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11038394 No.11038394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>all of those so called great philosophers never married

They were beta faggots incapable of procreating. Your grandfather probably knows more about life than these beta faggots who never raised a family. why would anyone take their autistic opinion seriously?

>> No.11038396

average bait. Bigger tits and more use of 'autistic' next time.

>> No.11038404

incel seething. nietzsche was a soft faggot who was rejected by the women he loved and then caught a bunch of stds because of whores. what a fucking retard

>> No.11038427

Satisfied people don't spend a lot of time thinking about the sorts of topics that make for interesting philosophical inquiry. If you think that philosophy is supposed to be self-help and pickup techniques then just bop on back to normieville.

>> No.11038440

>muh normie boogeyman
spoken like a true faggot.

>> No.11038446

Putting benis in bagina and shitting out children isn't really that remarkable, at least they'll be remembered far longer than people who's only succes will be having procreated.

>> No.11038453


Skinny, black hair, will decline most drugs, single, plays video games, watches anime

>> No.11038459

Says the guy who measures personal worth by sexual conquest. Examine yo life, son.

>> No.11038465

I'm broad shouldered, brown hair, does every drug whenever i can, am single but have been taken before, does play video games, and I don't watch anime. But I'm not who you are responding to

>> No.11038467

I’m increasingly baffled by the logic of mouthbreathers like this on /lit/. If you can be made to feel insecure about the worth of human intellect by this trite “nerd-jock/beta-alpha” dichotomy, then you’re either an insecure child/teenager, or not a true intellectual. If I was given the chance to cut off my own testicles, be a weakling, be laughed at and despised by everyone and have no romantic relationships or friends whatsoever, but still be able to exercise my intellect, or be a dumb jock with lots of friends and lovers and sex and wealth and so on but without the capacity/inclination to much use my own intellect to think about the deepest problems of life and mankind, I’d rather keep my intellect. Trolls like the OP think they’re making people insecure, but really all their showing is their own embarrassingly simple and animal-like nature and lack of critical thought.

>> No.11038472

So why did you even reply?

Fuck. You.

>> No.11038478

I dunno those tits seem well-arranged.

>> No.11038483

Were the fuck did i say that? Stop projecting you disgusting faggot. Get a clue and hit the weights.

>> No.11038485

It does keep an element of current morality in our discussions. Interestingly enough, you are seeing a decay of morals where sex is prized over relationships of any kind. So I agree overall.

>> No.11038489

>will decline most drugs
As someone who’s tried a fair amount of drugs and admittedly even had fun doing them, I feel bad for you if you think this is a sign of being “cool”. Don’t be cool, be smart, don’t wreck your life and brain. I’d respect a so-called “nerd” who refuses drugs than a “cool guy” who tries a lot any day, seeing what they’ve done to people.

>> No.11038495
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I hope this is pasta

>> No.11038509

It’s not. It amazes me how simple and caricature-like a person has to be to buy into this Hollywood ideal of “drugs, lots of friends, and lots of sex is what you need to be happy; lol books? Those are for NERDS.” Seriously, this isn’t high school anymore, grow up.

>> No.11038522
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>he thinks procreation is a good thing
>he thinks humanity deserves to exist

>> No.11038523

There's way more sense in refusing 'hard drugs' than 'all drugs'. The types of philosophy nerds I'm thinking of refuse 'all drugs'.

>> No.11038585

Honestly comes off very sour grapes to me.
How can you measure the weight of your intellectual accomplishments except by what they allow you to extract from the world?

>> No.11038621

>what is the entire OP

>> No.11038718

Your question is basically the equivalent of, What’s the point of studying anthropology if it doesn’t help you understand that E=mc^2?

>> No.11038730
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Antnatalism is such a redpill that a lot of unexpected figures held it and didn't even bother trying to argue it, recognizing the futility of trying to disseminate such utter pessimism.

>> No.11038736

I can't believe David Spade tapped that. How does that manlet score like the best poon in hollywood?

>> No.11038764
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All of the major German Idealists (Fichte, Schelling and Hegel; excepting Kant) were happily married to intelligent wives.

>> No.11038782

>all the best ones were married
>all the edgy ones were unmarried

really makes you think

>> No.11038804

>he thinks that thing is attractive

>> No.11038818

Ok, a good point.

>> No.11038830

>Read History and Philosophy
>Impress strangers with knowledge
>They introduce you to girls who let you know “He’s very smort.”

If I had a dollar for every time I namedropped Tocqueville in a political conversation. Once your fellow men are impressed by you women are just ripe for picking.

The men who put pussy on the pedestal and try to emulate cool guys of yesteryear got it ass backwards.

>> No.11038868

this sempai senpai desu desu f a m i l y

>> No.11038876

Are you calling Kant edgy?

>> No.11038892
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>not understanding Being
btw 5'0" lazy eyed Sartre got hella pussy.

>> No.11038900




>> No.11038901

Kant was in a gay marriage (or at least an 18th century approximation of one). Look up Joseph Green.

>> No.11038903

that woman altered her appearance to try to secure more pleasure, wealth and higher quality mates. i can guarantee she feels almost nothing

>> No.11038907

Is being gay edgy?

>> No.11038922

Meant to reply to this.

>> No.11038940

That still doesn't change the fact that his philosophy was as unedgy as possible

>> No.11038971

Let me spell this out for you brainlets.

said all edgy philosophers were unmarried

brainlet anon, thinking Kant was unmarried, replied asking if Kant was edgy

anon pointed out Kant was actually married

Somehow think anon saying Kant was married to a man is saying Kant was edgy. Homos are by far the most conservative, least edgy philosophers.

Philosophy, like art and music, was, is, and always will be dominated by homos.

>> No.11038995
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>> No.11039010

Sorry. I've been reading Kripke all day so my brain doesn't have a lot of power left

>> No.11039071 [SPOILER] 
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A for effort. OC pasta needs work. M'lady