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11036588 No.11036588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>120 IQ brainlet

Books for this feel?

>> No.11036589

12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson

>> No.11036597
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>80 IQ
>Have masters in Psychology and have almost completed my systematic reading of western Canon.

It's only possible because western philosophy and sciences are for brainlets.

>> No.11036598

I don't think you have 80 iq anon...

>> No.11036604

110-130 IQ people are ruining the world tbqh

>> No.11036608

where on the IQ scale is the threshold for not being a brainlet?

>> No.11036641
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People with to high of a IQ tend to get distracted from their goals.
I am slow to understand things so I use systematic methods in order to learn content.
Slowly I go though each idea and think about them for days at a time.
I am slow to learn so I must make sure I do not forget.
I am slow to act so I must learn to make my actions count.

Being between 90 - 110 IQ score is perfect, being higher makes thought to complicated whilst being below makes thought take longer to become meaningful.

>> No.11036643

If you have to ask...

>> No.11036676
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>tfw my iq is only 180

Should i just kms?

>> No.11036687
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Quick breakdown for you lad:
<90 IQ: Good for their organs, that's about it
90-100 IQ: Useful servants and labourers, have no desire for freedom as long as they're allowed to be hedonistic
100-110 IQ: Same as above, though they have some managerial capacity
110-130 IQ: Completely useless, smart enough to feel superior to other people and game the system, not smart enough to actually do anything meaningful, tendency towards rent seeking or disruptive behavior (see: journalists, middle management, 90% of students and academia, /mu/)
130+ IQ: Brainlet cut off point

>> No.11036697

>tfw 56 IQ at age 28

Any kindergarten books for this feel?

>> No.11036703

>making the world

>> No.11036707

A B C's for under 3's

>> No.11036709
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6'10 manlet here.

i'm about to jump off the tallest building in the city.

>> No.11036714


>be me
>iq 38.5

it hard to say anon

>> No.11036717

><90 IQ: Good for their organs, that's about it
I'll give you my organ anon, if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.11036729

Are you idiots pulling these numbers out of internet iq tests?

>> No.11036730

>90% of students
>110-130 IQ
You've never been to uni, have you?

>> No.11036731
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something something race, something something long term life success, something something jordan peterson, something something niggers.

>> No.11036749

> using IQ level for anything
A brainlet indeed.

Dick measurements are infinitely more productive.

>> No.11036761

>muh dik

>> No.11036776

>tu smol

>> No.11036779

reminder that having a high IQ will not prevented from becoming a total philistine or worst.

>> No.11036785

>He thinks his IQ is 150 because an online test told him so

>> No.11036811

yes I did
I think you're underestimating how low 110 is
the average of 100 in highly developed nations is still barely literate

>> No.11036869

Post your results

>> No.11036879

Test always scores 135 for people

>> No.11036881

This post was so insipid that now I am convinced that you truly have 80 IQ.

>> No.11036945

The beginning and end of Flowers for Algernon

>> No.11036970

How do you expect to understand subahibi with that low of an IQ?

>> No.11036978

jesus christ I wish you people would stop posting these kinds of threads

>> No.11036987
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>you people
Got a problem, white boy?

>> No.11037046

>tfw 128 IQ
>tfw high school dropout
>tfw cynical
>tfw working in physical labour surrounded by dummies who bore me to tears, but at least they're not assholes
Books for this feel?

>> No.11037107

It gave me 130 but i have an iq over 160

>> No.11037113
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>> No.11037118

I'm not American and I hate school. You don't learn anything there desu.

>> No.11037140

you’re not smart lol if the second digit doesn’t show ‘3’ or higher you’re unimportant

>> No.11037141

You learn that physical labor is for dumb people

>> No.11037193

>implying 50% of this very board isn't below 115 IQ

>> No.11037227

>>1 1037107

>> No.11037257
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Not true, i'm a male cleaninglady and I slipped and fell and fractured by kneecap, now i'm in for a big pay day.

Take that white-collar cucks.

>> No.11037338

But the guy with the highest IQ is a bouncer

>> No.11037345


>> No.11037352

My mommy forced me to get a job though!

>> No.11037376


>> No.11037381

lol sike

>> No.11037401

I have zero idea what mine is. But assuming that i'm a blue collar dork its probably low.

>> No.11037430

You should try slipping down some stairs and maybe you'll be lucky and end your sad life

>> No.11037441

>Below 130
You're brainlet who has no right to consider others dummies when you've proven that you're no better than them.

>> No.11037490

My whole family is blue collar dorks and the test my psychologist gave me put me at 127.

>> No.11037736

Here's the real breakdown

life unworthy of life
meta-slaves of society that are necessary for brute labour and menial tasks
your average desk job brainlet who thinks of himself as an underachiever when he's really just a useless idiot, has delusions of grandeur about 'making it big' without realizing that his mental affliction limits him from ever succeeding in life.
God tier optimal IQ range. Intelligent enough to solve apparent problems yet grounded in his human existence to realize the subtleties of this reality. Cunning, he is able to weave through the system at will and gets ahead of everyone as a result, but may choose to bring himself down in order to help others out of compassion. These people ultimately advance society.
Worst of all IQ ranges. Likely to be fat or ugly, they usually find themselves enjoying frivolous activities like table top fantasy games and debating christians online.Typically has a pure mathematics degree but doesn't make use of it beyond paper. Resents humanity (and himself), all he has in his life is his mensa badge which he proudly wears to boost his ego
This is the abode of the non-brainlets. They are intelligent enough to recognize the anomaly of their being and they use it appropriately. Mostly reserved, they are capable of solving nearly all problems they confront however complex they may be. But it comes at a price, for they are almost never motivated to contribute regularly and see no purpose in success, often pondering their very existence. They also never get down and work their muscles to achieve their aims which is often necessary in this world. But when they do contribute, it translates into huge results

>> No.11037769

Most books desu. That's more intelligent than most people but everyone here is a 200+ IQ larper.

>> No.11037872

Awoken beings were their brains have transcended the mortal plain and left a shell of their greatness behind. They understand that there is no reason to think or act as they see that human achievements are frivolous in the cosmic scheme of the universe.

>> No.11037890

>IQ in the 120s
Congrats you're smart enough for the medical, legal and engineering trades.

>> No.11037900

On /lit/ you're either a genius or retard. Usually both

>> No.11038458


>> No.11038678


126 IQ here

kinda sucks because im clearly smarter than most people, but also clearly not a genius. I have intellectual interests, but I wouldn't quite cut it in higher level academia. i feel as though I'm stuck in no mans land, and I would be much better off with plus or minus 10-15 points.

120-130 has to be the most frustrating range.

>> No.11038731

>The Overman buys this English-Psychologist herd mentality bullshit
Yeah, because Nietzsche TOTALLY thought such formulas and abstractions could teach us anything.

>> No.11038760

OP, sorry nobody's recommended any good books.
I'd read 'The Will to Power', especially the 'new evaluations' bit, as it may inspire you to transcend your situation and realize your talents.

>> No.11038771

>120-130 has to be the most frustrating range.

125IQ here and this is true
fuck me

>> No.11038832

Is iq even used anymore? When I got convicted the court ordered 2 intelligence tests, one was the wrat4, and the other measured shit like working memory, processing power, coding, etc

>> No.11038849

lol probably true.
>100 iq reporting in

>> No.11038854

They probably wanted to offer you the mentally impaired defence since you came off as such a brainlet.

>> No.11038857

dude, quit being an asshole and integrate.

>> No.11038862
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yes, I do

>> No.11038870

Make sense since your dad's not around to help your mom make money giving blow jobs and working on her back. You gotta man up

>> No.11038889

It's actually pretty common in Canada for youth offenders, and scoring well on the test helped me a lot more than if I would have scored badly

>> No.11038944

Jordan peterson speaks well about someone like you, a friend if his youth. In his very good book :^)

>> No.11038956

Your agreeing with my question and claiming that scoring higher helped you in court is highly contradictory.

>> No.11038979

How would scoring higher let me claim mental impairment as a defense?

>> No.11038993

Also, the wrat4 is recognized as a valid measure of educational quality

>> No.11039021


Yeah, it's a killer. It's like being able to appreciate the view but never being able to paint it.

>> No.11039062

Kek, I spit out my food

>> No.11039152

>scoring well on the test helped me a lot more than if I would have scored badly
It wouldn't, scoring lower would have. So you saying that scoring hire helped you and that the reason you were administered tests because the practice is common place in Canadia

>> No.11039168

Like being a pro baseball player but always on the benches

>> No.11039196

yeah you are all definitely sub-130 my God

>> No.11039210

suck my dick I'm at 145, but guess what it means jack shit anyways

>> No.11039217

Ive taken IQ tests when I was a kid and they basically said I was retarded. But I've always felt like I vastly outpaced my peers in depth of understanding, motivation and intellect. By the time I was 30, I just started looking at people like little robotic talking machines because I could watch their minds working in real time, generally predict their actions and expressions before they produce them.

What would an IQ of a person be who:

Learns systems to a professionally competitive degree within three to six months, pretty much everything instruments, music writing, painting, chemistry, electronics (wiring and SMD), athletics, programming, singing, navigation, engineering, cad, irrigation, architecture, carpentry, foreign language (listen/speak), chemistry/synthesis, sociology, mechanics etc.

Also have terrible spelling and recall of names or letter combos, dates, numbers.
But can pick a face out of a crowd, 10 years after seeing it once. I am INTJ personality type.
Is it possible that the IQ tests are flawed somehow and I'm not retarded? What do you think that IQ is at?

My latest passion has been researching and mapping the jewish supremacy of humanity. It's scary.

>> No.11039240

You're just a retard with an inflated ego. Languages can be easily learnt in six months if you're not a 12, the same with most of what you said. Can you actually name any real accomplishments you've done that aren't hobbies and prove it without being presumptions on what could be?

>> No.11039246

Scoring higher actually helped me a great deal, since I had aspirations for law and the judge recognized my potential and went easy on me because of it

>> No.11039248

You have to be over 18 to post on this site.

>> No.11039249

I want to toss you off of a very high rooftop

>> No.11039288
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IQ can be improved especially if the last time that you taken the test is when you was a child.

If you're addicted to drug, or any other unhealthy activity which reduce your thinking/cognitive capability, it surely affect the IQ scores.

and another thing is IQ test surely will not cover all of our brain capabilities. Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch were said to be not so bright in high school but still, that is because they're passionless for normal school curriculum.

Some of very acclaimed modern mathematician, a la Andrew Wiles (who solved Fermat Last Theorem, a problem in number theory that had remain unsolved for 3 centuries), and Grigori Perelman (Russian topologist who solved Poincare Conjecture which before had remained unsolved for a century), both of them took at least minimum 7 years to just concentrate on a single problem. (Probably the same thing with Joyce when he is writing Ulysses, and Finnegans Wake.)

Anybody who thought their intelligent quotient is something that dictated to be permanent are naive.

>> No.11039328

I can but it would ID me so I won't, im okay with being a retard with ego. It makes things simple.

>> No.11039335

But what does that mean? Is everyone that way and they just hide it? and pick one skill and focus on that?

>> No.11039341

The threshold is believing IQ is an objective measure of intelligence.

>but it correlated with these things I like!
Sure, but that's hardly a steadfast rule. Take a look at the pseuds that make up mensa as an example.

>> No.11039362


i think midwits like you like to read feminist critical theory

>> No.11039372

Man this. The core Harris audience. The Hemingway reader. The scientificist. The art-hater. The pseud.
You either go below or above, anything else is indecent.

>> No.11039388

You don't have a high IQ. Online tests are not accurate. Jump off of your high horse and break your legs.

>> No.11039455

What d'you do anon?

>> No.11039508

Dude this is a quality copypasta.

>> No.11039513

I think you're just not trying hard enough.