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File: 169 KB, 529x382, porn_addiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11058153 No.11058153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What novels will help me to quit porn?

>> No.11058157

The one where you learn the skill of self discipline.

>> No.11058160

Don Quixote

>> No.11058188

wow, that's actually not a bad answer.

>> No.11058225

This guy looks fucking hot t b h

>> No.11058228

Crime and Punishment

>> No.11058236
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St. Augustine's Confessions

>> No.11058305

Nothing because no book is as good as masturbation. You just have to force yourself.

>> No.11058329
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>no book is as good as masturbation
I think a lot of books are more enjoyable than masturbation. If I'm really engrossed in a book, I'd much rather be reading it than jacking off. Maybe you have a problem mate.

>> No.11058330

Try 'Your Brain on Porn'.

>> No.11058346

And how easy is it to get really engrossed in a book? Pretty rare for me and it takes effort to get to that point. The problem with masturbation is its instant gratification.

>> No.11059418

I think a lot of masturbation comes from lack of hobbies and interests. So, genuinely enjoying reading will help.

>> No.11059423

Not novels, but honestly stop try to go a week or so masturbating without porn. Use your imagination

>> No.11059440

Novels won't work. Getting laid will.

>> No.11059453

Let's be realistic here.

>> No.11059467

It's a legalized drug. You think just because it doesn't have a ten year sentence and a federal condemnation on it, that it isn't a subversive addictive agent? Guess what, the same people who condemn heroine are the ones feeding ou pornography. The final pill is the knowledge that addiction is a form of government.

>> No.11059501

go away faggot

>> No.11059526


That's why I never watch porn, and only jack off to tasteful nudes of Russian teens.

>> No.11059545
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Why would you want to quit? Just consume better pornography with more moderation, you fucking loser.

>> No.11059712

Who condemned Wonder Woman?

>> No.11059727

I find that either LDR or chatting with females in a friendly sense helps to diminish the emotional load that would otherwise drive me to the porno gathering. I still go on binges, but usually I'll try to knock out an entire site, taking all the quality stuff and not looking back. Then I'll narrow down that raw material over time before letting it settle into the collection. I think the ultimate way to go would be to get off the grid, just have all your boob-pics stockpiled on a tablet with a solar array; that way you're not exposed to a constant stream of new junk.

>> No.11059768

Something to think about too is that sex works on a feedback loop, so porn reliance should decrease the more immediately that you fap. If you know anything about real hardcore addicts, sometimes they'll be looking and clicking for 10-12 hours straight without the fap.

>> No.11060220

I can't figure out any benefits to quitting porn.

I see why people tell me to stop smoking and drinking but why porn.

>> No.11060245

Learn about the jewish problem. Jews have spoken openly about using porn as a tool against the "goyim," by turning white women into whores and trying to mentally weaken white men. Once you understand and accept that porn is a weapon that is being used against you by a sick foreign tribe of semites, you will not want to watch it anymore. I haven't watched porn in over a year now, and am a better man because of it. Article below is a good introduction to the problem:


>> No.11060272

Just fap to softcore or vanilla image galleries. Don't fall down the slope of watching weirder and weirder shit. Don't go to tube sites which try to introduce get you going down that slope. Eventually you can just use your imagination, or just keep using mild stuff and avoid the worst parts of the addiction and desensitization.

>> No.11060276


Like clockwork

>> No.11060288

Antisemitism is a blind. Open your eyes, man.

>> No.11060304

This. Sex seems like it would be something disgusting and probably evil, especially if it's casual sex, so why would I want to switch from a simulation of it to the real thing?

>> No.11060315

Because the "no fap/porn" meme is being spread by guys with little to no libido. They have zero problems quitting it, so they claim everyone should be doing it, it's easy, it's helpful and all that crap.

>> No.11060321


>> No.11060324

I see it as being useful if you have an actual social life/gf/etc.
If you're a loser then there's no point. Fapping lets me waste around 2 hours each day.

>> No.11060357

Most esoteric intro books. Ones that talk about spiritual energy, and how to possess ones own will.

>> No.11060364

>dude i promise i do have self-control. i just can't quit porn because i have a REALLY high libido and test levels lmao

>> No.11060375

Tropic of cancer

>> No.11060381

Any porn addicts that have found the love of their life? Porn fucking destroys lives, man. Porn has made me less sexually attracted to my partner, and I love her like no other. It makes my feel like a piece of shit.

>> No.11060402
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Father Sergius

>> No.11060437

Test levels do play into it, but yeah the rest of that guys shit is bullshit, he is just a weak human.

>> No.11060440

Yeah. Ruined mine /yolo/

>> No.11060447
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>> No.11060467

Used this in a group in college. Find others to talk with and to support each other, accountability goes a long way. Godspeed.

>> No.11060471

The answer is to stop masturbating.

>> No.11060481
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>> No.11060487
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was she right all along?

>> No.11060510

t. "men"

>> No.11060569

Portnoy's Complaint.

>> No.11060578

I don't know about that now...

>> No.11060596

>Antisemitism is a blind.
Jews are hated everywhere they go and always have been. One of the reasons they are increasingly hated today is because they are the ones producing most of the sick porn that is warping young men's minds.

>> No.11060618

>its the jews fault that I watch sick porn
much coping many wow

>> No.11060629

>implying im not

>> No.11060631

I don't watch porn.

>> No.11060637

except its actually kind of true. The more jews insult people who realize this and deflect, the more jews admit their own guilt and the more they are despised.

>> No.11060685

Is it?

>> No.11060727

Dworkin if you are into that kind of shit

>> No.11061043

if you are casual about it and it doesn’t interfere with your interpersonal skills then you are alright

>> No.11061110

you don't have high libido you fucking beta porncuck. watching porn creates additional horniness that goes away once you stop

>> No.11061462

Paradise Lost

>> No.11061468

untrue, having higher test does make it harder.
but it doesn't mean it's not corrct.

>> No.11061481

lol, you can argue the opposite. If you're a loser then you should practice NoFap, as well as other methods of discipline (gym is preferable), and if you have a social life and a gf, then you're obviously relatively well-adjusted.

>> No.11061485
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>"The re-absorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example, among the Brahmins)."