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11033843 No.11033843 [Reply] [Original]

Does metafictional or metacognitional thinking lead to suicidal thoughts? I've been living so long with suicidal thoughts that it's basically a meme and I know asking here is just begging for people to say "just kys" but I'm curious. Is a suicide a literary event? We're all basically just a walking collection of stories... what happens when the big story (YOUR LIFE) ends? Everyone has a different idea of what death will bring, no one really knows. People in my life say it's just the end, nothing to worry about but I constantly obsess with it and I'm beginning to think that it's my love for metafiction that caused this suicidal ideation. Like, what happens when you just finally say "fuck you" and blow yourself to the creator... we've all lasted for so long and we'll continue to go as far as our government allows us... but what's waiting behind that curtain? Forgive me for the blog post.

>> No.11033882

Why on earth would you think metafiction would cause suicide?

>> No.11033894

because it leads to questioning existence and questioning existence leads to suicide...

>> No.11033901


>> No.11033968

>Does metafictional or metacognitional thinking lead to suicidal thoughts?
No. Lay off the crack, and stop coming on 4chan, you're too young.

>> No.11034175

your right but this is one way at looking a life. yeah its true or identity is the culmination of or stories, but our stories can only exist though the filter of our perception, memory, reason, and analysis of the events of our life. those are all things humans do to attempt to understand and give purpose to what we experience. our perception is not exactly reality, and therefore any story or narrative is not reality either because it must come from our perception. what is real is that we are a collection of carbon atoms and a somewhat organised systems of chemical reactions that create a larger temperately self sustain system, or multi cell organism. just like the repeating nature of waves on the ocean, or sand dunes in the desert are a somewhat organised system, we are essentially a more complicated version of that. the carbon atoms in our body can only have been created from inside a dieting star. and most likely, you are made of carbon atoms from many different stars that all had to die so that you could exist. your carbon atoms will go on to become an endless amount of things, some of those things will be considered living. there is real separation between on and inanimate objects, everything is the same from a universal narrative perspective.

>> No.11034205

so what you sayin is we made outa star dust? ain’t it beautiful, especially since we live in the greatest time of all times?

>> No.11034270

yeah dude.
pass that joint over.