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11022586 No.11022586 [Reply] [Original]

He sounds confused and lost:
Nationalists are having a field day tearing this apart.

I feel like he's slowly painted himself into a corner where he'll either have to come out as a standard neo-liberal ("neo-marxist") or an identitarian ("neo-nazi").

>> No.11022622
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Imagine having nothing on going for you so you have to take pride in your ethnic background as if it's not scientifically proven to be redundant.

Also, stupid thread OP

>> No.11022632

>you can't take pride in your culture

>> No.11022635

He is a boomer at the end of the day and has been forced to walk back some of his ideas due to edging too close to the JQ. He can't acknowledge the fundamental flaws in his ideology, which is that only white people are individualists and multiculturalism means the death of individualism, so his shit can't work.

Here's a longer explanation,

>Individualism is a unique attribute of European peoples. It has been exported to some degree to other nations, but in my view, it is not something that comes to them naturally. So you can’t play the game of ‘we’re all individuals.’ We have to affirm and be proud of our ethnic identity and heritage to preserve the West’s curious individualism.


>> No.11022655
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He just rejected identitarianism in the video you linked OP. He's been against identity politics from day one, which is why he's against social justice culture.
>standard neo-liberal ("neo-marxist")
literally what the fuck are you talking about? Is this the power of Peterson fans? also sage

>> No.11022662


He's right in saying pride should be about things you have actually done. To participate in a culture you must somehow project yourself into the future and live up to it: pride is then allowed when you are actively and consciously participating in forwarding a culture and improving it.

>> No.11022668

Link to science pls

>> No.11022677

He hasn't rejected jack shit, he just danced around the topic beating strawmen and giving some stupid answer.

Even this youtube comment refutes him easily:

>I'm embarrassed for doctor Peterson in this clip. This is a shockingly bad argument.
>He seems to be implying that pride necessarily means taking credit but not taking responsibility or trying to live up to. But I don't see why this must be so. Why can't pride mean taking responsibility for and trying to live up to?
>Second, he ignores the actual question which has to do with individualism not surviving if groups of individualists are overrun by tribalists or ethnocentrists. (And some groups are measurably, demonstrably, more individualist than others...)
>Third, he ignores the context which is that the only reason anyone tries to sever the white, Western man's sense of ownership of and identification with his birthright and his inheritance is to try to steal it. Maybe I didn't build that, but my genes did. And they built it for me (and me for it.) Jordan Peterson here is making himself accessory to that theft of my birthright and inheritance and its redistribution to other individuals whose connection to it is much more dubious, because they have NONE.
>Fourth, Jordan Peterson is ignoring the wishes of my ancestors. In my constitution it says "to ourselves and our posterity" and this sentiment is echod in a variety of other sources. None of them say "to whoever wants a piece" or "to whoever needs it most" or "to whoever has the least" or any such nonsense.
>Fifth, he repeats the stupid lefty trope of reducing race and ethnicity to skin color. You bloody know it's more than that you bloody liar.
>Sixth, when I glorify my ancestors I am not TAKING credit, I am GIVING credit, which is also in accordance with their wishes, as it is in accordance with their wishes that this credit come from their progeny.

>> No.11022683

>only the immigrins supposed to take r'sponsibilty muh great grandpappy cleaned my room for me

>> No.11022684

So sorry your daddy isn't as racist as you'd like him to be, what a shame. I hope you still remember to wash your penis.

>> No.11022688

Wow whaddaya know, broken clocks and everything.

>> No.11022690
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He fucked his brain with the occult. All he had to do was stop being a Nietzschwit and take his tacit Orthodoxy seriously and he could have avoided this.

>> No.11022700

>constantly says religion is true because it has a practical use in society
>having pride in your culture makes you more prone to defend it
>is against being proud in your culture

>> No.11022716

>noun: pride; plural noun: prides
>A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
what were you saying about strawmen again?
>w-we changed the meaning of pride, right before you said all that to mean exactly what you were s-saying, baka

>> No.11022729
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>Maybe I didn't build that, but my genes did.

>> No.11022731

>He is a boomer at the end of the day

>> No.11022740

he made a tweet about how proud he was of his son.

got ripped apart by autists for being proud of things he hasn't done himself. lol

fuck him

>> No.11022745

He's technically correct. You can't take pride from it. But your ancestors have handed this legacy to you, and it is your responsibility to nourish and cherish it.

>> No.11022746

Was it his wife's kid or his?

>> No.11022751

his wife's obviously

>> No.11022783

officeposter leave

>> No.11022786

>My German ancestry gave us Michelangelo! European pride!

>> No.11022788

This "you can't be proud of your people or culture" bullshit also only applies to whites, because whites being proud of themselves is bad for jews.

>> No.11022793

I think he misunderstood pride for appropriation. You can be proud of your dad for being a fireman; you don't have to be saying people from the fire yourself.

>> No.11022797

nah it's cause he's too christian, read too much of the middle ages christian works

>> No.11022800
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Maybe he should write a book detailing his view instead of popping out 2 self help books

>> No.11022816

he said in other videos that a black man should be proud of who he is, and that a canadian should be proud of who he is.
he has changed, and it's either gonna give him death or become his doctrine of awakening

>> No.11022831

white pride is as stupid as black pride. Have pride for your ethnicity, not your skin color. Im sick of all those with white skin being lumped into a group; Russians, French, Norwegian, for example, could not be more different.

>> No.11022834

I blame americans

>> No.11022835

Nice way to prove his point, Issac.

>> No.11022839


>> No.11022841

It's so obvious this man is controlled opposition, just another advocate for white genocide.

>> No.11022842

Whites / Europeans belong to the same racial family and are far more similar to each other than they are to other groups like Asians or semites. Pretending otherwise makes you sound like a jew trying to keep whites divided.

>> No.11022846

Wrong. Real belief in Jesus was the only thing that saved me from the despair of Kabbalism and intellectualization of sacred and divine mysteries.

>> No.11022857

Peterson made watch Frozen and I liked it.

>> No.11022860

Pride is a word that messes my head up every time I try to think about it. Strong contender for most confusing emotion.

>> No.11022862

I've never thought about it in terms of pride or ownership. it's about the proliferation of an ideology and a moral framework that I (and my progeny) can realistically improve and build political momentum around, for that to happen there has to a negligible amount of ethnic conflict in western countries. the alternative is to succumb to brazilification, pax sinica and boundless global capitalism

>> No.11022872

>He is a boomer at the end of the day
This, and a fucking leaf to boot.

New world mutts have no say in this, their entire history is a failed enlightenment experiment.

>> No.11022881

ITT: right wing neoreactionaries butthurt that their autist hero pointed out they're just the antithesis in the neo-marxist dialectic of identity politics.

Youtube intellectuals. Guess I'm going to go kill myself now.

>> No.11022884

>All those butthurt memey comments
Is there anything more puerile and ape-like than internet right wingers? The moment he stops pandering to them even for a millisecond they get immediately butthurt.

>> No.11022886

bro have you ever heard of Hermetism? or the higher meanings of the matter of Britain? there are true occult paths besides some jewish one that morphs you into their mindset

>> No.11022893


>> No.11022906

He seems to get memed a lot less around here, which is nice.

>> No.11022909

All I learned by chasing the occult is that the intellect is the essence of evil.

>> No.11022919

it is simultaneously the intellect and the material.
only the spiritual is good, but christianity has too much literalism within it

>> No.11022920

>identity politics
You say that as if it's a bad word or something.
Identity politics is the only relevant politics. We wouldn't have nation states without that. The only real alternative is being ruled by elites, which ironically is what the "anti-racist" leftists are setting us up for.

>> No.11022924
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this but unironically

>> No.11022935

>as stupid as black pride
Black pride was the result of a scrubbed identity. If you were black in america then your heritage and culture, be it Ghanan or Somali or South African (and mind you Africa is a HUGE fucking continent), was absolutely destroyed and disposed of. You have no last name. You're a slave and you're a nigger. That is your heritage. It is defined from both without and within, in no way could these peoples say "I'm a quarter Algerian and 50% Nigerian etc." the way Americans say with their ethnic identities. They would be a stranger to native Africans, they're exiles. The amazing thing about black pride is the ability of the newly "black" Americans to carve out a new culture for themselves, in dance and music and literature and others, in a way that had profound effect on the culture at large from the bottom-up. "White" people in america had a similar process but it was opt-in rather than forced. You can still cook Albanian food and go to the Albanian club and speak Albanian but your children sure aren't going to, they're going to be homogenized into the same bland cultureless consumer Americanism. There is no culture to defend once you're a naturalized American, you are defined by your lack of an identity. And since they're not ethnically identified from without the way racism has done for blacks, they're finding themselves a bit lost. And since it's the dominant power, there is no way there is ever going to be a coherent "white" identity. They don't have to work for it, they can just smoke pot and play vidya and watch marvel movies. It has been decided.

>> No.11022937

I never understand the hype or fascination with him. He always struck me as an atheist but the sort who will condescendingly approve of other people believing because on some level they recognize it as a force of good. That's bad enough on its own but he won't even be honest about it. Whenever I've seen him really questioned about his specific religious beliefs he evaded by accusing the questioner of trying to "stick him in a box." I don't trust him one bit.

>> No.11022943

>The only real alternative is being ruled by elites, which ironically is what the "anti-racist" leftists are setting us up for.

Let me guess: you think Trump is anti-establishment

>> No.11022948
File: 30 KB, 1042x665, cTGocmU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to politics, you're now playing with ethnicity

>> No.11022949

suffering from trump derangement syndrome?

>> No.11022950

>Jordan peterson
Neoreactionaries are the ones who larp as Monarchists dude. They want medieval social structures. Extreme racism, sexism, very strong authority in one person, etc.

Nothing to do with Peterson

>> No.11022959

You are almost certainly American, but lets assume youve been to europe as you talk as if you have. Being proud of your culture as opposed to being proud of being white in no way divides whites. You can respect an overarching racial family without being proud of the skin color "white" as a whole, as that is fucking ridiculous. I believe you are a larping American, but have you ever met a Russian? Have you been to the Netherlands? These people may share an overarching genetic lineage, but go far back enough and we all do. It is unclear where to draw this line aside from general geographic juxtaposition, and NOT skin color. Im beyond race realism personally, and hate the negroids as a whole, however to deny this fact is pure Larping, and not an attempt to unify whites.
>implying Russia and Europe would get along if whites were categorized as such
>implying "White" and "European" is synonymous
Nice larp though I sincerely appreciate the sentiment

>> No.11022962
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That's why I'm Orthodox dummy. You want literal? Try Gnosticism.

>hurr durr, these primitive myths and lessons are so morally egregious in the year of 2018! God is obviously a shitlord!

>> No.11022968

Most people are fucking average. This is why nationalism is appealing.

>> No.11022989

Your argument is retarded. Race is not about skin color and European peoples have distinct genetic traits other groups lack. Don't talk about race realism until you are able to grasp the basics of it.

>> No.11022990

What the fuck? I havent heard any anti-patriotism or anti national pride shit where I live, and most of the people Im surrounded by are left leaning, and Im a European, sure there are people who dislike our past, but none of them would want to destroy our culture. If by European people he means Yanks larping I just have this to say

Americans, please stop fucking pretending to be European, I dont fucking get it, you are the most powerful and influential country in the world yet you feel the need to LARP as European? Why? Just fucking stop please, you have no idea how fucking cringe inducing that shit is. Like I get the 2nd generation immigrants doing it, but when you have people who couldnt name two cities outside the capital of the country they larp as, dont know the language or cant understand their accent and havent actually visited that country bar once or twice..just stop. Please.

>> No.11022999

Thats my fucking point retard. That is why being proud of being white is retarded, and you should instead be proud of your specific heritage rather than of the skin color, as race is not about skin color