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11066108 No.11066108 [Reply] [Original]

They're making a movie, starring our beloved Tommy Lee Jones. Think the film adaptation has any potential?

>> No.11066113

It's starring Casey Affleck tho

>> No.11066123

at least it's not Ben Affleck

>> No.11066138

an unconvicted sex offender

>> No.11066143


I'm really skeptical that Hollywood can pull off Stoner, even without considering how the PC paradigm will likely have an impact on the portrayal of both Edith and Lomax. It's too internal, too psychological a novel, and Casey Affleck doesn't strike me as being able to capture Stoner as a character.

>> No.11066162


And now that I see the director is the man responsible for Keira Knightley Anna Karenina and Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice, I now have zero hope.

>> No.11066214

>I'm really skeptical that Hollywood can pull off Stoner, even without considering how the PC paradigm will likely have an impact on the portrayal of both Edith and Lomax.
Edith is just going to be completely rewritten psychologically. There's no way they'll be objective enough to convey the sense of double-blame while preserving sympathy with Stoner.

>> No.11066295

Doesn't matter how the movie turns out. I still have my experiences with the novel. Nothing changes.

>> No.11066320


That is absolutely true. I didn't dislike a single character in the book when I read it, but there's no way Joe Wright, who has proven a failure with other adaptations, can pull off the nuance of Edith's neuroses as a result of a sterile, repressed childhood in affluence and give it the proper dynamic with Stoner's quiet agrarian stoicism.

>> No.11066322


At least we'll have this week, anon.

>> No.11066333

LMAO at anyone who thinks they won't do justice to one of the most mediocre novellas of all time.

>> No.11066363

>278 pages

>> No.11066366

>really small pages

>> No.11066368

It is quite mediocre but c'mon man, adaptations are always 'complex'.

>> No.11066919


>> No.11067022

How do you come away from Stoner without at least some dislike for Lomax. I love the characters in Stoner because they feel so believable, and you really can understand their motivations when you can think about it, even if they seem absurdly awful initially. But that being said, even if Lomax has motivations that can be understood, he is not a good or likable person. He's incredibly petty and allows a grudge go on for decades. That's absolutely believable, but not likable.

>> No.11067026


>> No.11067046

Who would be a better pick?

>> No.11067055

Idk, I actually kinda like him as Stoner, although he has the same mosey sounding voice in every role. I kinda pictured him as Joaquin Phoenix from Signs

>> No.11067088

Yeah I agree. I read this like 4 years ago and I was like damn Lomax and Edith.. what a pair of cunts. But then I kept seeing in Stoner threads about how if you look closely they're just flawed and shit and there's more to it. Anyway I just finished it again today with all of this in mind.

Edith is literally just a pouty cunt. Stoner didn't force her into marriage, he was about to let her fully reject him at the dinner party but she sperged out and said a bunch of shit -- which he heavily appreciated. And then she never showed him love again. If Stoner wasn't such a little bitch he would have smacked her around or told her to pull her fucking head in, but she goes on the honey moon and acts like a 10 year old and then she fucks around in an autistic playground for the rest of her life, fucking up Stoner's relationship with Grace and shitting on everyone's good time.

>b-but she had a sheltered childhood

Sucks to be you then cunt, move on with your life.

And then there's Lomax. He just rolls on into the campus with his faggy ass limp to make sure everyone gives a fuck and he sits at the back of the room putting his cigarette out like he's exempt from the rules. But wait then it turns outs he's fuckin super ironic and shit and damn a cynical cripple whoooa fuckin deep can you believe the insight!?. Then he just sticks is dick in Stoner's life because of some fellow crippled fuckstain who can't answer rudimentary questions.

>oh but he has clear motivations plus people were mean to him

Yeah righto my apologies let me just forgive you abusing the only bit of power you ever had for 20+ years to end of breaking the single spirit of another human being, I really ""understand"" you now.

NO. These are just two blatant cunts. Stoner had the responsibility not to show his belly all the time like a little gay cunt so he's not completely blameless but he should have left with Katherine.

>b-but they would have destroyed themselves!

Fuck off they had 20 years to get back on track. Bum fuck heroin addicts have become millionaires in less than half that times.

>> No.11067240

i understand this reference.

>> No.11067266
File: 163 KB, 772x1230, Stoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding out for the Colbert version

>> No.11067283

be honest : is the book even that great? or is it a DFW-tier self-fulfilling meme?

>> No.11067292

At this point, I just assume that whenever Hollywood adapts a book to film that the main purpose is the sullying of the original work.

>> No.11067359
File: 150 KB, 827x1059, alyson-hannigan-grabs-coffee-alexis-denisof-covers-bello-07~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Casey Affleck
Should have been Alexis Denisof, tbdesu

>> No.11067375 [DELETED] 

More like Daniel Craig

>> No.11067385

Sounds like a good Stoner.

>> No.11067390

Tommy Lee Jones is too "masculine" an actor. I expect Stoner to be a meek, bookish looking dude.

>> No.11067413

Well, he was a farmboy before he became a book nerd.

>> No.11067645


>> No.11067652

It's great. It's a psychological character study with a protagonist that most readers can see a little of themselves in, the amount of empathy on offer is astounding and this book is very likely to leave you feeling emotional at some point.

>> No.11067653


No. And the book is a 7/10, it has been memed into importance because today people are more easily autistic.
The writing is good but there is nothing memorable about the whole thing, except describing a form of autism that is somehow popular today and spread on this board. In 25 years, assuming we have not been wiped out by a nuclear war, this book will be irrelevant again.
I mean it is a good novel, well written and everything, but not the masterpiece people say it is.

>> No.11067811

Tommy Lee Jones isn't Stoner, he's like 80 years old. He most likely plays Sloane

>> No.11067835
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>still no "Catcher in the Rye"-movie

>> No.11067851

Man, that is great casting to be fair

>> No.11067939

liaterally what

>> No.11067941



>> No.11068018

is this pasta?

>> No.11068028

I cannot sanction Tommy Lee Jones' buffoonery desu.

>> No.11068583

If this were 20 years ago or so and it was a Merchant Ivory production with Ishiguro or Prawer Jhabvala writing the adaptation, I would have some hopes of it being decent.

But it's today and it's Joe Wright directing a Andrew Bovell adaptation, so I'll pass.

>> No.11068588

And the shittiest Peter Pan movie ever made.

>> No.11068592
File: 495 KB, 500x200, msbennet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keira knightley pride and prejudice was actually good tho

>> No.11068997

This. He was great in Manchester by the Sea

He was so fucked and ostracized by the MeToo stuff that he didn't even present an award at the last Oscars as he was supposed to though, so don't expect him to get any praise

>> No.11069401
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>tfw it would never be as comfy as in your imagination

>> No.11069409

Women are all whores and trash and should be treated as such

>> No.11069938

Even better

>> No.11069947
File: 109 KB, 930x1240, c09ea784e1c4356830065b4f2df00b29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you get your Oscar just before your chances of ever getting one are slashed to 0 after #metoo

>> No.11070204


Edith was the product of an upper class education that in no way prepared her to be, or even indicated to her she may have to be, an individual. It spells it out right in the novel that she had an expectation ot certain social obligations and she was not equipped psychologically to deal with the reality of life with Stoner. She tried to cope by being dutiful and existing within the ultimately trivial role(s) she felt assigned to.

It didn't work because Stoner wasn't the kind of man she thought she'd marry. She wasn't even aware that was a possibility. Stoner wanted a kind of affection and mutuality Edith wasn't trained to provide and that disconnect built her neuroses on self-blame and inadequacy. Until her father's death provided her a period of reinvention, in which her internal issues then were projected outward at Stoner.

She was a believable and well-written character. I've known people like her. In fact, all people are like Edith (and Stoner) to different degrees: defined by their childhood experiences, which shape their capacity as adults to navigate the tragedies presented them. Edith couldn't escape her nature. Neither could Lomax. Neither could Stoner, but in his case the tack of his formation allowed him to cope. They read like real people and that's why I like them all as characters. Sure, you can say they read like cunts, but the world is filled with cunts. You can oppose their cuntiness and still acknowledge there are currents running through them which cause them to act thusly.

>> No.11070415

I thought Based Casey was directing :c

>> No.11071184

He was only funny in Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

>> No.11071825

lol based aussie poster

>> No.11071855

>there's no way Joe Wright, who has proven a failure with other adaptations, can pull off the nuance of
Don't forget - they also need to do all of that in under two hours. It isn't happening.