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/lit/ - Literature

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1102298 No.1102298 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1102305

>implying I have Internet access

>> No.1102311
File: 20 KB, 140x200, kharms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed on points 2 and 4. also i'm a web designer.

op reminds me of a piece by the Russian futurist Daniel Kharms:

Four Illustrations of How a New Idea Disconcerts a Man Unprepared for It
WRITER: I'm a writer.
READER: In my opinion you're shit!
THE WRITER stands for a few minutes, shaken by this new idea, and falls down in a dead faint. He is carried out.
ARTIST: I'm an artist.
WORKER: In my opinion you're shit!
THE ARTIST turns as white as a sheet, sways like a thin reed and unexpectedly expires. He is carried out.
COMPOSER: I am a composer.
VANYA RUBLYOV: In my opinion you are . . .!
THE COMPOSER, breathing heavily, sank back. He is unexpectedly carried out.
CHEMIST: I'm a chemist.
PHYSICIST: In my opinion you're . . .!
THE CHEMIST said not another word and collapsed heavily to the floor.

>> No.1102313


This is why no one likes /lit/

>> No.1102314
File: 28 KB, 480x343, 11621-c23144-480-343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this also applies

>> No.1102319

the futurists were a pre-fascist movement, and none of their ideas should be taken seriously

the suggestion here that your identity is dictated by the opinions of others is incorrect

let's have a look together at their manifesto:

>10. We want to demolish museums and libraries, fight morality, feminism and all opportunist and utilitarian cowardice

i don't know what your personal beliefs are and i also don't care so don't think i am busting your balls or anything

>> No.1102323


If you write, you're a writer. If you take photographs, you are a photographer. Doesn't necessarily mean you're good ofcourse...

>> No.1102330
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yes, and it should be inscribed on giant titanium plates over the ruins of every museum, library and academy (those cemeteries of wasted effort, calvaries of crucified dreams, registers of false starts!), of every art school, of every humanitarian faculty (those brothels of drunken ambition, of false presumption of talent for wealthy parents of young witless men), it should be inscribed on the graveplates of every so-called "thinker", "artist", "intellectual".

>> No.1102331

definition of Photographer:
>a person who takes photographs, esp. one who practices photography professionally.

Fuck the 'professionally part', I make photographs, I'm a photographer

>1. A person engaged in writing books, articles, stories, etc., esp. as an occupation or profession; an author or journalist.
>2. A person who writes or is able to write

fuck your shit.

I'm actually glad I'm none of those things.

>> No.1102334

once you contribute something that isn't complete shit you can call yourself a writer, or an artist, or an intellectual. Writing in your diary doesn't make you a writer. Drawing things on 4chan doesn't make you an artist, and calling yourself an intellectual doesn't make you an intellectual.
get over your ego

>> No.1102339

Personally I don't consider myself a writer until I've published something, or it's been seen by a reasonable amount of people.

After all, an unread story is not a story.

>> No.1102340


Thank you for that, it was very deep.

>> No.1102346

>the futurists were a pre-fascist movement
someone! take wikipedia away from naughty kids
>let's have a look together at their manifesto:
yes, yes. and here's the filthy emancipatory jewish bolshevik flavour in the Russian futurist movement:
i haven't found an English translation of the OBERIU manifesto, so here's a nice essay:
>pre-fascist movement
nope! Marinetti wasn't a "pre-"fascist. HE WAS AS FASCIST AS IT GETS. Mayakovsky was a bloody bolshevik but he shot himself so, I think, we may excuse him for his crimes, Kharms, the "writer", was starved to death in camp, Malevich, the "painter", has died of cancer too early to witness the purges and Eisenstein, the "film maker", was shot at Stalin's order for his now-destroyed second part of "Ivan IV."

So an ad Hitler [via an ad personae on futurists] does exactly work. OP's and tripfag "oreo"'s assumptions about life, the universe and everything are thus still valid. I salute them! All art is shit! Everything is shit! Let's start anew. Hail chantard neofuturism!

>> No.1102360

*ad Hitlerum
I also prefer the 1917 rebels from Russian to the 1968 ones from France. The former had a better style. The French language, due to it's syphilitic, incoherent and, consequently, hypotactic nature is hardly worthwhile for anything but pretentious hip faggotry, anon.

>> No.1102361

I'm a published writer, photographer, artist, film maker, and musician. None of which were published online at the time.

>> No.1102368

pics or it didn't happen.
also being published does not mean that you aren't shit. it does mean nothing anon, except that, maybe, your mommy had decent connections.

>> No.1102397

Tell me about your mother.

>> No.1102421

can i just be a person who writes things on occasion

is it necessary to be a Writer with a capital W and little blinky lights and underlines and a chorus line on one side

>> No.1102436

How do I decide what I want to do?

>> No.1102449
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What joy this thread contributes to my life.

>> No.1102547

Why hello"