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/lit/ - Literature

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11047748 No.11047748 [Reply] [Original]


"Don't read that racist and misogynistic classic. Read this book by a strong brown female literallywho instead."

>> No.11047802

>Don't read westerns because guns r bad and muh toxic masculinity
>Don't read Old Man and the Sea because go vegan
>Don't read Vonnegut because where's muh stronk female characters
>Don't read anything written before 2005 because that's racist

Jesus fucking wept, who are these people?

>> No.11047821

Joke's on you, I only read weird conspiracy pamphlets left in public toilets

>> No.11047826

There's already been half a dozen threads on this if not more. There's already an active one in the catalog with Pynch's smiling face on it. We know you're triggered by those nasty feminazis but stop posting the same fucking thread endlessly.

>> No.11047827
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>My father loved The Old Man and the Sea, so I tried to love it. It left me unmoved. Mostly, I kept hoping the fish would get away without too much damage

>> No.11047840

Ohhh you can read who recommends it at the end. This is from Jeff VanderMeer. The guy is such a faggot

>> No.11047847

Yes, this. It’s stupid, almost everything in the “article” is wrong and their recommendations are mostly bad (though the Alchemist is truly trash). Still, who cares? Sage.

>> No.11047981

>Don't read these books by actual war veterans about war, read these books by neverserveds about war instead

>> No.11047991

Yeah but you can't ignore the fact that books about WWI have a serious problem with female and POC representation.

>> No.11048052

thread no 3424 on this and still everyone is missing the forest for the trees by getting triggered over the justifications. the whole point is that the article is by and for pretentious middle-class emotional wrecks who feel the compulsion to be "readers" but for whom actual reading is nothing but painful boredom punctuated by savage anxiety over "not getting it", like that dream where you came to a test unprepared and all the questions are gibberish except you're actually awake and trying to read infinite jest on the bus. the "alternatives" they suggest are just a smokescreen and the actual value is in telling you there's a racist joke near the end of "goodbye to all that" so you can refuse to read it in mock outrage without putting yourself through the hell that actually forming an opinion is for these people. your anger is pointless, you should be feeling pity.

>> No.11048078
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>> No.11048404

Mata Hari is one of the most well known and popular subjects of WWI literature.

>> No.11048468

Jokes on them because my pathological contrarianism is now compelling me to read all of these books.

>> No.11048519

Mata Hari was a Dutch woman LARPing as an oriental.

>> No.11048591

teaching women to read was a mistake

>> No.11048594


>> No.11048608

So? Dusty Springfield's an Irish woman masquerading as a country and western drag act, she's still the one singing Son of a Preacherman.

>> No.11048609

>12. The Bible
Instead: The Notebook by Agota Kristof
I weep

>> No.11048612

You can’t deny that feminists and male enjoyment are antithetical. They just keep proving it over and over again. Their hostility cannot be denied.