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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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1107086 No.1107086 [Reply] [Original]

It is becoming increasingly clear that /lit/ is suffering from a serious terminal cancer. A cancer of the soul, that creeps to the surface to cover the every square inch of our body. I encourage every one of you to stop posting in troll threads. Of course they will converge into collective groups and bump their own threads, but after a while of this they will get tired and recede. I wish us all so much more then luck.

>> No.1107094
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joe squier of the biginton platoon, reporting in!

>> No.1107101

I agree with the Chinese Crested-Chihuahua

>> No.1107123

>so much more then luck

The cancer has apparently reached your brain. It would be best to end things now while you still can.

>> No.1107127


>> No.1107138

Are we being raided or something lame?

/lit/ used to not care, have people started raging lately or something?

protip: If you ignore it the trolls will get tired of not getting a rise out of the board. Does /lit/ not understand this anymore?

>> No.1107143

/lit/ never understood that.
that's why there's a goddamn rule against Ayn Rand.