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11058085 No.11058085 [Reply] [Original]

why does communism have to be atheist?

>> No.11058086

Communists want you to worship the cult of personality (Stalin, Lenin, etc)

>> No.11058090

Soviet union used the church to rally the people up for ww2.

>> No.11058092

No man can serve two masters.

>> No.11058104

It doesn't, it was just conceived in a time where religious institutions and the state were in an incestious relation

>> No.11058141

Bullshit, even today in the U.S communists hate conservatives for being christian

>> No.11058142

most of the communists i know rag on liberals for ragging on religion

>> No.11058147

communists and liberals are the same thing no matter how hard you try to lie about it, both support whatever gender bullshit academics tell them

>> No.11058152


>> No.11058155

Come on man

>> No.11058171
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>> No.11058175
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>> No.11058178
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>> No.11058180
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>> No.11058183

iirc religion is understood to help alienate the worker from the fruit of their labour

>> No.11058184
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>> No.11058187
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>> No.11058200

Didn't Lenin explicitly say the there shouldn't be a cult of personality around him? Trotsky was opposed to that, too.

>> No.11058215

what's the use in explaining to a frogposter?

>> No.11058240

It doesn't have to be. Early Christianity was pretty much a commune, the Jacobins [proto-communists] were deists, and South America has this little thingy called liberation theology.

>> No.11058270

aren't communists and liberals like... the opposites?

>> No.11058274

It doesnt
But its usually been observed in dictatorships where atheism is useful

>> No.11058291

Even if that's true, it does not disprove the statement "communism does not have to be atheist".

>> No.11058295

>communists and liberals are the same thing no matter how hard you try to lie about it, both support whatever gender bullshit academics tell them
First of all, not all communists and not all liberals support "gender bullshit". Far from it.
Second, even if they did all support it, two ideologies agreeing on one issue does not make the ideologies identical.

>> No.11059228

>another dumb burger