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/lit/ - Literature

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11061402 No.11061402 [Reply] [Original]


Prove me wrong

>> No.11061512


>> No.11061551

>Posts non meme answers
Want to know how I know you're wrong?

>> No.11061559

Who /pretty much never read a single page of philosophy/ here?

>> No.11061672

>Land over Nietzche

>> No.11061682


>> No.11061730

Stirner had no actual ideas.
>Dude relativism
Any high school liberal knows that shit

>> No.11061744

The true non-meme answer is Nietzsche Hegel and Heidegger though most of their influence is indirect because /lit/ doesn't actually read

>> No.11061750
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I almost exclusively read fiction but have gleaned a general vague understanding of the basic ideas of most major philosophers from shitposts alone

>> No.11061780

You never read The Ego and It's Own

>> No.11061788


>> No.11061791

I have actually. Its just diet Schopenhauer

>> No.11061854

Not even a high school or college requisite?

>> No.11061930

>philosophy in high school
Found the non-american

>> No.11061951

what are the pre-reqs for nietzche? How lost will I be if I jump straight in?

>> No.11061958

Not very. He's entry level

>> No.11061966

praise kek

>> No.11062115

where do you start with him?

>> No.11062184

It can be offered as an elective course in better American high schools

t. my gf took high school philosophy

>> No.11062188

I'd actually appreciate a reading order chart for Nietzsche too anon. Anyone have something like that?

>> No.11062198
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>> No.11062288
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Just started getting into it. Mfw I can feel my brain wrinkling

>> No.11062336

Twilight of the Idols is a fine introduction and overview of all his ideas and was in fact written as such.

The Gay Science is the book I like to recommend to people for them to read first because it can set you off an clear path through Beyond Good & Evil, Genealogy of Morals, and Zarathustra. Nietzsche can be very harrowing and dark, but the Gay Science emphasizes the joy that all is for.

>> No.11062663

>Ben Shapiro
>Dave Rubin
>Jordan MutherFucking Peterson

Prove me wrong, faggots.


>You can't

>> No.11063479

thanks anon

>> No.11063488

I literally don't know the first 2 and Kermit the frog is a hack

>> No.11063495


>> No.11063508

I have never read any of the three, other than a dozen or two pages of The Ego and Its Own and a couple of articles by Land.
From this I can tell that /lit/ has never read either of them either.

The proper list ought to be something like:
>Harold Bloom
>Plato but in a negative sense

>> No.11063628


>> No.11063633

definitely not zizek. more like

>> No.11063644

Protestantism, not even once.

>> No.11063654

Jesus of Nazareth
Karl Marx
Jordan Peterson

woke answer

>> No.11063702
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Spooky post my guy

>> No.11063706

Found the meme triumvirate

>> No.11063714

That actually might just be correct, desu.

>> No.11063717
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>thinking /lit/ actually reads Marx
>thinking Jesus was an intellectual

>> No.11063723

If reading Marx was a criterion for being strongly influenced by Marx, Marxist movements would have never gained any traction.

>> No.11063726

>educated in matters of theology and philosophy
>gave public lectures and sermons
>instructed a number of pupils

>> No.11063745

11th grade english teacher

>> No.11063746

>had a massive influence on subsequent thinkers and society in general

>> No.11063763

the opposite actually
for me it's :
Close friend who developed an interest in philosophy and literature before I did

>> No.11063882


are you even trying?

>> No.11064077


>> No.11064735

Sam Harris instead of Dave Rubin and you're fine

>> No.11064802

Read his work you fucking retard.

>> No.11064923

I'd say mostly:

Honorable mentions:

>> No.11065200

This. There's like 32 people on the entire planet who have read Capital from start to finish.

>> No.11065317


The egoist trifecta.

>> No.11065375

>implaying the average /lit/ user reads philosophy

The correct answer would be more like:

>> No.11065380

this probably

>> No.11065383

i actually have. + theories of surplus value

>> No.11065507

was a kike too an essential requesite

>> No.11065510

this x1000

>> No.11065992

*tips fedora*

>> No.11066001
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read the book faggot

>> No.11066013
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Wrong but honest
Clumsy charlatan, a glorified Ontologician, concept-juggler and word-salad-tosser. A polluter of young minds who actually should have been made to drink hemlock; fully bogus.

>> No.11066035
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Jordan Peterson, Kanye West, Charles Murray, Adolf Hitler, Steven Pinker, Milton Friedman, Jesus

>> No.11066043


>> No.11066048

These days it seems to be