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/lit/ - Literature

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11045341 No.11045341 [Reply] [Original]

Other thread hit bump limit

>> No.11045349

so glad it's warm enough to workout again, my mood is always better when i can run a couple miles a day

>> No.11045354

how to write political science essay without checking /lit/ every ten seconds

>> No.11045364

just spam marxist class analysis mixed with some woke identity politics, that kind of shit writes itself

>> No.11045366
File: 195 KB, 600x585, Hollow house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really lonely, and its shitty because I don't have the confidence to approach women. I try tinder and shit but that unleashes its own problems. Why are women so beautiful

>> No.11045367

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.11045379

dude it's about democracy in Japan

>> No.11045380

I can only view romantic relationships through certain ideals which are contrary to reality. I am aware of the state of reality and how it contradicts with my own ideals, but I can't give up the ideals as this would cause me give up on life. So I keep the ideals as a personal standard, despite their unreality, to hold onto them in the only way I can. This allows me to function to some degree, but has the adverse effect of causing me to remain alone. But I'd rather be alone than give up my ideals.

>> No.11045391

today was like the first summery day in the metro area and all the chicks were out with their yoga pants, so many perfectly round yoga asses everywhere, and now they have those new yoga pants with the translucent bits to make them even more revealing and sexual, too bad every perfect yoga ass has a big money chad next to it, although i did see these two blonde white girls in jeans and one had a unironic cowboyish hat, but they were probably just tourists who left their chads back in texas

im in shape my body is fairly chaddy desu but i always dress like a college kid or tech bro with a hoodie and baseball cap and shit, i dont know why but i just cannot dress like a fucking adult, u know why, its cuz im scared of ironing, i dont know how to iron shit so im not wearing a fucking shirt that needs to be ironed, i should watch a bunch of youtubes about ironic and get a chart of books on ironing so i can dress like a adult

>> No.11045392

By deifying them you're only worsening your chances. Be a more confident version of yourself and keep trying!

>> No.11045394

The materialist paradigm is unsustainable, Hegel is misunderstood outside of a Hermetic context, Nietzsche was a crypto-panentheist solipsist, Heidegger’s enframing problem is more obvious in young women than in men and this is why women are also bigger consumers of planned obsolescence products than males, Baudrillard’s hyperreality is more violent and schizogenic than he could have imagined, having respect for one’s instructors when they are standing in the light of the Real and chaining your soul is self-murder, being asked to sit down for most of the day is inhumane, the words “production”, “technological society”, “diversity”, “equal opportunities”, “market pressure”, “cognitive load” and “adaptability” are obscene, Shakespearean sonnets are decisively homoerotic (and also hermetic; and he was likely intitiated into Masonry); The US is a temple to an unseen god beneath the waves, beyond this plane; there is no truth to Landian thought beyond its acceptance of the absolute cannibalism of the techno-capital demon; /lit/ is one of the least interesting, most defeating uses of time I’ve ever fallen into; I read 200 pages yesterday without noticing; effort posting as exercise is virtuous, effort posting to get attention is cunning; effort posting to move others is debased. Memes are vicious assaults against the oversoula nd should be expunged from discourse; being calm or cool is not a vice if and only if it goes with a kind of urgency which is belied by cavalier detachment outwardly. Sex should be sought on one’s own terms, feeling the need to submit to social codes and mores to acquire a mate is pathetic, regardless of how far one’s fitness falls from this, there must be self-respect. Tranny culture was created by the intel agencies and private think tanks; you will never find the global elite they are old hidden dynasties who have long fallen away from the media’s attention, the schizo christian meme about Vatican spook families is relatively correct as is the /pol/ meme about hidden jewish royal families; Donald Trump is a cretinous gangster rw deepstate plant who is taking orders; the Alt-right was engineered by German-British-US mil-intel deepstate personal and is being funded by people from the Mayfair Set, the Land owning and Oil/Real Estate oligarchs and tacitly supported by defense-finance (see Schwarzman and Feinberg); twitter is a social experiment, this includes esoteric parts of the platform; CIA created Google, Eric Schmidt was Brin and Paige’s handler, Mossad controls Oracle not FB and Googsov which are CIA atlanticist outfits; Israel did not do 9/11 but rw mossad and defense people+international ziongangsters helped plan and organize the attack; The Bush family knows more about disclosure than any other group extant besides the now deceased David Rockefeller; Laurel Canyon conspiracy is typical for the arts; Pynchon is deepstate whistleblowing and friends with CIA agents

>> No.11045398


is japan not capitalist?

>> No.11045404

>Nietzsche was a crypto-panentheist solipsist

dropped, nietzsche was a crypto-catholic

>> No.11045410

no he was not his faith is Vedic, was taught to Gadharan warrior-priests and is native to the Aryan race

>> No.11045414

get a load of this kook

>> No.11045446

If by capitalist you mean a post-Keynesian hellscape, then yes.

>> No.11045477

I think that's what anyone means when they say capitalism these days.

>> No.11045487
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i am quitting 4chan, fuck this shit, its just been shit since 2016, it was always kinda bad but now its toxic, peace the fuckout

>> No.11045490
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I really don't know what i should major in
maybe marketing or law

>> No.11045598

I have a visceral need to search out and autistically argue with Marxists, not because I have notions of some grand political conspiracy against civilization, but because I feel as though Marxist thought provides a veneer of intellectualism and a shelter for mediocre, self-assured philistines. I believe this is because as a materialist ideology, Marxism is much more adaptable to explaining the issues of immediacy to these people through a sufficient amount of doctrinal epicycling. I have the same sort of sentiments toward our /pol/ friends, but the fact that they are not culturally enshrined as intelectuals like so many Marxists are spares them from most of my contempt.

>> No.11045620

Why do I always feel the worst in the springtime? I love spring, or at least I think I love spring. Yet I feel like I get the symptoms of SAD as soon as it warms up and everything looks beautiful. Is it just the winter catching up to me, like my mind and body lagging behind in experiencing the negatives of the last few months, sorta like how the ocean is hottest in early fall and coldest in early spring? I always feel best in the fall, even though I think I like summer best. In the fall I feel virile and outgoing and adventurous. It seems almost every spring I feel anxious and nervous. It's been happening for about 10 years now.

>> No.11045621

Become a petroleum engineer. Move to North Dakota. Make money hand over fist. Retire early. Live out the rest of your life as an ascetic free from the travails of society.

>> No.11045626

why do people use visceral wrong?
Also just go to a college then, I meet some communists and had discussions (thats right discussions not arguments) with them. They are always happy to talk but just don't go screaming at them
will do

>> No.11045632

Is visceral not a synonym for deep-seated?

>> No.11045640

Ty anon. I will.

>> No.11045647

It means a sort of gut reaction
most use it to mean violent because it sounds cool but it just means like having a violent feeling in your stomach

>> No.11045661

>synonyms: instinctive, instinctual, gut, deep-down, deep-seated, deep-rooted, inward;

your literally wrong

>> No.11045666

yo wtf i swear that shit didnt say 21st century schitzoid man like ten minutes ago

>> No.11045702

>since 2016
Do a backflip.

>> No.11045736

I decided to get out of my apartment for once and go out. Hit up a local coffee shop and chatted with a cute girl for a while. Didn't get her name or number, but I hope I see her again.

>> No.11045758

What city do you live in?

>> No.11045762


>> No.11045768


>> No.11045769

Holy Shit.

>> No.11045784

Houston. Were you there?
if you go outside it can happen to you too, you know.

>> No.11045792

Do you like it there? Are you from around there originally?

>> No.11045805

it's not as bad as everyone says. its a business-focused city, and some of the areas are heavy on manufacturing and not much else, but places like Midtown have a popular bar scene. there's so much different food that theres something for everyone there. lots of trees and parks. personally, i don't mind living here. sometimes being in the city can be restrictive, i like to be out enjoying nature. i'm from north texas and havnt been here long.

>> No.11045903
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It's difficult

>> No.11045911
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Well shit
Anyway don't start fights man, it only leads to you getting kicked out or getting beat up

>> No.11045925

do it anyway. don't be a baby.

>> No.11045933
File: 48 KB, 600x800, CdcnrqSVIAAWzL-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you just talk to random strangers at a shop?
also how do you enjoy coffee? It tastes bad to me.

>> No.11045969

she had a dog so it was easy, i just asked about it.

keep drinking coffee and you will enjoy it. same with beer.

>> No.11045978

Trusting (((google))) over your brother
go right on ahead using it, you have a visceral connection to that word, clearly

>> No.11045979

Is there a good coffee for first timers, like mocha?

>> No.11045990

yeah, mocha is pretty sweet, i'd barely call it coffee at all. thats what i usually get if i dont get a black, but they're expensive. you could ease into it cheaper with basic drip coffee and some milk, it's less bitter.

>> No.11046005

Give me a gf

>> No.11046009

I fell, I think. Not to ill, but from a place I thought I found grace. I haven not steeped back into a depression, but I have lowered my own standards of living, I seem to have lost my will to thrive in every situation. My car is a mess, my room is actually worse than It's been in a long time.
I seem to no longer feel divine, I no longer feel a spiritual presence when I talk to others. I know it not, but I can't help but feel that my soul and mind is over worked and taught.

>> No.11046044
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>> No.11046047
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>Anon, this is Marié. Marié, Anon.
>She enjoys art, boating on the canal, and baking bread from the bones of English swine

>> No.11046060

>but deep down i knew that we proud bantus had deprived the noble khoisan of their rightful clay and vital spirit

>> No.11046085
File: 88 KB, 500x500, Bernard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love u Marié...

>> No.11046096

>Go out to drink some beers with my friends
>While we're walking around kinda drunk I see some girls I know from college
>The remainder of the night I'm surrounded by women, get complimented, one of them is all over me, doing shit like randomly hugging me, taking every chance for physical contact she can, after a while she just doesn't let go of my arm for the rest of the night.
>Even offers to buy me some drinks so we can go to this party some of her friends might go to.
>We didn't do anything more though, the party got cancelled and everyone went home
I don't even know how I'm a 22 yo virgin when I keep getting constant female attention. Also. What do when I see this girl tomorrow in class and I don't give a fuck about her since I'm not drunk anymore?

>> No.11046100

stop pretending you are dominant is what you should do fag, lol’ing at you

>> No.11046102
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have a new reaction funny too

>> No.11046107

Just talk to her and invite her over and just fuck her hard since she wants it, don't be a faggot

>> No.11046117

get a nice jacket, some jeans, and a toothpick
sit right next to her but don't say anything

>> No.11046121
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Slowly dying of boredom, loneliness, lack of ambition. I find it overwhelmingly difficult to relate to people. I have no desire to succeed in a culture I abhor. Being alive is tiresome, but being dead is a bottomless horror.

>> No.11046124

>just fuck her hard since she wants it
Nigga, I don't even know how to fuck, what am I supposed to do.
Also, sorry if my post sounded too edgy or something

>> No.11046128
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>try to jerk off to some hentai
> the plot is actually good
the writing is very streamlined at times but on a few instances tropical kiss has some pretty good moments

>> No.11046134
File: 271 KB, 384x216, benis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you put benis in bagina

>> No.11046144

I love you anon

>> No.11046150
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At last I truly see

>> No.11046151

To be fair, it's a lot more complicated than that. Lubrication is important and occasionally awkward to apply. The hole isn't where you'd think it'd be. Contraception, if she requests it, is an ultra mood killer, especially if you're a virgin.

>> No.11046156

How is it hard to learn how to fuck? I'm assuming you've seen porn before? Just look up sex positions or watch some porn videos and look up how to go down on a chick properly. Women just want to be fucked it's not that hard, besides once you get started your instincts will kick in. Though don't be surprised if you don't cum the first time

>> No.11046160

Doing things for pussy is subhuman. Betraying friends, cheating, lying, ruining friendships, etc.. Doing it for pussy is revolting. It basically makes you some kind of common animal whose primary goal is fucking and humping. Humans are higher than the beasts because we can rise above our instinctive urge for pussy. Denying the urge for sex is literally what separates us from the animals.

>> No.11046163

>Lubrication is important
nigga you gay

>> No.11046166

I had coffee with a girl I knew in highschool
she's getting a psychology degree since her art degree didn't get her anywhere
why do atheists have to constantly remind you they're too smart for all that god stuff
a lack of spirituality is dull
makeup is disgusting

>> No.11046168

ja, but you must still engage with samsaric becomings, detached eroticism, versus bestial fallen libidinousness

>> No.11046169
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I want to get into studying spirituality but my time is very eaten up by college
Why don't you like makeup?

>> No.11046171

>makeup is disgusting
not as disgusting as women without makeup

>> No.11046172

90% of the time you won't need lubrication as long as you know foreplay correctly which can be remedied just by going down on her for a bit. The girl will help get the hole sorted out once you go to put it in but if you've gone down you should have an idea. Condoms suck you're right there

>> No.11046180

Depends on the girl and level of makeup

>> No.11046192
File: 233 KB, 1280x957, g21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked with my crush for a little while today. I was an awkward, flailing mess. Her texts are becoming less frequent. Anyway, she has a boyfriend, so what do I even think will happen? Everyone said there was an obvious energy between us, but that doesn't amount to much in the end. Self-esteem is at an all time low.

I always get my hopes up for the dumbest shit, and the comedown is always so hard.

>> No.11046193


>> No.11046198

a semi-attractive face caked in paint is so much less attractive than an ugly face with the right amount of it

>> No.11046199
File: 387 KB, 1080x1340, 1519460307777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /comfy/ up in here?

I'm about to get stoned and shit post all over lit.
Im so ready for this Sunday night.

>> No.11046201
File: 14 KB, 480x360, dfwmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm about to get stoned

>> No.11046202

I agree on that. Humans can't banish the erotic element of life; we do need to fuck to reproduce, after all. But you can't let it control you. You have to be able to say "no," even if it takes all of your strength.

>> No.11046204

Oh boy you are like me.

Distance your self from her, stop talking about her, stop thinking of her.

>> No.11046210

fuck her boyfriend

>> No.11046211

>tfw already Monday and I'm at work here

>> No.11046212

I love laugh and live sincerity

>> No.11046219

are you russian?

>> No.11046224

Worse, I'm Australian

>> No.11046234

Yeah, there's really no other recourse. I'm just torturing myself at this point. I get a lot of condescending remarks from friends about how people who think they're in the friendzone are manipulative, because they're only playing the part in order to get laid.

I do value her friendship, but I'm also attracted to her against my better judgement, and those two things just cannot be reconciled.

Gross. The guy is a 4channer and a social mutant - the ultimate irony. But he's also a tech wizard with a cushy job, and she's going to school to learn tech stuff, so I have no chance of impressing her unless she suddenly decides to give a shit about literature.

>> No.11046235

if you are handsome and sensual there is no need for foreplay anon

>> No.11046240

I would love to be Australian, not permanently though. Just for a year or so.

>> No.11046241

he sounds like a real faggot and she sounds like an annoying pleb
you'd do well to forget about her

>> No.11046243

if you need to do an activity to be impressive you are a fag, all the women interested in me were interested because i'm interesting, i don't do anything at all besides write and think

>> No.11046251

How come just for a year?

>> No.11046254

Ehh. She's a really odd duck, which is what I like so much about her. She's uniquely herself, possibly on the spectrum, and fully absorbed in her thoughts at any given time.

If chicks weren't guaranteed an infinite supply of male attention right out of the womb, I might have stood a chance.

>> No.11046260

That was kind of a weird response. All I meant was that she's really obviously drawn to people who share her interests, and I'm not one of them. I just like her because she is who she is.

>> No.11046274

>kind of
what did you mean to say?
>she's really obviously drawn to people who share her interests
irrelevant, you are either charismatic/dominant or you aren't
>i just like here because she is the whore sow that she is
i kno u do anon

>> No.11046818

i wish i could fast forward a decade or two, i hate being young.

>> No.11046823

Unless you're 2 yo a few decades is too much man.

>> No.11046852

You'll be saying the opposite once you're old.

>> No.11046872

Maybe family really is all you can rely on.

>> No.11046879

-Going to shave, wish me luck

-Getting caught up in the currents of life, however productive and outwardly succesful I may be when I do, just collects all my loneliness and despair in some deeper part of me and it all surfaces at some point

>> No.11046919

The fact that "unironically" will soon come to mean "ironically" is proof that modern """culture""" is a dead-end.

>> No.11046944

>Keynes bashing for no reason
It’s an abstract kind of feel

>> No.11046975

>Live out the rest of your life as an ascetic free from the travails of society.
hopefully one day I could afford this. I need to write nonstop every single day.

>> No.11046986
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I kinda like this one, I may give up on it for this week, it's not easy. idk uga buga

>> No.11046988

I once hit on a girl in bookstore. It's a long time ago, and she had a boyfriend at the time. They had broke up recently, and she had been trying to reach out to me but I'm already lost interest to have such a long term commitment. Too many dreams for a man yet so little time.

>> No.11047073

is it just me or has /lit/ been particularly bad this past week? there's not a single thread in the catalog that looks interesting. its all shit.

>> No.11047082

Now Sir Henry I tell you that highway robbery is only in its infancy for the white population is been driven out of the labour market by an inundation of mongolians and when the white man is driven to desperation there will be desperate times. I present my respects to the Sydney police

>> No.11047161 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 160x314, wojakkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not good at maths but I estimate I must've wasted anywhere from 12,000-15,000 hours of my life doing nothing but browsing 4chan. Am I a lost cause or what? What fucking do? I'm hobbyless and passionless and 19 years old, and it's not like I haven't tried to cultivate any hobbies or passions either out of desperation to try to stop being such a worthless Internet addict. I've tried lacrosse, football, writing, music, comic books, film, photography, and countless other things that are most definitely escaping my mind right now. No shoe seems to fit me. My father is an outdoorsman: a hunter, fisher, hiker, etc so I don't come from a completely TV-addicted couchpotato Amerilard background. And I grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, etc. but now I barely have a vague interest in any of it. I force myself to read books. The ones I do read are relatively short. At the end of the day I always seem to find my way back to www.4chan.org no matter what I try. I have no idea what to do with my life and suicide seems to me to be the most preferable option, as a social trainwreck pseudoNEET (just recently got a part-time job which I can barely function at) with zero aspirations in life and the crippling realization that his myriad ((("""mental illnesses"""))) are probably just a scapegoat for an innate laziness and mediocrity that his siblings similarly suffer from.

>> No.11047176

he thought today would fluctuate, tired of the trait that keeps him sedated and unable to cross through the gate, wondering when fate will cast off that weight and allow him to relate and hydrate instead of deviate. Nervous, clawing toward the surface trying to find a purpose before this existential service cuts the circuit and throws him into a furnace, to crumble and crumple amidst this rubble. Thoughts that lead me to you, wondering how you do, how you’ll do, and how soon I’ll become a who.

can an abject defect reject these strings tied deep in a previous aspect, fertilized by a resilient youthful innocence ignorant of how things truly were different. How station determines the duration of our rumination and affects a relation. A break from the warring internal state is the answer before it becomes a cancer. Plaster this disaster into a memory to never take after. Isolated in a prison of contempt, messy synapses unkempt.

his perception becomes deception. How can he be seen when he cannot glean the gene which causes these obscene drops in dopamine? Struggling, taken under by the wake, tired of the need to fake and never feeling awake, when is daybreak?

>> No.11047235
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I'm not good at maths but I estimate I must've wasted anywhere from 12,000-15,000 hours of my life doing nothing but browsing 4chan. Am I a lost cause or what? What fucking do? I'm hobbyless and passionless and 19 years old, and it's not like I haven't tried to cultivate any hobbies or passions either out of desperation to try to stop being such a worthless Internet addict. I've tried lacrosse, football, writing, music, comic books, film, photography, and countless other things that are most definitely escaping my mind right now. No shoe seems to fit me. My father is an outdoorsman: a hunter, fisher, hiker, etc so I don't come from a completely TV-addicted couchpotato Amerilard background. And I grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, etc. but now I barely have a vague interest in any of it. I force myself to read books. The ones I do read are relatively short. At the end of the day I always seem to find my way back to www.4chan.org no matter what I try. I have no idea what to do with my life and suicide seems to me to be the most preferable option, as a social trainwreck pseudoNEET (just recently got a part-time job which I can barely function at) with zero aspirations in life and the crippling realization that his myriad ((("""mental illnesses"""))) are probably just a scapegoat for an innate laziness and mediocrity that his siblings similarly suffer from.

At this point in my life I'm pretty much the transatlantic, "lite" version of Londonfrog only less bitter and "blackpilled" and also not a binge eater. And I'm sure at this point Londonfrog is only halfheartedly regurgitating the same posts day in and day out because his status as an incessant troll gives 'im a giggle, and perhaps he's not even one person anymore, meanwhile I'm being entirely sincere and my one and only self with this post, so I'd like some advice

>> No.11047241
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>> No.11047259

why did the landlord rent a room to that stupid fuck? i hate the proletariat

>> No.11047273

>19 years old
>12,000-15,000 hours of my life doing nothing but browsing 4chan
That's like, 4 years of 10 hours every day? Fucking impressive.

>> No.11047276

Why are we so afraid of 'failing' with human interactions? We're generally fine with failing at other stuff. Let's say you start learning how to play the guitar. When you start you're terrible, and failing over and over is a large part of the process of learning. You pick up the guitar expecting to fail and learn from whatever mistakes you make. Sure, constant failure might put you down, but you weren't afraid of the failures at the start. But when it comes to interacting with other people, many are afraid to even start. Why is it not viewed as a learning experience like with an instrument?

>> No.11047279

Nope but I've been here since 2010, used to browse on my phone throughout the day back in highschool as well as at home, and on top of that there was a 1.5 year stretch of me being a complete NEET which probably averaged out to 11 hours a day

>> No.11047280

Probably because a guitar is an inanimate object.

>> No.11047377

The fire is often lost in the water, like a child is lost in the crowd. You may scream, but always remember, you are a child. Good for you! Laugh, you may! Pray forever, though, for you are gifted with light. The light is often lost in the dark.

>> No.11047419

So are social situations

>> No.11047481

I'm writing an adventure story. It's called Happy Ending. It's about a boy named Hero, an agoraphobic girl called the Window Watcher, who Hero brings to the outside world, the princess of their domain, known as the Idiot Princess for her regularly foolish actions, and a smuggler known as Escaper and his ship the Sneak, which the four of them sail with to a new land to procure a peace from a neighboring hostile nation. At the end of things, Hero and Escaper both give up their lives to ensure the journey is a success, and the Happy Ending is a meloncholic lie, with Window Watcher returning Hero's body to his mother, and her only relief being that unlike his father who was lost at sea before his birth, Hero actually comes home.
As a writer I've always made stories centralized on one character's internal struggle, usually they're dark and have a pessimistic outlook, and I wanted to see if I could do something totally opposite to that without feeling hammed or not genuine.
So far writing this story its made me cry a few times, I'm having a lot of fun.

>> No.11047603

you're an inanimate fucking object

>> No.11047652

pls no bully

>> No.11047664


>> No.11048431

see u tomorrow

>> No.11048484

Do you ever get really frustrated not for any particularly big reason and start to hate everything?
Then you realize all those things aren't the things you hate, and it makes your hatred grow even stronger....

>> No.11048485
File: 71 KB, 750x563, IFBG_MACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoulville. Big Poo. EASY MONEY. Cryptids are interdimensional memory leaks? NO PARTITION. All onions and no lay makes Chad a very gynomastic boy. Backdoor and Neubaten. GO. 5x5

>> No.11048569

I think this has nothing to do with the guitar being inanimate, like >>11047280 pointed out, since we're not afraid of failing itself, but by others judging us. Imagine you have to play the guitar in front of thousands, and sucking at it. Imagine it's your first time playing basketball, and your jerk teammates are laughing at you. Same with human interactions, because you know that if you talk to someone like an aspie, you will be remembered (judged) by that person as an aspie.

That said tho, don't let me discourage you from social interaction. Try your best even if you are miserable, since it is all about trial and error.

>> No.11048616

these threads are basically twitter without character limit

>> No.11048654

Containment thread for off topic discussion.
Also doesn't have the word containment in the title, so (some) off topic posters subconsciously filter themselves by posting here instead of further polluting the rest of the board.

>> No.11048677
File: 536 KB, 600x229, 1520782016310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got to go on a date with a woman who likes me back and the sperg from our department would not leave us alone. I was so nervous about things going well, and they did until he showed up. to say i'm livid is an understatement.

>> No.11048723

Does this sound like it would have the slightest chance of being remembered if a good writer wrote it

>science nerd winds up apprenticed to a magician who’s more interested in using her for child labor than teaching her magic
>screwed over by centuries of magicians, warlocks and alchemists whose elitism and secrecy led them sabotage their own note, the MC must come to understand magic on her own through science

>> No.11048823

Harry Potter and the Scientific Method was already written, dude.

>> No.11048847
File: 259 KB, 800x1015, William_Blake_-_The_Temptation_and_Fall_of_Eve_(Illustration_to_Milton's_-Paradise_Lost-)_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but then I felt great as each stride followed the other, the hind muscles tensing and relaxing, hips swaying floral patterns, pale, pink. Posing in stop aware of turns head towards eyegazed mischief and lipsmirked, knowing. Diverting your eyes, but smile. She wins the second, but you close in and say Hello, [Hello, whoeveryouare], I was just going to ask you what kind of dog that is and I've realised now that that's probably not your dog at all? Smile and chuckle, anxious, awkward - but an indifference too that makes it all charming. Her sneering, annoyance gone to warmth, worth. [Goodbye divinity. I was once charmed, but I am on my way to work now. I shall sniff that arse another day.]

>> No.11048848

Except this isn’t a Harry Potter fanfic, there’s no school for magic, and her best friend is a disgruntled frycook with a colorful vocabulary who hates her

>> No.11048914

you never hear disgruntled used except to describe workers. Like no one uses disgruntled NEET as much as you can. Disgruntled human. Disgruntled baby seems fun. Ever meet a disgruntled baby?

>> No.11048994


>> No.11049092
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>> No.11049108

AntiSJW is the new paradigm, the new philosophy. Postpostmodernism is dying

>> No.11049175

i just took a shower and as i lathered and scrubbed a large fly landed on the windowsill next to me and i watched with mild interest as it struggled and gradually expired, haha, reverse dickenson, bitch!

>> No.11049197

How would you describe Japan econonically?

>> No.11049250

What should i study /lit/?
i'm thinking about philosophy and some engineering. i suppose i would be less lonely studying philosophy but idk. pls hepl

>> No.11049258

How can I get over the feeling of regret over not doing pholosophy in uni?
I'm doing a pretty shitty stem major currently, and it's not bad but every few weeks I get this episode of regret and I start to hate my major and all the maths and boring facts and plan on switching to philosophy in the next semester.
Please tell me why I shouldn't switch.

>> No.11049261


>> No.11049585

Yes it does sound edgy, white person saying nigga like a braindead normalfag.

>> No.11049593

I'm not aware of the reason for this impulse, or where it came from, what I hope to achieve, but I am quite enjoying spitting in his food and drink more and more. I serve him a shot, which I have swished around in my mouth and spit back into the glass most often.
I don't know if I want him to be disgusted or delighted. I don't know why in doing it.

>> No.11049673
File: 17 KB, 500x376, 1523410208296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, i'll just fail the paper and study for the final
>i hate art history, specifically architecture

>> No.11049709

I don’t want to leave my bed tomorrow or have to interact with anyone. I just want to read in bed.

>> No.11049921

why not plow her and move on?

>> No.11049983

I feel angry and frustrated as fuck and I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with it on the emotional level.

>> No.11050150

I'm trapped desperately consuming empty entertainment trying to perpetually numb myself to reality, a reality that if I stopped consuming to fully consider I imagine I would weep. The numbing effect is beginning to wear off however, and I can feel the dread building slowly in my stomach. FUCK, why is popular culture so shit these days, if I'm going to labour for this sick society at least have the decency to keep me distracted.

>> No.11050155

Then deal with it on a physical level. Achieve something. Climb a hill.

>> No.11050184
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>> No.11050219 [DELETED] 

i don't know what to major in i have to choose something by the end of this semester for financial aid. i want to do something in humanities because those classes are the only thing i like about uni (complit and history classes have been my favorite classes). i dont like the other classes especially the stem classes they were really boring.
although i know i wouldn't get a job even if i did stem because i don't talk to anyone
i just want to stay in my room and read

>> No.11050237

i don't know what to major in i have to choose something by the end of this semester for financial aid. i want to do something in humanities because those classes are the only thing i like about uni (complit and history classes have been my favorite classes). althoufh i dont know what jobs i can even get with those other then becoming an academic which i havr no talent to become. I dont like the other classes especially the stem classes they were really boring.
although i know i wouldn't get a job even if i did stem because i don't talk to anyone
i just want to stay in my room and read

>> No.11050348


>> No.11050355

i feel u, architecture is the worst part about art history, especially memorizing all the bullshit parts of churches and mosques and shit, who gives a shit

>> No.11050356

>normie """problems"""

is this what you guys preoccupy yourselves with unironically?

>> No.11051181


>> No.11051567

I want to be done editing my novel as soon as physically possible while still creating something publishable.

Now realizing that if I do the bare minimum the identity of my villain is painfully obvious, his motives are unclear, and two of the major themes of the novel really aren't there. To fix this however, I'm basically going to need to re-write my entire novel from scratch

I'm not sure what the right way to proceed is and I'm so stressed about it that when I came home from work today I fell asleep and didn't wake until 11:45pm

>> No.11051700

I fucking hate calculus. I fucking hate chemistry. I just want to study philosophy all day but I wasn't blessed with the material security that would make that possible.

I'm pretty sure everyone hates me and I feel like a ghost. Even on imageboards nobody responds to me, and I've been regressing into myself, despite having a vague sense that this isolation is all in my head. I was so happy and personable for so long. Now I'm lonely, invisible, and filled with self-loathing.

>> No.11051716

I don't anybody expends the energy to hate you

>> No.11051733

i'm late, sorry, but this is beautiful

>> No.11051838

yo i just read that the dude who mowed down all the people in toronto was a disciple of the supreme gentlemen, any of u dudes heard anything? was he redpilled? was he woke on evolutionary psychology? give me a quick rundown, should i check /r9k/? usually /pol/ has the dirt on muslim nutjobs, but this guy is from a different discourse of ressentiment

>> No.11051846

thanks. confirms for winks, clicks wire. goneboy gone.

>> No.11052044

You ever tried learning an instrument? It's great for your memory and attention span in addition to being fun

>> No.11052094

I I i

Me me me

>> No.11052320

Some days I'm pretty happy, some days I'm very sad and wish I could slip out of my mind. I know that mystics lament the lack of a language for our interior lives and mystical experiences, but I lack a language even for mundane life. Nothing I say feels like it has any substance and I can't tell what's authentic and what's not, and I don't really know what most words mean, I don't think.

I feel tired

>> No.11052322

I was all ready for my first go with psychedelics, but I chickened out and only took half of an already very small dose. Don't think I'm going to get any effects desu.

>> No.11052472

I didn't get kicked out of grad student today.

Six days of psychotic despair, plans for suicide, nonstop icy panic in my chest, all that shit. Find out: Nothing. Feel nothing. Just "ah, OK, well at least the icy pain in my chest will fuck off for a while."

If I was -50 for 6 days, why am I not +50? For even a few hours?

>> No.11052486
File: 40 KB, 500x484, 22616574d98dad68b3314ea8223c088a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did I waste 2 years of my life doing literally nothing

>> No.11052506


Better start doing something anon, or else that 2 will turn into 5 and then 7 and then 10...

>> No.11052514

I got a part-time job, picked up a guitar, and started learning French but I'm not too passionate about any of it.

>> No.11052549

I used to have your problem. It all changed when one day a girl approached me to ask me for my number. The whole experience has entirely changed my view on women. I'd always known I was more attractive than average, but I'd never really thought I was good enough looking to have a 7/10 qt walk up to me! Initially I didn't even realize she was asking for my number and I came off very cold (of course it doesn't help that this girl had no idea how to do a cold approach and came off autismo as fuck but this really just adds to my greater point). I gave her my number and I could see her hands physically shaking from nerves as she put it into her phone and then she quickly scurried away.

Now I was never some kind of /r9k/fag who analyzed women as some sort of foreign aliens, I'd always kind of understood the whole "b urself" and "women aren't special" thing and hell I'd had one-night-stand type of things prior to this. But seeing this girl, who most would consider fairly attractive (certainly most on 4chan), turn into a nervous wreck trying to get my number, and then getting to know her and all of her problems, it really humanized her in a way that you won't get anywhere other than personal experience. And subsequent relationship experiences have really only reinforced this. I think that's the problem with a lot of forever alone-types on this site; too many guys have this unrealistic, almost inhuman view of girls as these super-confident all-knowing archetypical beings, when in reality most women are almost kind of autistic. It'll never actually click in your mind until you experience it, but to get there in the first place you have to stop putting women on a pedestal.

>> No.11052551

God give me strength to kill myself before the day is over.
At least have a drunk driver hit me fatally or something.

>> No.11052660
File: 1.31 MB, 3840x2160, 1524404545331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've blown 9 years (from graduation to now) literally waiting around to die at my parents and i've failed at every thing

>> No.11052741

Idk, how did you?

>> No.11052827

Eat right
Work out
Get a job
Go outside

It's literally that simple, everyone. Hard as fuck. but simple.

>> No.11052847

>Get a job
This is the difficult part anon, most jobs available are soulless and unfulfilling, not to mention completely unnecessary. Why should I spend time helping some corporation peddle it's consumerist garbage? The ones that don't fit this pattern are hard to come by and more often than that don't pay well.

>> No.11052848
File: 120 KB, 680x498, IMG_2597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember saying this in 2014
And 2015
And 2016
And 2017

Yet here we are

>> No.11052869

There are a ton of different jobs out there, I'm sure you havn't exhausted all your options.

The obvious answer to your question is: to get paid. You work to meet your lifestyle needs. If you want to do something else, your passion towards your ideology must surpass your loss of lifestyle benefits.

>> No.11052870

>Get a job.
Yeah if only it was *that* easy.
>Eat right, work out.
I already bench 1.5 bodyweight and deadlift 2.5, not helping
>Go outside
and look like a fucking creep alone?

>> No.11052873

I didn't say the job you wanted. Nice lifts.

You don't look as weird as you think you do. Tell the voice in your head to shut up. You don't look out of place or awkward.

>> No.11052885

>I didn't say the job you wanted
lol i couldn't even get a fucking unpaid intern stint at 8 different call centers I applied and interviewed for, just fucking come and kill me already

>nice lifts
ty. my squat is awful and needs work

>> No.11052892

You misunderstand me anon, _my_ job position is fine. I'm still a lazy underachiever but I'm living the life compared to a lot of posters here. My point is that I understand why the depressed, alienated /lit/ poster is unable or unwilling to get a job.

>> No.11052904
File: 232 KB, 1165x747, 3e72n434860918763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i lovehate sleep


i lay down, not gently, to slumber
and murmured an untranquil note.
as sleep gathered hands round my throat,
light sank where shadows outnumber.

that sleep which came, not untroubled
by dreams devoid of volitions
brought tenebrous apparations
that out of obscure springs bubbled

grey half-light, obliquely gleaming
through bent lands, sent rays mis-angled
to shine upon strange skies spangled
with light and with shadows teeming.

there were no sights, only hazes
and captive thoughts occupying
strange passageways ramifying
in uncannily shaped mazes.

no borders there were, only middles
of realms where all paths are inbound,
and through the weird skeins that unwound
there were no lies, only riddles.

there was no truth, only omen,
like a dark door waiting agape,
and the urgent need to escape
and the sense of unseen foemen.

>> No.11052917


well you found/took a nice squirrel photo

>> No.11052919

well you should follow that sympathy up with some advice or encouragement. if it helps even one person to start to get out of their hole then it would be worth doing.

>> No.11052929

Become a photographer anon. It will give you a reason to get out and it's a profession that normies love.

>> No.11053035
File: 107 KB, 645x773, 1512437967163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a brainlet and cant understand any philosophy i try to read, and im sure anything in literature beyond a surface level understanding goes right over my head
i just want to write poetry but im too dumb and thoughtless

>> No.11053113

I'm trying to learn guitar right now.
Highschool graduation I'm assuming?
Within the past few months I've become 2 for 4, and will be 4 for 4 in a month once I start hitting the gym with a friend. My mood has improved but fuck me if I still don't feel like a complete neurotic mess deep inside. Doesn't help that I'm lazy and entitled. >>11047235 is me, btw.

>> No.11053125
File: 83 KB, 498x960, CEzBdMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jobs aren't supposed to be fulfilling, fulfillment comes from everything you form around that job, like when you are working to feed your family, at that point it doesn't matter what you do, but it matters greatly that you wake up early every day and do it (this is a low hanging example), I don't understand people who find fulfillment in a damn job, be it a doctor, lawyer or engineer, they must have swallowed some happy pills

>> No.11053166

>i just want to write poetry but im too dumb and thoughtless
ever heard of rap?

>> No.11053168 [DELETED] 

Odd how this post just begins what will be almost the end for others.

>> No.11053222
File: 42 KB, 645x773, 683845311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disagree anon, there's no reason your labor shouldn't be fulfilling. Partially for the reasons you describe, but also from a sense that you're doing something that helps society. The problem is that the notion of work has been distorted from something you do for your fellow man to something you do to accrue (materialistic) wealth.

>> No.11053243
File: 129 KB, 750x726, Ar4BeO8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why in a month? start doing body weight exercises while you wait for the gym membership, actually only doing them is a great improvement, you won't believe how far you can go with push ups/pull ups/dips/squats/etc. combined with a proper diet and adding running/push ups combo every other day, it will improve your posture and make you look more fit and healthy

main thing is to reach your limit and get your muscles really tired, doesn't matter how

you won't look like Schwarzenegger but it will do enough so you don't feel like killing yourself every time you stand naked in front of a mirror, I was so skinny that I remember thinking "damn, if I was a girl and saw this body, I would kindly refuse to do anything with it", now it's a different story though

the good thing is that it only gets better the more you work,

>> No.11053281

doing something to accrue materialistic wealth doesn't remove the part of doing it for your fellow men, a farmer might run his farm to maximize profit but he's still providing food for the population (if the hunt for profit hurts the population then it's another story, but that's not what I'm aiming at), I think that capitalism, while having it's flaws, is doing a great job at hiding the fact that the work done is still for the greater good, it might also be one of the reasons it's so efficient, people work harder if they have egoistical reasons to do it

>> No.11053285
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Oh god this is me, right down to the age. Literally the only thing I've been really passionate about for the past few years is my oneitis, but I finally realized that wasn't happening a few months ago. Of course that led to a massive depressive spiral I'm just now starting to escape.

My problem, that I've yet to find anyone that relates to, is that while I enjoy things, there's nothing I enjoy enough to make life worth living. I like things like having a good cup of coffee, reading a funny post, walking in the warm weather, going outdoors, and reading poetry. But none of those things are enough, they're in some sense peripheral to my existence. It seems like everyone else has some drive, something they identify as. They're a photographer, a gamer, a writer, a scientist. I don't, I don't fucking know who I am.

>labels are a meme anon!
I fucking know, but the idea behind the label is not.

The worst part is I don't see this "archetype" I seem to fill represented anywhere outside of trash heaps like this place. The closest I've ever came was in "The Outsider", a sociologic work by Collin Wilson that explores various outcasts in literature and real life. it fucking nailed most of my traits down, but ultimately ended with an admission that there was not a clear solution to these problems.

Like the anon I'm replying to, I would be eternally grateful for help. Just to preempt some common responses
>get a job
I have one
>go to school
I'm in school
>get hobbies
I have loads
I do
>follow this meme philosophy
Tried, didn't work
>join an extremist political group
modern "revolutionaries" are almost all dumb as fuck

>> No.11053323

>>go to school
>I'm in school
>>get hobbies
>I have loads
My friend, then you aren't quite like me. I wish I could consider the things I do every once in a blue moon, such as hunting or fishing, hobbies, but I simply can't. And I'm not in school, I'm simply too lazy for that.

>> No.11053356

Jordan Peterson

Not joking

Or maybe just Nietzsche, he can give you a good kick in the ass

>> No.11053369
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At least you can organize your thoughts and write with admirable clarity.

You're not a lost cause at 19. Be thankful that you have energy, and are not a binge eater. Find something to channel your energy into, even if a modest thing, a simple craft, and something may bloom out of that. Find the shoe that fits, or the strap of leather you can mold to your foot. Pray, maybe, for guidance.

>> No.11053390

who's your favourite poet?

>> No.11053458

Keats or Rimbaud

>> No.11053469
File: 411 KB, 628x486, presidentandvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember being interested in a girl last year. I actually stumbled upon her a few time in a period of four months. The last time I saw her with a large group of people at a table. When the group disbanded she stayed there with another guy. They exchanged eye contact, got up fast and left the establishment. Her social media didn't indicate any relationships. They went to her/his apartment to fuck. I'm pretty sure of it. That kinda killed my libido for a few hours. What a shame. She had a great ass.

Oh, about your problems. A wise woman told me 6 years ago that I will need to define everything for myself. From the simple stuff to the more complex things. Maybe you should take a break from looking at the world and try to figure out what's important to you when you filter out the external influence. Your views might be diametrically opposed to the things that you believe in right now. I know when I browse forums or news sites or get exposed to some depressive shit, I get in a mode that isn't really representing my true self. I tend to disagree to most of the things that I expose myself to, but I act like they were the highest of truth. pic related

>> No.11053506

I just stumbled upon vrporn.com and I'm not sure how to feel about it. Is this the future?

>> No.11053521

Japan is a Keynesian nightmare in which pointless, destructive and wasteful civil engineering projects are vital for the continued employment of a sizable portion of the population

>> No.11053532

does anyone else kinda miss the lolbertarians at this point?
they were retards but they seem so kindhearted compared to the retards we have to deal with today

>> No.11053626
File: 250 KB, 477x359, 59819859-FA5F-4AB7-8F77-38BB7E2E1274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday i come home from work thinking today will be different and I won’t play video games, that I’ll read and study, but I never do. Truly a tragedy.

>> No.11053632

I can already imagine the disappointment of the one expecting something out of me.
I just too lazy to read more than two sentences. But at least I am preparing mentally to somehow get away and breath one more day.

>> No.11053640

I am pumped right now, I've started lifting weights and just doing basic strength training and already have a pretty solid cardio routine. A year from now I am going to be /fitlit/. I don't know what the feels for this will be but I'll let you know when I get there /lit/.

>> No.11053695

Have any of you found therapy helpful? I think it would be nice, but the odds of finding someone who can relate to my issues is probably very low.

>> No.11053706

I hate it, i can't tell if they are lying to me or not.

>> No.11053708

People who talk about their intentions are less likely to make them happen. 99% of people who take pleasure in thinking about how fit they will be in the future never get there. I hope you're the 1%, anon.

>> No.11053734

So far, no. I've only had boomer women therapists though and I think the vast majority of their patients are other unhappy boomer women, so I don't think they're very well suited to deal with a young male mindset, especially in our current extremely online climate. Also none of them have seemed particularly intelligent. Think of all the stupid psych majors you know in college. Those are your future therapists.

>> No.11053755

I have an essay that I need to write, but I'd rather just keep writing poems.

>> No.11053762

Struggling to focus on my work, I recall his advice: 'Son, you're a lazy piece of shit.' I smile and nod. Thanks, Dad. I put away my phone and open my laptop. Netflix looks better on the big screen.

>> No.11053774
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>> No.11053776


Copypasta. Took it dtraight from KennedyBass from somethingawful. I’ve seen this gem on reddit too.

>> No.11053794

Yeah, the idea of someone giving you baseless compliments instead of actually working with you is really off-putting.
I once read that men should never go for female therapists, and that's probably good advice. But when it's hard to find people like you even on 4chan, things start to look hopeless. I guess I'll try one or two at my uni and see if it helps, because it's still better than keeping it all up in your head.

>> No.11053797


I just made it up now lol. But it's a pretty common experience so wouldn't be surprised if it's been written in similar words before. Got a link?

>> No.11053827
File: 61 KB, 850x400, Unger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck passion. Duty and dedication are skills to learn. Learn to be dutiful by accepting some responsibility and do it with dedication so that when the time comes that you want to quit or when you think you don't need to do it anymore, you can recognise and explore that separate voice that allows you give up a task. If it is only a feeling, if you're are too tired, remain dedicated enough to the whatever task you choose and change your life around doing that task with as much energy as possible.

All that seems like too much, but it can be as simple as a chore you do for another person or yourself like taking your friends or family's dog for a walk, or building or maintaining something within your room, like your computer or chair.

Especially doing things for others will help solidify the experience of being dutiful because we're all receptive to validation. The fact that you learn to be dedicated to anything in time will pay off on whatever you become passionate about something later.

That you have no passion now doesn't mean you wont be filled with passion later in life, and if you think you know yourself so well to know you'll always be without passion, you should spend more time working for others' passions - it's how most zombies get their brains and eat it too.

>> No.11053840
File: 13 KB, 220x330, 1486960151024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned that "winch" can mean "to kick in impatience" and the phrase "can't winch the pynch" came to mind. I laughed at my own joke for five minutes like a brainlet and was about a shitpost thread about it , but thought better of it and decided to post here instead.


>> No.11053877

Marketing is gay imo. Do something you can take pride in

>> No.11053881
File: 258 KB, 1701x1235, Ralph-Waldo-Emerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you put yourself in the mindset of an entrepreneur, you'd not look at all corporations as evil and soulless but as groups of people without the right values or ethics, and, if you're able to do the same type of job with a company of your own that supported these values and ethics, you'd most likely have a hard time not going to work. It's our responsibility to push our values into workplaces when and where possible, just as we would if we were politicians. If you can't find the company, but know the business, then maybe you've just stumbled onto a market. This is the mindset that isn't defeated, that is capable of encouraging itself while being aware of the reality of the marketplace.
Anon's all over this site don't strive anymore, don't strive towards objectives, cooperation, or seemingly even success - unless that comes from another part of their life.

Wonder what implicit media bias games have now?

>> No.11053904

Or go into marketing and make it less gay by showing some effort

>> No.11053910

Don’t be excited for a future reward, enjoy the progression.

t. 8 months ahead of you

>> No.11053954
File: 10 KB, 180x275, Thedevilinhills00pave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kindhearted lolbertarian
>obviously has something to trade cause he hasn't tried to take my land or guns yet.

So I see you're back and you brought goods. Shall I call them a tribute and ignore you while you do whatever it is that you want to fucking do on my property?

>> No.11053976
File: 33 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my communications teacher, he always talks about trump and politics
So in order to get back at him for wasting my time for almost a quarter of a year i'm going to go FULL POLITICS on my final speech
I'm talking conspiracy theories. He wants me to bring a prop so i'll dress up in black with a tinfoil hat, i'll be hyperactive and start pacing the room, i'll give the audience rhetorical question mixed in with real questions, it's going to be alex jones level insane

>> No.11053993

how about dropping an actual conspiracy sincerely instead of ridiculing something for laughs

>> No.11053994

I think I am in love

>> No.11053996

If only everyone quit smoking and started jogging we could achieve immortality. Why does Trump want to stop this from happening?

>> No.11054007

If i put up facts for the military industrial complex with sources while also being a little manic, would that be a good half way point?

>> No.11054008

> getting political in academia
> throwing away your grade
I'm in the same position with my English prof, just smile and nod these last few days, your future self will thank you.

>> No.11054015

no, go the whole way and do Port Arthur

>> No.11054026

Unless you're doing it ironically, then case go all out to make sure people know youre memeing

>> No.11054034

I think the tinfoil hat is a pretty good sign of memery
but i will also provide real conspiracies, as well as fun ones, like the NWO and roswell
what's port arthur?

>> No.11054076

i wish i was one of those people "normies" i guess who dont enjoy trolling and being a little shit on the internet, like before 4chan it was irc, always chilling in the most toxic places, at least irc when somebody got in the news it was for hacking or something semi-smart, but 4chan autists just do basic bitch shit like mass violence which is actually way worse and makes spergs look even worse than they are, idk man i try to quit trollin spots but i always just go to a new one, like if i quit 4chan i just find myself back on irc talkin shit with the old school homies, i just wanna be normie man, how, recommend me a book or a online class or sth

>> No.11054081
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For inspiration

>> No.11054107

this started off sort of sensible then slowly trailed off into the schizophrenia dimension. Not even saying it's wrong, since I look at schizo's as being in a real of their own where things may be objectively/empirically valid from their perspective but not from ours.

>> No.11054123

>over an hour long

damn i wish i had the will power to produce an hour long insane documentary and put it on youtube

>> No.11054124

>Jobs aren't supposed to be fulfulling
wrong. Doing a job that you can 100% identify with as a person and mould your being into is one of the greatest things in life. I am a climate scientist, professionally and personally. It's a good feeling

I imagine this kind of thinking is very similar to the sour grapes shit I do wrt chicks.

>> No.11054133

>fatcat scientist bogartin all the grants

ya u do it for "passion"

>> No.11054180

I make 40k/yr m8. Admittedly some of the joy is bragging about credentials, but the rest comes from being able to spend 12 to 16 hours a day thinking about work without feeling like I've wasted time. Solving the kind of problems I work on is the reason for my being.

>> No.11054193

i like to brag about having a 160 iq on /lit/ but really i have no idea what it is, i just shit post about it to annoy actual idiots.

i know its above average but no idea how far

>> No.11054204

arent u gonna feel like u wasted your life when we switch off fossil in a few decades and global warming never happens, seems kind of dumb to work on a problem that will be obsolete and forgotten before you even die

>> No.11054231

global warming in the sense most people think of it is a meme. The climate system is infinitely more complex than that. It's forcings (energy inputs to the system) stacked on top of other forcings on different time/length scales and how they interact determines the current system state. Understanding it fully is impossible and comparable to understanding life itself.

>> No.11054254

chaos and fractal theory were developed in large part for weather prediction. I have no idea why more academics aren't drawn to this field t b h. It's the intersection of science and philosophy.

>> No.11054272
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>find out I can remove a boring part of a fic by replacing it with another scene in another POV, therefore introducing one character early in way that's relevant.
>the can of worms that it unleashed
Just a matter of time before it's all sorted out, but I'm really slow going on it. Dialogue is not my strongest forte.

>> No.11054324

I have less and less patience with the omegas in this place, and as a consequece I've visited 4chan less and less these days. That torontofag just further cemented my opinion of the sort of people who whine about no gfs: helpless, whiny cunts who can do no introspection and only blame society for their lack of social skills, caused by self imposed loneliness. A warped, nightmarish view of the world and extreme sexual frustration brought on by placing the pussy on a pedestal. Can't tell which is more ironic--having a sex based standard for manlyhood and failing at it or calling out women on being shallow, nymphomaniac whores when your main gripe with society is not being able to fuck qts. I used to feel pity for these people. Poor things who really should become hermits and give up on society or misguided men who just need friends to give them the selfesteem they so desperately need to push them into being better persons, and so attract the so much craved for partner.
But now I see what it is: eternal manchildren who think the world is meant to adapt to them, that if they just wait and squeal loud enough things will be given to them instead of striking out and making their own luck.

>> No.11054365

I have shitty insurance and the only therapists I could afford near where I live were the shitty women ones.

Back in college I once went to my university's counseling center for therapy, not because of my own problems necessarily, but because after I broke up with my gf at the time she tried to kill herself, and I knew she had all kinds of problems that I couldn't possibly begin to deal with and I didn't know what to do or who to talk to. As I was telling this free uni therapist about all the guilt I felt for her and how she needed serious help, the therapist (a woman, probably early 30s), obviously wasn't paying attention to anything I was saying at all. She was like, "oh, and are you finding it difficult to adjust to college life? Do you miss home? How is your roommate situation?" All this after I just told her how I had to call 911 because the girl I broke up with a week before sent me a text saying she swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. (She did too, had to be hospitalized.) But no, I guess I probably was just stressed out about a test or my roommates being too loud??? I pray to God that your university has better mental health staff than mine did.

>> No.11054367

You'll just look like a retard to the entire class and it will seal your fate as being even more unfuckable than you ever previously imagined.

>> No.11054434

That really sucks, man. I had a similar experience when my church counselor seemed really unable to grasp what clinical depression was and kept referring to it as a 'funk'. And this is far from uncommon. It could come down to the most informed people being the most hesitant, since they understand how complicated and different these things can be. Still, being able to communicate plainly to someone face-to-face would be excellent, and it's worth another shot. I hope you've at least found some kind of outlet since then.

>> No.11054464

>church counselor

bwahahaha i have to get off this site i'm actually rubbing shoulders with bible thumping peasants

>> No.11054470

I'm from the Southern U.S., and Christianity is still quite big here. Not something people take that seriously, though.

>> No.11054476

back to TEDdit bourgeois pleb. This is a transcendent forum, not a materialist playground.

>> No.11054477
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>> No.11054488
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This forum is neither.
This forum is both.

>> No.11054657
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scum like you is why /pol/ exists and why Trump won

>> No.11054825

First year of college almost done, no longer virgin. Had a few quick hookups over the year not really into hookup culture, next year gonna try to get gf. Not too sure how to meet girls though besides going out to bars and stuff and those girls aren't the type I'd want to date. Also did horrible in all my STEM classes gonna switch majors to information systems and try not to fail my finals. I seem to not be able to study anymore and have no motivation, hoping it changes with the new courses.

>> No.11054897

Do you use "there're"?

>> No.11055088

Dear diary,

Today I visited lit for the first time i don't expect to return.

>> No.11055210

My first day of work today.
>it's a training day
I work at a private hospital, serving food to the warded patients.
One of the nurse is kinda cute.
I'm literally an autist so every social encounter with new people can be very unnatural and awkward.

Just went back home from work atm of writing this. Right now I'm going straight to the shower, will cook something for dinner, do a few reading, and back to writing my book.

>> No.11055251
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I'm turning into fucking Londonfrog

>> No.11055348

I made a fried rice, mixed with sausage and onion slices with shitload of black pepper. Done shower and eating.
I had done my reading of the day in my bus commute from work.
Now I'm going to start writing.

>> No.11055438
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This is some high level autism

>> No.11055541

keep at it, anon. even if you aren't too excited by it turn it into a routine and stick to it. better than doing nothing, y'know?

>> No.11055545

your fault.

>> No.11055551


She replied me today
Although it was a day late
But she did replied

Oh well
She must be busy
She must be busy with her friend
Her friend came to see her after a long time


>> No.11055672

But it's already happening anon

>> No.11055760
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I dreamt I met a cute girl and befriended her. It was very nice. I lived for at least a week in that dream, even though I was asleep for a few hours at most.

How do dreams work lads?

>> No.11055784

Rather disappointed I still don't have strength to kill myself and that I didn't get ran over by a car/killed in an accident I couldn't foresee.

>> No.11055983
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Is life really just one big meme?

Also, I just left the last class of my last literature course at college, probably my last ever. I know /lit/ tends to have a negative view of these classes, but my experience has been incredibly positive. I'm really emotional now, thinking that I'll never sit around and discuss books with people ever again. That part of my life is over. Fuck I don't want to grow up.

Pic related, it's me on this wretched rainy April afternoon.

I'm happy for you anon. Don't be afraid to try to advance your relationship with her.

>> No.11056183

Was 4chan down again?

>> No.11056252

its all downhill. not joking.

>> No.11056297

I've thought about this girl several times this week...she seemed a genuine and good person. This attachment is idiotic. Oh well.

>> No.11056354
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Been working for a bit after a few years of NEETdom and i'm scared. I have no energy to do anything. My reading is way down, i have no motivation or energy to write (and i have never done it seriously just as an outlet). I hope i adapt, but i'm young and if i'm already feeling like this then it can only really get worse.

As a NEET i thought i didn't have enough time, but it's really put it into perspective. I don't know how people manage to do anything while working.

>> No.11056462
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Tfw college and high school English/history class was the only time you could enjoy learning

I know this feel

>> No.11056506

What is one to do then anon? Move back with your parents and live the NEET life? Jump off a bridge?

>> No.11056518

>not staying in academia forever

>> No.11056530

Hello male Rupi

>> No.11056537

Move back with your parents and work at Starbucks or a grocery store or a call center and be surrounded by people who think you're a gay failure for having a degree and not having a real job.

>> No.11056556

It's not that easy anon, less than 10% of PhD recipients in my field obtain a professorship.


>> No.11056747

wow bro u just made me so sad remember walking out my last final and knowing that era of my life was over, it didnt really hit me at the time, i had no emotion, but now i remember it its so sad, already ten years ago this year, jesus christ, where does the time go, my whole life is a waste of time, when i wait to die i hope all the fun times shitposting the night away are worth it to make up for never doing anything important ever

>> No.11056941

He knows, he's so, fucking gifted

>> No.11056959 [DELETED] 

wut song is that from is it a lyric it sounds like some shit some faggy indie band made of white males from brooklyn would do

>> No.11056997

April really is the cruelest month or maybe I'm just a faggot. Likely the latter.

>> No.11057229

Well Memed

>> No.11057487

I know that feel. I had a dream about being seduced by my MILF boss, and ultimately fucking her in a hotel room. I left the hotel, oddly situated behind some sort of chemical storage tanks, and made my way to a convenience store to buy flip flops. It continued on from this but that's the part I most remember. Felt like days and days and was the most refreshing night of sleep I've ever had.

>> No.11057556

I dreamt of rabbits last night and I woke feeling restless.
The first time I fell asleep,
I found myself in a field of tall wheat grass and I knew that I had to find somewhere to stay. The wind was starting to pick up and I knew that the nights here could freeze through bones. As I continued, the surrounding grass flittered in dysphony and the air gnawed at my cheeks wherever I turned. As soon as I felt ready to resign, my eyes crossed a shoddy brown clapboard house across the yellow expanse of wheat. I started to pass through the wheat and it grew thicker and thicker with each step, each inch. Every time I looked back at the house on the horizon, it became smaller in my sight, farther away. My legs began to shake under my weight and before I fell I heard you call my name through the wind.
I wake up shivering. The window is open, and the curtains flap against the wind. You’re several states away but I still hear your name in my ear. My hands are numb.

The second time I fell asleep,
I knew I was sitting and holding something. I couldn’t recognize the room I was in. I found myself surrounded by people, people I was envious of, people I wished I had known, all sitting around me, all with their eyes trained on the object in my hand. I felt panic. I knew I owed them all something that I couldn’t afford, something I couldn’t part with. The anxiety within myself grew the way it does in dreams, the way it wraps around your mind and constricts your subconscious until resisting it even the slightest amount only perpetuates the discomfort. I caught sight of my hand and found a mass of thick, pumping gore slipping around my fingers.
I wake up feeling sick and almost forget this dream in it’s entirety, but the sight of your face in the crowd surrounding me makes it impossible to dispose of.

The third time I fell asleep,
I came to meditating in an elaborate garden. I felt that my body had aged although I was content. A red shawl was wrapped around me. I knew that it was time to move on, but I took one last moment of my time to exist there. In this moment of reflection, I observe my surroundings again. In front of me, there is a small stone altar with stacks of incense, a bowl of oranges, a single peach, and, in the center, a rabbit statue alongside an old picture of you. I felt calm and as I shut my eyes I felt fur rub against my hand.
I wake up and start crying.

I don’t fall asleep again, but I dream that I was better to you. I dream that we could have made a life out of what we had. We could have moved out and gotten a dog and shared a room. We could have been us.

As the sun comes up, I ask the same question over and over.
If I was born in 1999, would I have been able to love you?

>> No.11057696

holy shit this guy found all of elliot rodgers wow forum posts


someone needs to compile a collected works of the supreme gentlemen

>> No.11057712


supreme gentlemen posts on puahate.com oh this shit be good

>> No.11057748

lmao this guys voices are so good

>> No.11058045

Freedom of speech is too dangerous, especially in the modern society we live in, with all its capabilities.
The power of ideas and misinformation is too great to be taken lightly. We cannot expect common people to pursue truth instead of the convenient lies they see. We cannot expect a future utopia when everyone is free to do as they please.

>> No.11058068
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how the fuck are you supposed to make anything original without playing deconstructive to the concepts themselves when practically every story's a retelling of another. How can one be original and good without any reference, since you'd have to have some idea of the medium and some point of reference to know you're good. Who gets to decide what's good enough to warrant even that?
and fuck musical genres are so vague, ethereal wave? no, it's gothic rock. no wait, it's post-rock. shoegaze? no psychedelia, dream pop same fucking thing. Art is a fucking mess. and I want to define so much as art in my personal belief, like blueprints, but I have no idea how to logically differ things. Frozen blocks of shit will never be art to me, presented as such or respected formally in an art community, but does that mean any autist can take something I do and consider it not art even if it's something like a standard painting? What the fuck is a painting if not art to these philistines?

>> No.11058217


>> No.11058221

It actually disgusts me how this mongoloid Tyler1 wannabe digs this shit up to ridicule someone who literally shot up a school because of being ridiculed, in his lust for internet fame, and acts morally superior to him.
Let the eternal virgin rest already. I hope some bitter virgin runs over him in a truck like it looks like someone did to his face

>> No.11058386

How do I go about writing my Novel that has an Unlikable Main Character?

>> No.11058620
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Someone told me that i was an "animated" person and this slightly offends me
Just make him do scummy things and be generally a shithead

>> No.11058627

for some reason my twitter following consists of vegan crossfit girls

>> No.11058637

I kinda want a more subtle approach.

>> No.11058644

make him a snitch
no one likes a snitch

>> No.11058730

What's even the point of having a twitter following? I can sort of understanding following prominent figures and sources of news but I don't know why anyone would want to read a short message from some rando.

>> No.11058733


This is my second day of work.
No qt nurse spotted because I had been designated to a different floor today. (she's on the 6th floor of the hospital, today I'm catering for the 7th floor, it's a VIP floor.) I wish I knew her name though.

5th floor is pretty cool tho, they painted the corridor of hospital with bright colored murals. There is a baby's room in 5th floor (I thought it will be pretty cool one day for me to swap one of them babies.)

I brought together Crime & Punishment to work, been reading it during lunch hour and while commuting back home.

Now I am going to hit the shower.

>> No.11058749

you're right, it's quite low

>> No.11059919

fuck ya my hemorrhoids are clearing up, just took a spicy megashit and it burnt a little but no more itching and throbbing. i think one of these protein powders that makes my veins pop also makes my hemorrhoids swole

>> No.11059968

My scrotum smells profusely of fenugreek.

>> No.11059976

u indian?

>> No.11060139

>one day for me to swap one of them babies
this has me genuinely concerned

>> No.11060327


Read Midnight's Children, don't swap kids

>> No.11060422

Why is the world so sad?

>> No.11060520

I feel intimidated and vulnerable by the YA label that has been thrown upon my new favorite book by my best and only friend.
Yes, it's not perfect, the language is pretty colloquial, and there is a romance and an adventure, but I wouldn't call it YA. And what does YA even mean? That it's not written cryptically enough, or that it's themes are too niche? I would never read books like Twilight, Hunger Games, or any of that shit, I read Animorphs, Percy Jackson and Alfred Kropp a long ass time ago in my early teens. I read Eve: The Awakening like over a year ago, and I read that knowing that it was YA, because I'd rather read Eve: the Awakening with its shitty diversity plot and its cardboard characters just to say that I was a fan of a YouTuber than the YAs that inspired it. But this new book, it's like light years above the rest of those. I'd say it is College Adult at worst. There's no sex in it, but is that supposed to make it more adult? In my eyes, the characters and plot were archetypal, telling me a story I've already read a thousand times. It's up there with real literature, books like Brave New World, 1984, and it most certainly has no agenda. It's "diversity" is paced tight, a one-off scene, and with meaning bigger than just "treat others equally".
What am I doing? Am I lashing out because of the fact that I can't read 1800's cryptic bullshit? Am I lashing out for the fact that I'm 19? Is community college stressing me the fuck out the stratosphere? Why have I become so obsessed with this book, written by a basedboy who drives around a Delorean? Something clicked when I read it. It's out in the open for everyone to read, and yet I feel somehow special for having found it. Have I gone mad? Or have I came across something truly innocent?

>> No.11060531 [DELETED] 

Hey man if you're actually being serious I can read it and be completely critical on the Good parts.
If you want to email me
I can help with editing to

>> No.11060539

Oh lmao im dumb this is gonna be a copy posta nice post

>> No.11060549

I feel like I have had liberation from depression the second I read the last sentence of this book. I reread all of my favorite sections. I wrote an English analysis paper on it. You can make fun of me all you want. I am being genuine. There is something magical about this book. And I saw that >>11060531.

>> No.11060563
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Im stoned

>> No.11062304

I met with Elon some time in April, the man was built like a tank, at least 6 feet tall but you could tell he was probably 7 or maybe even 8. We agreed to meet for the book at the restaurant of his choosing, where he ordered their special, the next 2 and a half hours consisted of me interviewing him while he calmly tore into his meal, chucking lobster shells into the corner for his assistant to clean after. The waiter then brought his dessert, a yellow cotton candy sculpture of a human being. Before proceeding to eat it, he violently jerked and stood up, and stared me dead in the eye as if about to make a move, like a gorilla defending its territory. Regaining his lucidity, he sat down again, and asked the question, “do you think I’m insane?”. It was later on that I would realize that question was more for him than me.

>> No.11062312

i thought 300 was bump limit this bumped at 301 what is this

>> No.11062789

it's true. hell, many men are like that too

>> No.11062834

I was prescribed zoloft yesterday for anxiety/depression. I've been seeing a psychologist on and off for about a year and although the advice I get is helpful I can't find a way to make a change. It took me awhile to bring up the possibility of meds, I didn't feel comfortable taking them. I realized they could help I figured it's at least worth a shot but I'm afraid how people will think of me if they were to find out.

In /lit news I bought all quiet on the western front, I'm looking forward to reading it.

Listen to this guy. I dunno the whole situation but DO NOT GO INCEL MGTOW ROUTE it looks so destructive

I'd say even after a soul crushing job for 5 years or so you'd still end up in a better place of mind than doing nothing for 5 years. Just be a cog, we all have our part to play. And that's not to say even with a soul crushing job you can't find happiness outside of if. Hope it works out for you.

>> No.11063385

I am like a girl who finds herself with the guy who slaps her around and drinks heavily. She always says "this is the last time!" "I will never fall for another" But she does that shit time and time again.

I attract weirdos like a fly to shit. It's the same person over and over again, I haven't met anyone cool in years, i'm starting to think they don't exist. Not in this city. Everytime I let someone in I wish I hadn't, they all manage to make my life worse. And worse yet, they are all basically a mirror reflecting myself. The person i've become is pretty much a really annoying piece of shit with a face that retains water like a balloon. What happened to my jaw line? I used to look nice. damn..

The pioneers who crossed america is how I feel right now. I feel like im on the oregon trail and I am in the middle of a snowy mountain and if I stop now I will die. I gotta see it to the end, either way... Fuck people.

>> No.11063661
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>> No.11063671

Bye. See you again soon.

>> No.11063680

Don't be a pussy and take it black. You'll learn to love it, and soon get a crippling addiction to it.

>> No.11063707

Anon's right. Dominate the alpha. Fuck her boyfriend right in the butthole.