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11060924 No.11060924 [Reply] [Original]

What would JRRT think of GRRM?

>> No.11060933

We know what he thought of Disney. Therefore, it's easy to assume he would have called GRRM a nigger.

>> No.11060939

Does he just live to see GRRM? Or does he instantly regain consciousness in the year 2019?

>> No.11060941

>We know what he thought of Disney

Develop your hypothesis

>> No.11060950

“I think it grated on them that he was commercializing something that they considered almost sacrosanct,” says Trish Lambert, a Tolkien scholar and author of the essay, Snow White and Bilbo Baggins: Divergences and Convergences Between Disney and Tolkien. “Here you have a brash, American entrepreneur who had the audacity to go in and make money off of fairy tales.”

>> No.11060972

“It might be advisable, rather than lose the American interest, to let the Americans do what seems good to them–as long as it was possible (I should like to add) to veto anything from or influenced by the Disney studios (for all whose works I have a heartfelt loathing).”

>> No.11060987

I think he would think of grrm as an obese ogre with no talent and consider him a hack and a fraud

>> No.11061001
File: 25 KB, 800x664, flat,800x800,070,f.u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jurt versus Gurm....a showdown for the ages

>> No.11061214

He hated Disney and Disney's Americanism so there's no reason to believe he would have liked Grrm or his Americanism.

>> No.11061244

He probably would have respected his commitment to developing his world and his divergence from the schlock of Tolkien derivatives that Tolkien would no doubt be disgusted with. He would probably have some reservations about the way the books are released and the fanfare around them, and would especially dislike the TV show, as Tolkien was something of a luddite and despised consumerism. Overall I cant imagine he would have a negative opinion of Martin, and would likely have a positive opinion of him and share ideas and opinions.

>> No.11061263

I think he would've disliked the lack of a clear, Christian morality in GRRM's stories.

>> No.11061267

Do you reckon he would have proffered the fat pink mast or myrish swamp? Or maybe sunset squatting.

>> No.11061277


True, he probably would have been disgusted with the incessant vulgarity and dirty imagery since he was a Christian man from another time. But that would be something he would have to reconcile himself with for our times in general so I dont think he would necessarily single out Martin and shame him for it.

>> No.11061298

Why? GRRM is writing in response to Tolkien, Christianity, and Medievalism.

>> No.11061306

Look at what he had to say about Disney. I can't imagine his comments would be all that different.

>> No.11061312

Funny, but they both cover different periods of it. And what did gurm said about Christianity?

>> No.11061330

Because though Tolkien held his religion and values dear he wasn't combative or exclusive about it. If he was such a zealot he wouldnt have wrote a book based so heavily on pagan mythology. Im sure he would find ASOFI's excess distasteful but as I said, if he was aware of the context he probably wouldnt condemn it in particular. And though Martin's grim realistic fantasy is in response to Tolkienistic high fantasy I dont think it's right to say it's any sort of dismissal or ill-meant critique of Tolkien as much as it is just an attempt to innovate fantasy somewhat through challenging some of its basic presuppositions, and as Tolkien was also a trailblazer I think he would probably appreciate this.

>> No.11061351


Also, while Tolkien liked E.R. Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros, he apparently had many more reservations about Eddison's more erotic Zimiamvia books.

>> No.11061364

His views in religion, mostly Christianity, are displayed pretty well in his books.

Tolkien wrote about the realism present in GRRM's work and dismissed it. This is directly comparable as GRRM and Tolkien talk about the same subject, which is Aragon's rule.

>> No.11061408

>Tolkien wrote about the realism present in GRRM's work and dismissed it.

Source? Also I am assuming Tolkien is reading GRRM in full social context so even if in his day he thought full realism didn't suit fantasy, he might still prefer it just for being something different with a little bit of integrity compared to the endless reservoir of 8 times diluted Tolkien/Warcraft/anime sludge that dominates the genre. He would definitely be absolutely disgusted with "fantasy" and its status as a commercial genre in general.

It seems like you all want to imagine Tolkien sperging about GRRM but I just dont see it, he was a really pleasant and reasonable guy by all accounts. I think he would be very sad about the state of fantasy and mythological literature but likely have a positive opinion of GRRM as a capable and at least relatively original writer who showed more potential for the genre than we've seen in a while. I havent even read GRRM so maybe my impression is off but I dont think so.

>> No.11061510

>He would definitely be absolutely disgusted with "fantasy" and its status as a commercial genre in general
I agree and I think partly GRRM is part of that trend.

It's from where On Fairy Stories where he basically says realism for realism's sake in a story is pointless and can devalue the message. GRRM is from his Rolling Stones interview. I suggest you read GRRM to see the type of author he is and how deeply commercial his writing is.

>> No.11061703

He would have said the books are better than the show and Benito and Weiss are faggets