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11071300 No.11071300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is mental health just a scam? Why is depression and anxiety more common today than in the past>

>> No.11071314

Because the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for humankind.

>> No.11071366

meme response, next

>> No.11071370


>> No.11071375

Because depression wasn't diagnosed in the past. It's like assuming hysteria was more common in this or that era, crazy women always existed it's just that for a period the term was hysteria.

>> No.11071395

I figured coming to the board with the most depressed people would give me the straightest answer.

>> No.11071408

It's a combination of not being diagnosed in the past and people not directly working for their food (farming or hunting, fishing, etc.) anymore.

>> No.11071438

Why wasn't there as much literature about it? In letters and books and poems we see less depression and especially anxiety talk than we do today.

>> No.11071444

Better ways of identifying it

People are more encouraged to seek help

Less stigma

>> No.11071455

We peaked at hunter-gatherer

>> No.11071461
File: 83 KB, 1000x600, Foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, "mental illness" came about with capitalism. There was less stigma attached to it in the past.

Foucaults Madness and Civilization is a good read on the topic.

>> No.11071462

i like this sentence

>> No.11071464

based Kaczynski poster

>> No.11071466

thanks, copping

>> No.11071470


>> No.11071481

I think the scariest things in the past were different than the scariest things today. In the past I would have anxiety about my crops failing. Today I have anxiety about job interviews, women, missing trains, losing my keys, missing a loan payment. I guess it does add up.

>> No.11071491


>> No.11071507


>> No.11071513
File: 220 KB, 1200x888, entiharmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironic truth

>> No.11071571

This is the final truth, man was just not meant to live this way and technology is driving him mad. Instead of adapting his environment to him, man is adapting to his environment. The adapted man is what Nietzsche spoke of with the "last man", a man coerced to adapt to the wretched conditions of modernity

>> No.11071579

Wow bro ur so insightful r u an anthropologist??

>> No.11071592

you know I'm right pig

>> No.11071596

was looking at this plate 30 minutes ago

>> No.11071608

because alienation.

>> No.11071612

That it's a scam doesn't make a bit of difference- it provides a constituency with the sense that something's being done about God knows what, and any community with more than a few jobs. It's of course one of many such 'scams'.
>Alas it is delusion all
>The future cheats us from afar
>Nor can we be what we recall
>Nor dare we think on what we are.
Lord Byron

>> No.11071615

Psychiatrists need to justify their own existence.

>> No.11071625

a meme response but unironically true.

>> No.11071661

Yes. Because people aren't true to themselves and are distracted by society's illusions.

>> No.11071680

> crazy women

Frustrated women who want to be fingered by doctors always existed.

>> No.11071725

Well, today it's expected of you to enjoy your life, but you're also bombarded with all kinds of prohibitions. You're told that you this is the best time to be alive in history and that your potential might be endless while in reality that's far from the truth. All of this creates a feeling of guilt and alienation. You're fully integrated into society while simultaneously not fitting in at all. Of course this causes depression. You can't escape from society, but you also can't function within it.

Not to mention all the messages of constant threats you're being bombarded with. New typhus emerging, chicken flu, cow flu, Kony 2012, global warming, cultural marxists, nukes in North Korea, Middle East, Russia, immigrants, rapists, feminists, nazis, this crysis, that crysis... Just pick one and worry about it. It doesn't matter if it's a true threat or not. It doesn't matter if you're left or right wing. It's here to keep you in a state of anxiety.

>> No.11071731

bad meme
bad joke
It makes a difference because people are getting screwed over to line """therapist's""" pockets. It hurts everyone to have a portion of the society moping around at home blaming depression because some Jew told them too.

>> No.11071745

>random diseases
>random ideologies
The only thing you posted with any legitimacy is the political conflicts, but they are nowhere near as worse compared to any other time in history. The world is very peaceful today and most people aren't affected by those things. No one is getting scalped by red people, or raped by Mongols, or dying of black plague, or dying of starvation, or facing constant warfare. I'm only talking about 1st world btw

>> No.11071754

Exercise works as a treatment for depression in roughly half of all cases. Having an extremely sedentary lifestyle that is common today is a big part of it.

>> No.11071764

The internet has fucked us. Everyone is dating less, going out less, having sex less. Everyone is lonely and so they turn to the internet thinking it will cure their boredom or make them less lonely. The internet is both a bane and a boon.

>> No.11071782

I think people not being sure of God's existence anymore is a huge cause of anxiety.

>> No.11071783

As I've said, it doesn't matter if they're true or not. It's here to keep you anxious and keep you buying stuff. People buy more when they're anxious and scared.

What'll it be today, anon? Which book will you buy today? Maybe if you buy this one, other people will respect you more and you'll finally be accepted in society in the way you want. Or maybe buy this one. This one will help you escape into some other world which doesn't have all these problems. You're seeking virtue? Yes. This book will make you the man you've always wanted to be. You'll be perfectly adapted.

>> No.11071794

I'm a different guy but I'm anxious probably about 80% of the day and I don't really buy anything.

>> No.11071798
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>> No.11071838

Mental Health isn't so much my bugbear as Insurance is-- the whole idea of being made to bet against myself (whereas the insurance companies- both health and auto- bet on me) really, really bothers me. Weirdly perhaps, I think this is somehow (if subtly) psychologically damaging. Certainly it casts the Insurance Companies in a paternal relation- except that theyre the parents we have to pay.

>> No.11071864

So am I. That doesn't matter. The ones that are not anxious are kept at relative peace with their bullshit. Girls with their make up, pet loving cunts with toys for their pets, litfags with books, moviecunts with their drones and gopros, carqueers with car parts, anime incels with bodypillows, musicnerds with their vynil records or whatever, and internet for internetcunts (everyone). Everyone's got their little cult online and ads are absolutely everywhere. We all want to be accepted. The foreign threat thing is just a cherry on top of anxiety.

Let me tell you a little story of my pen friend from Australia. The dude is the most insane cunt on the web. He's not afraid to say anything. Obscenities fly out of him as if he's really insane. But when he came to visit me one summer, he was an very anxious guy even though we've known eachother for years and skyped from time to time. He was too scared to say anything in order not to offend people. He said a racist joke and the apologised. Now that might be just because we've met for the first time irl, but I think there was something else happening there. I think he was disconnected from whatever gave him the confidence or feeling of acceptance (in his case the internet) and was left with the full weight of bombardment from society and constant nudging to do whatever you can to be fully accepted.

>> No.11071880

And yes, everything that I'm saying works in the same way of creating anxiety. Everything is fully integrated.

>> No.11071919

this is "medicated mental health"

interestingly , a bunch of coping strategies, therapies, and non-pill methods of mental health is about reconnecting back to our willful sekves through planning, meditation, and skill building.

>> No.11071944
File: 450 KB, 752x941, CIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the masketta man?

>> No.11071971

I'll offer some counter thought. It isn't necessarily right, but I'll bite.
For the vast majority of human history nobody gave a shit about the publics mental health. It's the same thing as asking: how many people do you know or think have some sort of mental illness but need to keep on going on with their lives? Also, there was less stigma on mental health in the past. It wasn't until mental wards came along and made mental health something to be was kept secret and closed off.
And now that mental health is something people suddenly care about, it makes sense to stigmatize it and make profit selling medication on a mass level.

>> No.11071972

>bad joke
roastie detected

>> No.11071985

>No one is getting scalped by red people, or raped by Mongols, or dying of black plague, or dying of starvation, or facing constant warfare
not yet at least
and thus begins the anxiety

>> No.11072004

>and ads are absolutely everywhere
>he doesnt know about adblock

>> No.11072042

Speaking purely from the anecdotal perspective of an American, its because society has regressed to a point where its foundation is resentment. This resentment has been created by an unsustainable lie, that everyone has the same chances to succeed, to do whatever they want, just as long as they work hard enough. Certain groups of people are marked as hardworkers that deserve success while others are marked as parasites that aren't doing anything, any form of empathy in regards to people's dispositions in life is repressed. I have family members that work two jobs, get welfare and still struggle to make ends meet but they vote against any sort of social care because they know they need the benefits, but they think that there are other people out there that don't have it as bad as them and are stealing from them. People are growing up in a society that hates them, the poor hate the rich, the rich hate the poor, and each-other and the boomers are on the sideline telling people that life isn't all that bad they just have to work harder.

>> No.11072061

I'm not a complete moron. Do you think the majority of people use it? What do you do on "Please disable adblock to view our website" sites? What about people watching TV which is 100% pure ads? Billboards everywhere, ads on trashcans and bus stations, cars, planes in the air... What about ads within the content which you're watching like YouTube videos? "This video is sponsored by...". Sure, you can skip that part, but it's still there. It doesn't make any sense to deny that ads are everywhere around you and that everything is trying to sell you something.

>> No.11072119

it's really not that bad if you just walk around without an advertising medium strapped to you.

>> No.11072642

>No one is getting scalped by red people, or raped by Mongols, or dying of black plague, or dying of starvation, or facing constant warfare.
lol. just think back to when brainlets thought ISIS had a legit shot to invade europe. or when everyone thought Kim was going to nuke California.
reals before feals is the dumbest statement ever

>> No.11072652

noone cared who I was until i posted on my instagram feed

>> No.11072694

Why didn't you go to /r9k/ then?

>> No.11074303

Not true at all. you guys are gay

>> No.11074312


>> No.11074316

Neuronormativity is bullshit invented by the establishment to suppress us and to protect the status quo. Do not fall for it.

>> No.11074318

you can’t you idiot and if you live in the city or use comp for work its impossible
lol yeah so crazy 400,000 syrians slaughtered so safe, russians annihilate 10-20,000 syrians from the air so crazy dumb plebs neoliberal economics is flawless

>> No.11074322

Unironically this. The right wing scum are the only mentally ill.

>> No.11074331


no, mental health is not a scam. stress is a thing that exists, and stress is a lot higher in 2018 with social media and smartphones and a litigious culture, people need to be much more resilient than they did on rural a farm in 1820.

>> No.11074413

desu i think the end of belief in the After-Life in the west (and these problems are mostly western problems) is a pretty big influence

this life is all we get. if its not enough you get depressed, if its too much you get anxiety

>> No.11074423

its high mutational load which has a strong effect on multi-allele traits subject to pleiotropy, increasing rates of atomization, lifeless-thankless office labor, the disenchantment of reality (your thesis), total loss of investment in the socio-sexual generative principle of family units, extremely harsh sexual selection, environmental toxins like endocrine disruptors, nutrient defficient diet, lack of healthy holistic stimulation (like playing sports, camping, sex, hanging out with neighbors at barbecues, going to the beach, walking outside with friends, light communal
drinking), dysgenic breeding (people who have high risk for schizophrenia and depression are breeding more often and their kids are totally fucked), media addiction, culture of narcissism which has an obverse side that inculcates self hatred, total lack of faith in institutes and of course wealth disparity growing every single year, and if you will permit me, the environment is dying so of course the over soul is dying