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11058732 No.11058732 [Reply] [Original]

Linkola was right about everything

>> No.11058752
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gas the cats, nuke the cities!

>> No.11058771
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i was listening to this sleep researcher on the joseph rogaine talkshow and it's depressing to hear how sleep is yet another (essential) aspect of human life that is completely fucked by industrial society to the point of giving us cancer and alzheimers.

i hope this shit crumbles soon.

>> No.11058786

what did he have to say, how is it fucked up?
my sleep is fucked and I need to fix it

>> No.11058798

he said a lot


>> No.11058806

tl;dr too little sleep will fuck you, too much light pollution at night will fuck you, your own lights in your house and use of screens fuck you, lack of proper circadian rhythm will really fuck you.

all these things lead to low sleep quality which makes you fat and diseased and miserable and cognitively impaired etc etc

>> No.11058814

>circadian rhythm
so to counter all this shit, we should turn off light tech an hour before sleeping, sleep from roughly dusk to dawn?

>> No.11058817

basically but there is more to it.

just get the podcast in audio format and listen to it while going for a nice long walk or something m8 it's good for you

>> No.11059279

>tfw redpilled on civilisation but no way to escape

>> No.11059295

>still think that maybe some part of it is worth saving but know I'm probably wrong
I really hate cars.

>> No.11059297

The English translations of his writings aren't very compelling but I respect his adherence to the lifestyle he advocates, which is something that most of these fringe environmentalists don't do. I'd be interested in reading that recent biography on him but I doubt we'll ever get that in English.

Probably old news but there's a lengthy write up and interview with him here.

>> No.11059318

Linkola is a stupid retard that didn't get that humans are literally the only thing capable of fixing the mess we made.
The more the merrier I say, this retard being associated with deep ecology really burns my biskets.
Bookchin was right about everything.

>> No.11059366

I agree that he nowadays seems to be an irrational fanatic in many respects, but in the context of their writing his older works make a lot of sense, and I feel a lot of sympathy for his idealisn, although I don't agree with him. I saw him at the last Helsinki Book Fair, and even though he is still in good shape physically (considering his age) his extreme attitude doesn't make alot of sense today, and he is not ready to do any compromises. It's like he is so sure that an ecocatastrophy is just around the corner that it is useless to do anything, other than decimate the most of the human race. His deep idealistic pessimism is so deep that he doesn't even want to hear about glimpses of hope.

>> No.11059905

Hail to the man and death to the modern cosmos and the way societies arranged.

>> No.11059969

>sleeping only one period during the 24 hour cycle
Get out of here modern man

>> No.11059970
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>tfw paradoxically pretty much require cars to escape

>> No.11059980
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>The more the merrier I say
The problem isn't even necessarily urbanization and marginalization of the biosphere, but more pressingly the imminent nutritional collapse and associated changes in athmosphere.
What is the ecological equivalent of a champagne socialist? Hummus ecologist?

>> No.11059990

Been meaning to read him for a while. Thanks for the reminder. Lmao at non Finns btw

>> No.11059999
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>tfw cut off from my ancestor's tongue by oppressors
Would probably be much less of an issue learning finnish if I spoke sami.

>> No.11060009

Just start learning lol, it's not that hard.

>> No.11060013

i hate this board so much, please leave all of you

>> No.11060073

It sound like a comment on the migrant crisis in Europe.

>> No.11060125

Might learn sami for larping purposes, but I really don't think there's much of a point to learning finnish.

>> No.11061290

naw go walkabout cunt

>> No.11061562

>live in Australia
>life of bushranging and hunting awaits if I ever get sick of this shit
feels good