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/lit/ - Literature

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11039851 No.11039851 [Reply] [Original]

>the phenomenology is esoteric hermeticism, dialectics is alchemical correspondence, and the author was a rosicrucian magus

>inspires karl marx to turn this inside-out, leading to the greatest modern theory of social alchemy in the 19C, possibly ever

>this in turn produces left and right socialism in the 20C

>pokes a hole in nick land's brain, letting cthulhu into our world

>this is done in the name of freedom

was gwf hegel /lit/erally faust?
>gwf hegel was /lit/erally faust

>> No.11039856

Kantbot dont you have some irrelevant tweets to think up right about now

>> No.11039859

this seems pretty irrelevant to me tbqh

>> No.11039878

As i understood it, Hegel's observation is abstraction of processes outside of the domain or magnitudes of people, but the acute application of a dialectic in social engineering is extremely effective, but could be applied to any desired change.

>> No.11039897

And I assume thst the german russian Zionists, ie. Moses Hess were the ones to translate hegel into more efficient processes for causing change, then suppositioning communism on engels and marx

>> No.11040449

>the phenomenology is esoteric hermeticism, dialectics is alchemical correspondence, and the author was a rosicrucian magus

what the fuck does this mean?

if you're kantbot, dont reply

>> No.11040464 [DELETED] 

there used to be a homeless guy outside my building who would pee in bottles and i heard him mumble about it being rosecrucian alchemy one day and i thought lol what a but then i was reading some article in the nytimes about homeless ppl in harlem smoking synthetic weed an shit and one of the psychosis guys was quoted talking about rosecrucian alchemy like wtf someone should do a story about how insane homeless people are actually people who stumbled upon medieval alchemical secrets and now live in a higher plane of existence, like what if there is an underground network of rosecrucians protecting nyc from some kind of unknown evil

>> No.11040468 [DELETED] 

unless its just like a inside bum joke about turning liquor into "gold" aka piss, lol nevermind mystery solved...or is it?

>> No.11040469
File: 93 KB, 1200x471, cropped-hegel-2-hegel_faust_by_mitchellnolte-d8l17eg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not kantbot so this rule doesn't apply.

it means hegel was a Very Intersting guy. his inspirations aren't coming from logic but from all kinds of interesting gnostic, theosophical and other traditions. the famous theory of dialectics may be based on hegel's own reading of concepts derived from paganism. as for the rosicrucians you can google those guys yourself.

and the subsequent influence of ideas that are basically the wearing of wizard hats on philosophy has been huge. it would all be kind of goofy and crazy if it wasn't, you know, hegel.

>> No.11040479


>> No.11040491

laughed lel

>> No.11040527

what did hegel say that is so profound?

>> No.11040546
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that there is no consciousness of self without consciousness of the other. which isn't maybe all that crazy to think about on first glance.

but he's also the direct inspiration for marx and lacan, the 714 books zizek writes, the minotaur of milwaukee, and lots of other stuff. hegel's a big deal and is fun as fuck to think about.

i'm partial to kojeve's interpretation also but some people don't like it. it blew a lot of minds in france and elsewhere in the 30s though. for kojeve basically all social life is a brutal struggle for recognition - Work, Slave, Master, much else - so you can read more on that here.

for sure,
>inb4 kojeve gets hegel wrong
is necessary so as not to trigger the die-hard hegelanons on this board.

but i mean the phenomenology is one of /lit/'s favorite books and has had a massive influence on intellectual and social history. no marx without him. he moved the narrative on after kant and arguably completed the system of german idealism. all kinds of stuff.

>> No.11040553

>people who shitpost on a Laotian Crabcake enthusiasts forum are a manifestation of the They, and as should not be the people to teach you the meaning of Dasien
Heidegger - The Question Concerning 4chins

>> No.11040568

>the famous theory of dialectics may be based on hegel's own reading of concepts derived from paganism
yeah he totally didn't took that from fichte

>> No.11040577

No one on this board has read Fichte (unless OP is actually Kantbot)

>> No.11040591

>consciousness of the other
Like panpsychism? Isn’t Hermeticism that we’re basically all existing in the mind of god or some shit?

>> No.11040609

No one on this board has read Fichte
The Minotaur himself browses /lit/ so that’s not true

>> No.11040616
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He didn't even know who Nick Land was

>> No.11040624
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i'm one of those guys who hasn't fichte, so i can't say.

not kantbot

here's the important part:

>To summarize, the doctrines of the Hermetica that became enduring features of the Hermetic tradition can be enumerated as follows:

>1. God requires creation in order to be God.

>2. God is in some sense “completed” or has a need fulfilled through man’s contemplation of Him.

>3. Illumination involves capturing the whole of reality in a complete, encyclopedic speech.

>4. Man can perfect himself through gnosis: he becomes empowered through the possession of the complete speech.

>5. Man can know the aspects or “moments” of God.

>6. An initial stage of purification in which the initiate is purged of false intellectual standpoints is required before the reception of the true doctrine.

>7. The universe is an internally related whole pervaded by cosmic energies.

>To make clear the parallels between these doctrines and Hegel’s, here is a preview of what [magee] will be arguing in the rest of this book:

>1. Hegel holds that God’s being involves “creation,” the subject matter of his Philosophy of Nature. Nature is a moment of God’s being.

>2. Hegel holds that God is in some sense “completed” or actualized through the intellectual activity of mankind: “Philosophy” is the final stage in the actualization of Absolute Spirit. Hegel holds the “circular” conception of God and of the cosmos I referred to earlier, involving God “returning to Himself” and truly becoming God through man.

>3. Hegel’s philosophy is encyclopedic: he aims to end philosophy, for all intents and purposes, by capturing the whole of reality in a complete, circular speech.

>4. Hegel believes that we rise above nature and become masters of our own destiny through the profound gnosis provided by his system.

>5. Hegel’s Logic is an attempt to know the aspects or “moments” of God as a system of ideas. In a famous passage of the Science of Logic, Hegel states that the Logic “is to be understood as the system of pure reason, as the realm of pure thought. This realm is truth as it is without veil and in its own absolute nature. It can therefore be said that this content is the exposition of God as He is in his eternal essence before the creation of nature and a finite Spirit” (Miller, 50; WL 1, 33-34).

>6. Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit represents, in the Hegelian system, an initial stage of purification in which the would-be philosopher is purged of false intellectual standpoints so that he might receive the true doctrine of Absolute Knowing (Logic-Nature-Spirit).

>7. Hegel’s account of nature rejects the philosophy of mechanism. He upholds what the followers of Bradley would later call a doctrine of “internal relations” as against the typical, modern mechanistic understanding of things in terms of “external relations.”


>> No.11040683

>literally who
Hmmm how weird that a Hegel scholar might be familiar with one of Hegel’s major influences and not some modern alt right meme

>> No.11040690

>there is no consciousness of self without consciousness of the other. which isn't maybe all that crazy to think about on first glance.

i'm not sure how this relates to the subject-object dichotomy. also is hegel a materialist? i assume so since marx made 'materialist interpretations' of his work and translated it to social theory.

>> No.11040702
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He probably started this thread just to get us to talk about Hegel

>> No.11040706
File: 66 KB, 620x350, Dark-Enlightenment-Nick-Land2334683534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Nick is/was NRx, not alt-right, and in the 1990s Young Nick was mostly absorbed with deleuze and the CCRU and other weirdness. it was going bananas over kant, marx and D&G that made him into who he is today.

true, maybe he was going to wind up here anyways. it's not like it's marx's fault that he became who he became. he seems to have fit into his niche space now and it suits him. but he's way more interesting than an alt-right meme.

no, he's definitely in the idealist category. that's why people say marx flipped hegel inside out: capital is to marx what spirit is to hegel, the materialization of an idealistic process. it's also what is so fascinating about it all.

marx is the materialist, he just thinks that it's capital itself, the process of capitalization, that is the real motor-force of history, and not spirit. but how capital operates, MCM and the rest, this comes from his own readings of hegel.

it's one of the most interesting bromances in philosophy.

>> No.11040708

He does now though, he's looked into him a bit

>> No.11040718
File: 179 KB, 2048x693, 1518536693818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hegel makes you larger

>> No.11040727

source please

>> No.11040731

what's hegel's social views? i got kicked out of a commie chat for being an idealist before so the marx / hegel thing confuses me.

>> No.11040735

poser thread

>> No.11040737

basically that the time & place he was living in was the apex of human history

>> No.11040756

>minotaur of milwaukee
what's this I'm from milwaukee

>> No.11040762
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>> No.11040766

does anyone know if he's seen this?

>> No.11040774

poser board


>> No.11040778

email it to him

>> No.11040796

no overlap between /lit/ and his twitter followers?

>> No.11040827

Its funny but I would appreciate if the humor wasn't as crude.

>> No.11040835


>> No.11040968

what other way is there to play on master-slave

>> No.11040979

This is the post that finally made me interested in attempting to read Hegel.

>> No.11040986

supposedly marx had a journal of teen angst in which he renounced god and called on satan. its definitely possible to make the case that his materialism is at least in a small way an effect of this.

in other words it seems that all philosophical thought has some base in esotericism/mysticism etc

>> No.11041419

Just read through this thread and realized no one has even read Magee's book. Also this thread contains probably the most incorrect interpretations of Hegel I've ever seen. Really it's quite astonishing. Some true Deleuzian philosophical buggery.

Beethoven is Hegel for plebs. Just go listen to the 9th on youtube and don't bother with all the dialectics.

>> No.11041426

>no one has even read Magee's book
i also thought it was based on meme interpretations of Hegel, but according to some anon here it's based on Hegel's actual diaries desu which were full of esoteric bullshit

not sure if this is true though

>> No.11041467

enlighten us wise one

>> No.11041520

Hegel offered a conclusion to one of the most optimistic conceptions made on this world. We can start with Descartes musings about the origin of the world, one whereby reason revealed is a suitable blocker for demiurge and other hilariously anti-life conceptions. Leibniz further expands and declares the world constantly perfecting itself is not only a good world, but the best of all possible worlds. Hegel, being the mad genius and maybe inspired by Faust, demonstrated the necessity of a becoming world.

>> No.11041662
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>Hegel was influenced by Hermeticism
>dude was literally balls-deep in the post-Kantian world of 'metaphysical science'

u wot m8

>> No.11041911
File: 78 KB, 850x400, quote-the-man-who-works-recognizes-his-own-product-in-the-world-that-has-actually-been-transformed-alexandre-kojeve-69-68-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a pretty enormous question and i'm not a hegel scholar, but kojeve had a very influential interpretation of this that i find pretty convincing. as AK understands it it's all about recognition. the master risks his life with another master in a struggle to the death and wins or loses. it's only the slaves who acquire self-consciousness in their relationship with masters, which - being slaves - they effect not through revolution but through Work.

what makes hegel compelling for kojeve is that he's not really only looking at the outward surface forms in which humanity organizes itself, but a sort of deeper and fundamental process of psychic regulation that is ultimately quite brutal, but nevertheless (for Kojeve) always present. humanity gonna humanity one way or the other. every society has masters and slaves in it, and that process and relation is what drives the rest.

don't quote me too extensively on this, as it's been a while, but that was part of the takeaway from reading kojeve's intro. but there are many other hegel-anons more well read in this subject than me who can maybe illuminate you further on this. i basically made this thread b/c i was interested in the alchemical symbolism that was beneath the dialectics, which magee convincingly explains draw their sources from hermeticism. and the point of *that* is to say, not so much ironically, so, this is the power of hermeticism.

so i'm pretty much a confirmed pseud when it comes to hegel but he's super-interesting to think about.

enjoy. nick land is definitely worth reading, but his big three guys are kant, deleuze, and marx...all of whom are directly next door to hegel in one sense or another.