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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 223 KB, 890x524, book_of_the_new_sun_by_palmerst-d4z6pfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11052155 No.11052155 [Reply] [Original]

is this really "dark souls the book"? if not, then what is? I want more dark souls

>> No.11052157

Blood meridian is cowboy dark souls

>> No.11052644

site froze for a really long time last night right after I made this thread

>> No.11052732
File: 31 KB, 234x326, berserk_vo_205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, this is dark souls the book.
But the book you've just shown looks great, I don't know it. What it is about please?

>> No.11052770

>The tetralogy chronicles the journey of Severian, a disgraced journeyman torturer who is exiled and forced to travel to Thrax and beyond. It is a first-person narrative, apparently translated by Wolfe into contemporary English, set in the distant future when the Sun has dimmed and Earth is cooler (a "Dying Earth" story). Severian claims to have a "perfect memory", but at multiple occasions admits leaving out details and confides in the readers that he may be insane, making him an unreliable narrator.

>> No.11052806

If you put dark souls or demons souls on a pedestal you are a fucking pleb. Every single game had the same design style before 2006 or a few years earlier.

>> No.11052812

Berserk was indeed a mayor inspiration for Dark souls and Dragons dogma

I like how the japs handle dark fantasy, another of my favorite examples is anything directed by Yasumi Matsuno, like FFT and Tactics Ogre

>> No.11052825

Thanks man, I like the idea for now on, but by distant future do you just talk about the meteo? The book looks medievial judging by the cover.
And do you mind giving me your quick impressions on the book?

>> No.11052839
File: 50 KB, 385x395, E848ADD2-9E44-4BEF-B074-A3B5E2FBAC7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A. Theybdidn’t have the feel of it just connecting together seamlessly
B.The story is great

>> No.11052842

I'll give it a look, thanks for the recommendation. Any quality art related or similar to Berserk/dark souls is welcomed.

>> No.11052861
File: 82 KB, 645x729, 1515594177943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single game
>since 2006
There's so much to say...

>> No.11052886

I haven't read it yet, thats why I made the thread for peoples opinions

>> No.11052893

Don't know nothin' 'bout no dark souls, but this is the first fantasy series I ever liked. Before I only enjoyed real heady experimental narrative fiction. If you typically like fantasy not sure how it is, but if you typically don't go ahead and read it

>> No.11052895

I wouldn't say Dark Souls but rather Michael Kirkbride's vision of the Elder Scrolls, in his way of hiding a science-fiction deep lore behind a facade of fantasy, and a narrative that requires some effort of decryption from the reader, with some elements that sometimes contradict each other. But I think I've already said enough.

>> No.11052999

>a narrative that requires some effort of decryption from the reader, with some elements that sometimes contradict each other.
that sounds dark souls as fuck

>> No.11053132

there is good short story by thomas ligotti called Masquerade of a Dead Sword: A Tragedie, it's that what you want.

>> No.11053145
File: 23 KB, 402x431, 1504242850775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wanted to make a rogue like cowboy game because of BM

>> No.11053148

>says it's set in the far future
>looks medieval
Welcome to Urth

>> No.11053150

>dark souls the book

you mean a book that would punish you at every page and sometimes make you rage in frustration to the point you quit and retry later? then try finnegans wake

>> No.11053155

also, you might like to read Book of the Long Sun, and then Book of the Short Sun.

>> No.11053173

There are only two really viable works considerable as "the Dark Souls of literature"

1) Time and the Gods by Dunsany, which is a collection of myths and legends about a fictional universe that reads like Borges and was openly stated by Tolkien and Lovecraft to be a primary inspiration for their respective works (and is far superior to either of their stuff IMO). It nails the mournful "fallen world once tread by gods but now left to languor" tone and is basically just a collection of semi-related lore about the world in which it takes place. If you're looking for "Dark Souls the book" in terms of the story and world of Dark Souls, go with this one.

2) Ulysses by Joyce, which has a reputation in literature similar to that of Dark Souls in video games. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything even slightly Dark Souls-related, but it is unquestionably the Dark Souls of literature because it's a very dense and rewarding read that requires a great deal of patience that people will call you a pleb for not understanding and which has a cult of critics that put it on a pedestal.

>> No.11053193

Read it it's great

>> No.11053220
File: 24 KB, 485x443, 1517907987699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has absolutely nothing to do with anything even slightly Dark Souls-related, but it is unquestionably the Dark Souls of literature

>> No.11053257

Don't be a fucking idiot. That anon made a very important distinction between two interpretations of what "Dark Souls-like" could mean, and if you can't realize that then fucking hang yourself you illiterate mongoloid.

>> No.11053329

It's one of the best science fiction novels ever written

>> No.11053341

dark souls is easy though

>> No.11053388

>Time and the Gods by Dunsany
good suggestion, seems interesting

>> No.11053420

Nigga what are our even talking about

>> No.11053441

Not really. They don’t share any similarities when it comes to characters, story, or setting. Really the only way they’re similar is the wanderer main character and the way you piece together the lore and world as you read. I haven’t come across any books that are really similar to Dark Souls but I don’t read a lot of fantasy.

>> No.11053454

Read some of the pulp goodness that inspired Dark Souls. Some stuff to start with:

The Coming of Conan by Robert E Howard
Swords and Deviltry by Fritz Leiber
The Swords Trilogy by Michael Moorcocks
The Dying Earth by Jack Vance

Then move on to Book of the New Sun, which is indeed pretty Dark Souls.

Also if you haven't played Ico and Hyper Light Drifter, do.

>> No.11053475

>Hyper Light Drifter

>> No.11054033

I would say berserk is more of inspiration in design and the type of fantasy then story.

>> No.11054042

try Harry Potter, it's the vidya of books

>> No.11054044

Joyce's Ulysses because of the artificial difficulty and inflated reputation :)

>> No.11054049

I really hope they don't streamline the next Elder Scrolls game. I really enjoy the world even if it isn't quite original.

>> No.11054075

I really badly want to know what fantasy novels Hidetaka Miyazaki read when he was younger.

>> No.11054145
File: 401 KB, 935x1315, 50A879F7-D7CF-40F3-8C13-18E105E2A156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s said Steve Jackson’s fantasy novels and the “Fighting Fantasy” “game books” were a big influence. He said his copy of “Titan” is a prized possession. Berserk and a few other manga are influences too.

>> No.11054177

Elantris by Sanderson
>Elantris was the capital of Arelon: gigantic, beautiful, literally radiant, filled with benevolent beings who used their powerful magical abilities for the benefit of all. Yet each of these demigods was once an ordinary person until touched by the mysterious transforming power of the Shaod. Ten years ago, without warning, the magic failed. Elantrians became wizened, leper-like, powerless creatures, and Elantris itself dark, filthy, and crumbling.

>> No.11054209

>“Fighting Fantasy” “game books” were a big influence. He said his copy of “Titan” is a prized possession.
why is miyazaki so kino

>> No.11054228

Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.11054240
File: 106 KB, 480x529, 1517911724009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a book thread on /v/

>> No.11054263
File: 34 KB, 644x800, AF4444BF-8501-4C0B-976D-69FA54E1A2DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this really "dark souls the book"?
>if not, then what is?
>I want more dark souls

>> No.11054278

I hope you realize the irony of you posting this while defending fucking Gene Wolfe

>> No.11054282

>lit is one person

>> No.11054375

right, the thread is about a book request
calm your autism

>> No.11054376

>$400 on Amazon
Fuck that noise

>> No.11054496

What about other people enjoying video games makes you so insecure?

>> No.11054527

tactics ogre is mint

>> No.11054540


>> No.11054549

it's fucking mint cunt

>> No.11054554

whats mint mean

>> No.11054556

he’a right you philistine

>> No.11054560
File: 83 KB, 414x640, C5737AC9-B7AB-4CEC-9405-6C6B80C54761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know much about them but it seems like that book is some kind of encyclopedia for the “game books” in that series. The actual books are regular price.

>> No.11054571

Not really. Even if “games before 2006” were all like Dark Souls that doesn’t mean that it’s wrong to like that it brought back that style.

>> No.11054598

Try Stephen King.

>> No.11054763

Requests threads are the cancer that is killing /lit/

>> No.11054772

>threads I don't like are cancer
make a thread you do like and fuck off

>> No.11054782

They are cancerous, and so are you.
And no, I’m going to shit up your shit thread.

>> No.11054788

nobody cares what you do
thanks for the bumps

>> No.11054796

>thanks for the bumps
>hasn’t noticed I saged this shit thread

>> No.11054816

my replies bump it my friend :^)

>> No.11054830

Then why thank me, you moron?

>> No.11054834
File: 131 KB, 637x445, 1520494491255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because without your shitposts, I'd have no reason to post my replies, hence no reason to bump the thread

>> No.11054855
File: 213 KB, 450x551, 1519065855102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11054871

I tried reading this and got through most of the first book but I couldn't stand the prose/dialogue, it felt very forced and "average fantasy", which isn't what I expected after hearing so much (from credible sources too, not just here) about how it was an example of truly literary fantasy. I appreciate that he wants to deal with serious themes but it seems like he's not equipped to do so in the department of actual writing skills.

>> No.11055355

is this b8?

>> No.11055362

I think the dialog is meant to sound a little clunky because the idea is that the author is translating it from another language

>> No.11055375

who calls it dark souls the book what are you doing

and what is dark souls: the book? something like dark souls in themes, aesthetic and character and lore or something REALLY REALLY REALLY HARD SO DIFFICULT because if that's the case fuckin physics textbooks are the dark souls

>> No.11055423

>literal translation

>> No.11055576


I wish all video gamers would be caught up in a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.11055583

stop the bully

>> No.11055647

Are there any video games similar to TBotNS or BM?

>> No.11055665

Planescape: Torment, maybe?

>> No.11055710

do you mean dark souls the book as in it is incredibly frustrating to read but extremely addictive?

>> No.11055885

No. More like Bloodbrone the book but even that's a long shot

>> No.11055887


>> No.11055927

Wolfe calls it Science Fantasy

>> No.11056256

dark souls

>> No.11056768

Caves of Qud