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11021367 No.11021367 [Reply] [Original]

Why are al the greatest writers closeted gay men?

>> No.11021379

For them. words pour out on the page like a huge... gun... like an... explosion of dic...tion

>> No.11021406


>be heterosexual
>marry QT3.14
>have family
>try to write
>small_children_running_round_ screaming.mp3

>> No.11021407

>le Melville was gay

>> No.11021429

He was.

>> No.11021439

Prove it

>> No.11021442

dick imbues the ink

>> No.11021445

If you can't conceive Melville being gay, you haven't read Moby Dick.

>> No.11021448
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>> No.11021456

have you ever considered that you have been told that the greatest writers were faggots to advance an agenda?

>> No.11021460

No he wasn't.

>> No.11021462
File: 103 KB, 433x723, leo-tolstoy-young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Ivins were relations of ours and almost the same age as we were, and soon after our arrival in Moscow we had made their acquaintance and become friends."
>"The second Ivin, Seriozha, had dark curly hair, a firm turned-up little nose, very fresh red lips which seldom entirely closed over his rather prominent upper white teeth, fine dark blue eyes and an uncommonly lively face. He never smiled but either looked perfectly serious or laughed outright a ringing clear and extraordinarily captivating laugh. His unusual beauty struck me at first sight. I felt irresistibly attracted to him. To see him was sufficient to make me happy, and at the time my whole soul was concentrated on that one desire. Should three or four days go by without my seeing him I began to fret and was miserable enough to shed tears. All my dreams, waking or sleeping, were of him: when I went to bed I willed myself to dream of him; shutting my eyes I saw him before me and hugged the vision to me as my choicest delight. To no one in the world could I have brought myself to confess this feeling, so precious was it to me."

>"How strange it is that when I was a child I tried to be like a grown-up, yet as soon as I ceased to be a child I often longed to be one. Again and again in my relations with Seriozha this desire - not to behave like a child - stopped me from pouring out my feelings and forced me to dissimulate. Not only did I never dare kiss him as I often longed to, or take his hand and tell him how glad I was to see him, but I never even dared to call him by his pet name, Seriozha, but always kept to Sergei, as everyone else did in our house. Any expression of sentiment was regarded as proof of babyishness, and any one who permitted himself anything of the sort was still a little boy. Ignorant still of the bitter experiences which cause grown-ujp people to be cautious and cold in their relations with one another, we deprived ourselves of the pure joys of a tender attachment merely from a strange desire to resemble grown-ups."

>"I met the Ivins in the hall, exchanged greetings with them and rushed headlong to grandmamma and in a tone suggesting that the news must make her completely happy announced that the Ivins had come. Then without taking my eyes off Seriozha I followed him into the drawing-room, watching his every movement. When grandmamma said he had grown a great deal, and fixed her penetrating gaze on him, I experienced the same sensation of fear and hope which an artist must feel when waiting for a revered critic’s opinion of his work."

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth

>> No.11021469

2/10 bait

>> No.11021471
File: 2.37 MB, 2156x2614, Leo_Tolstoy_1897,_black_and_white,_37767u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I have never been in love with a woman,” the entry read, “but I have quite often fallen in love with a man. . . . I feel in love with a man before I knew what pederasty was. . . . Beauty has always been a powerful factor in my attractions; there is D—, for example. I shall never forget the night we left Pirogovo together, when, wrapped up in my blanket, I wanted to devour him with kisses and weep. Sexual desire was not totally absent, but it was impossible to say what role it played."
>He seems to have felt there was something holy in submission to Chertkov’s will, but the bond wasn’t strictly spiritual. Chertkov liked to keep plenty of handsome peasant youths nearby; as a young man, Tolstoy had written that he’d loved only men, and never women. He worried, pathetically, about Chertkov not loving him enough, even as friends and family wondered how such a great man could love such a cad.

>In one letter, Tolstoy wrote Chertkov that they loved each other "unlawfully, more than brotherly."

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11021473

>photo of le not gay author
good meme

>> No.11021474
File: 311 KB, 827x1169, 9C28E888-C6F6-441F-BA76-E34104A159F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s more of being rejected from society rather than simply homosexuality. Outcasts make the most interesting pieces of art

>> No.11021496

I doubt that all great writers were fags but it wouldn't surprise me since a well rounded individual that has furthered his own individuation has integrated his feminine as well as his masculine personality aspects.
So maybe if they were not exactly homosexual they might have more of a feminine aura than the usual man since the usual man is a brainlet pleb that is hindered by his patriarchal society in his sexual desires and thus is forbidden to lust after cute femboys' boipucci.
Tl;dr: get over your homophobia pal

>> No.11021507

> muh history must be rewritten in order to center my narrative of sexual victimhood

God, you people are insufferable

>> No.11021519

I recognize everyone except the middle.

>> No.11021522

victimhood? superiority...

>> No.11021526
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i'll go ahead and get the obvious out of the way

>> No.11021546

>The best writers are gay/bisexual manlets

>> No.11021806

you've made it irresistible again, masturbating to gay porn again

>> No.11022023

by gay, you mean passionate.

>> No.11022069

Melville was gay? No no, when he wrote that eight hundred page novel about men at sea, miles away from any woman, lusting after the biggest most phallic animal on earth, that was Melville doing straightness

>> No.11022082

passionately gay

>> No.11022153

Go away Froid

>> No.11022196

>friendship = gay
This is why you have no friends.

>> No.11022202

But Hemingway sucks

>> No.11022210

No you guys don't get it, Melville wrote all those gay novels about men out at sea where there's no women because - news flash - there were no women on those ships, simple fact of history - so the novels were gay, yes, but it wasn't his fault, his hands were tied, he had to make them gay even though he didn't want to. When his friends would ask him if he was gonna write a straight novel this time, he'd say, "God I wish I could, but I'm doing another whaling one, and you know there's no women on those ships, so... you gotta be realistic, you know?" And its actually extremely heroic, this dude who couldn't be more straight, writing gay novel after gay novel, simply because it was his duty as an artist and as a man.

>> No.11022214

>small_children_running_round_ screaming.mp3
also women ruin everything

>> No.11022226

The problem is that women aren't good enough to fall in love with once you reach patrician status. The Greeks weren't gay, they were just misogynists

>> No.11022252


Already in his first writings he was already extremely sensible to small details and willing to tell the truth even if that meant risking his reputation. He was raw-skin-sensible to every small thought, feeling, perception and gesture in everyday life, and had the capacity to store all this grains of details and remember them when the time to use was ripe.

>> No.11022298

I think you gotta love them by what they are, don't expect them to be more than pretty, kind, nursering beings. If you wanna discuss serious shit, call a friend. You don't try and discuss rocket science with the flowers.

>> No.11023168

>The Greeks weren't gay, they were just misogynists
Can you expand this?

>> No.11024673

For heterosexual man, woman and any other animal there is only one goal that he has in mind even his whole life - to continue his genes in nature, by which I mean to have children and to make sure they're brought up right.

Homosexuals are meant to not chase love and offspring, they're meant to help natural human society in other ways. That's why homosexuality, autism or any other seeming defect, is way more often in second born sons.

To answer why are homosexual love and relationships despised is rather simple, homosexual sexuality isn't simply as good for society as homosexuals being alone and chasing after their goals. Not only do they rob society of two sacrifices for development for short time frame, but they tend to damage them, as homosexual relationships tend to be abusive more often than heterosexual.