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1102435 No.1102435 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite depressing book.

>> No.1102450

The Sorrows of Young Werther

This is the ultimate /r9k/ book

>> No.1102525

Probably Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontè or À rebours by Huysmann.
Des Esseintes depresses me with his worthless empty life which he loves so much.

>> No.1102531

How good is OP book?

>> No.1102538

the best the best.... ect.

>> No.1102541

I'll just read something else instead...

>> No.1102641


>> No.1102646

It's probably too deep for you brah.

>> No.1102660

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO DEEP FOUR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1102667

I just meant that the guy didn't really sell it to me. Nothing is too deep for me.

>> No.1102668


>> No.1102671


That's what she said.

>> No.1102673


>> No.1102676

you're just mad because i'm reading his opus which you find to difficult

>> No.1102681

The Great Gatsby

>> No.1102689


>> No.1102690

Le Feu Follet or No Longer Human or A Fine Balance

>> No.1102699

>you're just mad because i'm reading his opus which you find to difficult
>i'm reading his opus which you find to difficult
>which you find to difficult
>to difficult

definitely 2deep4u

>> No.1102701

Well, I just finished reading " Heart of Darkness " - which I found to be pretty good. But, probably not my favorite. I dunno. I am a sucker for happy endings, really.

On a side-note, though - having also just finished playing "Red Dead Redemption" -
had anyone else noticed how much of a tribute the whole hunt for Dutch van der Linde is to the journey up the river to find Kurtz ?

>> No.1102709

Something Happened was so depressing, I had to stop reading it. I couldn't bring myself to finish the last quarter or so because it was too god damn depressing.

>> No.1102717

>doesn't get the reference
>no wonder he struggles with most Dostoevsky

>> No.1102723

>implying i struggle with entry level authors such as Dostoevsky
Fucking plebeians, how do they work?

>> No.1102733

>greatest prose writer of all times
Get Out.

>> No.1102743

>gets confused by entry level authors
>thinks he is deep

>> No.1102752

notes is not depressing. its hilarious. i couldnt stop laughing through part 1

>> No.1102760
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>> No.1102803
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>> No.1102822

Satan: His Psychotherapy and Cure by the Unfortunate Dr. Kassler.

I did not enjoy reading this book at all. It's just 500 pages of bad things happening to a poor man. The person that recommended it to me, as well as all the jerk-offs on the back-cover, assured me that this was supposed to be a masterfully written book that drags you through misery and keeps stringing you along with it's dark humor. I found no dark humor. Just the fictional and depressing life of the main character.

Can't help but feel like it went over my head. Although I'm fairly certain it didn't and it's just not a very enjoyable book.

>> No.1102853
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While not the most depressing book ever, the stories within made me long for sunshine and puppies.
Every story is about sad and depressed people, and nothing good happens to them. The worst thing, imo, is the lack of any resolution for any of the characters - you're just witness to their sad existence. There's no central conflict, no sense of conclusion, no lesson - just misery.

It is a good book, however, and the writing is great. A touch of dark humor makes it worth reading, but you have to be able to laugh at sad people.

>> No.1103280

Les fleurs du mal : Charles Baudelaire.