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11064931 No.11064931 [Reply] [Original]

Which one do you prefer, /lit/?

>> No.11064971


>> No.11064976

Both are hack frauds.

>> No.11064981

>Spooked liberal vs spooked conservative

>> No.11064987

name a more iconic duo

>> No.11064993

Nick Land and Mencius Moldbug

>> No.11065008

It's like asking Ulysees if he preferred Scylla or Charybdis.

>> No.11065009

Obviously Chris. Not even a question

>> No.11065023

Chris was good pre 9/11.

>> No.11065072
File: 17 KB, 460x276, Peter-Hitchens-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that ADHD isn't real.

>> No.11065311

Don't really like either but Peter is much better.
Chris has the be the most overrated clown in the last 50 years, his understanding of every topic is so infantile its laughable but he made it so far by only sticking to easy opponents who want to debate about creationism, his actions were clearly fueled by a deep hatred for traditionalism and morality from being a homo, his jewish ancestry(he said jews are oppressed and himself being jewish is the reason he's so against the church so don't call me a stormfag he said it not me) and because he wanted to indulge in his degenerate impulses without feeling shame for it(smoking, drinking, gluttony,). His fans consist of 12 yearold american white virgin middle class angry teens who think they're smart for realizing water doesn't turn to wine and have never read a book written more than 50 years ago but think they're cool for watching "religious fundamentalist gets BTFO BY HITCHSLAP",
Peter is not the best but he flamed Chris in every debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XHv7IQCg-w

>> No.11065321

His books about Kissinger and Mother Teresa are pretty good.

>> No.11066011

Chris is much smarter, much better debater, much whittier, has bigger balls. Peter is a try hard who will forever live in his brother's shadow

>> No.11066028


>> No.11066030

>puritanical conservative
well said anon
all said though, i have respect for both of them, thought i don't agree with either on much.

>> No.11066032

then how come he got his ass whooped in every debate with Peter?>>11065311

>> No.11066783

I agree with Peter. Chris was just a puppet.