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11062820 No.11062820 [Reply] [Original]

How many pages do you read read per hour?

>tfw slow reader

>> No.11062823

thanks to audiobooks I am the most well read person in my circle of friends lmao

>> No.11062825

Jesus, now that I have two kids, a dog, and a spouse that is incapable of finding things? 10-12 pages if I'm lucky.
Holy shit. Shut up and let me read

>> No.11062960

case by case

>> No.11062969

I can only do about 20-30. That was epic poetry like Iliad though. At the moment, I'm writing an assignment and it takes me hours to finish one journal article. (Albeit, dear anon, I am trying to concentrate on every detail, taking notes). I'm a doomed moron!

>> No.11062978

I bet you count movies as books too

>> No.11062991

It depends
Like 30-35
>non fiction

>> No.11063000

Depends on the book. I read Cormac McCarthy's Child of God in nearly three hours but more often than not his prose is easy to digest thanks to the lack of punctuation and it's a very short book. I think it's only about 120 pages, maybe a little longer?

Something like Les Miserables varied depending on the chapters. Chapters focusing on narrative I could burn through quickly but chapters focusing on the battle of waterloo, Napoleon and politics definitely slowed me down. I didn't think they were tedious but those chapters just required more time to read. Sometimes that slowed me down to ten pages an hour.

This isn't even beginning to take into account the amount of words per page. Something densely packed with words like my Oxford edition of Crime & Punishment could take me an hour for 10-15 pages and something as sparsely printed as my Vintage edition of The Sound of Waves I could burn through 30-40 pages in an hour.

>> No.11063001

40 to 100 pages, depending on the book

>> No.11063015

I don't read fiction, audiobooks are far superior to paper for fiction.
Nonfiction I do about 30 pages when discounting pauses, losing focus, having to reread paragraphs
If I read for 3 hours I read more in the last hour than the previous two, cause of the above shit. Always have to "warm up". The read-speed is never constant.

>> No.11063077
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I read pretty fast.

>> No.11063084

>10-12 pages
yeah this is how much l read per hour and l have no responsibilities at all
it varies between 7-15 pages though
l read moby dick at a rate of 6-12 pages an hour which was nice

>> No.11063086

Probably somewhere between 30 and 40, it varies highly though

>> No.11063117

of course it would depend on the matter of subject. Some books you burn through and other books you have to read slowly in order to capture everything.

>> No.11063261

Depends on what I'm reading. But I'd say 20-40. Some really hard philosophy stuff even less.

>> No.11063272

Between 800 and 1000 depending on the complexity of the work and the language I'm reading in.

>> No.11063299
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wew lad pass the Critique of pure reason
gonna bust it out in 40 minutes flat

>> No.11063492

As many as I can fully appreciate and grasp.

>> No.11064199
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>reads instead of studying math and understanding all the ideas author wrote wthout reading them
lol what a brainlet

>> No.11064201

it takes you longer than an hour to finish a book?

Goddamn homos.

>> No.11064211

not everybody reads justin bieber songs, faggot

>> No.11064434

30 to 60 depending on the prose. If its shitty fantasy or sci fi probably higher.

Like I remember Stoner I was reading 60 or even more because the prose flows so fuggen well, but then going to something like Joyce that goes down to 30 instead.

>> No.11064490

Depends on book, my mood, etc
Like yesterday I read 150 pages of a book, but with a different book it took me like a week to get to 150 pages

>> No.11064630


>> No.11064638

>he fell for the family meme

>> No.11064722

My sides.

Books on my level, so not the philosophy stuff and awkward writing styles: 30 - 50.

>> No.11065281

It took me 28 minutes to read a chapter of 12 pages from The Savage Detectives.

>> No.11065298

When I am learning a new language I slow down to about 700. You are a master.

>> No.11065308

I think I read at a medium speed but my reading comprehension is pretty shitty so I have to re-read certain sentences or paragraphs to understand them entirely. I also supplement my reading with SparkNotes summaries and other supplementary literature (author biographies, analyses, etc)

>> No.11065368

Reading it rn and wow the interviews can be so inconsistent in how interesting they are. I dont know how to feel about this book

>> No.11065456

Depends on the book
Poetry is fast, but heavy philosophy is slow

>> No.11065488

how do you read poetry fast? i have to slow down and contemplate how each line is "translated" into my own experience.