lit/ gf

>> No.11077696

Crime and Punishment/Quran/Tazkiratul Auliya
Not from US
>Sex before marriage is prohibited, so vrgn yeah.

>> No.11077703

world of warcraft

>> No.11077705

>Red &Black

mah nigga

>> No.11077712

Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
yes and no

>> No.11079340

Read The Recognitions. It was Gaddis at his most ambitious.

>> No.11079358

invisible cities and a little larger than the universe pessoa poems

>> No.11079406

The Decameron

>> No.11080172
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genuine question. why do you like bleeding edge?

>> No.11080188

my twisted world: the story of elliot rodger
Los Angeles
raped at 13

>> No.11080190

nothing right now
a loner but not a virgin

>> No.11080350

How big was he?

>> No.11081146

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11081147

I'm working my way backwards

>> No.11081276


how do you think you keep from getting a divorce? what went wrong ? what would you change if you could change anything.

>> No.11081281

hey big red

>> No.11081417

Big Sur, The Trial
fuck off
virgin and sort of loner. i'm not NEET and i have work friends, but i don't hang out with them much even though they invite me to shit all the time

>> No.11081446

>The Story of the Stone (and some Terry Pratchett)
>LOL no.

>> No.11081473

>Afterparty by Daryl Gregory
>Pacific NW
>lolno. I'm highly introverted but great at being social when I want to be

>> No.11081487

>Consider the Lobster, Butcher's Crossing, Call Me by Your Name
>Very much a loner, not a virgin

>> No.11081555

>Omensetter's Luck and have been reading From Dawn to Decadence slowly on the side for months
>I have a number of good friends but live alone, can get with hot art hos when I try but like other anons above have said I don't much appreciate shallow sex anymore and I keep getting ghosted after the third fuck despite keeping a moderately distant demeanor wrt what I really want (a relationship who am I kidding I am so lonely since my long term relationship ended a year ago)

>> No.11081724
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>Joseph Andrews, War and Peace
>Michigan? More like Bitchigan!
>Virgin, but have my group of friends

>> No.11082030

most of us are below 25, is anyone here surprised?

>> No.11082034

>speedboat by renata adler
>not in the us
>neither! but always lonely

>> No.11082055

>21, soon to be 22
>Prochain épisode by Hubert Aquin (dislike it so far)
>Yes to both

>> No.11082097

2018 Pushcart Prize. The poetry is shit but the some of the short stories are rad
Leaf in BC
Just lonely

>> No.11082120

so many fucking normalfags in here
i hate this board getouttt