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11042059 No.11042059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck did you faggots have me read this shit?
I literally can't look at history, the world or life in the same way anymore.
I couldn't get out of bed for like 3 days after finishing it.

>> No.11042062

Nice try Kevin

>> No.11042064

>I couldn't get out of bed for like 3 days after finishing it.

Can you see that this is what the jews want?

>> No.11042099
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>> No.11042103

I don't know how I can continue to function when I'm literally a slave in every sense of the word anon

>> No.11042133
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>> No.11042142


Op try the gobeels diary,
table talk with hitler
the jews and their lies
the protocls of elder zion

>just to get started.

You don't get to just make up rules dumb ass.

>> No.11042160
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I know that feel

>> No.11042162

>telling people to fuck off to r/the_donald's colony is pol now
Classic reddit.

in all seriousness just filter shit you faggots

>> No.11042170
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>reading shitty propaganda

jesus, you stormfags will fall for anything, won't you?

>> No.11042171
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I don't think I can handle it anon
See, with a typical "redpill" post you can easily deny or refute most of the arguments made, but with CoC the fucker cites and sources every little claim he makes. He also presents the evidence for his claims and arguments in a very unbiased way.
I'm actually scared, I swear I'm not even memeing. This fucking book has shook me to my core.
Literally every single thought, idea or interest I've ever had has been in someway influenced by jews. Everything I do in life has the end result of somehow making some old jew more money.
I honestly want to cry, I feel like my future was taken away from me. What the fuck is the point of doing anything if I'm not even in control of m life?

>> No.11042173

what is it about this book that's so shocking? What revelation does it contain that distinguishes it from other antisemitic works?

>> No.11042176

>Kevin got memed by himself into buying his own book
v PKD but keep it in scifigen

>> No.11042179

>distinguishes it from other antisemitic works
because it's not an antisemitic work.

>> No.11042214

>I couldn't get out of bed for like 3 days after finishing it.

trying reading it as a jew

can't even go to family gatherings without wanting to gas myself

>> No.11042219

This is a little journey that many people have taken.

W.G.Simpson takes it in "Which Way Western Man?"

On page 4 he is like:

>In 1920, after five years of relentless questing for the place in our world where I might make my life count for the most, I committed myself
without any reserve and without compromise to a course dictated to me by the furthest
reaches of my religious insight and devotion, my highest idealism, and my most thoroughly
thought-out convictions. With whole-souled abandon, I gave myself over to an effort to put
the teaching of Jesus into practice.

But by page 708 he is like:

> The Jew has taken our very land from
under us and ruined it. He has taken our civilization and our whole intellectual and spiritual world and perverted it, soiled it, corrupted it, and all but destroyed it. And he means also to destroy us as a people, utterly, beyond recovery, in body as well as in mind and soul. And he has done it in wanton betrayal of our trust, after he had sworn allegiance to the country of his adoption, after we had taken him in and given him harborage and opportunity and protection, as if he were one of our own kind. He has done it in every country of the White man’s world, but worst of all in the heartland of our world, in Europe and Britain. He has always done it, wherever he went. He will always go on doing it, unless he is stopped.


>> No.11042220
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>actually being so pathetic that you rely on a worn-out meme of history about 'duh evil joos' to justify your inability to buck up and get on with life

>> No.11042238

convince me that modern life isn't just applied judaism.

>> No.11042247

>The Culture of Critique
>The preface to the First Paperback Edition starts with the author saying he doesn't condemn all Jews, does not know if all Jews really practice pushing their agenda because it is not prevalent in all of their works, and even knows of many Jews who are valuable to the social sciences
Then why do people promote it like the book is calling for widespread Jewish genocide?

>> No.11042252

Have you ever been around a practicing Orthodox Jew? I can almost guarantee that your life is nothing like theirs.

>> No.11042254
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t. jude

>> No.11042256


ah come on op, it can't really be all that bad to understand that:

the group with the most effective "in group" mentality has been able to convince most of the world, that having such a mentality is not only wrong, but shameful . All the while pushing for a world wide situation where their "group' is the most exalted and protected.

Remember in over 18 countries its flat out illegal to question any aspect of the holocaust, including the numbers and methods used.

In Bongland this year they just passed laws making it illegal, like prison and fines illegal, for suggestion that there might be a jewish world conspiracy or that modern day practices of isreal are in anyway similar to those of the third reich, or to suggest that any single jew is more loyal to isreal than their home country... it goes on and is all so tiresome.

Just take a look around you, also avoid bait and trolls in threads discussing jews as there are paid groups here to derail and discredit any online discussion about the subject.

Oh also the gulag archipelago and 200 years together. Great books

>> No.11042260

he needs to include that so he's not sent to the social gulag
exactly, the isolate themselves because they find us gentiles repulsive

>> No.11042264

>he needs to include that so he's not sent to the social gulag
Really? Those few little paragraphs would prevent him from being sent to the social gulag? Where is this social gulag?

>> No.11042275
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>convince me that modern life isn't just applied judaism

what the fuck does that even mean outside of stormfag fantasy land?
only the most pathetic neurotics unwilling to set aside their edgy beliefs and false sense of superiority would seriously think modernity is "applied judaism" or some grand plot against the "white race"
you just want a boogieman that you can prop up against your pathetic life and so feel better about yourself by doing absolutely nothing because at least you're not an 'evil jew'

>> No.11042282

>t. anything, or claims of "shilling"


>> No.11042284
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>> No.11042294

>200 years together
this and CoC will be the romulus and remus of the satya yuga

>> No.11042295
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>I can't handle criticism of my blatantly neurotic beliefs about a boogieman I've created out of my own ineptitude and degeneracy so I'll just post more retarded shit

>> No.11042296
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It is frightening, but it will give you a greater purpose. I read it like 4 years ago and am glad I at a minimum understand my enemy now instead of being ignorant and thinking jews were just like whites, as I did before.

>> No.11042299

>work for a jewish owned corporation
>eat from jewish owned food companies and farms
>consume jewish made entertainment
>use jewish technology
I can't think of a single thing in my life that doesn't have some kind of jewish influence. I want out.

>> No.11042307

I wonder when he'll die of "natural causes"

>> No.11042310
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>everything is Jewish
>implying that isn't a marker of success

sounds like you're just mad that you're not part of the club, anon
where are the achievements of the mighty Aryan race?

>> No.11042319

>I can't think of a single thing in my life that doesn't have some kind of jewish influence.
A thing having influence from one race doesn't mean it can't have influence from others. This is what life is about, it's a struggle to be the greater influencer. Snap out of it and start influencing more.

>> No.11042321

I'm not Aryan. You don't think people deserve some kind of choice in their lives?

>> No.11042323

No white person who understands the jewish problem is envious of jews. It is prior to this transition where jew-worship often exists, not after, when one realizes how mentally sick and malicious jews are. There's nothing to be envious of.

>> No.11042324

Saged, reported.

>> No.11042334
File: 25 KB, 335x478, meh.ro7097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choice of what?

>the Jewish problem
a. doesn't exist
b. if non-Jews are so much better why they continually lost to a bunch of desert tribes of nomads?

>> No.11042338


>> No.11042349

It's jews who have lost to us 359 times, which is the number of times we've kicked their asses out, soon to be more. Being the best swindler is no honor, and the jewish problem most definitely does exist.

>> No.11042364

>all this rhetoric, no substance

what did duh evil joos do to hurt you, anon?

>> No.11042368

Why do people keep letting the Jews back in?

>> No.11042377
File: 299 KB, 1276x1023, JIDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear whites: the shilling itt should show you how much jews don't want you to read this book. It is a direct portal into their twisted mind and the best example of why we have to kick them out again.

>> No.11042385

Because they have been able to bribe our leaders, and due to their tribal insularity we didn't have a full grasp of their nature, but instead a Christian misrepresentation of them as the "chosen people" they think of themselves as. The internet has really changed this though, whites are waking up fast.

>> No.11042395
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People forget. Both jews and others. Expulsion of jews and confiscation of their property is one of the most consistently repeating events in the history, which is kind of funny if you think about it. Jews lack introspection and just don't learn anything.

>> No.11042399
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you fuckers are even more pathetic than flat-earthers and the reptilian David Icke folk

>> No.11042405

Riding your Japanese car, watching your Japanese anime on your Japanese TV screen, having to work with JAPS

Tell me a way in which I can get out of this HELL

>> No.11042410

>The internet has really changed this though
I don't see any change yet. I see people acting like disgusting herd moralists now just like they do in the stories of legend where they play the role of the little ignorant people and sometimes the role of the antagonist.

>> No.11042412

>I'm not willing to actually work for anything of substance in life like everybody else therefore it's the evil JOOS

does your mother still change your diapers for you, anon?

>> No.11042429

Your efforts are futile, rabbi.

There is now a large crop of young white men who understand the jewish problem and are creating a new counter culture. It's just beginning. The 60s counter culture took decades to reach the hegemonic state it enjoys now. It will take the same amount of time for this to as well. This is a long game, think of it as such.

>> No.11042439

>I want out
You know what to do, dumb polfaggot

>> No.11042442
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>can't even formulate a good comeback

stormfags are so easy to put in their place
if it wasn't for neurotic brainlets you nazi fucks would have all died with your fuhrer

>> No.11042443

4chan's obsession with Jews has always been puzzling to me. Where does it stem from? The smartest group, the group that values education more than any other, has a lot of control despite being a minority. Is that really so revalatory? Other groups display preferences for their own kind as well. They're just not as successful because they don't value education to the same degree. Failing to succeed themselves, they resent the Jews for their success. It's not very interesting yet it seems to be all many of you think about.

>> No.11042445

or even worse, Americans
I have to use American computers, exist in American pop culture with its pervasive American forms of entertainment, go to American fast food spots, speak American English on American sites in an American web network.

>> No.11042449

Your jew boogieman is unfounded! But my boogieman of evil capitalists is sound

>> No.11042451

Love these threads just for the arguing. Sunday entertainment right here.

>> No.11042454

People who can't accept that enlightenment culture has been rotten to its core from the beginning need to invoke some kind of outside force to explain its failure

>> No.11042458

>This is a long game, think of it as such.
As long as it doesn't result in half the decadent shit that /pol/ harps on about, I'm cool with it. But I don't have reason to believe it won't yet.

>> No.11042464

Jewish religion is based on religious extremism (first in recorded history) and spawned two other religions that spread by violence and destruction. The conspiracy aspect is retarded, but to argue abrahamic religions are ethically neutral or good is absurd.

>> No.11042469

You would have figured this out easily if you were slightly intellectually curious or simply read the book in question. The jewish narrative you just regurgitated is just that, while jews are actually a very sick people whose culture has instilled in them a very twisted perspective of the world and others.

>> No.11042475

>le kill yourself
Philo-semites always recourse to bullying and death threats when people go against the grain and present reasonable arguments. You're a sad sad group with a sick ideology.

>> No.11042477

replace jews with americans

>> No.11042485


this kind of samefagging bullshit actually makes me believe there's some sort of jidf squad lurking around waiting for someone to talk shit on jews, which is pathetic but not as pathetic as the guy posting who is inorganic as fuck doing it, it's like he has read from a manual how to post on this taiwanese yugioh trading card board and follow the formula every time: greentext, shitty reaction image from google and throw shit instead of arguments

>> No.11042486

There are much better outlets than pol these days, which is a cesspool of shills. Pol might be good for mainlining the ideas into people, but its time has come and gone.

>> No.11042491

Because the very people that complain about people having everything inherited to them and dont have to struggle like everyone else is really bad! Than you point out one of the groups that does this most blatantly than its suddenly wait now hold up all their success is well deserved! Dont be a stormtard!

>> No.11042507
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>duh joos are evil because they were the first religion to be extreme
You really have no concept of history, huh?

>when people go against the grain
Your "going against the grain" mentality is nothing but middle school edginess. You seriously think that just because you go against the grain you've become privy to some grand knowledge?

>present reasonable arguments
Fucking where? All you fucks do is spam your own propaganda and shout JIDF every time someone points out what a walking strawman your "arguments" are
Just admit you hate "the joos" because you need a boogieman to prop up your sense of superiority with

>> No.11042510

My intellectual curiosity is exactly what has prevented me from wasting my time thinking at length about the ways in which Jews have influenced Western culture. The fact, of course, which you antisemites fail to realize, is that without Jews there is no Western culture.

>> No.11042512

What's the future look like to you, then?

>> No.11042520
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>thinks one bored guy on the internet trolling nazi brainlets is evidence of a Jewish defense force
>claims I'm ignorant as fuck

goddamn, you people really can't see how fucking stupid you are, can you?

>> No.11042523

>without jews there is no western culture so I will not read about how they created it in the first place

Why not?

>> No.11042525

Again, you are either jewish yourself or are repeating things jew have told you to make you think they are good people. They are not. So you can remain an idiot who brags about his own ignorance, or you can read the book in the OP and start down a path that will lead you to be less of an idiot.

>> No.11042526

>there's some sort of jidf squad lurking around waiting

>> No.11042528

You know it's quite interesting, I understand where it comes from but Israelis do not mind writing like this, he'll I used to do it a long time ago

t. Idf soldier

>> No.11042530

In what sense?

>> No.11042534

No you retard, jews aren’t evil because they were the first, it’s because they are the only one. Yes, yes other religions have violence, but show me one other religion that conquered other people in the name of religion and then genocided the inhabitants that wouldn’t follow that. Judaism is what I’m talking about, not a group of people.

>> No.11042535

If you read the posts of the antisemite guy he writes always in the same way as well
I'm starting to think this is all staged

>> No.11042536

What I don't understand is why it matters if Jews control the world. What's their end game, global pork ban?

>> No.11042537


>> No.11042544

Assuming the long game you say is starting to be played were to come to its full fruition.

>> No.11042546

Everything in jewish culture, including their holidays, centers around genocide, and jews committed the greatest genocide ever last century in Russia after taking power. They are sadistic people, don't let the crypto facade fool you.

>> No.11042552
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>show me one other religion that conquered other people in the name of religion and then genocided the inhabitants

I'll take what is Christianity for a 100, Alex
you still haven't made an argument, stormfag, just spammed more regurgitated propaganda

>> No.11042558

Your posting style is awfully artifical and out of place. Nobody is regurgitating baseless hate against Jews in here, all the anti-JIDF-posting started after you arrived and started baiting and calling people stormfags.

>> No.11042560

yep and all the posts in that chain are sent every 3 minutes or so, I guess we're watching a retarded commercial for autists

>> No.11042562

>the Bolsheviks were Jews
>still cling to that facade of a meme

you claims the Jews never learn and yet all you idiots do is repeat ad nausea the same worn out fallacies that any halfwit can find out are nothing but propaganda

>> No.11042566

>What's their end game, global pork ban?
The ability to be eternally lazy and useless at the expense of everyone else. That's about the worst of it.

>> No.11042572

Again, i named abrahamic religion in my first post. Christinanity and islam being directs descendants of judaism. Name a non jewish started religion that has spread by religoius conquest and genocide of nonbelievers.

>> No.11042573

It could go many ways, but ideally nationalist-minded whites begin taking back institutions, hampering jewish power, and quietly purging jews from our institutions while continuing to spread information about their nature and behavior to others until a critical mass is reached, then expelling them in full. This could be achieved in the next 50-100 years, but if we don't do this we're in for a rough ride, though jews never last long anywhere. They don't know how to maintain power since they're psychotic and authoritarian.

>> No.11042580
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The bolsheviks were jews. This is not in question.

>> No.11042581

Quickly, read 200 Years Together to seal your fate

>> No.11042582

What do you mean? How are whites not authoritarian?

>> No.11042585
File: 113 KB, 170x286, 24234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is regurgitating baseless hate against Jews in here
>OP didn't started the thread on a book doing just that
>anti-JIDF posting isn't the go-to response of stormfags everywhere

step outside of your echo chamber for once anon, try getting a breath of fresh air
I'm only calling you idiots out because you can't seem to keep your own bullshit to yourselves. No one would tolerate /x/'s bullshit if they spammed shit about alchemy every day

>> No.11042597

>The fact, of course, which you antisemites fail to realize, is that without Jews there is no Western culture.
absolutely talmudic

>> No.11042598

>my stormfag source promotes my own view so it MUST be true

absolutely pathetic. how the fuck do you even measure the "percentage" of Jews in power?

>> No.11042600

OP is getting creative with his shitposting.

>> No.11042605


>> No.11042610

Basically you can’t come up with arguments against genuine criticism of something that directly effects literature. Sorry, judaism was a mistake like many other human inventions and whatever benefits it grants can be outweighed by the misery it brings (even thousands of years later to palestinians).

>> No.11042613

>No one would tolerate /x/'s bullshit if they spammed shit about alchemy every day
they're constantly blabbering about muh occult what are you talking about?

>> No.11042614

Whites are egalitarian and allow for more cultural nuance, which is reflected in our culture from the top down. Within judaism and among semites generally truth and practice is much more strict and determined from the top down. Think of how Christianity, communism, and modern western liberalism impose belief on their subjects and don't allow for nuance. This is a reflection of the jews at the top. They are poor rulers because of this authoritarian mindset.

>> No.11042615


>> No.11042622

The sources are at the bottom, check them yourself.

>> No.11042624
File: 154 KB, 945x1500, 1519175988808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I escape from the kike hell

>> No.11042642

>exactly, the isolate themselves because they find us gentiles repulsive
It's because they want to live a nineteenth century lifestyle in the twenty-first.

>> No.11042646

Hilarious OP, nice try.

>> No.11042651


>> No.11042653

I find your stance here really bizarre. It's a conglomeration of incongruent ideas.

>Whites are egalitarian
No they aren't. Nothing in any period of our history suggests this. And even condemning Jews for a particular mindset that needs to be wiped out is contradictory to this proposal. Whites may enjoy the art of play, and good play requires fairness and equal measures among each participant in the game, but this does not make them an egalitarian people. Maybe you just intended a different meaning than the word egalitarian is suggesting?

>> No.11042658

You're weak willed.

>> No.11042661

>he cites everything
no he doesn’t at all, did you even read the sources? he doesn’t cite scientific studies at all, or easily accessible centralized information
because he’s lying blatantly, its specifically written to “redpill” white men who have status, the whole point is to engender unthinking resentment and hatred of Jews and to cause progressive spite to fester, eventually leading to pogroms and Jews being kicked out of work and politics, then deportations, cutting off all aid to israel and jewish groups,
then property seizure then killing with nukes in israel when the arabs are sicced on them and they threaten to nuke the US for betraying them. the rw does what it does to kill as many of their enemies as possible without getting caught and while making it seem as if it was fated to happen
he could get sued
do you think the people on /pol/ are
individualist? do you think that white businessmen have high social trust? do you think your white coworkers and classmates are creative?
what jewish corp, what jewish food, what jewish tech? you’re just saying shit without proof, which companies, which jews, what part of your life? you mean economics? there are white sec’s of treasury and in your lifetime white fed reserve and imf heads. you mean jewish media people? i guarantee you’ve consumed propaganda media from whites. you mean jewish soul-trap tech? you’ve used white soul-trap tech. you mean oil? that’s not jewish. you mean “ZOG-chow” that shit is owned by whites

>> No.11042664


>> No.11042669

these threads are pathetic

>> No.11042675
File: 42 KB, 735x541, 4CC8EB70-506F-4AC3-AB49-0614FC33D933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see why antisemites win so much if this thread is the best JIDF can manage.

>> No.11042677

prove it lol

>> No.11042679

they win because its the McDonald’s of weltanschauungs you fucking nigger

>> No.11042682


>> No.11042683

>goyische kop

>> No.11042689

>Whites may enjoy the art of play, and good play requires fairness and equal measures among each participant in the game, but this does not make them an egalitarian people.
That is more or less the definition of egalitarianism. If saying whites are *more* egalitarian than other groups makes you feel better then I'll amend it to that. The point is that whites allow for more nuance of thought and emphasize the individual, whereas a tribal group like jews take orders from the top and attack anyone who strays, within their own group and toward outgroups when they are allowed to gain power, as we see today. They are projecting this aspect of their nature onto us.

>> No.11042693

ask /pol/

>> No.11042700


>> No.11042703

>do you think the people on /pol/ are
individualist? do you think that white businessmen have high social trust? do you think your white coworkers and classmates are creative?

I have never spent time on pol, but white people are more high-trust and creative, yes. This is why whites build institutions that function and others can't.

>> No.11042704
File: 663 KB, 1171x882, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek JIDF spotted, why don't you go back to shilling on pol?

>> No.11042711

OP is an obvious fake

>> No.11042719

>That is more or less the definition of egalitarianism.
We still separate weight classes or the equivalent for more mentally-based games. We also regard games as being imaginary realms where reality is suspended temporarily. Egalitarianism means you believe people are equal, when no one actually thinks that outside of the fantastical realm of games, which we participate in merely for fun — when we stop playing, we go to war, and there the entire idea of egalitarianism disappears. The rest of your post I agree with.

>> No.11042722

these threads are always the same, like it's one moron going at it everyday or shills with a script

>> No.11042728

>We also regard games as being imaginary realms where reality is suspended temporarily
immersion fag is that you?

>> No.11042731

get a load of this guy

>> No.11042736

needs more bumps

>> No.11042739

that’s because there are multiple tribes of whites who are not united and never have been and that’s because whites do not codify their racial interests into religion. when they did do this they immediately became the most close minded people to ever walk the Earth and the White Church hierarchy was on eof the most militantly anti-egalitarian, in this perverted intellectual sense you’re ostensibly fefending, group to ever exist.
i don’t believe you and no one else on this board believes you when you deny going on /pol/, using 2012 era stormfag infiltraion tactics is embarassing.
>makes general claim
so your coworkers/fellow students are not demonstrably creative? would you say white people at Les scwhabb or at McDonalds corporate are highly creative?

You say industrious. Do you mean whites are more industrious than Asians? what about whites in the midwest who have unbelievably low rates of productivity? what about white working class in factories which are not as productive as the ones in Germany and China?

You avoided the particularity to try to jump to a statistical generalization. isn’t that kind of psychotic rationalism exactly an enlightenment era “judaic” liberal jacobin, freemasonic Royal Society tactic? What about the spirit of the white race? how would you account for it if all you do is appeal to statistical truths? you realize a more numerous people has an opportunity to inflate a trait that’s latent in other groups? Jews are outnumbered wouldn’t it make sense that they would produce relatively less people with these high surplus traits which can’t be afforded normally?

Also, what about the 500+ million whites who have barely a 105 iq? the average white iq is around 95. How are they superior to the majority of jews who have above a110 iq? creativity? what kind? i don’t see most whites as being creative at all. in fact most of my classmates are robotic and most of the white people ive seen in docs and old recordings look like drone peasants.

>> No.11042745

I believe him, but I'm white so maybe I'm just too high trust.

Learning about the jewish problem can be traumatizing. It's called the redpill because you realize that a lot of what you've been told is fake, and that a fake reality has been constructed in our society to protect jews. Whites have been told we're evil Indian genocidal slavers who deserve any bad that comes to us. While it shouldn't seem like much of a leap to realize we aren't telling ourselves this bullshit to weaken our own kind, it's hard for many to accept that this parasitic tribe of outsiders are actively attacking and demoralizing us because it makes us less of a threat to them.

>> No.11042747

larp detected

>> No.11042751

Maybe. Describe the handsome fellow to me.

>> No.11042753

you do seem traumatized

>> No.11042757

fuck off /pol/

>> No.11042759


>> No.11042760

its not /pol/

stop bumping the thread

>> No.11042762
File: 101 KB, 768x1024, potrait of a jew as a young man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are they superior to the majority of jews who have above a110 iq? creativity? what kind? i don’t see most whites as being creative at all. in fact most of my classmates are robotic and most of the white people ive seen in docs and old recordings look like drone peasants.

>> No.11042763

Goonan is the better shitposter

>> No.11042767

How is nazi propaganda not /pol/?

>> No.11042769

>i don’t believe you
I don't care, I've still never been to pol more than a dozen times and have never posted there. Every time I've gone I've seen blatant jewery as well, so it's never been a place of interest.

Too many questions to answer though, try to make your posts more succinct and get some basic HBD down so others don't have to waste time explaining basic things about human difference to you.

>> No.11042770

saying it's not /pol/ doesn't make it so lad

>> No.11042771
File: 695 KB, 472x360, 1486508408163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think that it's possible to deny that Jewish people, particularly Ashkenazi Jews, have a disproportionate amount of influence on America and the west compared to their population size and compared to other groups.
Why does stating that fact cause so much discord?

>> No.11042774

Not at all. I went through that process years ago. Just saying I understand how it feels and can empathize with the OP, as I'm sure many others can as well.

>> No.11042775

no shit sherlock

>> No.11042778

>have a disproportionate amount of influence on America and the west compared to their population size
So do white people.

>> No.11042781

But you do. How many years ago?

>> No.11042783

Explain how Kevin MacDonald is a Nazi.

>> No.11042789

but that's your job

>> No.11042791

There is literally nothing wrong with life right now and i don't care if there are Jews in high places. There's nothing i could say to make someone think otherwise so I'm just going to say that i don't care.

>> No.11042794

If you don't, then you've become confused over what the function of games is.

Also, game-playing itself promotes a non-egalitarian mindset. While equality is key to a good game, within the game there is no interest in having equal outcome and no pursuit towards maintaining that equality. We want to have worthy opponents, but we also don't want to play the same game for all eternity.

>> No.11042799

Even jews are acknowledging it now that the JQ is breaking into mainstream consciousness. Look at the new Reich book or even jewish reactions to Peterson's JQ fake out. They are owning it. But jews being jews they are of course trying to use that to justify why they deserve to rule our society. That's how they think internally, that they have a right to rule over others. Unfortunately such a warped attitude can only lead to them being ousted, as it has in many such other cases.

>> No.11042805

your autistic musings are of no interest

>> No.11042806

Like 5. It's no thing now.

>> No.11042808

i am more hansum than the journo cretin or whoever that is
its not /pol/ this board is filled with relatively high verbal iq autistic sociopaths
because you dont care that whites do to on a global scale and nothing bad whites do is a racial issue to you
there is no equality of opportunity in a society of landed gentry or a corporate firm based capitalist society and if there is, Jews are some of the strongest players
lol if you were a high iq hbd fag you could easily compress the info fuck off feeb

>> No.11042810

>philosophical content is not welcome in the bait thread
My bad.

>> No.11042813


>> No.11042818

>there is no equality of opportunity in a society of landed gentry or a corporate firm based capitalist society
There is no equality of opportunity in any society because no one is equal.

>> No.11042819

Did you first get sucked into the JQ though /pol/?

>> No.11042822

>my philosophical content

>> No.11042828

No. I didn't even know what 4chan was until two years into the process.

>> No.11042829


>> No.11042834

My ideas aren't founded on nothing. Read Roger Caillois' Man, Play and Games, he studies the sociology of game-playing and recognizes how games are valued, what types of games are played, how society shapes them, and how they shape society.

>> No.11042838

What does this transitioning imply?

>> No.11042840

What are they founded on?

>> No.11042852
File: 590 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180422-134336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or just a shabbos goy?

>> No.11042853

I just named one book they're founded on.

>> No.11042854

I don't care. That's right, i don't care about the JQ. What are you gonna do about it /lit/?

>> No.11042860

it does

>> No.11042861

Have you reached the end of your rope, shill?
There's still a little bit left, you're meant to put it around your neck.

>> No.11042863

I don't have to care about living paycheck to paycheck because i know how to spend my money

>> No.11042866

It implies that one day I looked around and wondered why there were so many shitskins in my country, saw that I would be called names if I said I didn't like this, and then started sniffing around and found out that jews were the main people promoting such policies and calling people names.

>> No.11042869
File: 73 KB, 630x472, danny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>badly screenshotted yahoo mobile finance article
is this bait?

>> No.11042871

So you're gonna do nothing huh, that's what i thought.

>> No.11042878

That doesn't tell me much, just you naming a book as a reference is meaningless.

>> No.11042880

I chose a left leaning outlet to further highlight the problem

>> No.11042884

>sniffing around
that's not much of an intellectual process

>> No.11042888

How is that meaningless at all? What else do you want? Direct quotes? Do your own reading.

>> No.11042892

>he thinks he highlighted anything but his autism

>> No.11042893

the only problem you highlighted is your mental deficiency

>> No.11042899

Ok, I'll play. What concepts have you drawn from the book you namedropped?

>> No.11042903


>> No.11042909

Have any of you /pol/tards ever thought that Jews have influenced so much of our modern societies because they're genetically gifted with intelligence? The average Jewish IQ is 115 which is significantly higher than any other ethnic group. This means that the Jewish population will produce more geniuses per capita than any other population, and those geniuses are the ones who revolutionise philosophy, physics, the sciences, etc. That coupled with the immense discipline and pressure to succeed in Jewish communities and you get successful influential people who naturally strive for high positions in society. To look at it as a global Jewish conspiracy is to be no different than the Marxist who blames the upper-class for his own shortcomings.

>> No.11042920


>> No.11042925

Firstly, it's between 108 and 113, secondly, there are inordinately more white people with IQs greater than 130 than Jews. But by all means, please bring race realism into the cultural mainstream to defend yourselves, I'm sure that'll work out well. Here's a fun read by the way:


If whites ever started acting even remotely ethnocentrically again jews would be so done.

>> No.11042929

typical /pol/ behaviour

>> No.11042937

jews are white bucko

>> No.11042940

You dont need to samefag

>> No.11042944

east-asians are on the level of Jews in that aspect, I'm all for east-asian supremacy in the West and the world, they have contributed soo much.

>> No.11042946

Jews are doing harm to my society. I want to fix this problem. This is a natural reaction.

Jews are nepotistic outsiders who are dishonest and hostile to anyone who questions them. It's about a lot more than high verbal IQ, and since jews have proven that they will use whatever talents they may have in dishonest ways against their host white populations, whites have every right to remove them by any means necessary.

>> No.11042947

we need more enforcing of this

>> No.11042950

No, Jews have an ingroup allegiance that includes Jews and excludes non-Jewish whites, so for all intents and purposes they are not white. They act as an entirely separate group.

>> No.11042951

why is this so common on /lit/ compared to other boards? Rather than typing out "non-jewish whites" I just typed whites but instead of actually responding to what I said you just responded with some gay autism. Not that that doesn't happen on other boards, just way more here.

>> No.11042954

>my society
pure autism

>> No.11042958

They have their own desert shithole to do this in

>> No.11042959

>I don't want any politics on the literature board
good luck with that.

>> No.11042965

>why is /lit/ less retarded than /pol/
think about it

>> No.11042968

>Don't have more concern for the society you are a part of compared to societies you are not a part of
pure idiocy

>> No.11042969
File: 121 KB, 1000x866, muhmilkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are white bucko
Oh wait, you're serious!

>> No.11042971

as much as I love /pol/ both boards are pretty retarded.

>> No.11042972

/pol/ doesn't mean politics you absolute moron

>> No.11042979

How did anon even imply that?

>> No.11042980

In the year of our Lord 2018 it does. There's a cheetoh-faced alt-right neo-natsee in the white house don't you know?

>> No.11042984

Jews, as show in Human Accomplishment, contributed literally nothing to the arts and sciences prior to two hundred years ago. That was when they were confined to their shtetl. They are a purely parasitic people who cannot do things on their own, and much of their so-called accomplishments in the last 200 years are suspect anyway due to their nepotistic and dishonest nature. They have a high verbal IQ but are intellectually very limited.

>> No.11042990

fuck off ameritard

>> No.11042994


>> No.11042996

Why else would he consider it autistic for someone to consider themselves associated with the society that they live within?

>> No.11042999

the mods are fucking faggots, would not be surprised if they allow these threads because they increase page views and site traffic for ad revenue

>> No.11043002

It's autistic when an autist does it, I guess.

>> No.11043004

>waaah out of all the threads on /lit/ right now I can't find something to interest me so I'll go in an on-topic thread that doesn't and complain

>> No.11043006

Yes, they have to profit from the fear-mongering. It would explain a lot.

>> No.11043015

Don't expect a response, he's a pseud.

>> No.11043019
File: 109 KB, 640x768, 0AJ_FRAnIbD7aunb8D885oLr55421hvZsUgjXKLrXxY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of my problems are because of capitalism
/lit/ is an irrelevant and tiny board and 4chan doesn't make much money if any anyway.

>> No.11043020
File: 30 KB, 485x362, S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off jidf
this is a thread about a book, it belongs on lit

>> No.11043023

No you have that backwards. Actions are not autistic because an autist does them, and autist is autistic because he performs autistic actions. He didn't call the poster autistic, he quoted something he said and said it was pure autism. On it's own what he said was not autistic, which is what I was pointing out. If the poster is autistic it has nothing to do with the quoted words.

>> No.11043027

>In Bongland this year they just passed laws

>> No.11043034

Quotes from the book:

>Play is an occasion of pure waste: waste of time, energy, ingenuity, skill, and often of money for the purchase of gambling equipment or eventually to pay for the establishment.

>In effect, play is essentially a separate occupation, carefully isolated from the rest of life, and generally is engaged in with precise limits of time and place. There is place for play: as needs dictate, the space for hopscotch, the board for checkers or chess, the stadium, the racetrack, the list, the ring, the stage, the arena, etc. Nothing that takes place outside this ideal frontier is relevant.

>All play presupposes the temporary acceptance, if not of an illusion (indeed this last word means nothing less than beginning a game: in-lusio), then at least of a closed, conventional, and, in certain respects, imaginary universe.

Caillois draws up numerous examples of games throughout history to outline his idea of games as an "occasion of pure waste." He categorizes the types of games that exist into four key groups which make sense based on the amount of games he is able to draw up as examples. He defines the activity play in the following passage:

>The preceding analysis permits play to be defined as an activity which is essentially: 1. Free: in which playing is not obligatory; if it were, it would at once lose its attractive and joyous quality as diversion; 2. Separate: circumscribed within limits of space and time, defined and fixed in advance; 3. Uncertain: the course of which cannot be determined, nor the result attained beforehand, and some latitude for innovations being left to the player’s initiative; 4. Unproductive; creating neither goods, nor wealth, nor new elements of any kind; and, except for the exchange of property among the players, ending in a situation identical to that prevailing at the beginning of the game; 5. Governed by rules: under conventions that suspend ordinary laws, and for the moment establish new legislation, which alone counts; 6. Make-believe: accompanied by a special awareness of a second reality or of a free unreality, as against real life.

Through the book he analyzes his different categories of games and also what leads to their corruption.

The chief idea I draw from this is that those who like to play desire ideal conditions for the game, and the game does not start until such conditions exist, but the very fact that said conditions are ideal means that they are not true beyond the game. Handicaps must be invented in order to make it as true as possible for the brief moment in which the illusion of the game exists. Latin for play is ludere, related to illusion.

And that is just one book I consider.

>> No.11043039

Eat your words, kid: >>11043034

>> No.11043045

The little money they make is from neo-nazis who thrive on anonymity, or so it seems.

>> No.11043046

>Reading antisemitic propaganda

>> No.11043053

Have you read the thread? It's /pol/ bait.

>> No.11043057

>anything that doesn't suit you is pol
I said fuck off

>> No.11043063

> there are inordinately more white people with IQs greater than 130 than Jews

That's why I said per capita. My point was that there is a higher percentage of geniuses in the Ashkenazi Jewish race than there are in any other race because their average IQ is higher. This means that a lot of Jews are going to be in the top positions in society because we already know that IQ is a huge predictor of success. Besides, we don't have to just look at the geniuses; the average Jew is already in what we would consider the 'bright' category meaning that they will most likely do better and assume a higher position in society than the average white person. This doesn't make them evil conspirators who want to overthrow the white man, it just means we're living in a time where intelligence is rewarded by nature and those who are high in it naturally go up in the societal hierarchy. Perhaps 3000 years ago when physical strength was the most important thing, Jews would have been low on the dominance hierarchy because they're not the strongest of people.

> please bring race realism into the cultural mainstream to defend yourselves, I'm sure that'll work out well

I'm stating empirical, observed scientific facts. I'm not claiming that Jews are intrinsically superior to anybody else, nor am I saying they should be treat as such. I'm simply giving an alternative explanation on why Jews are doing so well in society. If that makes me a race realist, then I'm a race realist.

> If whites ever started acting even remotely ethnocentrically again jews would be so done

We tried that before with Hitler. I don't know about you but I'm not fine with millions dead.

>> No.11043071

Thanks for replying, pseud.

>> No.11043080

what did you say?

>> No.11043085


>The inexplicable mimetism of insects immediately affords an extraordinary parallel to man’s penchant for disguising himself, wearing a mask, or playing a part—except that in the insect’s case the mask or guise becomes part of the body instead of a contrived accessory. But it serves the same purposes in both cases, viz. to change the wearer’s appearance and to inspire fear in others.

Also from the book.

>> No.11043087

remember this lads

>> No.11043095
File: 43 KB, 506x350, 1523466239780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We tried that before with Hitler. I don't know about you but I'm not fine with millions dead.
are you being serious right now

>> No.11043099

Which one?

>> No.11043100

I know what per capita is, christ, you're talking 1 jew for every 7 whites above 130, you clearly don't know how distributions work.
And Jewish interests are different from white interests. Even so called "conservative" jews want mass immigration and to liberalise social norms. The super conservative religious types don't care about what happens to whitey so long as they can live in their own tiny communities and effectively legislate for themselves.

And the idea that the holocaust would necessarily repeat if whites became more ethno-centric is absurd. Jews have been kicked out of countries plenty of times in the past without being slaughtered. If 200-300k jews were to die again of typhus I wouldn't be crying either.

>> No.11043104

Man, Play and Games, the only one I'm talking about.

>> No.11043117

report all bait threads

>> No.11043121

The implications of your post have been disproven by jew Ron Unz. Jewish over-representation is tied to nepotism more than intellect.

>We tried that before with Hitler. I don't know about you but I'm not fine with millions dead.
So whites can't act in their own racial interests because it would be bad for jews? Not to mention how Hitler's rise in part resulted from the jewish genocide of Russians after 1917.

Jews do not belong in the west, period. It does not matter how high their verbal IQ is, their behavior is overwhelmingly negative for whites and they must be repatriated to Israel.

>> No.11043132

Absolute fucking nonsense. Jews, like everybody else, are individual people. Some are good, some are bad.

Your way of thinking is like living in a Tolkien book where the Orcs are the bad race and there's nothing you can do to change them because they are intrinsically bad and all you can do is fight against them. In the real world, it's not like this. Everyone's an individual who has a sense of empathy and morals, and they can either choose to follow them or go against them. Just because some Jews do something bad doesn't make the rest of them bad because they're individual people.

>> No.11043134

>act in their own racial interests
to be fair you guys actually talk about commiting violent crimes

>> No.11043143

>Absolute fucking nonsense. Jews, like everybody else, are individual people. Some are good, some are bad.
wow it's not like ideology/religion homogenizes people at all. Good post kike

>> No.11043146

You live in a world where most white people agree with this but most people of every other race disagree (or certainly disagree in their actions). You're just fucking yourself and your descendants.

>> No.11043151

Just because you're homogenized doesn't mean we are.

>> No.11043155
File: 755 KB, 883x588, 1523900610237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really nig?

>> No.11043160

But there is no /lit/ content in the thread, like at all.

>> No.11043166

No no no, and people need to stop repeating this. Jews are the most tribal people on the planet and they tell their own to ask "is it good for the jews?" regarding every decision they make. They are in no way individualists, everything is about the group, and it is a mistake to view them as such.

>> No.11043175

How many violent "crimes" have been committed in support of Israel's interests? I'm not some Palestine fanboy and I have no more love for Muslims or Arabs than I do for Jews, but if we're measuring who's got bloody hands then I don't think you can say that Jews are somehow cleaner than anybody else. Of course they're not really "crimes" because they're committed by a recognized state, but violence is violence. The only difference is that Jewish violence is at least somewhat tolerated by the current international system, whereas violence of a similar severity committed in support of white interests is seen as the greatest evil that could occur.

>> No.11043176
File: 100 KB, 1024x579, 1523740156241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not allowed.

>> No.11043177

> And the idea that the holocaust would necessarily repeat if whites became more ethno-centric is absurd. Jews have been kicked out of countries plenty of times in the past without being slaughtered. If 200-300k jews were to die again of typhus I wouldn't be crying either.

Your words: 'Jews will be so done'

I just put 2 and 2 together

>> No.11043178

Who? What are you talking about?

>> No.11043181
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1456164251220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>judaism was a mistake like many other human inventions and whatever benefits it grants can be outweighed by the misery it brings
That can be said of literally anything, you brainlet. You're just pigeon-holing the Jews for it because you have a clear fetish for being an ignorant dipshit who needs a childhood boogieman to keep up his self-esteem

And yet they keep it to their own board. Only /pol/tards are constantly spamming their idiotic stormfag propaganda everywhere like an autistic kid who's been left alone in the bathroom and has spread his shit on every surface he can reach

Cute way of avoiding the question, m8. I've read Bloodlands and there isn't a thing in there to support "muh Jewish percentage"

>mfw stormfags can't do anything but hide behind their JIDF meme

>> No.11043184

>Mention the word jew on any board and everything goes haywire.

Idk if I love or hate this shit.

>> No.11043189

I bet my friend I could make you reply some stupid meme and I won twenty bucks, thanks.

>> No.11043193

>Jews, like everybody else, are individual people. Some are good, some are bad.
ah yes, another white boy thinking everyone's like him

blue-eyed people being naive, such an apt figure

>> No.11043195

>Literally every single thought, idea or interest I've ever had has been in someway influenced by jews.
Wait until you figure out the Protestants.

>> No.11043196

This poster is a jew.

>> No.11043197

>And yet they keep it to their own board. Only /pol/tards are constantly spamming their idiotic stormfag propaganda everywhere like an autistic kid who's been left alone in the bathroom and has spread his shit on every surface he can reach
You can go on /leftypol/ on 8-chan right now and find entire threads about shilling on 4chan, specifically boards like /lit/ and /his/

>> No.11043200

There are boards for non /lit/ content. It should be posted there.

>> No.11043202
File: 453 KB, 857x1200, joos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can kikes have any friends?
Have another faggot

>> No.11043213

Protestants just created the conditions within society which allowed Jews to do what they've done. That may not be much better, although I think post-WW2 pathological guilt is really what was instrumental in opening up Protestant society for exploitation, and barring that things would have been fine.

>> No.11043215

Keep 'em coming, he's getting frustrated.

>> No.11043218

I'm not even Jewish, but alright.

Yeah, ideology does homogenise people but are you going to sit here with a straight face and tell me that the majority of Jews strictly follow Judaism? There are very few people in any religion who truly believe in their religion. It's more of a tradition for them.

I know that there are some very racist things in Judaism's holy writings but you can't take that and then use it as proof that all Jews are bad. It would be like blaming Christianity for slavery.

>> No.11043221


>> No.11043231

>I know that there are some very racist things in Judaism's holy writings but you can't take that and then use it as proof that all Jews are bad.
I just did. Problem?

>> No.11043236
File: 1.16 MB, 384x214, bRSjH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anti-fascists boards posting anti-fascist tactics
>a concentrated effort by a nation to shitpost on an anime board

well shit anon, guess you got me there
clearly those evil Jews are behind it

>> No.11043238

>Mention the word jew
that's just not what happened, liar

>> No.11043241
File: 474 KB, 1553x1127, Chuck-Norris-Thumbs-Up-Meme-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> equates the Jewish race with the Jewish religion

>> No.11043246

You're clearly not much an intellectual. Fuck your feels tbqh.

>> No.11043248
File: 444 KB, 480x267, jew-agenda-import-endless-3rd-world-minority-in-your-own-country-abandon-morals-restrict-your-free-speech-go-to-jew-neocon-wars-own-90%-of-media-97%-of-banks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I had no idea /lit/ was so cucked
guess those rumors about shill discords were true
I know right! It was like anudda shoah!

>> No.11043253

What the fuck are you even on about? You were talking like /pol/ is somehow exceptional in the way that they export their ideology to other boards. I've outlined that not only are they not exceptional, they're not even the worst. /pol/ doesn't organize actual shilling, it's just a bunch of idiot individual posters. Places like /leftypol/ actually organize their shilling as a concentrated effort, so don't act like /pol/ is some big bad boogeyman.

>> No.11043254

why dont you make arguments against the book then instead of just calling everyone fucking idiots? why not publicly dismantle this viewpoint instead of trying to censor it?

>> No.11043256

You should do some more reading on the jewish problem and read the book in the OP. Better yet, read the Talmud. The issue is not judaism per se, it is the culture that judaism has inflicted upon jews for millennia that makes them such a fucked up people. Making a people memorize sadistic passages about how everyone else is their slave, that they are bound to rule the world, and that everyone is against them so they must find new ways to kill them first has created a race of sociopaths. It's a death cult.

>> No.11043264
File: 20 KB, 284x298, 1493301323541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stormfag topic, stormfags posting shit propaganda, stormfags constantly leaving /pol/ to shitpost on other boards
>it's all because somebody mentions the jews

briliant analysis anon, just brilliant

>> No.11043265
File: 406 KB, 592x678, shabbosgoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally not a single person here mentioned islam
nice job outing yourself you stupid kike

>> No.11043270

The OP didn't even have one argument for the book. It's an obvious larp and a bait thread.

>> No.11043276

There was an attempt in that brief "egalitarian" talk, but it ended ultimately ignored. The thread is definitely cancer.

>> No.11043281

Link this comment when you post more memes, my friend says he won't pay if it's not a direct response.

>> No.11043286

Why are jews so paranoid /pol/?

>> No.11043295


>> No.11043298

something something evolutionary pressure favoring those more wary outgroup hostility

>> No.11043300


>> No.11043304

This is a good thread with a lot of good info about jews. Rare one of these stays up but the problem always comes from the jews trying to stifle discussion, not the whites trying to spread info about jews to other whites. They can't allow these discussions to occur, they have to sabotage.

>> No.11043308

I know that the Talmud has horrible things in it about non-Jewish people but, again, you're hating on the Jewish race and the adherents of the religion instead of just hating the religion. I'm sure if somebody said that white people are bad because their culture is heavily influenced by Christianity which allows slavery, you would object to that on the basis that, while Christianity has and does influence our culture, that doesn't mean that we all strictly follow it to the T. But this is the same argument you're making against Jews.

>> No.11043312
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No, I said stormfags, who call /pol/ home, are
>just a bunch of idiot individual posters
who should keep to jerking each other off on their own board
"shilling" by anyone against you fucktards I am 110% in support of

>deconstruct a strawman of an argument
yea sure, anon. why not offer up something besides a boogieman fantasy on-par with flat earthers and your own baseless propaganda if you think you have such a grasp of the truth about the jews? can't you retards offer any better "evidence" than 'duh joos are evil cuz they do things that I don't like'
let's see you defend genocide you fucktard

>> No.11043314

again, can kikes maintain friends? I figure after you borrow money for the 50th time and never return it you tend to get a reputation.

>> No.11043320

and yet western culture has gotten rid of slavery while the kikes are still steadfast in their ways.
Says a lot huh

>> No.11043321

who mentioned genocide? And no one said the jews are evil. it feels like you just need to calm down and take some deep breaths mister.

>> No.11043323

The problem with jews stems from their biology. That biology is the way it is due to cultural practices that include religion. These things cannot be separated.

>> No.11043326
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>> No.11043328

read the book in the OP you literal monkey.
It's meticulously cited and sourced.

>> No.11043331
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>can't argue against anon's point, BETTER RESORT TO MY NON-SEQUITUR AND CALL HIM A KIKE

and here we see the absolute baseless view of the average stormfag, folks

>> No.11043334

Yes, keep the replies coming and please use pics.

>> No.11043337

Dude, you (or he) said: 'If Europe started acting ethnocentrically AGAIN, Jews will be so done'

It's kind of hard not to interpret that as advocating killing Jews

>> No.11043339

Stormfags haven't been an actual influence on this site since /new/. Whether you like it or not, the worldview they brought long outlives their time of having a greater-than-marginal presence here.'

>"shilling" by anyone against you fucktards I am 110% in support of
>duuuuuudddddeeee id rather be a colony for /leftypol/ than /pol/ right guys?
Fuck off you cunt you're not fooling anyone. You people are just as unwelcome here as /pol/. /lit/ is /lit/ is /lit/

>> No.11043340
File: 45 KB, 512x384, Hahaha+oh+wow+_7095b5542be356de2f176e9e365decb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who mentioned genocide
>no one said the jews are evil

>all that non-argument
give me one good reason to, anon

>> No.11043345

hey monkey, you're the one who brought up islam, not me.
well for starters it would give you better talking points, but I figure you're one of the apes with the lower IQ. pls have them bring some Ashkenazis next time ok, preferably females with big khazar milkers.

>> No.11043349

You're truly more worm than man.

>> No.11043351

That just means disproportionate Jewish power. The idea that competing hard against jews and acknowledging the idea of a competition itself is a step towards genocide is the kind of retarded idea that makes people start to resent jews.

>> No.11043353
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a presence that nevertheless deserves to be crushed

>duuuuuudddddeeee id rather be a colony for /leftypol/ than /pol/ right guys?
does /leftypol/ constantly shitpost about their genocidal fetish and childish fear of the jewish boogieman?

>> No.11043359

The citations and sources are a smokescreen, just go research them and see how it works.

>> No.11043363

That's just not true though. I'm pretty sure this is bait but if you're serious then cite a peer-reviewed paper from an actual respected biologist who thinks this

>> No.11043366

Americans have a problem with jews lol. they're either full blown larping nazis or completely closed to the idea that maybe jews aren't americans with the same taste, values, history, symbolism, life and underwear.
I live in france and everybody and their mother knows jews have their own agenda, and that israel is fucked up. But I've yet to find someone larping as a hitler fanboy. Both sides are pathetic.

>> No.11043367

Jews do not belong in Western countries and have to be removed from them. Jews have no right to live in our nations and violence is inevitable if they refuse to leave and continue to attack whites.

Jews are not innocent. The opiate epidemic was caused by a jewish family, the Sackler's. 65,000 mostly white people died last year alone because of this, and it's just one example of the death caused by jews. Don't expect whites to have to be the moral ones here. Jews are the problem and they have to go.

>> No.11043369

Just own up to your fantasy, neo-nazi.

>> No.11043371

>citations don't matter if I don't like them!

>> No.11043373
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Except I'm a different anon from the original

>well for starters it would give you better talking points
talking points about what? How fucking stupid stormfags are?
shit anon you're right, maybe I will get a copy just so I can see how many 'duh joos' strawmen he sets up

>> No.11043374

/leftypol/ is way less interesting and amusing and is far more reddit than /pol/ even post /the_d****d/ invasion as evidenced by your uber-cringe reaction images. you just have a childish fear of being holocausted every time wh*tey so much as sneezes.

>> No.11043378

is that why macaroni wants to not only remove assad but make sure Israel get a piece of the pie?

>> No.11043379

That is very basic stuff. It's how evolution works.

>> No.11043381

What happens between me and my brain in the privacy of my own bedroom is none of your business.

>> No.11043382

OPs that provide no insight on the book, like this one, should be deleted or moved to an appropriate board.

>> No.11043385
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>replying with nothing but a non-sequitur

>> No.11043390

talk about double standard

>> No.11043394

It's called a joke.

>> No.11043398
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>If whites ever started acting even remotely ethnocentrically

>> No.11043400

macron used to work at rothschild lol. he was voted in because of the younger globalized generation.

>> No.11043402

OP here.
What the fuck.
I was ready to move on but reading through this thread was almost as eye-opening as reading CoC.
Nice job being subtle, apparently trying to discuss a book I read and was disturbed by should be allowed on /lit/ because some "people" don't like the topic.

>> No.11043404
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>/leftypol/ is way less interesting and amusing
so you admit that you just roleplay as a stormfag to keep up your self-esteem against the jewish boogieman then, eh anon?
typical stormfag, no actual substance, just a cavity in their head from when their mother tried to abort her mistake

>> No.11043405


>> No.11043406

It also has people spreading misinformation about white culture, such as >>11042614

I'm starting to find just about everyone in these discussions despicable.

>> No.11043407

The cocaine empires were started by South Americans, thousands of whites died from cocaine, therefore South Americans are evil conspirators who want to bring down the white race

The British invented tanks, tanks killed a lot of white people, therefore the British are all evil conspirators who want to bring down the white race

A German invented communism, communism killed millions of white people, therefore all Germans are evil conspirators who want to bring down white people

You could just go on forever and demonise whoever you want with this logic. This is the problem with collectivist thinking.

>> No.11043412

You're seething so hard you can't even think my dude.

>> No.11043414

The jews' are a lot funnier.

>> No.11043415

Great way to confirm your own bias, OP. God fucking forbid you might be wrong

>> No.11043417

none of what you said is wrong though
spics, disgusting brits and germans can and should all fuck off.

>> No.11043421

The opiate epidemic isn't the issue, it's the nature of the power that's enabling it that's the problem.

>> No.11043424

more larping from neo-nazi retards

>> No.11043425
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>seething so hard

>> No.11043428
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OK then so it's not exclusive to Jews, I'm 100% sure you're trolling now. Either that or you're just irreparably retarded

>> No.11043429

really? because youre posts look and are formatted the exact same and you both use lame reaction images.

dont worry rabbi, i totally believe you.

>> No.11043433

I was making a relative statement with an implicit comparison to the degree to which jews and other groups act ethnocentrically.

>> No.11043434

>a presence that nevertheless deserves to be crushed
I'm all for getting rid of the low-effort posters but every once in awhile you run into pre-/r/thedonald /pol/ and they have the attention span to write more than a single fucking line of antisemitic ranting, and frankly I think they have more right to be on the site than the post-election faggots that sperg out the very moment the word jew is uttered.

>does /leftypol/ constantly shitpost about their genocidal fetish and childish fear of the jewish boogieman?
No, like I said they're even worse because of how they operate. When /pol/ posts something, you immediately know that it's /pol/ and you know what their agenda is. /leftypol/ is more insidious and organized in their effort and therefore more dangerous. Marx-derived literature can be just as interesting as any philosophy, but that doesn't mean I want some some /leftpol/ faggots shilling their bullshit here. /pol/'s memes have taken a nose dive in the past couple of years, but they're still light-years ahead of the shit that comes out of /leftypol/. Don't even get me started on stirner-posting.

>> No.11043440
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>two different people post images


>> No.11043444

Almost everything in this post is wrong.

1) Iran-contra, idiot.

2) maybe, the jewish Sassoon family also created the opioid epidemic in China under the guise of the British empire.

3) Marx was a jew, not a German.

You are a retard.

>> No.11043453

i'm the first anon actually and I'm not even Jewish so you might wanna calm your confirmation bias

>> No.11043460

this response totally convinced me you arent upset. you really showed me man. wtf i love israel now.

>> No.11043467

No trait is 100% exclusive to one people. Everything works on a spectrum, and groups means fall on certain lines of that spectrum wrt various behaviors and inclinations.

>> No.11043473

How many jews can you fit into a car?

2 in the front, 3 in the back, and the rest in the ash tray

>> No.11043485


What has Iran-contra got to do with South Americans inventing the cocaine empires? LOL?

And yeah I fucked up with the Marx one, but my point was to point out that you can demonise ANYBODY with that collectivist logic. Just because someone does something bad doesn't meant that the race that they're a part of is also bad.

>> No.11043491

whats the difference between a dead dog in the street and a dead jew in the street?

the dog has skid marks leading up to it

>> No.11043494

OP should make part 2 of this thread with an update on his POV now that he's finally gotten out of bed and had some time to ruminate on the issue.

>> No.11043514

lol all he has to do is read this thread to confirm his suspicions

>> No.11043515

The CIA created the cocain epidemic in the 70s and 80s, just as they're the ones creating the heroin epidemic now, running smack into the US from Afghanistan. The jewish Sackler family got people hooked on oxy prior.

>> No.11043516

I just did anon, >>11043402, and I got flamed for it

>> No.11043519

absolutely reddit post

>> No.11043535

>my thread hit the bump limit on fucking /lit/ of all places
...didn't know this was such a controversial topic on here

>> No.11043539

The cocaine cartels had people on the inside in the CIA but the CIA wasn't directly involved.

Is it your position, then, that every bad thing that happens in the world is the result of the Jews?

>> No.11043546

obviously someone tipped off the JIDF

I mean jesus christ... you hit a nerve with them or something

>> No.11043550

I don't know if I should make another thread or not honestly

>> No.11043556
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>wtf i love israel now

good to hear anon. that's another gold star on my JIDF employee of the month picture for sure