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11066482 No.11066482 [Reply] [Original]

Just tried to read a couple first pages of this book. Bored out of my mind. Loved the movie, but I won't bother with the book. Now I know it's not cyberpunk, but I'm on the hunt for good cyberpunk literature and honestly I don't know what I'm looking for because I didn't like Neuromancer either.

If there aren't any good cyberpunk literature, then recommend me some general science fiction literature.

>> No.11066494

Kimd of related but at what point does a world be considered cyberpunk

>> No.11066514
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It must be
>super high tech
>usually ruled by corporations
Or at least thats what I think

>> No.11066524

>dumping heinlein
anon... i...

>> No.11066596

starship troopers isn't cyberpunk. it's part of the milieu that cyberpunk was rebelling against.

in the same way that punk music was a reaction to the stale disco shit of the seventies, cyberpunk was a reaction to the safe and dull SF of heinlein, niven, asimov, clarke etc.

>> No.11066607
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>> No.11066626

I used to play on their site alot. Used to have nation called Giorno there

>> No.11066636

is the author the guy who runs nation states?

>> No.11066651

Really? I have to see that!

>> No.11066720


The stars my destination

>> No.11066742

This, OP. Basically the cyberpunk urtext. If you dislike both that and Neuromancer, you may as well just drop the genre.

Also, Starship Troopers is definitely not cyberpunk.

>> No.11066767

Great Sky River by Benford
Feersum Endjinn by Iain M. Banks
Dead Girls, Dead Boys, Dead Things by Richard Calder

>> No.11066776
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Neuromancer is THE cyberpunk book. If you don’t like that you probably don’t like cyberpunk literature. Maybe try out Blame, it’s a manga

>> No.11066813

The beginning of Starship Troopers is dispassionate and void of any immersive description of the alien world they're raiding, but I encourage you to push through, it gets much better later on.

>> No.11066835

Genuinely terrible taste wow

>> No.11066877

here are some of the primary cyberpunk works:
Vurt - Jeff Noon
Eclipse - John Shirley
Software - Rudy Rucker
Synners - Pat Cadigan
Mirrorshades Anthology - ed. Bruce Sterling

>> No.11066998

>Bored out of my mind
I don't know if reading is for you.
If anon isn't enticed by the action in the introduction, I doubt he'll enjoy the paperwork and training environment.

>> No.11067047
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Is there a CYBER PUNK CANON infograph floating around these parts?

>> No.11067050

Sounds like Harry Potter and Lord of the rings are more up your speed

>> No.11067059

so it has to be based on modern life, with a couple flying cars here and there more or less

>> No.11067095
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Most of the science fiction charts have a cyberpunk section

>> No.11067100
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>> No.11067289

Blood Music by Greg Bear
Crashcourse by Wilhelmina Baird
Metrophage by Richard Kadrey

>> No.11067298
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