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/lit/ - Literature

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11058536 No.11058536 [Reply] [Original]


>GQ magazine, a bible of “grooming” tips, gadget suggestions and style advice, has sparked a social media conflagration by calling the Christian Holy Bible “foolish, repetitive and contradictory” and placing it on a list of “21 Books You Don’t Have to Read.”

>“The Holy Bible is rated very highly by all the people who supposedly live by it but who in actuality have not read it,” novelist Jesse Ball writes in the magazine. “Those who have read it know there are some good parts, but overall it is certainly not the finest thing that man has ever produced.”

>Also on the GQ list are such classics as The Catcher in the Rye, Lonesome Dove, The Old Man and the Sea, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.11058547

Yeah that was p dumb

>> No.11058584

Funny how you could get rid of Catcher in the Rye, Lonsesome Dove, Old Man and the Sea and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Lord of the Rings and replace them all with the bible and still get the same message out of it as you would them.

>> No.11058593

>quick we need traffic for our shitty website
>okay let's do a list that states every popular classic sucks !

>> No.11058599

More like

>> No.11058633

I remember the old Esquire, where they made a list of 80 books men should read and 78 of them were by white males.

I miss the good old days.

>> No.11058653
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>Pope puts G.Q. on a list of 20 magazine publications not worth reading.

>> No.11058656
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GQ magazine

>Wow! WoW! that relevant opinion

Jesse Ball

>Wow! Wow! that relevant novelist

>> No.11058658

The pope is Satanic anyway

>> No.11058661

top ten all pynchon what did they mean by this

>> No.11058662
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Heh... Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, heretic

>> No.11058665

I really really like this image

>> No.11058669

>anything related to literature

>> No.11058671

aha just read the article and he does appear.
although she says inherent vice over GR

>> No.11058695


>> No.11059320

Literally who

>> No.11059412
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>reading for the "message"

>> No.11059417

That’s the point of any literature you dumb anime faggot. It’s the one thing fiction and nonfiction have in common: they are trying to say something, with fictional works it’s usually something sociological/Political, or Philosophical

>> No.11059421
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>That’s the point of any literature

I read for the aesthetic experience of reading beautifully written books. There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book.

>> No.11059428

>brainlets have shit taste

>> No.11059535


>> No.11060095

Bible is obsolete in todays society. I agree it's not worth reading.

>> No.11060109

I mean Americans aren't really human and they're hellbent on destroying morality, I'm not surprised but I've ran out of pity for them.

>> No.11060126

The war on men is even in men's magazines.
Impressive stuff.

>> No.11060150

Whether or not it's obsolete in modern times doesn't mean shit. The reason you should read the Bible is because of the worldwide significance it has. You read the scripture of religions and ideologies you don't belong to to understand others, not because you're looking to apply it to your own life

>> No.11060424

How did reading the bible and koran affect your life? It's useless and a waste of time. You cannot use it for anything, understanding religious people more by reading their bible is not important today.

>> No.11060462
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Pic related and /thread.

GQ wants to sell magazines. Controversial and dumb opinions get people talking about the magazine and maybe buying a copy. Who cares if we destroy the west amirite.

>> No.11060488

They're right though.

>the west was founded on a jewish religion
Good one.

>> No.11060512

GQ is a fucking prissy fashion magazine. What did you expect?

>> No.11060519

>the west was founded on a jewish religion

>> No.11060540

>harold bloom
wow! WoW! that relevant opinion

>> No.11060556
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>(((Today's society)))

I'm a hardcore bible-thumping Christian in today's society and it's more than relevant to me

>> No.11060567

>christian family defending their kids from a symbol of God's covenant

>> No.11060570

They're absolutely right. You only need to know a couple of stories, stories everyone already know, to understand western literature.

The rest of the list is quite shit though.

>> No.11060582

How many "Christians" do you think have actually read the Bible? You don't need to read it to understand them.

>> No.11060590

wow, this list actually makes me mad
Catcher in the Rye and LoTR? Not worth reading? Are you shitting me?

>> No.11060603

in today's society the rainbow doesnt symbolize god's covenant. it symbolizes homosexuality and diseases of the stomach from ingesting fecal matter from rimming dudes and all kinds of nasty degeneracy. thats what the rainbow means in todays society.

>> No.11060606

>letting todays society take the meaning of it, instead of claiming it for God

>> No.11060616

cringed at the comments

>> No.11060650

My reaction to this is a strong urge to use all means of violence available to silence and utterly eradicate those who are responsible for this

>> No.11060653

wow how very Christian of you, I guess reading the Bible really taught you morals unlike those rudderless atheist rats

>> No.11060654

its okay abdul, we don't need muslims to defend us

>> No.11060677

If you think Christian Morality = Pacifism you should probably read your bible

>> No.11060682

it is
sermon on the mount
romans 12
1 corinthians 13

>> No.11060684

A startling mixture of reasonable suggestions (though I'm not sure why some of those books were on the list in the first place) and some sheer laughable subjective idiocy. Tolkien is "barely readable"? Some 1983 novel is a substitute for Dracula? Death Comes for the Archbishop is "hidden"? And the idea that Agota Kristof's first novel (1986) is somehow a replacement for the Bible is so bizarre I have no idea what to say.

>> No.11060699

I'm not muslim, not even baptized

I'm not christian

>> No.11060700

>I'm not muslim, not even baptized
why would a muslim be baptized

>> No.11060725

i accept that it seemed like i was making that connection

>> No.11060733

christian morality is anything you need it to be to fit your narrative, you can cherry pick Bible quotes for any situation

>> No.11060735

only if they're taken out of context

>> No.11060744

lame opinion, not true if you read the bible as a whole

>> No.11060751

as a whole now or as a whole as of the last time it was revised?

>> No.11060760

barring your backhanded attempts to scatter the meaning of the bible into simple "historical editions"; yes, as a whole now

you can add other readings later

>> No.11060790


once you learn to identify retarded little things like this, it gets much easier to avoid bad/useless information in life

>> No.11060811

thanks but my interest in religious texts is of a historical nature, I'm interested in oral myths and how they were put down to writing, their inherent contradictions and flaws

>> No.11060916

>Christianity is Jewish
Good one.

>> No.11060980

Christ died for our sins is the running, consistent theme.

>> No.11061009

>the worldwide significance it has.
Why are abrehamicfags so deluded? Most of your own don't even care about your semitic texts.

>> No.11061029

it is. the apostle paul considered christians to be jews

>> No.11061053
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>man who watches anime can appreciate aesthetic experiences

>> No.11061072

Hey friends I'm looking for a super aesthetic Bible but I don't know what keywords to use. Folio Society has a beautiful Koran for sale and aesthetically I want something like that. Nice gilted edges and highly ornate filigree-style stenciling around the edges. Would be great if it also had some notes/commentary since my current bible is just a vanilla print. Lit got any recommendations for something like this? KJV is nice but not necessary.

>> No.11061092

you can try evangelicalbible.com but it won't have commentary or notes. try looking at allan longprimers and the schuyler canterbury.

>> No.11061102

oh and local church bible publishers sells cheap handmade king james bibles. they aren't super fancy but they have a comfy minimalist and durable feel to them, and some of them have scofield notes

>> No.11061132

rl allan

Goatskin is the highest grade

>> No.11061578

Half of the recommended replacements are about 19th century Danish lesbian schoolgirls who fall in love with their older female teacher

>> No.11062868

there's the problem right there

>> No.11062908

Exactly 1/21 novrls fits that descritpion even barely. Glad to see you aren't even able to read through a listicle you illiterate gay shite.

>> No.11062910

Earthsea is better than LotR, but the author is, ironically, barely able to put that into words.

>> No.11062916

If we don't appreciate American literature such as Twain and Hemingway then who are we as a people? What culturally binds us?

>> No.11062919

The life and works of Ron Jeremy.

>> No.11062921

The problem HERE is that no 'she' will ever fuck you.

>> No.11062923


>> No.11062927
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>> No.11063008

the wife disagrees
pardon me for remarking on the absurdity of a woman writing an article for a men's magazine, telling men which books they shouldn't read.

>> No.11063176
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>I'm a hardcore bible-thumping Christian

>> No.11063193

Don't reply to me like that I was trying to shitpost

>> No.11064502

stop giving them clicks you moron