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File: 287 KB, 540x479, The EGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11036280 No.11036280 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw wanted to be great philosopher.
>now I know philosophy is just a series of different spooks.

T...Thanks Max

>> No.11036283

Max also was a spook btw

>> No.11036304

You seem very impressionable so it's good that you've given up on being a thinker.

>> No.11036308

No, Stirner just took the modern epistemological turn to a pointless dead-end. Beware of any attempts to "solve" philosophy, they are always advocated by total retards. Philosophy is a continuing dialogue and a praxis, often messily attempting to systematise the present moment of the Spirit. To say that philosophy is dead equals saying that social-cultural development has entirely ceased and we are experiencing the singularity, which is unlikely.

>> No.11036309

Egoism is for transgirls on twitter who can't stomach being a Tankie.

>> No.11036321

>tfw no dogmatic Marxist-Leninist transgirl gf to fuck and discuss esoteric economic theory with

>> No.11036394

Anime Stirner girls are my favourite new thing.
Post girls in comfy situations reading Stirner. 3d also allowed if they exist

>> No.11036408

Fool, his egoism was an attack on general dialectics (he still was a dialectician himself) where he shows that the Ego was the pole of any human dialectic, it's not some modern consumerist "egoism".

>> No.11036414

>it's not some modern consumerist "egoism".
It is though partially. To free yourself from societal expectations etc.

Very Nietzschean

>> No.11036421

>wanted to be great philosopher.
Made me think of Family Guy. https://youtu.be/pDK9rhWBUlg

>> No.11036425
File: 36 KB, 351x336, spook squad to the rescue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To free yourself from societal expectations
>modern consumerist "egoism".
What if I told you that today's principal societal expectation is modern consumerist egoism?

>> No.11036427

Yes that's why I said partially. Your post sounded like he was opposed to egoism which is untrue.

>> No.11036474
File: 78 KB, 800x600, Introduction to Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wittgenstein and Max Stirner had much in common.

Later Wittgenstein Philosophy believed Language to be a tool, rather then a accurate representation of the world as he previously believed.
Stirner told us of the manipulation of linguistic meanings such as 'Freedom' and 'equality', people forcing abstractions on reality and the absurdity of it.

Language itself is a spook.

We are all spooked, so perhaps we must all try and 'despookifie' ourselves as much as possible and know when our thoughts are effected by deeply entrenched spooks.

For if the limits of our language are the limits of our world, as WIttgenstein said. Then Our world is defined by linguistic meanings. However it is 'spooked' to think linguistic meanings represent the world itself.

>> No.11036496

Why is that picture called intro to wittgenstein

>> No.11036512
File: 51 KB, 650x408, Dale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from Wonderful Everyday, which has been influenced by Wittgenstein.
I played the game years ago in highschool and then I started reading Wittgenstein. And then when I started University I started doing Systematic reading of epistemology.

So for me this game is my intro to Wittgenstein.

However do not play the game unless you like incest, yuri, yaoi, rape, torture, suicide cults, faggot karate masters and rape victims starting a doomsday cult and making a teacher fuck her dad for salvation.