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/lit/ - Literature

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11038314 No.11038314 [Reply] [Original]

Lmao what a pleb

>> No.11038338

A desperate attempt to appear smart and somehow to recover her hollowed substance and character which was stripped away from her by the show-business.

>> No.11038340

>reading a classic

>> No.11038375

Nice projection.

>> No.11038457

Her recently found poetry is actually quite good you know

>> No.11038497

If you read some of her letters when she was married to Arthur Miller you would know she was pretty intelligent.

>> No.11038579

>>>>>recently found
Gee, I wonder (((((who))))) wrote it :^)

>> No.11038825

Im gonna be so naive, but why men hate women so much?

>> No.11038891

men dont hate women.

Semi-feminized male chimeras hate semi-masculanized brutish, post pill, females.

There are no men or women any more.

>> No.11038897

Why do women hate men so much?

>> No.11038905

both genders hate each other
and why shouldn't they?

>> No.11038920
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>Last night I was awake all night again. Sometimes I wonder what the night time is for. It almost doesn’t exist for me — it all seems like one long, long horrible day. Anyway, I thought I’d try to be constructive about it and started to read the letters of Sigmund Freud. When I first opened the book I saw the picture of Freud inside opposite the title page and I burst into tears — he looked very depressed (which must have been taken near the end of his life) that he died a disappointed man — but Dr Kris said he had much physical pain which I had known from the Jones book — but I know this too to be so but still I trust my instincts because I see a sad disappointment in his gentle face. The book reveals (though I am not sure anyone’s love-letters should be published) that he wasn’t a stiff! I mean his gentle, sad humor and even a striving was eternal in him. I haven’t gotten very far yet because at the same time I’m reading Sean O’Casey’s first autobiography –(did I ever tell you how once he wrote a poem to me?) This book disturbs me very much in a way one should be disturbed for these things –after all.
>There was no empathy at Payne-Whitney — it had a very bad effect — they asked me after putting me in a “cell” (I mean cement blocks and all) for very disturbed depressed patients (except I felt I was in some kind of prison for a crime I hadn’t committed. The inhumanity there I found archaic. They asked me why I wasn’t happy there (everything was under lock and key; things like electric lights, dresser drawers, bathrooms, closets, bars concealed on the windows — the doors have windows so patients can be visible all the time, also, the violence and markings still remain on the walls from former patients). I answered: “Well, I’d have to be nuts if I like it here” then there screaming women in their cells — I mean they screamed out when life was unbearable I guess — at times like this I felt an available psychiatrist should have talked to them. Perhaps to alleviate even temporarily their misery and pain. I think they (the doctors) might learn something even — but all are only interested in something from the books they studied — I was surprised because they already know that. Maybe from some live suffering human being they could discover more — I had the feeling they looked more for discipline and that they let their patients go after the patients have “given up”. They asked me to mingle with the patients, to go out to O.T. (Occupational Therapy). I said: “And do what?” They said: “You could sew or play checkers, even cards and maybe knit”. I tried to explain the day I did that they would have a nut on their hands. These things were furthest from my mind. They asked me why I felt I was “different” (from the other patients I guess) so I decided if they were really that stupid I must give them a very simple answer so I said: “I just am”.

>> No.11038927

>norma jean was 100x more well-read than much of /lit/
why am i not surprised

i don't know what you're proving with this post except your own ignorance and insecurity

>> No.11038941

Wasn't the whole "dumb blonde" thing just a character she had carefully fabricated through the years?

>> No.11038958

yes. /lit/ are the real plebs.

>> No.11039456

>she loved the sound of it

pretty sure thats what Joyce was going for.

>> No.11039462

Men use the internet to vent. They might not personally treat women poorly in real life.

>> No.11039473

Because women do not give them the time of day in real life

There are other reasons obviously but this is the most important one

>> No.11039487

>another bimbo trying to delude herself into thinking she has any worth
Thus,another day on earth passes.

>> No.11039550

That's pretty smart of her, really, much better than a bunch of pseuds here. She is reading Ulysses out loud, she is experiencing the book in a very interesting way, she can sense the quality of the work, that which translate to her as music. She is able to appreciate the book and its signifiers even without fully comprehending what it signified. Isn't it so that she is experience the impossibility of the book in a much more honest and visceral way than those who read it as if it was a textbook or a necessary code to decipher into theories? Most people don't pick up Ulysses to read. And most who do are unwilling to humble themselves down to appreciate it the way she did. We often think the pseud is at the surface and the truly knowledgeable person reaches deeper levels, but how many pseuds learn to position themselves in a way that makes it seem that they are deeper down into it, how many often run from anything that would indicate a more unpretentious and direct experience, one that disregards the theories and is simply there as a connection between writer and reader, even in spite of how much they don't know of each other.

>> No.11039565

women are really mean to unattractive men

>> No.11039600
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>thinking Ulysses is a classic

>> No.11039692

Because women are handed so much and never so much as acknowledge it.

>> No.11039704

At least there's interest. I can imagine a lot of /lit/ doing the same thing actually.

>> No.11039713

fucking exactly, anyone who doesn't grasp this understands Ulysses worse than she did. Joyce wrote to be read aloud in public places, especially rowdy, Dionysian parties, while all of the beta s o y boys on this board read in silence in their mom's basements then go post about how people on goodreads so don't get this GENIUS work.

>> No.11039936

>you shouldn't read literature unless you've already read literature

the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11039954

Are you insinuating something because she kikeverted?

>> No.11040094
File: 987 KB, 2103x1886, marilyn-monroe-some-like-it-hot-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're no better than the retard women who attribute false quotes to her and idolize the symbol of Monroe as opposed to the person she was.

As an actor, no one compares to the chemistry she had with the camera. The "dumb blonde" she portrayed was her character, a character that she created for her modeling career that eventually evolved. The blonde hair, the body, the breathy voice, the way she somehow portrays this innocence that is dying to be breed is second to none. The fact that she's not even a good singer, but can still carry musicals is a testament to her ability to act, that and her ability to pass one-liners so well. There's a reason why studios put up with her notorious neuroses and it was because when they filmed her, she became nothing short of magic on the screen.

Marilyn Monroe is just the persona. She's so much more than the sex symbol that men 70 years later still think she's just a dumb blonde worthy of condescension and sexism just like most her male co-stars and directors. The fact that she literally came from an orphanage, but had the mindset and pluck to become one of the most widely recognized faces in history should be a tell anyone that she has enough INT to read some lit.

I'm sure Norma Jean wouldn't give a single fuck if anyone on /lit/ called a her a pseud. She'd probably hold a better conversation with your favorite author than you could.

>> No.11040497

The character is insufferable now though. Especially her voice

>> No.11040515

No love for this?

>> No.11040519

Le nebulous "true man/woman" that is purposefully left beyond description so no counter argument can ever be given

>> No.11040610

"Classic" is not indicative of classical literature, it's just the word used for distinguished works. Don't be a faggot.

>> No.11040611


>> No.11040779

is supporting Hilary or Bernie the bigger onions decision?

>> No.11040852

>No love for this?
Can you please fuck off back to r*ddit. I don't understand why you fucking retards have to advertise to everyone here that you're a foreigner by posting such shit.
Because most women have about as much self-awareness as a shovel.

>> No.11040875

>idolize the symbol of Monroe as opposed to the person she was.
I do not idolize the image of Monroe. For me, this image is an epitome of everything I hate about american culture, american cinema in particular. She is a prime example of a person who was maimed by the entertainment industry.
>As an actor, no one compares to the chemistry she had with the camera.
Literally, watch more films. Not your dumbass american movies.
>Marilyn Monroe is just the persona.
She is just a public image. A walking non-entity, a bearer of a mass-constructed myth. Not a person.
>I'm sure Norma Jean wouldn't give a single fuck if anyone on /lit/ called a her a pseud. She'd probably hold a better conversation with your favorite author than you could.
Dream on, fucking faggot.

>> No.11040877


That character, especially that voice, to modern eyes comes across like an insane BPD maniac you meet on tinder who will stab you and herself in the middle of the night.

>> No.11040888

look up
what the word
you dumb stupid idiot

>> No.11040897

Sorry, I misread it as a "person".

>> No.11040912

But the thing is, a "good and intelligent Norma Jean, who was just the same person as you and me and enjoyed reading books" is a also a persona, a post-hoc created myth. Norma Jean stopped being a person when she left the match factory.

>> No.11040974

Yeah, no shit, you were too busy greentexting and raging.

You lack reading comprehension. I never said you did idolize her, just that you've fallen for a different and common pitfall as to why to dislike or even hate her which is just as bad and retarded to do as being in the legion of women who misquote her all the time. And as far as you thinking I need to watch more movies, I meant that Monroe's character and chemistry is so unique that no one can replicate it without coming off as a cliche. Sure, it's linear and she doesn't have much acting range, but what she does have is great.

>She is a prime example of a person who was maimed by the entertainment industry.
She wasn't maimed by the industry. She was maimed by her life circumstances and suffered from depression, neuroses and probably other diseases. I don't think you can really blame just Hollywood culture for her addiction, bigpharma was handing at prescriptions drugs like mad
Why are you mad at her for projecting and embodying exactly what pop culture wanted?

Yeah, I'm not even saying that's she's good or intelligent, just that there's something worth noting about her life and that she clearly knew something about art and aesthetics for her to become so popular.

>> No.11041034
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Fuck off. She probably did have a pseuds idea of what she read, but was so socially intelligent that she diminished her ideas about the text. More than likely a person responds to text with intellect, and more than likely a 1960's woman knew her place and spoke from that.

Stop trying to humble this place. People here spend all day humbling themselves for idiots in order that they can live their lives. None of us are scientists needing to call into question every assumption here, it's a fucking anonymous board and this is where anon gets to speak up, to believe in something, to project confidence and knowledge. You spend all day listening to some dumbasses tell you how things are done, no matter how stupid they can be, and you have to put up with it in order to survive. And you want to come here and question everyone's intellect. Well fuck you. If you don't think the posts are from knowledge people than correct them or get the fuck off my board. I'm sick of this pseud shit. Of course we're pseuds, we're a meaningless descriptor of someone feigning knowledge. And we can still learn from each other and attack each other and enjoy what everyone has to say regardless of your fucking meritocratic categories you piece of shit.

If one more person complains about this place being full of pseuds, I'm just going to own it until it's meaningless. I'll overdue it until the attack is dead. I'm a pseudo intellectual, and I'm proud to say that I know it all, I've seen it all, and I'm going to shit on what you know without knowing a thing until I die. So fuck you and fuck everyone here that thinks they know better.


MM seems way more sexier and interesting now. Thanks

>> No.11041318

I like you, anon.

>> No.11041427

>Why are you mad at her for projecting and embodying exactly what pop culture wanted?
Because I hate this process of embodying. Think about it — it is absolutely inhumane when a person literally becomes a living agent of pop culture. He loses his will, his personality, he becomes an actor in a never-ending spectacle, without a chance to say something sincere.

>> No.11041709
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is this the true face of autism?

>> No.11041761

>it’s absolutely inhumane a person does what they want to do in their life because I don’t like it
Anon, easy on the ideology.

>> No.11041954

What does her being a brainlet who can't into Ulysses have to do with her being a woman? Can't we laugh at brainlets anymore? What's /lit/ coming to?

>> No.11042029

No. That was Jayne Mansfield.

>> No.11042189

what's a pseud?????
can someone explain cause i dont fucking get it

>> No.11042233
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>I'll overdue it until the attack is dead.

>> No.11042381

>Semi-feminized male chimeras

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11042406

ulysses is impossable to read, why even bother. I mean the guy was obsesed with farts anyway.

>> No.11042423

>As an actor, no one compares to the chemistry she had with the camera.
Lmao Monroe fucking sucked, there are several actors/actresses then and now who had better skills. She's just a symbol, I can't believe faggots on /lit/ are taking her sensationalized shit as a serious achievement. Next thing you'll be telling me is Cobain and Bowie were masterful musicians.

>> No.11042524

thats wonderful but she wasnt famous for being intelligent was she?

>> No.11042618

Do you think she also read his fart letter and always wished that somebody would fuck "long windy ones" out of her?

>> No.11042621

>Semi-feminized male chimeras
Sounds hot

>> No.11042660

There are no true men or women in the world today.

>> No.11042671

Yes. Marilyn actually had flatulence problems irl.

>> No.11042672


>> No.11042688

>Semi-feminized male chimeras hate semi-masculanized brutish, post pill, females.
Has language devolved so much that this buzzword pileup is supposed to mean something?

>> No.11042712

I don't hate women but boy are they dumb and boring

>> No.11043984

I think, in a way, it's poetic. A person plagued with mental illness and intimacy issues had enough willpower to become known across the globe through sheer charisma and a pretty face
only to die before the age of 40.

Holy fuck-- you missed the whole point. Not only did if fly over your head, you're too busy ragging on Bowie to try and prove your "superior taste" while failing to read my later reply where I am more exact on what I meant when I said "no one compares to her chemistry she had with the camera"
>I meant that Monroe's character and chemistry is so unique that no one can replicate it without coming off as a cliche. Sure, it's linear and she doesn't have much acting range, but what she does have is great.

Sometimess I forget that most of the people on this board wish to knockdown and degrade others to feel good about their shit lives instead of appraising and offering true critique of art no matter the medium. How boorish and petty you are.

>> No.11044170

anyone ITT who thinks "Marilyn Monroe" was anything other than a costume that she wore to get a good career needs to see the films closer to her death after she'd studied at the Actor's Studio. In The Misfits, it's her, Eli Wallach, Clark Gable, and Montgomery Clift and if anything, Clift is the weakest link playing a lot of his scenes as a "madman" caricature. Not that he's bad, but all I mean is that Monroe held her own within a cast of true actors.

Even in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, where she's totally the stereotype dumb blonde character, and also a gold-digger, she is revealed to be extremely shrewd. she conveys this not by breaking from that character; no revealing scenes where e.g. she drops the dumb voice and reveals herself. She played her character to the hilt and by the end was able to convey her shrewd decision-making within that "dumb" character. It wasn't exactly Oscar-worthy, but it was harder to do than what the script called for.

>> No.11044228

Marilyn Monroe was in love with the guy who wrote Death of a Salesman

probably for pleb points

>> No.11044251

>There are no men or women any more
This is the truth. We are no longer people, only ghouls with nothing inside

>> No.11044294

>tfw this is a fragment from a time before mass media had reached total dominance
>even dumb celebrity blondes were more articulate than the average present day college graduate

>> No.11044337

even on a board for subjective interests, people are still obsessed with measured intelligence and authenticity. the genre threads have always had the most consistent quality posting.

>> No.11044780


>> No.11044786

marxism. Every one must hate everyone.
>lgbt vs straight
>black vs white vs yellow vs brown
>parents vs their kids
>woman vs man

>> No.11044796

She was actually decently smart and fairly well read. This was after all before the education system failed everyone in this nation

>> No.11045777

you can literally pick out all the women ITT

why do females love this ho, /lit/?

>> No.11045780

>reading in public
is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking?

>> No.11045790

Marx wanted solidarity between working people of all nations/races

>> No.11045828

because women are different

>> No.11045831

>he doesn't use literature or dogs as conversation starters
stay autistic.

>> No.11046547

Yeah I read it, point still stands that she sucked. Her one shtick just happened to have sensationalism potential. You're giving too much credit to Monroe; regardless of worth as a person or intelligence her artistic output didn't reflect any genius worth great memory. And judging from your comments you've been more impressed with your idea of who she was. I bring up Bowie and Cobain because they have the same problem - a narrow kind of talent in the medium itself but with a lot of puffery because of a colossal image they achieve with it.

>> No.11046567


Because women have betrayed men and continue to do so.

>> No.11046620

This. Retards think you show your true colours when you're behind the safety of a screen, I think most people are really just airing out the excess hate and frustration.

>> No.11046667

They might not even be expressing their real opinions. It's just to stir up controversy

>> No.11046740

No, fuck off

>> No.11046748

Women were a mistake

>> No.11046758

Typical roastie rambling on about nonsensical bullshit. Newsflash: Stacies can write, too. They aren't illiterate animals with no thoughts and you aren't that much smarter than they are. Do you ever get out and just talk to people?

>> No.11046769


>> No.11047048

Fuck, you are a sad sad bitter man.

Seek help

>> No.11047062

>born pretty and know what dick to sucks
You just want to have sex with her. Cool it, bro.

>> No.11047077

>She said she loved the sound of it and would read it aloud to herself to try to make sense of it
She cute

>> No.11048024

Yes it has

>> No.11048029

Yeahhh, Bowie shits on Cobain and they aren't even comparable. I'm sorry that you have garbage-tier taste in music.

> regardless of worth as a person or intelligence her artistic output didn't reflect any genius worth great memory
Some Like it Hot and The Misfits are great movies. Sure, I am maybe more impressed with the idea of who she was, but what's wrong with that? Some Like it Hot is one of my favorite movies and nothing you say about "artistic puffery" bullshit is going to change my mind.

Congrats on not liking good movies and having shit taste, you must be such a riot to hangout with, I'm sure you have plenty of friends.

>> No.11048054

>needing a prop to start a conversation
Boy howdy

>> No.11048570

You've just summed up an orphan with a survivalist intelligence and cliched manipulative tendencies, is all.

>> No.11048752

I don't hate women, I love a girl who reads.
Monroe was taking a note from /lit/'s book by pretending to read Ulysses in order to appear smart to others and we hate her for it.

>> No.11049184
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>celebrities aren't real people because they have to act a certain way in public

>> No.11049187

how far is the wojak going to go?

>> No.11050093
File: 35 KB, 424x339, faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Faulkner emulated /lit/ too. What a poser, I mean just look at this faggot. William Faulkner reading The Silver Treasury of Light Verse? Nahh, he's a liar and deserves my scorn.

>> No.11050113
File: 31 KB, 424x295, chekhov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at Chekhov pretending he's reading The Seagull! To a group of pretend listeners no less!

>> No.11050117
File: 29 KB, 424x317, nab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if Nab's pretentiousness and selfworth wasn't already glaringly apparent in his works, the absolute pleb is reading Pnin, his own book!

>> No.11050118

>Monroe is comparable to Chekhov and Faulkner
This gets thrown around a lot on here but you seriously and unironically need to kill yourself.

>> No.11050140

How does it feel being so socially retarded and selfconscious that anyone who isn't a well established author in the literary canon reading in public or having their picture took while reading in private is considered a psued?

Are you so paralyzed by your own assumptions that you never read in public, that you refuse to have your picture taken of you doing anything you enjoy for fear of being ridiculed by other like-minded social retards?

>> No.11050251

She's comparable to you though. You only pretend to like these books.

>> No.11050256

Because women take joy in making men miserable.

>> No.11050261

I haven't seen someone get btfo out this hard in awhile

>> No.11050592

Does no one ever question the fact that the book is open to what appears to be the last page and the inside of the back cover? That page is probably blank.

>> No.11050621

I can hear the photographer telling her to open the book and "just read". In choosing that spot she revealed the staging and how the media captures things it can't comprehend. Deep level spectacle shit.

>> No.11050632

There's clearly a few pages left, use your fucking eyes gayboy.

>> No.11051678
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>> No.11051692

Ah-h-h, so this is the wrath of the angry incel who started reading literature a year ago as an attempt to flesh out any personality or intelligence they thought they possessed. Magnificent.

>> No.11051829
File: 137 KB, 300x300, huge_avatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate women
I just say that generally, romantically, they have no feelings

>> No.11051940

Lads I would shag her

>> No.11052081
File: 68 KB, 939x777, 1521046440977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see some of the /biz/ wojacks. Truly a new organic art form. Pic related abstract suffering.

>> No.11052167

Do you?

>> No.11052946

>the genre threads have always had the most consistent quality posting.
back to /sffg/ you go