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/lit/ - Literature

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11058023 No.11058023[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is white privilege just magical thinking leading to the pogramization of white men? I think its strange how all agency is laid at the hands of white men for the cause of everything in the world but only especially the bad things.

>> No.11058037

This has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.11058044

Any books for this feel?

>> No.11058059

its the humanities.

>> No.11058077
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Its a distraction from class war. The capitalists would like it better if you are thinking on divisive racial terms rather than uniting as an economic class. The whole notion ignores class and basically says some redneck the got his job outsourced is somehow more privileged than obama who went to Harvard and became president

Idinity politics is a creation of the bourgeois

>> No.11058105
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>> No.11058162

I don't think, I feel it's the extension of the successes of the left during the 60s, used to push the psudeo-communist agenda but a totalitarian one. The point is to give power to the state to remedy inequality. Any disparity and the diversity squad will quota one of their droogs into an institution and equal it out, creating and destroying identities at will, subverting the individual, and creating a politics of fear. It's what Rawl's philosophy boiled down to, and what Nozik realized was that no freedom could exist in a system like that not even slight freedom.

People say the SJWs are snow flakes but they're much worse, they're despots. Like the inquisition using their morality as a way to destroy lives. This is why the adopt words that have power in society and shift their meaning to include more and more people, so they can assert more and more power.

>> No.11058167
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the sjw was defeated though.

The internet trolling ethos of "do it for the lulz" coupled with anonymity defeated people obsessed with identity.
Rather, a chaotic hivemind that believes in nothing and is everything

When they call you a racist say "yea" then laugh and laugh and laugh

>> No.11058179

Did we though? The SJWs are still around, they may not be in political power but they run the educational institutions.

>> No.11058189

The only sjw's i see around are pol tards trying to keep it around by posing as them ironically and ruining every board thinking they are being slick. It will proably be dead in a couple of years and colleges have always been left wing shit holes

Both the sjw and the alt right died the second trump won. The sjw's lost the culture war, and the the alt right accomplished thier goal of getting trump elected, they then imploded somewhere in south Carolina.

>> No.11058350

Its a mixture of marxist thought mixed with the absence of responsibility, racism and a pinch of autism.

>> No.11058376

The "white man" occupies a similar space in the rhetoric of the top-bottom mainstream culture of the contemporary Anglosphere as the Jew did in 20th century Europe - and that's a good thing.

No but it really is bizarre. If the culture were more legitimately "neo-marxist postmodernist" this retardation would be deconstructed to shit. Instead it's just retards imitating imitations of Foucault's style, exchanging cheap images and orthodoxies. Hell-wworld. The concept of the white man is the prison of the body.

>> No.11058403

Occcam's Razor.
See >>11058077

>> No.11058410

>Occam's Razor
>implying class war is the most simple explanation when modern Marxists have to add so many caveats and revisions to it in order to account for all the phenomena that Marx didn't predict.

>> No.11058413

How is this in any way related to Foucault?

>> No.11058452

>all agency is laid at the hands of white men for the cause of everything in the world but only especially the bad things

it's just white navel-gazing. it used to be that whites thought they were the enlightened bearers of civilization with a responsibility to teach the savages how to live. that won't fly anymore, so now they think of themselves as world-ruining villains with a responsibility to apologize to everyone forever. note how in both cases the world revolves around whites and everyone else's culture and behavior is explained in terms of too little/too much white influence.

>> No.11058515

b-b-but if people were to come together and le rational le social ooga booga, then everything would be fine and just and if you are not a liberal you are not human and its OK to enslave you to liberalism , because state of nature means humans are natural born rapekillers

>> No.11058582


So go to /his/ then.

>> No.11058739

People like Peterson, Pinker, Shapiro, Quilette and turning point USA capitalize on muh SJWs to push unpopular ideas such as Israeli foreign policy and free market economics. yeah libs are annoying, but I will never side with the boomercons.

>> No.11058789

it's not so much 'the left' (everything that could go wrong for 'the left' in the 60 went wrong in the worst way possible) but postwar liberalism taken to its logical conclusion. Affirmative action as it exists today was signed into law by Nixon and Kennedy. Admissions to colleges have always been based on political and ethnic balances and not on 'merit' which is ultimately an ideological construct. you got shrinking opportunities for the middle class due to automation and a globalized high tech economy. Contrary to popular beliefs, blacks haven't been facing more 'opportunities' but less. Capitalism is becoming unsustainable even with UBI or other such 'radical' measures.The internet promotes mimetic dynamics of identity fuelled backlash and callouts. Look not back to the 60s but to late 80s and the failure of the political hopes of Obama's hope and change movement and occupy wall street for precedents. politics has become increasingly therapeuthic, centered on the individual and not on changing society as a whole.

>> No.11058830

Wow... And Jews did 9/11?

>> No.11058838

>spends time on 4chan surrounded by virulent demented racism
>doesn't think being white gives him any advantages in society
Whatever you say.

>> No.11058841

the postwar liberal order has always been based on a division between victims and benefactors. The personal power of the imperialist is replaced by the benevolent power of western institutions who thus justify their own existence, ie. military intervention is justified as 'humanitarianism'. The power of the 'liberal elite' depends on their status as benefactors. You can't break part of the post war consensus without breaking the whole thing, opening the door to the return of the illiberal left and right, third worldism and 1960s scorched earth revolutionism.

>> No.11058872

The problem with the model of 'white privilege' is that it sets up the mid-century middle class america as an universal standard, even when that standard is being rendered obsolete by changing economic conditions. Despite the surge in racial neuroticism and the commodification of guilt and feelings of marginalization, the new economy has effectively liquidated the fordian middle classes, created massive inequalities and diminished social mobility all across the board.

>> No.11058899

The ultimate white privilege is the patronising of all these groups as if they are worthless without acceptance in white society, as well as the naive belief that everything will turn out just great - all with screaming in the background that the white supremacist cities must be burnt to the ground.
Chaos is a ladder? Wait 'til it's sideways, assholes.

>> No.11058910
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The Pinker-Harris-Bill Gates connection is worth looking into. What do they mean by 'enlightenment' exactly? it isn't the enlightenment of Hume, Rousseau, Spinoza, even less the enlightenment of the parisian mob, but the idea that the world is gradually getting better and better through the power of science and reason and existing institutions are all fine and dandy. We are currently witnessing the failure of third way/sillicon valley/liberal utopianism. I was thinking about McLuhan's description of liberalism as a product of literate bourgeois culture incapable of surviving in the age of total communication. Notice how not only Pinker and Peterson, but also centrists like Macron are pre-emptively defending 'liberalism' from incoming 'illiberal' attacks. Peterson in particular is trying to salvage the protestant self reliant mentality that accompanied capitalism from the very beginning. I've felt a lot of hatred for the specter of muh sjw (which is really just an illusion fostered by total communication) and sympathy for the right wing in the past, and I'm saying this as a petty bourgeoisie male from a 'minority' background, but I don't believe the petty bourgeoisie existence we've grown accustomed to can be preserved. In order to survive and maintain the bare minimum of personal autonomy we are obliged to become the pitiless censors of ourselves. You can't get a meaningful sense of self from clickbait content and mimetics, you actively have to work to constitute yourself into a coherent subject.



>> No.11058912

Partly true, but racism is slow-moving and doesn't keep up with current fiscal and social realities. Denying white privilege exists in any form is claiming we're now post-racial, and any American who can claim that with a straight face is deluded.

>> No.11058929

It's pretty fucking embarrassing that these meme magic /pol/sters don't even recognize their own identitarianism tbqh

>> No.11058933

>Implying it isn't

>> No.11058942

The notion that social mobility went down isn't held up by historical data. Dynastic wealth as a relative portion of wealth has been on steady decline since the latter half of the past century.

I do expect that trend to revert, in the U.S., if disparities in access to education and healthcare keep growing, tho.

>> No.11058951

>Denying white privilege exists in any form is claiming we're now post-racial, and any American who can claim that with a straight face is deluded
You're all talking about blame and fault and shit that doesn't have anything to do with it. I don't give a flying fuck if far left teenagers assume I'm a bougie peice of shit just because I'm white. As an American, I can rest assured that everyone in any real position of power (cops, juries, bosses, politicians ect.) will just assume the best about me unless I give them a reason not to.
Also it's really cool that despite the existence of mandatory minimums I will only ever get slaps on the wrist for drugs

>> No.11058976

dubs of lack of clarity

>> No.11059001

what's your solution, then? getting the white middle classes to take personal and emotional responsibility for the 'lack of success' of 'people of color'? sounds oddly patronising, nothing more than a secularised christianity based on slave morality and noblesse oblige . Psychopolitics are incompatible with the founding conceit of liberalism ie. the autonomous individual. I differ from conservatives, 'classical liberals' and 'progressives' because I don't think a technocratic 'meritocracy' is either possible or desirable. humans are irreducible to 'rationality' and should be understood holistically as forms of life. The focus has shifted away from the third worldism of the 60s to a liberal compromise that maintains the role of elite whites as benefactors and doesn't question western universities, the culture industry or the military industrial complex. The 'marginalized' are reduced to a sick role, helpless, at the mercy of corporations, 'the good whites' and the therapeutic state in matters of 'self-esteem' and 'recognition'.

>> No.11059026

I see it as an archaic or primitive form of thought, i'm above such weak and shallow thinking. Live in the moment, not in the past.

>> No.11059098

>i'm above such weak and shallow thinking
I JUST said I don't give a shit about blame or fault or whatever else, please stop moralizing at me. The idea that (Americans at least) will give me more second chances free passes and good assumptions just for being white is a statistical reality that doesn't care if you think you're above it. I was being honest when I said it's pretty cool though, I do unironically feel very fortunate

>> No.11059103

'racism' cannot be reduced to psychology or separated from 'fiscal and social realities'

>> No.11059112

What does this have to do with /lit/?

>> No.11059146

>/lit/ - Politics
Stop infecting every board with your social justice war.