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11051053 No.11051053 [Reply] [Original]

Should all Catholics read Summa Theologicae?

>> No.11051071

No. Most are laity in theology. As long as they have their sacraments and are faithful Catholics. If anyone wants to read the Summa, then awesome.

It's not morally obligatory, but it's morally praiseworthy.

>> No.11051098


It depends on who you ask: the people who are wrong, or the people who are right.

Let's take the wrong point of view first: no, not from the Catholic point of view, because it would mean that large numbers of laypersons would read it (and, horror of horrors, thereby form their own opinions of the work and probably misunderstand it). Catholics are religiously opposed to the masses reading books and thereby improving themselves, reserving this activity to a small minority of well-trained (inculcated) priestly class who repeat the literature just-right, thereby defending the cult.

Now some cheeky "culturally Catholic" (real Catholics and real Christians don't browse this website) fuckstick will be right on cue with an observation like: "yes, that's right, the masses really are dumb as fuck and can't be trusted with this sort of thing." Which /sounds/ right on this contrarian Nepalese basket-weaving discussion forum, exactly because the contrarian or edgy opinion is by default the right one. But in fact, it isn't. In fact, the free, literate and educated society is better than the largely illiterate, more intensively feudal one.

>> No.11051138

this is possibly the worst post i've ever read on 4chan, let alone /lit/

>> No.11051156

What a turdlinger

>> No.11051192


Aw, is the fuckstick upset that he got pre-empted and shut down? Your mother sucks cocks in hell. Would you like to leave a message? I'll be sure she gets it.

>> No.11051227


>> No.11051252


You'd like that, wouldn't you? It would be an easy explanation. The truth of the matter is that I've been browsing this site regularly since its creation, and I've spent something less than twelve total lifetime hours even looking at the other one. By all means continue saying nothing of substance.

>> No.11051263
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>> No.11051282
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>> No.11051285
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>The truth of the matter is that

>> No.11051291

>Should all Catholics read Summa Theologicae?
Should? No. They can find it and read it, sure, if they are even aware it exists and if they are philosophically inclined. But forcing every Catholic to read it would not be productive.

>> No.11051294
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>as the factor for our matter at hand

>> No.11051297


>when you win the argument on its own merits so hard that all that they can muster are various incredulous reaction images like a bunch of women

>> No.11051303

There is no argument. You gave an opinion and other people gave theirs and now you're all bickering. The lot of you can fuck off now.

>> No.11051314

No you FUCK off Bucko. Just because you don't understand the forcing this work onto all catholics would defame the bible is incredibly naive.

>> No.11051332

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11051337
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>you don't understand the forcing this work

>It depends on who you ask: the people who are wrong, or the people who are right.

>defame the bible

>> No.11051338

>implying I am
Im enlightened, I no longer feel those emotions of plebian structure. Deny it, but be prepared to be wrong.

>> No.11051341


>> No.11051342

Not an argument

>> No.11051344


Ironically I'm the author of the triggering (because correct) posts ITT and I didn't write this one >>11051314 , not that it matters. Your supposition that I had embarrassed myself in the first place is also unwarranted.

>> No.11051347
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>I no longer feel those emotions

>> No.11051353

wew, i have not laughed like this in a minute. thanks for just being yourself, anon.

>> No.11051361

If anything, it's confirmed.

>> No.11051374


Because you need it to be in order to spare your own ego. Similarly, whoever posted this >>11051227 (you?) had to believe to himself that I would frequent such a space, in order to make sense of me, when all that's going on is that I'm right and I win.

>> No.11051375

>all that's going on is that I'm right and I win.
Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11051378

Even if he was going to apply the whole "masses should be illiterate shtick," you didn't actually shut it down at all and only really said it'd happen

>> No.11051382


I am sorry for you that your reading comprehension is so poor.


Victory has already been achieved so there's no need to give you anything.

>> No.11051388

>I am sorry for you that your reading comprehension is so poor.
Could you explain how you went beyond merely justifying a prediction?

>> No.11051397

>Victory has already been achieved
uh bruh you basically shit your pants all over the thread. nothing has been achieved. there has been almost no discussion of OP's topic. now please stop embarrassing yourself, you'll feel bad about it later.

>> No.11051417


Again, the error here is the same as in this post >>11051344 .

>> No.11051419

Dont use my meme

>> No.11051422

stop making me use your meme

>> No.11051498

Listen I just want you to know that I appreciate your post and think that your replies were abrasive and hilarious. Good post, good opinions and good understanding of chan culture

>> No.11051544


>> No.11051552

>Listen I just want you to know that I appreciate your post and think that your replies were abrasive and hilarious. Good post, good opinions and good understanding of chan culture
Saving this for copypasta. Thanks.

>> No.11051765
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>> No.11052526
File: 28 KB, 499x322, 1499012871001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
