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/lit/ - Literature

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11056316 No.11056316 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /lit/ read Varg's books? Are they any good, or are they just Nazi propaganda and larping?

>> No.11056410
File: 531 KB, 1100x1100, paganpathwaygermanicreadinglist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all based on a personal theory Varg and his wife have. More researched Pagans who don't follow Varg's views dislike these books heavily. If you want a real introduction to European religion I would watch Survive The Jive or maybe read some Evola. There's also this article for a very beginning understanding of it.

>> No.11056429

As long as you don't care if anything he says is true or not.

>> No.11056435
File: 770 KB, 1125x1250, celticreadinglistpgpw-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another book chart, I have 3 more I think

>> No.11056444

larping, and larping his own whacky theory about neanderthals being autistic berserkers and the only whites. he says if youre not blond and blue-eyed you aren't a full neanderthal and therefore not white. bonus heritage points if you're neanderthal-autistic. yeah, he's gone full retard :/

>> No.11056447
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>> No.11056460
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Pretty much, he completely ignores the fact that the Western Hunter Gatherers had brown hair. And the Ancient European Farms had black/brown hair and brown eyes.

>> No.11056463
File: 631 KB, 2000x1400, 1522808768622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have another Greek chart too that's better than the first for Greek Religion specifically

>> No.11056471
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11056498

Thank you based paganon

>> No.11056502
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Don't mention it, friend.

>> No.11056535
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>More researched Pagans

>> No.11056554
File: 66 KB, 720x540, sodomitess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to drown the sodomites in the bog.

>> No.11056565

Weren't the Roman elite all about sodomy? Where they the only ones allowed?

>> No.11056592
File: 610 KB, 900x675, bog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tacitus specifically noted that the Germanic Tribes drowned homosexuals in bogs. This was in constrast to the romans where pederasty and homosexual, although frowned upon, was accepted.

>> No.11056599

Oh I didn't realize he was describing the Germanics.

>> No.11056617

Maybe you should read a book instead of context-less quotes laid over an unrelated image on korean factory farming forums.

>> No.11056620

I would but /lit/ memed me into not reading translations and I don't know latin.

>> No.11056652
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>I would but /lit/ memed me into not reading translations
Holy shit are you 16 years old?

>> No.11056656

how are you even alive?

>> No.11056692

lol it was a joke, I actually have been studying latin and am hoping to start reading "real" texts soon.

>> No.11056725

>I actually have been studying latin and am hoping to start reading "real" texts soon
Yeah, that won't happen, lmao

t. Literally a Latin teacher

>> No.11056750

fuck! you brainlets are baited easily!

>> No.11056761

Why not, sensei?

>> No.11056851

Because you'll need years of classes, daily studying and fucktons of background knowledge to understand what you're reading without looking in the commentary you bought for every book you want to readand, which is both expensive and usually several times as long as the actual work.
You'll read about two-headed battles/mars, things coming to the third, men that are blooming, things being in hands and much more which doesn't make sense, grammatical structures which can't be recreated in a simple language like English and a culture so foreign that their most basic world view will take months of intense reading for you to wrap your head around and their emotional world years.
Other than that, have fun.

>> No.11056915

Nice job ousting yourself as a pseud roleplaying as a teacher.

>> No.11056939

By being honest?
Let me guess, You're some faggot who barely managed to get through some Caesar and thinks he's hot shit now?
I know what I'm talking about, you clearly don't or you actually would have brought something up instead of making a vague statement to seem smart.

>> No.11056946

You're talking to someone who is likely monolingual, mate. They've probably never learned a different language before and thus have no idea about the cultural barrier they need to get over to understand a modern, living language, let alone a dead one.

>> No.11056955

/lit/ truly is the most pretentious board
Next he'll tell me that romans were just like us except that they were black.

>> No.11056975

And they used the exact same idioms as us, except word for word translated into latin.

>> No.11056977

>/lit/ truly is the most pretentious board
that's why i love this place

>> No.11056983

We wuz raygays and shieeeeet (pur say)

>> No.11057033

I want his wifes book but it's pretty expensive.

>> No.11057165

>The pseud is called out and he must resort to insults and swears to make it seem like he still is in a position of authority

>> No.11057437

you mean, like, for murder?

>> No.11057450

Varg's wife is a strange pagan but their life together seems pretty comfortable.

>> No.11058441

>he has no arguments and can't imagine somebody actually being educated around him
Lmao, insecure pleb

>> No.11058447

You're like the faggots on /fit/ who claim everybody who's bigger than them is on gear despite never having been in a gym.

>> No.11058551

If you are so educated then why do you make such misinformed statements?

>> No.11058625

>This was in constrast to the romans where pederasty and homosexual, although frowned upon, was accepted.
Reminder that "homosexuality" wasn't accepted at all. The only accepted thing was a free man being an active partner in a same-sex act with a non-person such as slaves or prostitutes.

>> No.11058631
File: 54 KB, 720x480, Varg-Vikernes-July-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop installing incompatible software

>> No.11058700

Name one.

Not him, but accepted is a strong word.
Quite a lot was simply tolerated.

>> No.11058750

>trusting a single word Tacitus said

>> No.11058767

Roman historians embellished stories to show the true character of people in a clearer way (according to them) and were quite open about it, but they generally didn't flat out lie and Tacitus remarks dozens of times that he considers a particular version unlikely, only knows it from hearsay or that opinions are split about it.
Tacitus focussed less on actual history and more on people in that history, but he generally didn't just make shit up as it wasn't poetry but prose.

>> No.11058780

You come off as being under the age of 25.

>> No.11058794

Press 1.

>> No.11058805

I thought I was on /tv/ for a second.

>> No.11058981

i don't get sam

>> No.11059058

>but they generally didn't flat out lie
Boy, that’s a good one.

>> No.11059085

>not blatantly lying every day

>> No.11059102

top kek!

>> No.11059138

Also it's not a flat out lie if they believe it or at least part of it and Tacitus is one of the more responsible ones in that aspect.
The reason he talked shit about Germanicus being succesful when he really wasn't was due to roman propaganda he fell for as well, it's not like he had the info we have now.

They saw it as more of an embellished truth, that's still common in italy and Greece, don't know about spain.

>> No.11060546

I've read some Vikernes but as far as I can tell it's basically wicca minus feminism.