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11036757 No.11036757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /pol/, is he pseud?

>> No.11036759


>> No.11036767

No, but he's still annoying.

>> No.11036772


>> No.11036778


>> No.11036784
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He's a blogger.
Today, for some contrived reason, bloggers think themselves polymaths, even philosophers.
Also, reminder that this man eradicated Harris's magical world.

>> No.11036800

Even though Chomsky fucked him in that debate, Sam's initial point was still valid. Intent is something that has to be taken into consideration when judging the policies of a particular nation because it can indicate future action.

>> No.11036808

Oh, I get it.

>> No.11036840

No. He has an MA in philosophy from Stanford and a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from UCLA. It's true that he now makes his way as a public intellectual, and so of course he generally isn't operating to the standard you'd expect from proper academics working in universities. However if you listen to his conversations with his better guests you can clearly detect a HIGH level of philosophical training. Harris has a talent for teasing out the logic behind complicated ideas and presenting it in a simple and accessible way. Only true pseuds mistake this guy for a pseud.

>> No.11036844

>No. He has an MA in philosophy from Stanford and a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from UCLA.
>he doesn't know the actual story

>> No.11036856

There was no debate between Harris and Chomsky at all. Harris tried to have a debate, but Chomsky responded like an angry old man and the conversation broke down before a debate could begin.

>> No.11036870

>Chomsky responded like an angry old man
like an intelligent old man

>> No.11036871

Actual story?

>> No.11036889

Chomsky was clearly being angry, dismissive and rude toward Harris for seemingly no reason at all.

>> No.11036894

Oh god, its fantastic.

>> No.11036896

He has a good reason

>> No.11036899

Huh? Never heard that there's a "story" behind

>> No.11036912

I think what Chomsky said in that video was stupid. I think Chomksy's views on foreign policy in general are stupid. But the solution to disagreement is not to act like a snarky bitch when someone reaches out to you to have a conversation about it.

>> No.11036913

Both pseuds

>> No.11036926

WHat the fuck are you jabbering about?

>> No.11036932

>one of the biggest scientists of the last century on par with Einstein

>> No.11036935

>one of the biggest scientists of the last century on par with Einstein

>> No.11036942

Einstein didn't invent anything and stole all of his work.

>> No.11036949
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Sam Harris is certainly educated and intelligent, but he's too riddled with personality flaws to be much of interest. Notable among them is his use of hideous "thought experiments" (e.g., a nuclear first strike on the Muslim world) which readily expose his general state of mind as to people he considers not worthy of life (i.e., non-secularists).

His most recent debate with Ezra Klein over his podcast with Charles Murray is an open window to this kind of narrow-mindedness he works under. According to Harris, anyone who digs into the race-IQ discussion beyond a comparison of numbers is effectively a politically-motivated social justice warrior. He constructs a sprawling conspiracy theory whose main claim is that every public person, outside of him and those he invites to his podcasts, is anchored by political considerations which hinder them from delving into "real science" in an "honest way." It's a bit sad how delusional he is, to be honest.

Think of it this way: Sam Harris is a man who has never worked a day in his live, living off his parents and a trust fund, who just so happens to also be the one brave enough to argue precisely those things which negatively affect minorities and the "unintelligent" (e.g., religious peoples, blacks, progressives). Everyone who countervails his narrative is being "intellectually dishonest".

>> No.11036951

spoken like the true pseuds

>> No.11036958

t. pseud

>> No.11036960

t. basedbסy

>> No.11036974

Only a niño de la soya would think Chomsky and Einstein were intelligent.

>> No.11036999

>don't know about the Chomskyan revolution
>don't know that compilers in all computers and digital devices they use are run on a Chomsky-defined language
True clueless swines right there.

>> No.11037001

i liked him in royal tennenbaums

>> No.11037051

if chomsky is nirvana harris is nickelback

>> No.11037067

a lot of chomsky's models in opposition to skinner's have since been discredited. chomsky literally invented modern-day popscience "debate".

>> No.11037121


>> No.11037123
File: 105 KB, 960x960, 15541477_795667193904780_8101953307468071909_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chomsky is a contrarian old coot who will be forggotten by everyone when he finally snuffs it.

Harris is strong and wise and handsome and young and has the might of the internet on his side. He is building a new epoch for philosophy all by himself.

Disagree and I'll kill myself.

>> No.11037144

whats his most kino podcast?

>> No.11037155


>> No.11037158

Russell Brand 's podcast with him as a guest.

>> No.11037162

>a lot of chomsky's models in opposition to skinner's have since been discredited.
Chomsky is aware of this. It doesn't discredit Chomskyan linguistics per se. It still is revolutionary in its approach, and will be in this century.

>> No.11037164

really? do they just suck each other off for 2 hours?

>> No.11037168

u've dun it now.

>> No.11037169

the opposite

>> No.11037170

Neck yourself

>> No.11037181

not really, the current revolution of the last couple decades has been in the probabilistic models of grammar made possible by the work of men like claude shannon, another man chomsky tried to take down in the public arena in the 50s to further his own career. chomsky did obviously have massive influence on linguistics and computer parsers, of course, but he wasn't a single godlike figure, he was one of many making contributions, and he struggles to acknowledge when his own claims were over-extended.

>> No.11037203

No, you first, so you get the scientific world rid of pervasive gnat.

>> No.11037312
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>> No.11037322
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