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11030286 No.11030286 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: authors only contrarians dislike

>> No.11030289
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>> No.11030337


I feel like Edgar Allan Poe is due for a renaissance of appreciation from hipsters and "young readers" who identify with his bleak perspective on the world.

>> No.11030341
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>> No.11030345

>implying he ever went out of style

>> No.11030349

I like that he apparently had a sense of humor about it. Some of his stories were apparently self parody, which shows more self awareness than 90% of authors.

>> No.11030353

he's been going in and out of style with (american) academics pretty much since his lifetime
he confuses the pseuds because he is one of those writers who you can read at 11 and think 'holy shit this guy is great' and also when you are in your thirties and think 'holy shit, this guy is great'

>> No.11030356


Fair enough. I just rarely hear him mentioned in any context other than The Raven anymore.

>> No.11030360

this has already happened in the way that late stage capitalism has allowed for it. His work has been re-purposed by the publishing industry under the collective nom de plum "Lemony Snicket" so that children and susceptible adults can enjoy Poe without having to read someone old and dry.

>> No.11030384


You're saying Lemony Snicket is the modern Poe?

>> No.11030396

I'm saying Tupac is still alive. I thought I was very clear on that.

>> No.11030401

the repackaged edition with Baudelaire

>> No.11030407
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>> No.11030408


But you sounded so bitter while describing a not-that-terrible situation.

(btw I used to believe in the seven-day theory. It was my first conspiracy theory).

>> No.11030422
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>> No.11030456

Idk man, there are valid reasons to be completely ambivalent towards Dosto.
His creative interpretation of the world was unsophisticated but interesting. Valid reasons for ambivalence.
Impossible to dislike and is perfect in the right mood but there is no reason to read Poe ardently or even seriously in general.

>> No.11030800


>> No.11030812

plenty of reasons to dislike. interesting weirdo but a barely competent writer, deserved to be obscure but became famous after death because of a small but obnoxiously vocal following. he's reddit before reddit as he accidentally originated nerd fandom and fanfiction.

>> No.11032114
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>> No.11032130

>he didn’t go to American high school

>> No.11032137

Who the fuck dislikes Calvino

>> No.11032145

>dude like darkness n shit lol everything is so dark and gloomy bro like wtf haha
fucking boring, sleep inducing shit that only edgy teenagers enjoy

>> No.11032157

Is it even possible?

>> No.11032158

Even many American high schools don't go that deeply into him. The only thing of his that we read for class was the Cask of Amontillado.

>> No.11032162
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>those two stories where he just described a fucking garden and the house in it
>kangz wuz deist n scientific n republican n sheeeit befora tha white man stole our civilization
>but we ain't got pillz tho

>> No.11032178

>"Yes, massa, need'nt hollo at poor nigger dat style"


>> No.11032228

He's influential, sure, but at this point the irony is always predictable and the prose isn't anything special. He has some good stories and some bad ones. "The Cask of Amontillado" is awful. Two faceless characters, not much atmosphere, and a really obvious ending.

>> No.11032268


>> No.11032352


And Rowling.

>> No.11032364

>my father is a fish
> this is deep
Faulkner BTFO

>> No.11032365

his stories are hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing when reading that detective story where the old lady was murdered by a baboon on the run

>> No.11032373

>literally invented the modern detective story
Is there anything Poe can't do?

>> No.11032408

This is why posted him. Contrarians hate him because of his fans. Reasonable people realize he’s a pulp genre fiction author that didn’t have a whole lot of skill that still managed to write some interesting and influential stories.

>> No.11032418

Be raised by his parents

>> No.11032477

nobody likes poe u mong
wow. very on point.

>> No.11032481

the killa was a gorilla
lol so randum

>> No.11032492
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>brainlet can't even deduce when a murder has been committed by an orangutan

>> No.11032514

Jesus Christ

>> No.11032517

I do love Poe but I reckon that he's good at writing stories of the fantastic and is a bit shoddy at everything else. 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' might have been one of the earliest detective stories, but it's just too fucking laughable to be taken seriously. Memorable, sure, but not what Poe is good at.

>> No.11032527


>> No.11032528

I agree that it's pretty weak in a modern context, but it was literally the first deductive reasoning detective story, and it's hard to imagine what that would have been like in a world before Sherlock and Poirot.

>> No.11032798

>not what Poe is good at
try reading some of his satires and you'll realize how low he can really go

>> No.11032801
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>the 1002nd tale of scheherezade

>> No.11032810

>Late Stage Capitalism

>> No.11032822
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>> No.11032838
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>the 1002nd tale of scheherezade

>> No.11032850
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The obvious one.

>> No.11032875

Boar Haze.

>> No.11032902

>They got cured bro, trust me.

>> No.11032985
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esp. the Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.11033084

>My mother is a fish
it was a child who said it in reference to his mothers coffin plunging into a stream. It never claimed to be deep, its simply one thought a child had in the circumstance he found himself in.

>> No.11033272

>he is one of those writers who you can read at 11 and think 'holy shit this guy is great' and also when you are in your thirties and think 'holy shit, this guy is great'

Pretty much my exact experience, give or take a few years.
Balloon Hoax was probably the world's first international troll.

>> No.11033505

poser poet. And I'm from Portugal.

>> No.11033867

>Idk man, there are valid reasons to be completely ambivalent towards Dosto
There are reasons to be ambivalent towards some of his books but disliking him generally is completely indefensible

>> No.11033971

>And Rowling

>> No.11035246
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I have a big book of his short stories which I enjoy, but they're all pretty similar and become dull after reading a couple. It's understandable why someone could dislike him.

>> No.11035366

Poe>Decadence>Catholic Reactionarism>Fascism

>> No.11035401

The Purloined Letter is great tho.

>> No.11035415

>the only woman he ever had sex with was a jewess