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/lit/ - Literature

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11045597 No.11045597 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you're currently reading and what you'll be reading after


Diophantus - Arithmetica (on last book)
Vilfredo Pareto - Manual of Political Economy (on Appendix)
Aristotle - Metaphysics
James Madison's portion of The Federalist Papers

Pappus - Collection (Books IV and VII)
John Maynard Keynes - The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
Ptolemy - The Almagest
Alexis De Tocqueville - Democracy in America

>> No.11045613

Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.11045627

What? I don't. I like myself very much.

>> No.11045691


>literature board
>no one reads actual academic material, everyone constantly shitposts about fiction

C'mon you guys we are trying to 'progress' here.

My OP is the only mention of real academic literature, and the best thread that existed all day was me basically telling everyone how Aristotle works.

>> No.11045701
File: 19 KB, 442x556, Edmund_Burke_by_James_Northcote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently reading Edmund Burke's speeches for a grad school class. Just got done with the speech about reconciling with the American colonies. It's interesting how accurately he diagnoses the American character, in a way that's still relevant today.

>> No.11045705


You dont even know what literature fucking means, get the fuck out of here.

>> No.11045757
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It's an extremely vague definition. Why the mods chose it for a board name is beyond me.

>Literature, most generically, is any body of written works.

>written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
>books and writings published on a particular subject.

Merriam Webster
>writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays.

What I've posted is literature. And the thing is, I appreciate and value different writings throughout the years. I have a historical interest in writings by scholars, not in textbooks. What you see pictured is one man writing. No different than a play or a book, but this man was being creative with partial derivatives and integrating factors within the science of economics.

America was in a beautiful little situation towards the end of the 18th century. Every now and then these moments happen within humanity: where they all have the unique opportunity to develop and define new governmental systems and instill revolutionary cultures in place. Perhaps we will see something like that in our lifetime.

Have you read the Federalist Papers? What did you think about them? I, personally, like James Madison much more than Alexander Hamilton because Madison has much better metaphysical arguments.

>> No.11045839

I actually think I'll go with Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolutions in France before Democracy in America, since this stranger on Omegle is telling me that Alexis De Tocqueville is largely a reflection of the ideas and thoughts of that writer. And I had just read Rousseau in the previous two months so it's still kind of fresh in my mind. I might go with that.

>> No.11045971

Fanged Noumena - Nick Land
Garfield Survival of the Fattest - Jim Davis
The Joy of Gay Sex - Edmund White
Infinite Jest - Tennis Boy

Capitalism=Gay - Hungry Santa
Finnegans Wake - James Joyce
Culture of Critique - Kevin Macdonald
The Davinchi Code - George RR Martin

>> No.11047404

I'm almost finished reading The Name of the Rose, which has quite a few theological and political dialogues and is making me quite interested in finding good histories of the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic church in Europe, in addition to relevant primary texts.

I have also been dipping my toes in The Republic, but my Plato readings are quite disorganised and I haven't spent much time with his other, more foundational dialogues like Meno.

>> No.11047525

oh my grandmother, what big brains you have!