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/lit/ - Literature

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11069244 No.11069244 [Reply] [Original]

did you forget about her?

>> No.11069247

>did you forget about her?
Yes, and I don't want to be reminded.

>> No.11069860

she's worse than ever

>> No.11070117

Isn't she like 30 now?

Imagine being in a long-term relationship with an aging stoner rich girl whose "glory years" was having some nepotistic connection publish her livejournal poetry. Then she tweeted and consumed food for literally FIFTEEN YEARS

>> No.11070546

There was a copypasta about this years ago based on a photo of her with her boyfriend.

>> No.11071918

still would lads

>> No.11071942

her writing is too close to tao lin's writing for me to honestly say that i do not like lit. like tao's it's a little too honest and a little too naval gazy, but that doesn't mean it's not compelling. it's a healthy dose of carrot soup to counteract the beef.

unlike tao lin i don't think she would ever post here. this place is too right wing for someone like her. tao lin's learning about how the government represses psychadellics without cause and the media's shitty treatment of him during the statutory rape charges has driven him to the counterculture, but mira is still firmly entrenched in the matrix. i wish her the best, though.

>> No.11071956

She's admitted on her twitter to posting here. Stop bumping this thread.

>> No.11071981

what is this? link?

>> No.11071988

She is working on an extensive novel. No idea how much is done or when it will get released. Apparently its going to be a modern day Oblonov type deal where a chick like Mira smokes weed in bed all day.

>> No.11071993

alfsvoid is the only girl worthy of /lit/'s time

>> No.11072003
File: 1.42 MB, 641x1080, carli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some pseud tranny is /lit/'s girl

>> No.11072033

She is still mad at us for understandable reasons.

>inb4 she tweets about this thread

>> No.11072038
File: 45 KB, 778x512, giblub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mira i know you are reading this thread
please be my gf

>> No.11072044
File: 85 KB, 800x450, 0009243b-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that article she wrote about when the time she was into violent sex

>> No.11072045

seriously though y'all need to grow up and stop harassing her just because she is a woman. the whole misogynistic thing is a little tired out, not to mention that it's just plain rude. do like jordan peterson says: strive for the goodness in life, not the bad. aim at the proper things.

>> No.11072055

Lol, someone is gonna have to remind me how old the trap was that got him into all this trouble

>> No.11072069

Only the monolingual Anglophone could bother reading alternative American literature.

>> No.11072074

sorry i should have said allegedly there.

>> No.11072129

She loves the attention.

>> No.11072154

>I will spend hours on one sentence sometimes, and if I feel that sentence isn’t expressing exactly what I want it to express, I will delete the sentence entirely. I think it takes a lot of precision and tedious work.

—Mira Gonzalez, 2014[9]

>> No.11072977

“she” was 16 and tao was 22

>> No.11075823


>> No.11075847

They're both terrible. I read pirated ebooks of Shoplifting from American Apparel and Eeeee eeee Eeee to see what all the memes were about. He probably only got published because daddy paid for nyu's tuition and for some vaguely "progressive" reasons at the time on top of being vaguely part of a pseudo-counterculture in the literary scene at the time. It's not surprising that he largely fell off the radar after his 15 minutes.