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11061098 No.11061098 [Reply] [Original]

>10 page section about moving a mattress.

>> No.11061104

Dang he cute

>> No.11061112

Damn I'll be 24 this year. Imagining what it'd be like if I was friends with young Dave

>> No.11061129

he looks way younger than 24 in that picture. the dude aged like shit.

anyway wallace was a master of taking something mundane and simple and overanalyzing the shit out of it. for such an anxious guy you'd think his anxiety writing wouldn't be so stilted.

>> No.11061162

here's an interesting thought; would DFW had become as popular if he kept the same sort of appearance?

>> No.11061168

>tfw about to turn 25 and only 3 short stories published, one psuedonymously

>> No.11061174

Obviously not. Goodlooks is the major decider in all success in life
Why is this even a question

>> No.11061184

why the fuck are you on /lit/ with such piss poor reading comprehension

>> No.11061203

You’re the one who used “had” instead of “have” and doesn’t know how to use semicolons.

>> No.11061303

oh fuck you

>> No.11061332


>tfw published in a national poetry anthology ten years ago followed by ten years of rejection letters

If I don't get published again soon I'm going to walk into traffic

>> No.11061409

Stay strong, brother. We will see the light of publication again.

>> No.11062051

I'm 28 and I've only been published once. You seem to have a good thing going. Stick with it.

>> No.11062059

>mfw DFW is in his HS yearbook as "Most Likely to Kill Themselves"

>> No.11062068


>> No.11062069

you heard me

>> No.11062071

yet you can't spell sudonim

>> No.11062122

Too bad /fitlit/ wasn't a thing in 1985.

>> No.11062951

>implying it wasn't an interesting section with a beautiful conclusion relating to the main plot