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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 156 KB, 480x418, cof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11066388 No.11066388 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to drink coffee black for the first time

wish me luck /lit/

>> No.11066399

Should be good. I took a break from coffee for a while then had a large, black cup. Walked around the garden in the sun and it was like euphoria or something.

>> No.11066412

Start with just milk (no sugar) before black, it'll ease the terrible and lazy transition a little

>> No.11066425

I've only ever drank it black. It's so good. I don't drink it everyday because it makes my heart beat fast. It also makes me take a huge shit. I drink a nice cup every week or so.

>> No.11066749

You know what they say: once you go black, you never go back. To this day I'm surprised to see my wife slurping on anything other than a Big Black Coffee

>> No.11066755

Why is /lit/ so obsessed with coffee?

>> No.11066771
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>been 103 minutes since OP and still no update

>> No.11066777

thats the secret to coffee, it not only wakes you up but also gets your morning turd rolling. i cant consider people who dont drink coffee to be adults, unless they're some kind of oriental tea sipper

>> No.11066797

Get your book ready OP, its about to go down!

>> No.11066819

Assam tea masterrace

>> No.11066822

OP is not here, OP is wilfully lost, currently strolling in the fields of the caffeine experience like Bambi.

>> No.11066842

In my mind there's nothing comfier than sitting down after getting home from work with muh book and a hot coffee. I can sit down with just the book but it lacks some sort of comforting novelty that is seemingly intrinsic to a hot cup of Joe

>> No.11066844

Because reading books at a cafe has been a meme for decades

>> No.11067361

I've tried this, i liked it because i'm not alone, i can order a coffee/tea and there could be some cuties about, but dislike it because the noise prevents me from fully concentrating on the book.

>> No.11067371

>coffee black
>not espresso

>> No.11067378
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>tfw when run out of coffee
i want to literally die

>> No.11067386

then kill yourself and you'll never run out of coffee again.

>> No.11067389

>He got memed into willfuly getting hooked on soft drugs.

>> No.11067828

>he doesn't do drugs out of curiosity

>> No.11067838

>drinking coffee without any additives is somehow hard
I don't get it, is this supposed to be impressive?

>> No.11067862

>black coffee
absolutely disgusting.

The best and only way of drinking coffee is unsugared espressos

>> No.11067898

Why does coffee make me shit so intensely? Is it a laxative or is it fibre: the hot drink? What is the reason for this?

>> No.11067899

I almost exclusively drink water.

>> No.11067906


Literature and coffee seem to almost go hand-in-hand. You can find coffee shops in a lot of major chain bookshops.

I'm a Starbucks pleb, but I love myself a caramel macchiato in the morning. There's a Starbucks in my train station so I get a coffee on the go before work

>> No.11067918
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But you do that before or after prepping the bull?

>> No.11067937

Nice trips, but you should be having enough fibre in your diet that you don't need coffee.

>> No.11067954

what a funny jest anon you sure showed me huh dang

>> No.11067969

this is how i always take my coffee, truly the patrician's choice

>> No.11067986

is this an american thing

>> No.11067988


This. Coffee is the non-alcoholic beverage of choice for any who would aspire to the literary life.

Two heavy hitters I can enlist off the top of my head:

>Emmanuel Kant
Drank a *lot* of coffee. When he didn't have a cup for a while he became distraught and would cry "I am drowning!"
This was the sign for his servants to bring him a new cup of coffee molto pronto.
When he saw it arriving he would cry "Land! My dear friends, I see land!!"

He didn't write much "light" music but one such piece was a little comic opera called the "Coffee Cantata", about a woman whose stern father forbids her to drink coffee.
It includes the heart-rending lyrics:

>Father sir, but do not be so harsh!
>If I couldn't, three times a day,
>be allowed to drink my little cup of coffee,
>in my anguish I will turn into
>a shrivelled-up roast goat.

>Ah! How sweet coffee tastes,
>more delicious than a thousand kisses,
>milder than muscatel wine.
>Coffee, I have to have coffee,
>and, if someone wants to pamper me,
>ah, then bring me coffee as a gift!

>> No.11068125

I get snarlingly angry after three cups and start biting my nails.
I put it down to a combination boost of both testosterone and glutamate.

It'd probably be useful if I ever needed to groom or clean something with extreme prejudice, but until that day comes, I'm avoiding coffee.

Actually, now that I think about it, angry obsessive grooming describes the editing process pretty well. So I suppose I'll save it for then.

>> No.11068164

>he doesn't balance it with L-theanine


>> No.11068185

Does wittle babby want some creamy-weamz too? I'll get you a babyccino to ease you into real milky-wilky, sweet coffee!

>> No.11068195

Espresso can be worse than black coffee from a coffee filter gadget (e.g. hand press), but that's depending on the machine. My mother's espresso machine makes coffee that's too hot, its burnt taste is savoury in one's mouth.

>> No.11068203

I smoked a cigarette for the first time today
am I going to die?

>> No.11068293
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>> No.11068614

it's a stimulant. unfortunately, i can't provide you with information as to why stimulants make you shit so you'll just have to do the research yourself.

>> No.11068618

>he doesn't use GoCubes like a Silicon Valley demigod

>> No.11068640

>one such piece was a little comic opera called the "Coffee Cantata", about a woman whose stern father forbids her to drink coffee.

Coffee shops only started spreading in Europe after Jan Sobieski broke the siege of Vienna and the fleeing Turks left behind massive quantities of coffee beans. The coffee 'culture' was (perhaps rightly) seen as expanding Turkish influence in Europe. I could imagine that if Houellbeq was alive back then he would have been writing something similar to the what the Coffee Cantata's father says.

>> No.11068671

is it really that good? i've only even had it with milk.

>> No.11068680
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> tfw can’t get into coffee because it’s too bitter

>> No.11068736

I've tried taurine with it. The result was amazing chillness and a general sense of satisfaction, but not much focus.

>> No.11068850

your poo will be turned black. wishing you luck when you check it tomorrow

>> No.11068857

Smoking doesnt grant you immortality. You will die some day or the other.

>> No.11068970

You don’t do it to actually read, you do it to show everyone how intelligent and bohemian you are

>> No.11068979
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>not black tea
Proust and Dosto would like a word with you

>> No.11068980

Have you tried not being a pansy?

>> No.11068986

For real though it’s an acquired taste. Once you drink it enough you’ll wish it was more bitter.

>> No.11068992

On normal day basis I drink only coffee with small amount of milk.

I drink pure black coffee only before workout in gym. In some unexplained way I've convinced myself that it gives me better pump.

Either way I find coffee as a essential drink for human beings. Couldn't resign from.

>> No.11069022
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I'm about to have sex with a black man for the first time

Wish me luck, /lit/

>> No.11069050

Actually recent studies have shown it’s not because of the stimulationg effects of the caffeine because decaf has the same effect but to a slightly lesser extent. They think it’s either one of the chemicals in it, the acidity or a combination of everything. Also it only has that effect on like 30-40% of people and drinking a lot of coffee every day can decrease its effect.

>> No.11069053

Unless you are black as well, which the foto, that has been posted by you, doesn't imply, you are absolutely disgraceful

>> No.11069058

aww man, everytime I drink a coffe with a cig in the morning I have to take a shit

>> No.11069065

You don't drink coffee.

>> No.11069088

What an awful, awful thread. Kill yourselves.

>> No.11069103

All this coffee and you choose salt

>> No.11069113
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but then he will eternally run out of coffee

>> No.11069193

Lol whatever, virgin.

>> No.11069214

gay sex doesn’t count and if you’re a woman you’re not even sapient so go away either way, especially if you’re scheduling sex

>> No.11069221
File: 275 KB, 600x726, Bimbo+should+ve+at+least+finished+middle+school+before+whoring+_c8a80be8a89a2c8e5f6ac829543d2286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestion? I've only been able to power through a mocha

>> No.11069249

Maybe just do shots of espresso . Theyre like a dollar something at Starbucks. They’re extra bitter but you don’t have to sip them. I started to like black coffee when I needed the caffeine at work and they never had creamer

>> No.11069250

i like my coffee with little bit of milk/sugar/butter/nesquik.
God tier creamy taste.

>> No.11069269

Ok virgin.

>> No.11069286

I used to smoke alot when I stayed in a hotel where I wasn't able to smoke (unless I paid extra) I binged on coffee never leaving the hotel that helped me quit smoking, the moral of the story here is I love coffee.

>> No.11069378
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>dont even TALK to me before my morning cup of joe :^)
why was Balzac so cringe?

>> No.11069417
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>wake up at 4:30AM
>pee, stretch, go downstairs
>drink 4 cups of dark roast coffee + splash of almond milk as I write my garbage novel at my desk
>get distracted by the sunrise coming through the window
>always have caffeine shakes but still repeat every morning

>> No.11069468

>caffeine shakes
before or after you drink?

>> No.11069920

I love coffee. I have some every day even though I'm sensitive to the caffeine and it can sometimes it cause me to have trouble going to sleep.

I usually visit a local coffee shop once a week with my laptop and sit down in write while I'm there. It's funny because I'm usually the only one not using a MacBook and I'm a right-wing Trump supporter surrounded by Libshits. sometimes it feels like I'm undercover or something.

Anon are you sure it's coffee she's having? I think you might be getting cocked.

That stuff tastes like dirt to me. I'm not above settling for cheap coffee but I put Starbucks at the bottom of the list. Any local delly will have better coffee for nearly half the price.

>> No.11070639

Good luck be safe!

>> No.11070713

cool your coffee before drink it then

>> No.11070839

Coffee is for faggots, get yourself a cup of tea

>> No.11070876


café culture has been a literary lifestyle meme since the 1700s

>> No.11070885
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>> No.11070921

The 1700s were 31 decades ago

>> No.11070946
File: 141 KB, 800x591, B4DFD940-1BDB-42E5-98C2-A1321B6BA17C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level

>> No.11070976

fair enough lad

>consuming sugar

>> No.11071000

This. True men drink only water. We drink for health, not for taste.

>> No.11071007

All great writers had a sweet tooth. Dostoyevsky hid candy and chocolate in his bedroom

>> No.11071013

And then you begin to recognise the taste of water...
Do you die?

>> No.11071021

No but it’s extremely painful

>> No.11071028

hot ziggety!

>> No.11071064

Chocolate is a patrician treat.

>> No.11071463

This. When Americans say black coffee they either mean garbage instant coffee or that weird tasting watery shit like you get at McDonalds.

>> No.11071756

What are good books about coffee?

>> No.11071884

good luck anon!

>> No.11071900

Here is my new coffee idea and plan which i am about to realise.

Here is some of the reasoning/maths
If i buy;
1 coffee/day at $4.00(365days)= $1460

Though i prefer to drink 2 so its more double that cost $2920~/year spent on coffee.

A bag of 100 grams of pure caffeine powder will cost me $30, a basic micro-scale $50, gelatin capsules $12. 30+50+12= $82.

The standard amount of caffeine in the type of coffee that i have which is Large Cappuccino is 80mg.

100 grams is 100,000 milli grams.
80/100,000 = 1250.

Therefore the 100g bag of caffeine powder holds roughly 1250 coffee cup's worth of caffeine.

1250/365 = 3.42 That is enough caffeine for 3+ years with 1 coffee/day
1250/730 = 1.71 Or enough caffeine for nearly 2 years at 2 coffees/day
$82/1250 = 0.0656, 6 cent/coffee.

I save a few thousand dollars every year.
Way of ingestion is by simply swallowing the capsule which contains 80mg of caffeine with a drink of water.
-No bad breath effect.
-No staining of teeth by coffee.
-I don't need to wait for it to cool down.
-I don't need to hope that a cafe is open nor look for one.
-Some extra $ saved.

Warning: A teaspoon of pure caffeine will kill you.

TL;DR: Save $1000-$2000/year by buying pure caffeine powder, weighing it carefully in capsules(Standard coffee is 80mg) that can be taken whenever with water.

>> No.11071902

When Americans say coffee they almost always mean drip brew.

>> No.11071997

Fair enough, people find that Im very particular with my coffee when really I only insist on quality fresh roasted beans ground immediately prior to brewing. In general Americans are terrified of the appearance of pretension or passion.

>> No.11072015
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Iced tea master race reporting in

>> No.11072016

Cocaine is better for you

>> No.11072022

Why don’t you just make your own coffee?

>> No.11072148

>"""drinking""" coffee
>not just munching on coffee beans
plebs, all of you

>> No.11072201

I find a steady amount of white noise makes it easier to concentrate, as long as you're not close enough to someone to make out their conversation it's good.

>> No.11072281

this but unironically, chocolate covered espresso beans are top notch

>> No.11072287

disgusting desu

>> No.11072291

coffee is just brown liquid I use to potentiate amphetamine. Sometimes if I go without it I get headaches. Don't see the big deal.

>> No.11072294
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morning espresso and park drive blues for me

i like my coffee and durries like my clothes and my women

strong, expensive and black

>> No.11072305

The coffee you get at McDick's here in Canada is actually p. good, better than Timmie's imo

>> No.11072321
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they always say "ok virgin."
they never say "are you ok, virgin?"

>> No.11072344
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>> No.11072360
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Anyone ITT who doesn't take their coffee black and exclusively from a French Press is a faggot.

>> No.11073041
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Its tea or bust. Post what you're sipping on. Pic related is Black Dragon Pearls. Slightly earthy, v nice sunday afternoon sipper.

>he can't into espresso
Caffetiere is the best choice for at home if you don't have 4 figures to drop on a decent espresso machine and grinder though tbf

>> No.11073166

>he fell for the coffee meme
it's 2018

>> No.11073211

Wow that Kant anecdote might be the most autistic thing I'm going to read today. I love my man Immanuel, but he really is Aspergers the philosopher

>> No.11073217


>> No.11073249

Fellas I had my first Vietnamese coffee yesterday, I just woke up and I'm still buzzing. Coffee ain't never done me like that before.

>> No.11073406
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I'm about to have my first cup of the day.

>> No.11073461

based erasmus reader

>> No.11073651

you dont leave coffee in the french press, its over-extracting. I hate when people take pictures like that because it looks nice reee

>> No.11073669
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>not drinking turkish coffee like an actual patrician

>> No.11073676

go back to /pol/ if you need somewhere to project your fantasies.

>> No.11073683

>he doesn’t drink espresso daily

>> No.11073692

I generally only roast my coffee lightly, so some additional extraction isn't necessarily a bad thing. Besides, this is a small one-cup press; the remaining coffee didn't sit very long in the press.

Compared to a moka pot or an espresso maker, or even an overfilled drip machine like most people use, this is still much less extracted.

>> No.11073790


Or just get an Adderall prescription. $10 a month if you take two a day.

In the US. And I have shitty insurance

>> No.11073842

You're a healthy guy

>> No.11073863
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How does one have conversations with people at cafes? Is it okay to do it at chain stores or only at local shops?

>> No.11073865
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>Drank a *lot* of coffee. When he didn't have a cup for a while he became distraught and would cry "I am drowning!"
>This was the sign for his servants to bring him a new cup of coffee molto pronto.
>When he saw it arriving he would cry "Land! My dear friends, I see land!!"

>> No.11073884



>> No.11074004

it irritates your intestines

>> No.11074007

speaking off coffee i gotta take a helluva shit

>> No.11074029
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>tfw currently on a 30 day caffeine-free streak

feels good

>> No.11074164

Reminder that coffee tastes awful if it's too weak. Turkish > everything else.

>> No.11074556


>> No.11074724

delicious... now to spit out this mouthful of dirt and sand these idiots left in my drink

>> No.11075416

>Drank a *lot* of coffee. When he didn't have a cup for a while he became distraught and would cry "I am drowning!"
>This was the sign for his servants to bring him a new cup of coffee molto pronto.
>When he saw it arriving he would cry "Land! My dear friends, I see land!!"
Lmao that's sick

>> No.11075444

I can't find any evidence for the thing about Kant.

>> No.11075461

based ascetic

>> No.11076862

how often did kant have the shits?

>> No.11076867

Constantly. Makes you look at his work differently when you realize that 90% of it was written while he was excreting massive voluminous turds from his ass.

>> No.11077439

What is the difference to regular coffee?
(I know I’m a pleb, please enlighten me)

>> No.11077450

Fake and gay

>> No.11077470

>Emmanuel Kant
>Drank a *lot* of coffee. When he didn't have a cup for a while he became distraught and would cry "I am drowning!"
>This was the sign for his servants to bring him a new cup of coffee molto pronto.
>When he saw it arriving he would cry "Land! My dear friends, I see land!!"
and he didnt say no homo?

>> No.11077475

find the nearest mirror and have a word with yourself mate

>> No.11077477

If you live in a city and look around you can find a quieter place maybe

>> No.11077489

click the r****t tab before typing like that

>> No.11077496

the kant thing is slightly off mark. the real story is more autistic. he wanted coffee right after dinner. the story about it comes from deQuincey (iirc). the drowning, the thalatta thalatta, etc are all true, but there's no evidence he drank a great volume of coffee. just that he needed it promptly served after his evening meal or it became a greek tragedy.

>> No.11077501


>> No.11077511

You've embarrassed yourself, your family and even worse, you've embarrassed me

>> No.11077585


>> No.11077606

I use a bodum. 250g of decent coffe is priced at 3 eur. PLeanty of good coffee to be had. No sugar, never. I do love a good espresso, but they're impossible to make at home.