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/lit/ - Literature

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11069620 No.11069620 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t you done with your 2018 reading challenge yet?

>> No.11069625

I am. Read 3 books.

>> No.11069640
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Lmao nice try...

>> No.11069756

Because if your challenge isn't paced to last you the year then you're not doing it properly.

>> No.11069761

Only 999999999999 books to go, wish me luck

>> No.11070036

Got 2 more books to go. Highly underestimated myself desu

>> No.11070040


>> No.11070043

16/26 but quite of a few of them were very short. Just haven't been in the mood for reading recently so I really have to push myself.

>> No.11070053

A few years ago, I made a pact with myself to read at least 20 books a year, with no exceptions. About half way, so far.

>> No.11070056

I mean you still have over half the year to go

>> No.11070065
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fucking killing it

>> No.11070078

Yeah that's true, but I always put 26 as the bare minimum and usually exceed it, which I hope I will do again this year.

>> No.11070086

>there are people who have read 100+ books already

How the fuck do they do it?

>> No.11070089

shit sorry meant for >>11070056

>> No.11070146

>1 every other week
nice pace desu

>> No.11070165

I only know 100 words but what I do know is that reading is gay

>> No.11070300

I'm doing it. I read some manga so out of 60 books, I'm ahead of my challenge pacing by four books.

>> No.11070310

But I am. I read my 21th book about a week ago.

>> No.11070317

Speedread, cheat or simply spend really much time reading.

>> No.11070328

Imagine being such a weak-willed piece of shit that you have to gamify your reading habits

>> No.11070354
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I only created an account earlier this month, and I set a goal of 52 books. I'm 9 books behind now, but I'm catching up quickly by being a pleb.

>> No.11070378
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Anyone here ever try bookdigits? The rating system is interesting but I'm not sure if the site even has a community anymore.

>> No.11070379

Actually, it can be a nice incentive to keep a good habit of reading recurring as long as you don't overdo it. Multithread your thoughts, stupid tripfag.

>> No.11070388

I am not a neet anymore
9 books behind schedule

>> No.11070416
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One more to go

>> No.11070422

Good stuff

>> No.11071055

I only read non-fiction. Will I make it /lit/?

>> No.11071275

i hadn't heard of it before. the site looks kinda dead honestly

>> No.11071291

>Average C-level executive said to read "upwards of" 60 books/year
>Average person said to read <60 books/lifetime

Something tells me the depth of comprehension is far more important/different between the two than the count or even which books are read.

>reading challenges going by the year
Why not use what you read to improve your whole life, rather than segment it temporally?

>> No.11071297


It's almost May and you've only read one book this year? Was it 4000 pages long?

>> No.11071306

10 books ahead of schedule faggot

>> No.11071318

i like keeping a record of reading books and the dates and years of such. its almost like a digital library record

nothing to do with motivation

>> No.11071323

I have pretty good pace (about one book a week, 2 or a little more for longer ones like brothers karamazov which I'm halfway done now) but I cheat with short sub-100 page books sometimes to add to that and get the number up

>> No.11071328

I have read 15 books with a goal of 30.

I read approx ~2 hours every day.

>> No.11071333

i honestly dont believe any sort of executive, defined by a high ranking position that requires many hours of work and overtime, has the time to read 60 books a year

i know a couple of chief executives and other executives and there is no way they have the time to read that much

>> No.11071335

This is fine as long as you don't have a goal. I just put a goal of 1 book a year, so as not to let an arbitrary number influence my reading habits

>> No.11071346

I have ~26TB of books on supplemental drives for my gaming rig.

About half are comics, RPG guides, etc. A quarter are torrented texts, analyses, journals, and manuals for/from "higher education." The last quarter are /lit/, genre fic, pulp, screenplays, theatre, fanfic, self help, etc.

I read at least one of each daily. Minimum I'd count as a "full" book is ~40 pages, but it's usually around 330 pages.

Usually speedread textbooks and take my time with ancient texts and spoopies, or things I need to learn a language to read. Take thousands of pages and queue cards' worth of notes annually. Condense that into patterns that build off of prior patterns. Almost everything I keep/learn is conceptually-based, specific details like names/dates have always eluded me.

>aiming for 100k books before death
Although I'm assuming I can read twice as many books yearly after retirement.

Work 2 P/T jobs, a casual/commission on the weekends, and a F/T shiftwork. Also volunteer with the mentally challenged and undereducated regularly. Anyone who says they "don't have time" is a shitlicker.
>inb4 anons luv copro

>> No.11071351
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>> No.11071354

What's your net worth?

>> No.11071378

It's more than I've read last year. I guess I've given myself a real challenge

>> No.11071380

Normally I'd bugger off for trips, but I also know several people in similar positions.

As far I've seen, they use their time much better and don't mind sporadic bursts. At least, the few times we've all been around on weekends, they've mentioned reading on flights, while waiting in lines, in the bathroom, and in taxis or the metro. They keep a couple audiobooks, pdf/epub copies, and a softcover or two for travel. Not to mention fitting in a chapter before bed, couple pages when they wake up, or the several paid weeks of vacation.

>> No.11071382

glad i have your approval

>> No.11071385


You read zero books last year? What is the book that had the honor of you reading it this year?

>> No.11071392

500 pages of presocratic philosophers part 1

>> No.11071393

Something like -56k for the next couple years, and then it should be back up to ~250k+.
>I could fuck up and drop it all to -430k though.

>> No.11071398

i know this is a singular anecdote, but for example, i know a chief executive in the aged care industry quite well, and 99% of the time the only things i see him reading is aged care related studies and material and this is even in his spare time

the point im trying to make is that in order to get to these positions in the first place, which are highly competitive, you have to be so absolutely obsessed with your job and industry that you basically give your whole self to it

obviously they do other things in spare time, but i dont believe they have time to read that much unless it is required for their job, because in those positions, as far as i have seen, you cant ever really 'switch off'

>> No.11071403

i heard zuck only dose 60h at the office

>> No.11071410
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I am getting there

>> No.11071416


It looks like I overestimated myself this year, but depending on my life situation, my reading habits do change. I'm feeling like my surroundings will change pretty dramatically soon, so I might not read any more books, who knows.

>> No.11071415

how was white noise?

>> No.11071423


It was okay, not great. I'm not sure if it's just dated, I didn't get it, or I expected too much from it. Maybe a combination of the three.

>> No.11071429

I raise it when I reach it

>> No.11071497

Can't imagine only ever reading one subfield of topics. Then again, my "field" is Ethnology, so I've the entirety of creative human history to contend with.

Interesting anecdote; wonder if he's read things like Sapiens or Homo Deus? I see tomes like them being shilled by billionaires and, even given what we've said of time management, find it amusing how many in the upper echelons read them.

Perhaps the guy in aged care is more indicative of the market average, or being in a company built by others? The couple fellows I know are in competitive fields but have a technical competence that makes competing with them more a matter of creating something "better." I can see people vying for their positions, but can't imagine too many who could displace them.

Certainly interesting as a point of studying market/human tendency in competitive environments. Wonder if it's a matter of personal values (giving up your whole self v. setting time boundaries) or more simply the position in the market?

>> No.11071523
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>pic related
Idek if thus counts
amazon's shipping it in 4 days.

>> No.11071547

21/52 (40%)

About to start Infinite Jest though, so that might take a while.

>> No.11071623

Imagine being so desperate for attention you use a tripcode on 4chan

>> No.11071861

yo whattup ab

>> No.11072567

>13/20 books read
>less than half the year have gone by
>It looks like I overestimated myself

>> No.11072864

First 10 were fast, then started on nonfiction and got stuck a bit.

>> No.11072885

20/23, I should be alright this time

>> No.11072908

Honestly it's more fun collecting /lit/ autists as friends and then talking to them since I can't make real life ones.

>> No.11072920

I've read two books today. What have you done to better yourself?

>> No.11073045

This is the kind of analysis you get when you're plowing through books on the way to a goal.

>> No.11073049

reading is not a challenge, you pseud

>> No.11073061

because 2018 isnt over yet. I'm on track though, 1 book a week

>> No.11073102

This is the only true reply

>> No.11073233

Why is no one posting their GR accounts?

>> No.11073239

As someone else who has read the book too, that's my opinion as well - it's just completely ehhh, what is there to analyse? Many of the comedic tropes (the academic who studies something hilarious! middle class ennui! consumerism is baaad! there's too much mediaaa) it introduced/used are overdone to death by now.

>> No.11073253

Better than the other anon, but still very shallow. Care to elaborate some more? How was the prose, and does DeLillo's style relate in any way to the thematic content of the novel? If you're familiar, how does this novel compare to other so-called "campus novels"? Is that really all DeLillo is doing with Hitler Studies?

>> No.11073265

What is this, homework?? Fuck off

>> No.11073281
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Honestly, I have over 200 books on my Goodreads but that's because most of them are children's books that I read as a child or YA novels I read as a teenager. Since those books tend to be relatively short, it's easy to read 100 children's books.

>> No.11073388

You guys should get married lel

>> No.11074963

Honestly I wish someone would give me questions for every book I read

>> No.11075073

Decided to read Don Quixote and Moby Dick back-to-back, so I'm a bit behind

>> No.11075102

OP never asked for it.

>> No.11075105

As someone who has 100+ so far, I can tell you how
>Do nothing else other than reading/writing, along with introspection, which sustains the latter
>If you have other hobbies, take the time out of your day to set times for reading, and the amount of chapters to read
>Maintain a reading list of only things of interest to you, and read for the supplement of your potential studies

>> No.11075109


I am. My goal was only one book, so I'm several hundred percent over even though I've barely read.

>> No.11075114

fuck that

>> No.11075124

because i'm not some faggot
If i read 7 books i read 7 books, i don't need a fucking challenge to encourage me
>goddamn 4chan x not letting me upload pics now

>> No.11075127

>he thinks 100 books is a lot
This is supposed to be the intelligent board

>> No.11075723

>Everyone here posting such a small number of books as their goal.
I put fifty and I'm almost a third the way in and some didn't even get counted because I set up my account last month.
Do people really struggle that much to get books done?

>> No.11075820

I'm way behind on my reading because I work too much. I'm one of those fags JB Peterson would say is "super high in industriousness" and i feel like people don't understand the downside. Especially when coupled with excessive neuroticism. Basically I work constantly, and I feel guilty and I hate myself when I'm not being productive. But this weekend I deliberately told myself to not take calls or check emails. My phone has been off (I even bought a watch to keep track of time without a cellphone, a seiko 5 if you're curious) all weekend. I drank wine and read a book called Warlock. It took about 65 pages to get used to the lingo but this is by far the best book I've read in years. I read it in about five 100 page sittings and I am blown away. I need to do this more often.

>> No.11076850

>100 books in 4 months isn't a lot

>> No.11076999

I'm halfway through but my year is busy with writing, working (going to be part of a writers room later this month) and anxiety about whether I can get onto my MA this September.

Depends on the books, they might all be very short stories, or the person may literally have nothing else to do or god forbid it but maybe they're lying for those delicious goodreads stats

>> No.11077000

OP never asked so we just assumed it's a fake goodreads thread lol

sort of this. people from /lit/ on goodreads are some of the most chill people to talk to about books, love you guys