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/lit/ - Literature

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11051440 No.11051440 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /lit/ stand on literature as entertainment?

>> No.11051445

better than literature as homework

>> No.11051452

unrelated whats a decent fountain pen that wont break the bank?

>> No.11052051

pilot metro

>> No.11052077

the first job of a fiction writer is to entertain. If he cannot do that, he has failed.

>> No.11052126

I read to suffer

>> No.11052146

A good portion of it is entertainment.

A work of fiction can be both entertaining and edifying.

>> No.11052238

Reading is meditative and fulfilling to me. I'm lucky to be that way. Comfy mornings with a book and black coffee are my favourite times, man

It's most other things I really don't like tbqh

>> No.11052252

knowledge can be entertaining

>> No.11052488


What kind of heathenous mongoloids are on this board now? Jonesian /pol/lacks corrupting the fibre of our being, blaming the jews for needing to be entertained all the time

99% of you cant sit for more than 5 minutes without needing to suck the digital tit, wahh babby needs funfunfunfun

Classic corruption of soul, whatever happened to gaining knowledge for knowledges sake? Theres nothing enjoyable about reading the Greats (who write with dense meaning and lack of clarity because it makes them more desirable), 1000 page dusty ass tomes meant to make you barf just at the sight, endless diatribes discerning the difference between a a few words, thousands of years of intellectual tango between fundamental questions

Pleasure? Entertainment? Just quit now. Dont waste your time. Stick to the daily dopamine spoonfeeding, hours of vidya tv and *shiver* anime, get your dick wet to feel like maybe you arent so bad after all, emptiness without a phone in hand, maybe if i exercise and eat better i wont feel like shit, likes comments links mentions subscriptions selfies, get out of literature, go back to your cushy warm bed and wagie life

If you are psychotic and love pain then by all means read some great ass books but dont look for pleasure in them for fucks sake

>> No.11052537

Is this satire?

>> No.11052687

ITT: Retards

Literature isnt a thing. Fifty shades of grey is as much ‘literature’ as dantes inferno. Literature is a method of relating to the text and extrpolating meaning.

A ‘Stop’ sign isn’t literature until you analyze it from a formalist, post structuralist, new historicst etc perspective

Threads like this really tell me that most of lit is either at highschool or full of pseudo intellectual twats

>> No.11052891

>Literature isnt a thing.
So why are you on a board about something that doesn't exist? Go to /n/ and discuss the psychoanalitic interpretations of the "stop" sign and postcolonial metadeconstruction of traffic lights you pretentious semen-gargling fucktard.

>> No.11052910

>Literature isnt a thing. Fifty shades of grey is as much ‘literature’ as dantes inferno.
shoo shoo postmodernist

>> No.11052932

You're allowed to not be entertaining 100% of the time when you write, just don't be uninteresting.

>> No.11052953

>So why are you on a board about something that doesn't exist

he's saying "literature" is a mode of engaging with books not that it doesn't exist. jesus christ learn to parse a sentence before stinking a thread up with your vomit

>> No.11052968
File: 58 KB, 400x386, 0E2E43FE-1600-4D03-8B2E-186F21990BED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre fucking retarded hooooly shit

>mfw some pseudo intellectual retard who doesnt know they teach you this in sophomore year of college actually wrote that out

Heres a challenge: define what literature is.

>> No.11052996

I can't tell if you're memeing or just mad, but seriously take your half baked attempts at local superiority off this board. You're not half as smart as you think you sound

>> No.11052998

But he’s right you know.

Shakespeare in his contemporary time was considered lowbrow entertainment. Its actually scary how similar he and michael bay is.

However, we studied his texts, and looked at it from various perspectives, in other words, ‘literature’

The text never inherently changed, and 50 shades is as much literature as dantes inferno as long as theres one person analyzing it.

You brainlets might not like this but its true. Pretty much all of higher academia agree on this.

>inb4 brainlet tries to make fallacious appeal to emotion argument

Just fuck off

>> No.11053008

I never claimed to be smart. But lit is definitely full of retards.

I also have an english degree and currently teaching Literature so there’s that

>> No.11053016

i dunno how smart he is but the fact that the sort of basic shit he posted immediately makes people start crying about "postmodernism" means he sure as hell is right about this board being full of retards

>> No.11053045
File: 173 KB, 1152x1045, 63b85b54cb4f410fbe4592c646b57e66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true desu

I don't remember having any kind of development while searching for entertainment or being entertained, all the progress happened in other places, not seeking entertainment allows you for a different kind of development, learning patience might allow you to find new value in the ordinary

>> No.11053090

Tbh I understood that part, but I had already written the insults by then. It would be a pity to let such a nice shitpost go to waste.

Yeah, congratulations, you remember what you were taught in sophomore year, you sure are one very smart guy. I was taught that shit too, but in practical and simple discussions I don't have to fuck with casual readers, discuss semantics and be so much of a smartass. It doesn't fucking matter if literature is A METHOD OF RELATNG TO A TEXT on 4chan, in a thread unrelated to defining literature. You know what OP meant by his question but you just had to show off.

I pity your students.

>> No.11053118

Lmao why are you so mad?
Literature isnt a tangible thing. Its a method.

Get fucked moron lmao

>> No.11053139

What did you say? Your string of signifiers has no inherent meaning, so I couldn't understand anything.

>> No.11053146

That youre a moron lol

>> No.11053160


>> No.11053325


>pilot metro

Been using this for around a year or so. Writes great for the price. It's my go-to writing pen.

>> No.11054181

Putting any value into entertainment is pointless, as what's entertaining to one person is boring to another. If your work isn't insightful, it has no objective value. Those that say that books, or anything, are nothing more than entertainment should be dismissed out of hand.

>> No.11054330

this is reddit desu