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/lit/ - Literature

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11044782 No.11044782 [Reply] [Original]

I know that shit comes in November, but does anyone here actually participate in this bullshit? It seems completely anti-creative to be forcing yourself to think up a premise and actualize it in a month Bitch if I was writing a novel I wouldn't constrain myself to your contest, I'd be writing it right now and editing when you said I should be starting writing.

Why are normie/social/facebook "writers" so obnoxious?

>> No.11044841
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I try to use it as an additional motivator just to write in general during that month. Not necessarily to start and finish a novel but to have some kind of outside expectation to push me into writing since that's what I should be doing much more often.

Also, how do you guys help discipline yourself to write? I can come up with literally everything for a story but have a ridiculously hard time getting down the first draft.

>> No.11044860

>Also, how do you guys help discipline yourself to write?
writing is fun. if i have found a good premise, i have no problems fleshing it out as i go. the hard part is cutting down the bullshit or finding the motivation in the first place.

>> No.11044877
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Social media "writers" are like that because anyone on social media is just hungry for attention. No one on there is actually going to write anything. Group activities are the way to go if you want a lot of external validation in a short amount of time.

I think I'm going to do it this year because it would be a good way to kickstart one of my novel ideas that I've been slacking on while I laboriously edit the fourth draft of my first one.

>> No.11044886


I think it's fun to see what I can come up with in a month.

My most recent effort turned out pretty ok.


>> No.11044889

But you aren't writing a novel, are you?

>> No.11044899
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>writing is fun
For the first month. Then you realize "SHIT I HAVE TO REWRITE THAT WHOLE CHAPTER." Then repeat thirty times.

>> No.11044914

what tipped you off, genius, the "if I was writing a novel" part?

if you know how you have to change it, is it really that bad?

>> No.11044932
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Oh anon you are so naive. I cherish your positive attitude. The struggle comes from the process of learning how it needs to be changed so that it may transmogrify from shit to less shit. Then you have to do that countless times; essentially it's a process of purification. Sure sometimes it will be easy but 80% of the time you're left staring at the page for hours not knowing why you can't communicate yourself. I'm getting stressed out just trying to write this post out to you. I need a drink.

>> No.11044949

i will remember your words and smile grimly to myself, later, in my own throes of ineptitude.

or perhaps i will laugh at what a brainlet everyone is but me.

>> No.11044961
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That's the thing about it, brother anon: only the geniuses suffer for their work.

>> No.11044987

Motivation in the first place is my main deal. Other than that I have a marvelous amount of fun writing all my wordy, descriptive nonsense for one scene but getting between part to part is what I find the most trick to stay entertained with.

>> No.11045052
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>> No.11045099

>It seems completely anti-creative to be forcing yourself to think up a premise and actualize it in a month
I see you ascribe to the romantic vision of how an artist works. Too bad you're wrong, and in reality it's much closer to a craft and a job. If you wait around for a divine inspiration so that it doesn't feel "anti-creative" then you won't write shit.

>> No.11045106

nice generalizing, dubs ignored.

>> No.11045166

This is unfortunately true I’ve found. In recent months I’ve been more productive and it’s because I’ve been doing drugs and locking myself in my room with the blinds closed for 8-10 hours when I have days off and it’s been working well.

Mostly drugs though. Help you free yourself from your anxieties. But also just hunker down.

>> No.11045247

Beginner's problem. Motivation is not what you should seek. Instead build up the discipline to write every day.

>> No.11045837
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>people do fun thing that's also a way to motivate them to achieve their goals
>this makes me feel insecure because I'm doing even less about my ambitions than they are
>better shitpost about it on /lit/

>> No.11045852
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This is the only thing I'd ever read from Nano-WriMo

>> No.11045856

This is unironically one of the funniest things I've ever read.

>> No.11045867

Am.i the asshole here for having no idea what in the hell we're talking about?

>> No.11045880

no, you're the asshole for making this post instead of finding out what we're talking about

>> No.11046331

I want this in my life.

>> No.11046342

Your issue isn't motivation it's discipline.

>> No.11046345

I have the same problem with filling the gaps. It's like I've burnt out my brain on movies and now I can only see stories in scenes with hard cuts between them. I can think of all of the beats of a story but can't fill the surrounding pages.

>> No.11046380

I’ve had the same problem. Try filling the scenes with “witty observations” or structure them around a “witty observation” you might have picked up on in life and written down in your notes. Then sort of stream-of-consciousness write about it and then edit it. That’s the best method I’ve gotten so far to ‘fill the gaps’

Substances help too but maybe I’m biased.

>> No.11046409

But I like being spoon-fed. It forces you to talk to me and for a little while I don't feel so abysmally alone

>> No.11046427

Don’t you hate when people in real life tell you to google something instead of answering you?

like damn I want to speak to a person

>> No.11046479

>what tipped you off, genius, the "if I was writing a novel" part?

Exactly. NaNoWriMo gives people a chance to practice writing and make some of the mistakes early writers do, so that they can learn from them. But you aren't writing anything so you aren't improving.