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/lit/ - Literature

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11057999 No.11057999 [Reply] [Original]

A seemingly endless gold mine of brainletism

>> No.11058002
File: 63 KB, 808x285, Astute Crabbist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women sure are great.

>> No.11058015

Has anyone ever seen or met an example of a non idiotic person who uses this?

>> No.11058027
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sadly it's not just women
he really is a "thinker" isn't he?

>> No.11058036
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hoo boy, Dickens has some good ones

>> No.11058042
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>> No.11058047

how dare people not like what i like?

>> No.11058049

There's a difference between an trash opinion, and someone disagreeing with you.

>> No.11058050

found the goodreads reviewer

>> No.11058058

maannnn... that first sentence is particularly infuriating

>> No.11058062

To be fair, there are some good Goodreads reviews.

Take this one of 'Seiobo There Below' by László Krasznahorkai:

>A heron stands perched above a stream, waiting in perfect tension to catch its prey. Monks pray to a statue of the Buddha, knowing every detail of its tarnished face but yearning to recognize and be enveloped by the Buddha's infinite compassion. A cynical tourist wanders in a museum in Venice, but sees a half-remembered painting of the dead Christ and is overwhelmed by pathos and emotion. A Japanese goddess descends to earth, bearing a fruit of immortality, searching for perfection.

>Seiobo There Below is a book about the beautiful and the sacred. It is about how emotions and experiences build upon each other, and how distant the idea of 'sacredness' is to our society at all. What is beautiful, of course, is not always good, nor does beauty inspire goodness. This spiraling novel goes from museum guards who obsess over statues to the buried armies of Qin Shi Huang, lying in wait for some eternal demon.

>Now Krasznahorkai is an author of despair. His most famous novel, the one with the film adaptation, is an exercise in intricate grimness. How does this same author talk about the topics of the divine? First start with the supposition that creating something beautiful or sublime is a way to find some sort of immortality. But also add that immortality is infinite, and thus incomprehensible to our mere human perceptions. Whole lifetimes can be spent on a fraction of a part of a single work or event, and indeed this is often the case. Krasznahorkai's writing style is a barrage of details, spiraling outward into a broader whole, beyond any universal ideal or conception. One hint of this is in the chapter numbers - instead of the usual order, they are Fibonacci numbers.

>Seiobo there below is a deeply challenging and, of course I will say it, beautiful book. There are few others like it. Maybe soon this book will be like those cathedrals and statues it describes, something so far out of reach that it cannot ever be grasped.

>> No.11058064
File: 128 KB, 635x667, Screen+Shot+2018-04-07+at+5.39.47+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the deal.

>> No.11058078


This is genuinely one of the most infuriating things I've ever read. Combined with the comments I actually get furious. I just hate this person so fucking much for writing this. For me, it's everything wrong with this pop culture shit invading all facets of life.

>> No.11058081

>"i've had enough of trite adolescent nihilism"
>is the poster boy for trite adolescent nihilsm

>> No.11058094
File: 14 KB, 218x320, bigbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got into a fist fight a few months ago with a person I met on goodreads and he forced me to delete my account

I'd left a review on an erotic literature novel, as a joke, to try and satirise it, and I made a comment about how all women reviewing it 'would remove the stars from their score if only their pathetic boyfriends could understand how to tame their female sexuality impulses'. some guy commented from my city about how his girlfriend has read it cover to cover, and we had a long debate where i kept insinuating she was a whore and he had a floppy cock, etc etc.

So in the end I offered to meet him to discuss control of female sexual desires (I am a virgin so was just shit talking really). when we met at the park he was fucking huge, like 6'9, and beat the fuck out of me. then to rub it in, he got his girlfriend to smash my head with a copy of the book. i hate this site, it is full of brainlets.

>> No.11058098

Thanks for the laugh, anon

>> No.11058102
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9/10, excellent post anon

>> No.11058107
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Good pots, we need more people like you on this site.

>> No.11058108

meta as fuck

>> No.11058128
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>> No.11058145

I really despise this mentality of 'I don't like it so everyone else must be pretending to like it!'.

>> No.11058149

you better not go on Goodreads then, because every single respected book ever written has a ton of reviews which boil down to that

>> No.11058156
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>Someone explain to me what I should think

>> No.11058158
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I understand disliking McCarthy's prose, but why write a review just to say "I dont have to explain why I dont like it" why not just give it the stars since that's essentially what you're doing anyway

>> No.11058165

>just finished it, did i like it?
but unironically though

>> No.11058166

I would burn all my books to lick Janice Griffith's butthole

>> No.11058168

Please just tell me to like it so I can like it!

>> No.11058173

>has multiple shelves just for books she did not like and/or did not finish
holy shit these people have turned being ignorant as dirt into an art form

>> No.11058177

but those threads are unironic

>> No.11058192
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>> No.11058267

>Books that only men can understand.

>> No.11058278
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>> No.11058282

New York Times tier

>> No.11058285

>Just my opinion, don't be offended
Why do people think that you don't have to explain your opinion and that it's immune to any criticism, because it's just an opinion?

>> No.11058287

What, one of the most respected review houses in the world?

>> No.11058300

You don't have to explain your opinion. People might not agree, take it serious or even understand it but you have no obligation to anyone to explain yourself if you don't want to.

>> No.11058303
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>> No.11058313

ha. ha. >>>/his/

>> No.11058344

if this is about Sanctuary, she has a point about the writing style

this one has a point too. old man and the sea is fucking tedious

>> No.11058359

of course you don't "have to" but if you say shit but run away when asked to defend it then you have no self-respect. "it's just an opinion" implies your opinions are worthless and arbitrary which is not something a person with dignity would say about themselves.

>> No.11058366

Retard do you know what a review is?

>> No.11058371
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this one's just plain weird

>> No.11058377

uh, book?

>> No.11058380

Robin Hobb's Assassin's Apprentice. The spoiler isn't censored in the actual review, watch out.

>> No.11058398

When I actually review books on Goodreads I do it mainly for myself and partly in case any of my "friends" on the site would be interested. I would likely not start to argue about my opinion with some random internet dude.

Nah. Watch me.

>> No.11058422

i think i see what the problem is: you don't actually have any opinions. an opinion is something you arrive at via thought, comparison to past experience and so on and can always be justified simply by relating how you arrived at it. an unjustified opinion is actually not an opinion at all but a feeling. "i am bored", "i am amused", "i am offended" and so on are feelings. these are pointless to argue about or even relate because why would random internet people care about your feelings?

>> No.11058491
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>> No.11058505

The books I read hardly, if ever, have any pleb reviews because plebs don’t read what I read.


>> No.11058506

Most people who can't get into writers like Faulkner, despite whether they're intelligent or not, clearly are unaware that you don't just dive into Faulkner just because you've read a few YA books before and now you're "well-read." You have to build up your foundation of literature before diving into Faulkner and if that means starting with baby's first literature like Of Mice and Men or Great Gatsby just so you're getting used to big-boy prose then maybe do that

>> No.11058510

None of these are bad except for the Sherlock Holmes one. You guys are just pseuds who are invested in the idea that your consumercuck behaviour signifies intelligence

>> No.11058527

At least half of these reviewers are missing the point. You being invested in the next Star Wars novel does not make others psueds.

>> No.11058546

> no elaboration or explanation as to why they don't like it
> "I don't like it and here's why: I just don't grr"

At least Jeanette apologised for having a bad opinion

>> No.11058565

> I can't explain it and I don't have to

Why do people think being obnoxious to the extent of not elaborating on their perspective means that their perspective holds more validity? Fuck people like that. I don't mind if you diss my boy McCarthy but at least explain what you didn't like about it, the YeCarthy tortilla shitposters did better than this

>> No.11058578

whats with this whole culture of "yeahhh im such a bitch!!! i luv drama. slayyy" its not cool and "powerful" if you have to tell everyone how "bad" you are. its the opposite.

>> No.11058590
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this thread makes me edge
thanks op

>> No.11058594

Exactly, man. I've known people like that who say something horrendous to put someone down and then caption it with "I'm just saying it as it is/saying it how I see it" which is the most arrogant sentiment I've come across. You can say it as it is/how you see it while being articulate and constructive in your criticisms. It's easy to criticise but to consider solutions and improvements is clearly too difficult.

>> No.11058636

At least she explains why she think this. That's a step above most posts in this thread.

>> No.11058645

Sorry Ms. Redditor, but that's not what this is about. It's about people riffing on critically, culturally, and popularly acclaimed classics because they are either too stupid to understand the text or because of their identity politics it has become cool and hip to riff on them.

>> No.11058647

I got pretty angry as well.

>> No.11058657

Ya culture is the worst thing to ever happen to the written word.

>> No.11058664

>200 pages
What has the world come to?

>> No.11058666

but the story is midcult shit and the dr seuss remark is not far off

>> No.11058672

they're not saying that 200 pages is long
they're saying the book is too long
that could be true no matter how long it actually is

>> No.11058809
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>> No.11058827
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>> No.11058889

this is going to end up on reddit, isn't it?

>> No.11058947
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>> No.11059014


The 4chan subreddit never selects the good stuffs. Only mundanely edgy stuff, like if I called you a supernigger

>> No.11059029

Wait is that Hbomberguy?

>> No.11059044

Have you not read anything besides Sanctuary? All of his works are confusing but he gives you all of the info you need as a reader to figure out what's going on.

>> No.11059078
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read 1 star reviews of great books is always great

>> No.11059136
File: 93 KB, 498x514, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 15.29.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

>> No.11059151
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>> No.11059164

Jesus christ

>> No.11059170

This is a literal child.

She'll likely grow out of it.

>> No.11059235

Ah - I didn't see. There are so many incredibly positive HP reviews from adults that I don't even bother checking

>> No.11059272
File: 172 KB, 622x630, From Hell by Moore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted it's for a graphic novel but still.

>> No.11059327

Hobbes eternally BTFO

>> No.11059356

If this is about Providince he's completely right. Providince a shit

>> No.11059362

It's about From Hell.

>> No.11059394

Providence is amazing, you absolute loser.

>> No.11059435
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>tfw she's an established writer and you haven't even gotten a short story published.

>> No.11059459

pls be real

>> No.11059465

>then to rub it in, he got his girlfriend to smash my head with a copy of the book
Actually laughed, good one anon.

>> No.11059473
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>> No.11059487

>James Joyce couldnt write a more rambling or incomprehensible novel

Oh boy someone given them Finnegans

>> No.11059498

Sir, please stick to math

>> No.11059503

>saw more details in it that I missed in the novel, not a good sign
>not realizing this reflects on his abilities as a reader

>> No.11059508

Good post

>> No.11059510

He also gets the Twain quotation wrong:

"A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read."

>> No.11059590

How retarded are some of these people?

Early Joyce isn't exactly inaccessible. How do you read 'a lot of books' and still find something like Portrait an obstacle? Especially when he's tried it multiple times over a couple of decade.

>> No.11059618
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>In most ways, it's like watching a Fellini movie

>> No.11059706


women's rights was a mistake

>> No.11059744

not even wrong, hemmingway's worst book by far

>> No.11059755

Ah, so this is what women mean by rape and sexual harassment.

>> No.11059765

How could you shit on Borges? His stories are so dense.

>> No.11059791

This made me upset.

>> No.11059795

Any good critical reviews?

>> No.11059797
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>> No.11059807

stopped reading at the first sentence

>> No.11059820

>put down lolita
How fucking stupid can a human being actually be?

>> No.11059825

>How dare people criticize my opinion!
We can do this all day, dipshit.

>> No.11059882

What's wrong with that? Don't you feel that way about anything from your youth?

>> No.11059911
File: 87 KB, 646x623, fear_and_trembling_review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11059978

This. I was trying to figure out what annoyed me about Hemingway's writing style and thinking of it as an adult Dr. Seuss actually fits fairly well.

>> No.11060561

I do like the sound of these Latin American ascot and martini parties. Can any Borges scholars get me invited?

>> No.11060592

put me in the screencap hahaha

>> No.11060754


>> No.11060779
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Kek'd audibly

>> No.11060796

>Misrepresenting Hobbes at levels not even thought fathomable.

>> No.11061021

>protag is such a effeminate wimp
up to page 75 Stephen isnt more than like 12 years old.

>> No.11061116
File: 13 KB, 455x447, 9zBrwvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I realized this when Cline referenced the old Leeroy Jenkins viral video. Few people outside of the gamer community would get it..."

>> No.11061145
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she strikes again

>> No.11061221
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>> No.11061391

>I think I'll stick with Kant
Literally why should I read Kant? This really makes it seem like a waste of time.

>> No.11061401

What book?

>> No.11061417

what book is this tho

>> No.11061419

While I don’t like Old Man and the Sea I somehow get the impression she would rate it 5 stars if it was “Old Lady and the Sea”

>> No.11061426

>unironically on the side of one of the most vile and hated literary villains ever just because she’s a woman
Just give me the shock treatment, I’m done.

>> No.11061440

this has to be a troll

>> No.11061460
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Not gr but I found this a while back

>> No.11061472

The angels on a pin line. That phrase is, undoubtedly, the greatest way to spot an idiot.

>> No.11061488
File: 115 KB, 627x350, BAZINGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck Emily??????

NOTE: Spoilers for Jane Austen's Persuasion.

>> No.11061502
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>your grand well of intestinal fortitude

>> No.11061528
File: 130 KB, 700x864, 0C1FF87B-F433-4AAD-924F-5C05074B7616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this thread

>> No.11061684
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>> No.11061685

>This book has all the excitement of a questionably suggestive glance from across an early 19th century ballroom
wtf he says that like it's not the most exciting thing

>> No.11061701

>thinking you're "criticizing" any of the opinions here and not just feeding your smug attitude

>> No.11061747

I take it this guy isn't very familiar with Kant's work.

>> No.11062060

good pun

>> No.11062133

Here's the difference, anon.


>Idk anon, unjustified and ill-explained opinions seem uneducated and rather emotionally-charged. they don't hold to creative reasoning, or much logical analysis.

There is a marked difference.

>> No.11062222

I'm a real gamer familiar with all of the the most esoteric gamer culture memes; leeroy jenkins, the cake is a lie, the list could go on

>> No.11062231
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>> No.11062267

>these books offend ME AS A STRONK INDAPENDANT WOMYN and are therefore useless garbage

>> No.11062299

roastie detected

>> No.11062307


>> No.11062383

You have the reading comprehension of a 3 year-old

>> No.11062395

t. butthurt wyman

>> No.11062442
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>"The book doesn't suck, YOU suck for not being able to understand the book."
Based teacher.

>> No.11062451

>genuinely enjoyed it immensely!
Adverbs is a cancer.

>> No.11062459

Are you trying to communicate?

>> No.11062592

you have to admit moocow is funny

>> No.11062593

is this compliment or jab, I really can't tell on this one

>> No.11063115

put me in the screencap

>> No.11063355

Don't criticise his opinion, it makes you look smug.

>> No.11063705
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>> No.11064086

That's some high tier shitposting

>> No.11064140

female solipsism on full display

>> No.11064157
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>"and cursed with the precision of having been brought up German"

>> No.11064177

wtf I love Charissa now

>> No.11064294


>> No.11064333

McCarthy's lack of grammar is irritating as fuck.

>> No.11064398

I thought this thread was going to be about all the shitty female dominated YA fantasies that get five star reviews.

>> No.11064677

there's simply too many of those to post, and it doesn't take any digging to find them. it's literally every single one

>> No.11064711
File: 18 KB, 214x317, nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's right about faulkner t.b.h.

>> No.11064719

>Why do they think an opinion is immune to any criticism
Because you can only attack an opinion with another opinion and none of these are judged as facts.
>Why do they think that you don't have to explain it?
They don't.

>> No.11064804

The humor in this one outweighs the stupidity

>> No.11064900

her profile?

>> No.11064912
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>> No.11064932
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, scoobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a less juicy scoobs I see on the right?

>> No.11065029

>Being genuinely angered by the ramblings of a simpleton
You desperately need a therapist.

>> No.11065056


>> No.11065077

Why do people hate books because of how characters behave? What's the point of writing flawless characters that do nothing wrong?

>> No.11065112

because they were raised on soap operas* and treat fiction as a source of imaginary friends.

*superhero comic books, fantasy sagas etc are also essentially soap operas

>> No.11065221

They've been immersed in YA fantasy all their lives and it's all they know.

>> No.11065241

I see John Green has a Goodreads account

>> No.11065247

ask Plato

>> No.11065314

So this is the power of the geese

>> No.11065367

t. onions faggot

>> No.11065390

>tfw John green is to smart for you

>> No.11065416

>le human condition

>> No.11065431

lmao i like her

>> No.11065448

the goodreads reviews for the last narnia book are a fucking goldmine for salty women

as soon as i found out what happens in that book i raced there to read the salt and boy i was not disappointed

>> No.11065466

What happens?

>> No.11065477

susan gets shit on because she starts acting like a whore and isnt allowed in narnia anymore because of that

and the rest of the cast die in a train accident and aslan leads them to heaven

>> No.11065486

I actually want to read the series now

>> No.11065502

all that is only in the last book tho

the rest of the series isnt like that

>> No.11065693

>they think Faulkner is hard to read

>> No.11065740
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>> No.11065745

Pick one.

>> No.11065771
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>> No.11066059
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>like watching a Fellini movie

>> No.11066082

>That profile photo
Also what book?

>> No.11066109
File: 105 KB, 500x403, beatings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's one group of people I hate more than any other, it's the group of people who give their opinions of philosophers and philosophical systems with which they have no familiarity.

>> No.11066167

>I would flash my tits and then slap hima and call him a pervert.
#metoo what a pervert, hang him already

>> No.11066171

do you even know what that means?

>> No.11066195

you know what thy say, respect people, not their ideas

>> No.11066239
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>James Joyce couldnt write a more rambling or incomprehensible novel

>> No.11066272

i can't read any reviews because i haven't read a book in 1 year

>> No.11066379
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Pic related.

>> No.11066438
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>> No.11066567

Nurse Ratched dindu-nuffin!

>> No.11066578

Imagine if he read The Sickness Unto Death.

>> No.11066584
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>> No.11066595
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My heart rate is increasing with dangerous rapidity, I'm shaking, and my hands are slicking with sweat

>> No.11066898

JP's actual turds are BTFOing feminists and basically, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.11066926

>A seemingly endless gold mine of brainletism
Good description of /lit/

>> No.11066938

What you it looks like
>Idk anon, unjustified and ill-explained opinions seem uneducated and rather emotionally-charged. they don't hold to creative reasoning, or much logical analysis.
What it actually looks like

>> No.11066975

that one's goin' in the folder.

>> No.11066976

he'th rite

>> No.11067014

you're not wrong but also we're just havin a giggle here, no need to whiteknight for the goodread whores if i didn't want to waste my time pretending to be superior to average people i wouldn't be on 4chan

>> No.11067606


>> No.11067620
File: 47 KB, 735x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally made me post an xkcd comic, you absolute fucker.

>> No.11067663

Holy shit he was a wild man.
"Then the dark men came round them in a thick crowd, smelling of garlic and onions, their white eyes flashing dreadfully in their brown faces. And then there are the repeated cries of "darkie" from the crowd of dwarfs."

>> No.11067681

The Joseph Conrad reviews are near physically painful. We should enslave women

>> No.11067701

You wrote about something bad! That means you believe it's good and also are a misogynist!!!!

>> No.11067714

> John Green is too smart

h-have we got it all wrong, lads??

>> No.11067726

Charissa is ignorant of Kant but her review is surprisingly funny

>> No.11067739

> sees the transcendent as a literal afterlife and not a state of mind

o I am laffin

>> No.11067782
File: 80 KB, 645x729, brainlit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Heart of Darkness" is a racist book
I've heard someone unironically voice that opinion at my English classes. Fortunately, everyone ridiculed them (even the professor in a gantle manner), restoring my faith in people somewhat.

>> No.11067798

How isn't it racist? I mean, just in case you're using 'racist' as a pure and vague term of abuse here, I should stress that I also think it's great, thoughtful, and powerfully criticises imperialism. But unless I'm completely misremembering, it's also obviously racist by any reasonable definition of the term.

>> No.11067800 [DELETED] 

Define "race" right now.

>> No.11067802

Something you would lose, even if the prize were a cheeseburger.

>> No.11067806

I meant racism, f*ggot

>> No.11067810

You aren't censored on this site, sweetie.

>> No.11068010


>> No.11068048

In fairness, the comic is right.

>> No.11068062
File: 91 KB, 607x717, platoisstupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11068086

so you're complaining about women being depicted as unpleasant but then continue to say one of the positive female characters is awful too because it's a negative stereotype of Asians to be nice? What the fuck, pulling this shit out of your ass surely means whoever wrote this clearly has preconceived notions of gender stereotypes verging on sexist/offensive themselves

>> No.11068093

> literally saying you shouldn't read classics
> ignorantly compares to Fellini
> using cliff notes

fuck this planet lets colonize pluto

>> No.11068108

This is a fair review though, he's expressing love for something he's nostalgic for and he even admits he wasn't sure if they books still held up but to him they did. Harmless review, anon. Maybe we should all revisit our childhood love of things.

>> No.11068110

He's not wrong, though.

>> No.11068116

> it's not Cline's fault

no, reviewer, it's not his fault, he just so happened to accidentally write another poo book

>> No.11068156

it portrays racism and it's dehumanising effects and is literally one of the first books to successfully criticise the colonial system

portraying racism =/= being racist

>> No.11068196

>Your woefully simplistic theories should become the basis for future Western civilization!
that dummy Plato, how dare he start western philosophy with simple yet elegant and groundbreaking theories, instead of complex post-modern theories he would have no fucking way of coming up with?

this stuff is so obvious, it's almost as if it's so ingrained in western culture most of our ethics and metaphysics build upon it... nah, I'm sure plato was just a moron

>> No.11068209

/lit/ is worse. at least people on goodreads actually read books despite their short-comings.

This place is dire, but at least it keeps the fucktards off goodreads and /r/books

>> No.11068269
File: 59 KB, 710x288, eae570410750a02a788133e5dada917e834e0a6720388728ec67b6dc4037255a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>John Green readers

>> No.11068291

I literally said it criticises imperialism- that's not incompatible with being racist. Racism is simply
>the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races
and that belief was both very common at the time Conrad wrote, and not necessarily very negative- it doesn't have to be hostile.

That said, (a) a quick google doesn't turn up any really decisive quotes to settle the issue, so maybe I'm remembering wrong, and (b) the definition is so broad that even now you could call practically everyone a racist- e.g. 'all white people have skin colour within this specific colour range' would fit that definition, but could also be objectively true.

>> No.11068309

>the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races
that's not what racism is

>> No.11068332

> flat earth

just as our lord and savior intended it

>> No.11069508

>"The book doesn't suck, YOU suck for not being able to understand the book."
Holy shit, BTFO!

>> No.11069513

>shitting on Dostoevsky and Operas in the same post

>> No.11069520

Stop turning everything into a hate boner exercise against women, you autistic loser.

>> No.11069533

Don't look up women's reviews of books like blood meridian, your mental health won't be able to take it

>> No.11069554

Stop being so insecure, cunt.

>> No.11069633

this one is good though

>> No.11069656
File: 33 KB, 379x142, manlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will they learn?

>> No.11069688

>Leeroy Jenkins is an obscure meme
Can we just admit already clone gets all his information from Wikipedia articles and know your meme?

>> No.11069713

It's like they distilled the worst about women and Americans and made her brain with that concentrated essence

>> No.11069738

Literally everything you said is baseless conjecture and yet you feel like you’ve made a point.

>> No.11069742

Except if it was some lady claiming precisely that the only reason why that shit even became a classic in the first place is because it's so MANLY and MACHO and shit you'd be reeeeing like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.11069820

itt: bitter incel virgins

>> No.11069837

jesus fucking christ


>> No.11069841

Oh Christ there's an r/books/. I'm scared to see how bad it is

>> No.11069853

I can actually respect this one. At least it's entertaining.

>> No.11069862

t. bug

>> No.11069935

Not one argument was made.

>> No.11070006
File: 2 KB, 184x184, vul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she was a whore and he had a floppy cock
screencap me pls

>> No.11070035

I'm now convinced it's somebody from here.

>> No.11070044

Not really no. Don’t project your bullshit on to me.

>> No.11070077


>> No.11070118

way too hard