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/lit/ - Literature

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11019796 No.11019796 [Reply] [Original]

Did you make progress on writing your novel today?

>> No.11019801

I haven't written anything in a couple of days. I lost confidence, plus I've been bogged down with schoolwork.

>> No.11019803

I am at a lost on how to start my Novel properly.

I already have everything written down the story outline as well with the characters motives and principles. Nevertheless, I simply cannot write the beginning Chapter of my novel whether it's my self-perceived mediocrity or actual mediocrity as a writer I don't know. Whenever I do attempt to write my beginning Chapter I last no longer than a week before I Erase it and start anew only to find myself the same place I was months ago.

I thought about changing the story of my Novel to see if that's the problem but I am rather reluctant on doing it. I just don't know what to do.

>> No.11019806

>finishing my short story collection this month
>finishing grad school next month
>actually feel good about both

is this what having a gf feels like?

>> No.11020667

Far from it

>> No.11021301

Sort of.

>> No.11021353

It had been no progress today unlike yesterday. All works that unrelated to writing just been completed around this hour. Probably will start writing now.

>> No.11021368

I’m really torn on what sort of thing I want to write to the point I don’t even write anymore. Part of me wants to write general/realistic fiction but another part wants to write a fantasy/sci-fi. I wrote a 90k word novel and hated it so now I’m scared to commit to anything after having wasted so much time for nothing.

>> No.11022824

About 1300 words so far, not counting revision and edits to a previous chapter.

I have discovered the secret to motivation: the crushing realization that if you don't finish your book you will starve to death, triggering the last minute rush mentality I had in college that forces me to put words on the page to edit and shape later. I have never been so productive in my life.

>> No.11022877

write the critical moments you have hashed out in your mind, then fill in the blanks with the semi-critical moments that makes those moments critical

It's hard to write the whole book this way, but this ususally gives you a clear destination you need to reach and allows you to begin building portfolios of how characters will interact and change

>> No.11022934

Ah yes, the noble art of the outline.

>> No.11022953

Actually, yes! The work is still progressing slowly but it's a steady progression and I am generally satisfied with what is coming out of it. I hope to finish it up this year and maybe start on another one that I am planning right after!

>> No.11022966

>writing scenes out of order, starting with the climax

these are not the same thing
nice pseud post though

>> No.11023000

Thanks, I tried really hard.

>> No.11023881

>Did you make progress on writing your novel today?

Yeah! I finally came up with a good idea!

>> No.11023886

I have an essay I need to write that I have only tinkered with today.

>> No.11023930

>On vacation from work
>Think I'm going to spend a lot of time reading and writing
>Day 3 of 5 and all I have done is get high and watch The West Wing and play Overwatch

>> No.11024745

I'm trying to write a futuristic YA novel but I'm having a bit of trouble characterizing my main character, who is a young girl. She's currently a bit of a person who knows too much to be humble and is in that passively rebellious teen phase of her life.

>> No.11025295
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2500 words

>> No.11025300

Not writing a novel, translating a comic.

>> No.11025354

Wondering if I should do a couple of short stories with different characters in the Same cyberpunk universe or write a novel with Rotating P.O.V

>> No.11026191

Of what?

>> No.11026251

Just finished novel #4, taking a few days to compose myself and transfer a bunch of short stories written in long hand over to my word processor before I go back over them.

I had originally given up on my first novel and just moved on to my second one without editing it, but then I recently glanced over it and it’s rough, but way better than I remember and far from unsalvagable, so I’m going to basically work my way forward chronologically through all four of my books and write second drafts for them all while continuing to jot down short stories and such when the mood strikes me.

My plan is to get all four of them polished up and start querying agents again, or if that doesn’t work, probably releasing them and all my short stories in a serial format on Patreon in an attempt to gain a following and secondary income. Once I get a completed novel out on there, I’ll release it on Amazon for people who don’t have Patreon/want to own the completed work, and probably try to group together whatever short stories I have out there in a collection as well.

While doing that, I’ll continue writing new things and hopefully be able to just keep releasing stuff in that format continuously.

Or, maybe best case scenario someone bites on one of my books and I get to get a book deal.

>> No.11026295

How many pages for a short novel

>> No.11026724

What's the essay about?

>> No.11027832

Over a thousand words in my novel 'Legend of the Zealous Knight' series, book 1 'Shadow of Norswedane' yesterday.
I think I've got down about 140,000 of it so far.
Hoping to do two thousand today.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/

>> No.11027837


>> No.11028440


>> No.11029413

How do I write a cyberpunk Story?

>> No.11029419
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>> No.11030698

Came up with a few ideas for character personalities and world building.
Main concern at the moment is the novel's PoV. Not sure what would work best in my case.

>> No.11030708

I thought up a few more interesting ways for the protagonist to ruin a few lives for the sake of a slightly easier plane ride, but stopped putting it into words around the same time i realized that no one would care about the fate of some little family and there sudden case of explosive diarrhea. Not after the plane crash anyway.

>> No.11030717

Gives us a synopsis.

>> No.11030742

>tfw turned down cushy job at the EU to write while working 5hours a week
Best decision of my life so far. I wrote three pages today. It was just some scenes I need to add to my already finished novel. I just hope it won't fuck up its balance, but it actually felt as if I had found a missing piece in a puzzle.
Feels good man, we're gonna make it or die trying.

>> No.11030759

Nigga you turned down a job at European Union

>> No.11030773

Yeah, that was a harsh decision. I still consider going back though; working in my German right now. I might apply for a VIE soon.
I was suicidal at the time, I needed to take a step back from the suit-lifestyle. It was the best decision I've made in my life so far though.
>tfw my life is cliche AF

>> No.11030823

600 pages so far

100 to go and I’m done, should take a month between school and stuff.

>> No.11031028

no need to include the excuse. you lost confidence that is all.

>> No.11031036

I relate to you a lot. Haven't gotten a job offer or even applied to EU yet, but that seems like what I might do if academia doesn't work out.
What 5 hour week job was this that would fund life though? Perhaps I need to stop my fetish of living in 'big (read: expensive) cities'

>> No.11031053

I really want to write a Cyberpunk Novel, but I'm afraid people won't like my ideas.

>> No.11031143
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>11 March. How time flies; another ten days and I have achieved nothing. It doesn’t come off. A page now and then is successful, but I can’t keep it up, the next day I am powerless.

>13 March. An evening. At six o’clock lay down on the sofa. Slept until about eight. Couldn’t get up, waited for the clock to strike, and in my sleepiness missed hearing it. Got up at nine o’clock. Didn’t go home for supper, nor to Max’s either, where there was a gathering tonight. Reasons: lack of appetite, fear of getting back late in the evening; but above all the thought that I wrote nothing yesterday, that I keep getting farther and farther from it, and am in danger of losing everything I have laboriously achieved these past six months. Provided proof of this by writing one and a half wretched pages of a new story that I have already decided to discard . . . Occasionally I feel an unhappiness that almost dismembers me, and at the same time am convinced of its necessity and of the existence of a goal to which one makes one’s way by undergoing every kind of unhappiness.

>23 March. Incapable of writing a line.

>> No.11031148

I would

>> No.11031759

What's today's views on cyberpunk?

>> No.11031959

I have so many ideas for novels how do I start?

>> No.11031991

Well my man that's weird; I'm working in academia atm. I've found a teaching fellow program trough my uni (went back to get a master in comp lit after leaving Brussels) and they paid me for a whole year with minimum teaching hours. Its not a lasting employment though,soon I'll be back on a part time job that require 20hours a week not to starve.

I'm definitely done with academia though. Looking at my colleagues, I found out that they have no time whatsoever for writing something else than research. However, it happens that this is not a research oriented uni, so maybe things would be different in a larger institutions.

>> No.11032133

>tfw I'm bilingual and I shitty at both in writing. My 1st language is very tricky to write in. So I guess I have to stick to english but my prose is so fucking shitty and simple.

>> No.11032289

I'm bilingual too. I only write fiction in my first language. Still didn't have the courage to write in English.
All fictions that I read however is in English.

>> No.11032363

Then you’ve already failed as a writer.

This kind of shit is maddening. The prospect of “ I wanna do a thing but I don’t know if others will like it”
Fuck you, you sound like a woman.

>> No.11032386

enough. its bothersome, you're right. but your absolutism is also bothering. self-doubt is pernicious to this vocation, writing is demonic. there is something womanly in the process.

>> No.11032581

No there isn’t. I don’t have any problem writing. Maybe you should stop whining like a little tiddy baby and go do some writing instead of shitposting about how writing is hard. Of course it’s hard. If it were easy it would just be called “your mom”. Now either go put pen to paper or run your little tail back to plebbit where the other shit tier “writing is hard, lol” fuckers congregate.

>> No.11032616

Sort of. I'm too shit to attempt writing a whole novel so I've just been writing specific scenes I have in mind.

>> No.11032637

Yeah, finished it.
Gave up on it but still.

>> No.11032653

lol faggot

>> No.11033061
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Faggot I may be but I’m not a little bitch who has trouble writing. In fact I think I’d rather let a dude give me the old “hard ham high-five” and keep producing work than live the with the alternative of being a 4/10 puss slayer such as yourself who says “Hurr, writing is hard!”
Seriously, you sound like the kind of guy who farts in the bathtub, bites the bubbles, and wonders why he’s single.

>> No.11033074

Not yet. I started writing additional scenes to try and better suss out a character. That turned into writing an entire second story about that character's adolescence and young adulthood. I still have the final section of the original story to finish but part of me wants to finish the second story first. I'm at an impasse and feeling creatively dead due to work. I think I just need to find a good book to inspire me a bit.

>> No.11033271

You think the name's that lame?

>> No.11033695


>> No.11034327

I'm going to seriously consider changing it to 'Shadow of the Scandinavian Empire' then, thank you for your time.

>> No.11034336

Or perhaps Nordic Empire.

>> No.11034339

Aryan Imperium.

>> No.11034349

Well, the Scandinavians would hardly be the only ones that may be considered 'Aryan' in my setting.
Plenty of blond haired blue eyed people in the Pruxian Empire after all.

>> No.11034350

Sweden was the Scandinavian empire

>> No.11034508

that's a pretty fun thing to call my slash fanfic, anon

>> No.11034517
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Any tips on not losing confidence? I'll get super inspired about writing something then after a while I'll lose the confidence in it to continue. I obviously have to write to get better so this is an issue. Do I just power through it?

>> No.11034636
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At 37k words. Haven't actually written in like 2 months. Im getting back into it by reading everything over and editing what I've written.

>> No.11034738
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Stay at it dude! I’m right there with you. Don’t ease up

>> No.11034971

I'm at 30 pages of a shitty rant about the dissolution of English curriculum in secondary education.

>> No.11035479


>> No.11036122

Trying to write a couple of Short Stories of 120-130 pages.

>> No.11036238

Im drawing closer to finishing my first piece of writing. At 80 pages now, it should be around 100 once its finished

>> No.11036245

Short Story?

>> No.11036256

Yes, once this is all done and I have feedback on it im going to start work on a collection of short stories I want to write

>> No.11036273

I haven't written in two months because my wife now shares an office area with me and it's too distracting.

>> No.11036274

What's it about?

Thinking of writing a few short stories myself but I don't know if I should.

>> No.11036312

it's gonna be even worse when jamal moves in there

>> No.11036328

The one im nearly finished is about a group of sailors in the 1800s returning from a voyage to find every living thing in their home country has vanished without a trace

Collection will be about an apocalypse, with each story about a different person or group trying to survive in it

>> No.11036333

I'm not currently writing a novel
I'm not currently writing a novel
I'm not currently writing a novel
I'm not currently writing a novel
I'm not currently writing a novel

>> No.11036370

You should just write them anon, its very satisfying
dont worry about other people liking them or not, you'll just bog yourself down with worry, theres nothing to lose by going for it

>> No.11036403

write when she's deeply asleep

>> No.11036415

I had been seeking for writing advice from classic writers.

>> No.11036758

Time to go to the library/coffeeshop/underpass.

>> No.11038420


>> No.11038836
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How do I stop being so edgy?
Really, I've only just begun to realize that lightheartedness is entirely lost upon me. Recently I've been attempting to write a short story about a soldier that elopes with an enemy woman, but it's quickly become some kind of horrible psychological horror. It's like I'm only capable of writing mentally unstable main characters.
I'd venture to guess my upbringing has made me calloused and reluctant to express genuine emotions. Should I just resign to writing novels full of nothing but suffering and tragedy?

>> No.11038875

How do I get better?

>> No.11038915


>> No.11038925
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What do I do when I lose confidence?

>> No.11039014

Read Deviantart fanfiction until you feel better about your own abilities.

Alternatively, realize not everyone is out to expose you for your lack of skill, unlike how 4chan might lead you to believe.

>> No.11039019
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3123 words... and that´s about 3 weeks of work

>> No.11039023

ja, but it is essays and notes, going to leave for my son and he can publish, burn or copy/edit/expand as he sees fit

>> No.11039272

How do I convey something like a 'supposed' redpill to the MC of the novel? I want to have them reading something seemingly convincing enough that they might be slowly indoctrinated into that ideology. Should I just browse /pol/ and take note of the prose they use?

>> No.11039301

finally finished a chapter that I have been struggling with for months. Only three more to go and I'm finished boys.

>> No.11039406
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Assuming you're going for a single document, rather than trying to convey the process by which he slowly becomes "redpilled" you'll probably need to do most of it before the character encounters the document. For a /pol/ example: if the main character gets beat up by niggers, then proceeds to read online about how niggers are vermin that need to be exterminated, then doesn't act negatively, pretty much all you're trying to express has already been subtly conveyed.

>> No.11039639

I have a slight issue with this too. There has to be a certain threshold of shittiness reached within a story in order for it to sustain my interest. I sometimes have problems reading a fluffy or light story for the same reason. It doesn't feel like it's "real" somehow, even though I'm sure there are people with lives like that.

Writing is a form of self-therapy, so get as much of the edgy stories out as you can and see what remains. I've been kinda bumming myself out with the heavy stuff lately, so it's a good motivation to get that finished so I can do something a bit more fun.

10% Luck; 20% Skill; 15% Concentrated Power of Will; 5% Pleasure; 50% Pain. Study. Execute. Repeat.

I don't know why, but I've come to increasingly love Spurdo over the years. I was apathetic towards him for the majority of his lifespan but he managed to work his way in somehow. Spurdo is a pure existence.

>> No.11039649

I've been doing a lot of sketches for my book (it's not really a novel but I don't know what to call it). I don't think I'll be able to start in earnest for a couple weeks though, my current environment is just too bleak to write in. Fortunately I'm moving out to a /comfy/, more rural area soon.

>> No.11039666
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Read Ready Player One.

>> No.11039675
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Spurdo and Gondolla need more use desu (not so much to go mainstream though). Far superior to Pepe, though Wojak is still my favorite simply because of how expressive it can be.
Pic related.

>> No.11039677
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one page so far

>> No.11039684

Actually an interesting work of art desu. Where is it?

>> No.11039688


>> No.11039727

59k. Gunning for 70k, which I feel is a passable number. I reached a section that I realized I didn't do nearly enough research on and thought about scrapping it, but then by sheer luck figured out a way around it. Just keep thinking bros and don't give up, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.11039746

Can we get any info about your story? I love hearing people writing their stuff.

>> No.11039797

You should read Kosuth too

>> No.11040084

Underrated post.

>> No.11041051

>Thinking about writing a Deconstruction Novel.
Should I proceed or should I write something else?

>> No.11041290

I've been writing this thing for 3 years, on-off. I feel like shit. I'm not even halfway through, I'm at three hundred thousand words now. I want to get this over with and shoot myself in the head.

>> No.11041295

>Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Can't argue with that

>> No.11041300

You seem furious.

>> No.11041715

>hates his father
>avoids his friends out of anxiety
>claims to be a writer but doesn't write
If Kafka were alive today he would have been on /lit/.

>> No.11042181

And we would have told his stories were pretentious and shit.

>> No.11042539
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My worldbuilding is mostly done. I'm trying to write African inspired fantasy story but in a more realistic tone. The problem is I hate fantasy novels but I want to tell this story which is essentially a fantasy. However since I enjoy historical fiction, I think if I write in a way that I pretend this is actual history I might get away with it.

>> No.11043749


>> No.11043845

Keep us updated. I've only had a cursory exploration of African folklore, so something like that would tickle my fancy.

>> No.11044557

You don't know that

>> No.11044584

I just want to be a mediocre writer writing cheap YA novels for some cash on the side. How do I start?

>> No.11044593
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2000 more words. 108k

>> No.11044984

Sorry to tell you, but even mediocre YA novels take skill and effort to write, even it's if less than other genres. If all you want is money, I recommend finding a niche and simply writing erotic fiction pandering to that niche. Never underestimate the disposable income of gay furries.

>> No.11044995


Yes. I'm writing about a page, I think. I can't find the inspiration for much else at the moment.

>> No.11045001

Let us read some of it anon. I have watched your progress since the first novel idea threads. It's cool to see your progress so far.

>> No.11045098
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>took 2 years to write a 120k word novel
>1/4 way done with the 2nd novel but haven’t touched it in months
>wrote several sub 20k word short stories during that time too
>published none of them nor even submitted due to lack of confidence

There are times I wonder why I struggle so hard to continue a decent life when I only have my brothers and mother for which to live.

>> No.11045137
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, 31445FA3-39BE-4995-8D96-63F19BAEC9CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me an email, disposable or otherwise and I might be able to sent you a bit.

>> No.11045143

You may as just submit it yourself online. Even if you won't get big money you will at least get feedback

>> No.11045274

It's an easy thing for your to say, but you obviously cannot empathize with people of that mindset. There's a reason several authors were only discovered postmortem. It took me years to submit my first work even though my skill was likely adequate enough to publish the entire time.

>> No.11046056

>Its a flop

>> No.11046064
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Was running low on confidence, but finally started to get a feel for the setting and my characters. Writing's going a lot more smoothly.

>> No.11046814


>> No.11046877


>> No.11046965

Is Allen Barb a good pen name?

>> No.11047561

>Get to a part where im killing a certain character
>start to get really upset and feel bad for her because she doesnt deserve such a horrible end
Nobody told me about this part of the writing process, these feels are intense

>> No.11047671

>The Novel's Antagonist is actually the Hero of the Novel while the MC is actually the Antagonist.
>The Entire Novel is a first-person point of view of the MC

>> No.11048079

Just kill her off

>> No.11049287

I've experienced something similar. I write a lot of low-key romances, and felt genuinely sad when I reached the conclusion of my story and couldn't write the character anymore.

I suppose it must have been something close to what having a waifu feels like.

>> No.11050440


>> No.11050992

Started a new story today that I had been wanting to put to paper for a while. 2400 words in. Would continue but it's almost 4AM here and time to hit the sack.

>> No.11051017


>> No.11051030

think you write for yourself and be honest none wants to read some cliche shit

>> No.11051104

He swiftly retracted to corner of bed and began frigging himself off; conditioned to *only* cum quickly by own his hand. He sat there, cross-legged, hunched over his own cock like some retarded monkey, staring mindlessly at the glistening mess in his lap, face mantled with bestial concentration, one hand darting fingers into seeping jissom whilst the other bent his fading erection around allowing better access for first hand.
Fingers into jissom and rapidly into mouth and back into jissom and into mouth and swallows until it was all et up.

>> No.11051654

Thank you :)

>> No.11051659


>> No.11051667

This wasn't english.

>> No.11052354

Then what was it

>> No.11052883


>> No.11052901

Stop being a dickless twat. That 90k word novel is better then having written nothing at all like the rest of us. Be fucking proud of it

>> No.11052925

i downloaded a software , novel factory, and started to fill in the basic stuff int here, basically cut and pasting an ok idea i had a couple of days ago. i have the free trial, i hope they wont shit in my hand and lock that shit up on me or something.
it seems fairly useful for a program, basically you set yourself some points then they keep them in your sight to help you focusing on them until you get there.

>> No.11054000
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I force myself to write a little bit each day, even if it's just a few lines of dialog or a quick paragraph outlining an idea. I've been really busy with life shit recently though, so I'm finding it hard to focus on one project. It also doesn't help that I'm most comfortable writing at night and my evenings are short during the week.

>> No.11054835
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I got about 1200 words of straight dialogue in an erotica novel done in the past week. I actually feel good about this story. Now the hard part of actually writing the scenes around that dialogue begins and I am just too lazy to make progress on it this week.

>> No.11054851

no, but I managed to write 3/4 of a short story, which is the 3rd of a planned tetralogie about personifications of the elements and associated pseudo-philosophical/-political implications (fire and air are already done, this one is water). Just printed it out, hope I'll finish in in university today, else I'll do it tomorrow

>> No.11054860

I've just written a few scenes. At this point it's more an idea that's still open to some major changes.
I like the concept of a few of my scenes, but I feel as if the execution leaves much to be desired

>> No.11054863
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I feel kind of shitty because I haven't made any progress on it in over two weeks out of sheer laziness; it's way easier to just play vidya and drink with friends than write. But at least I have fun doing it and rereading the stuff I've written so far to reinvigorate my interest in it.

>> No.11054930
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>Tabitha nodded (...) Ashley nodded.

>> No.11054938
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>Super down ta earth

>> No.11054944
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Grant us a peek at your novel to compare, anon.

>> No.11054948

>you can't criticize someone if you can't do better

>> No.11054951

Kek. What a redditor

>> No.11054968

>you can't criticize someone if you can't do better
You can't expect to have anyone take you seriously if you shout at them out of your pillow fort.
>Kek. What a redditor
Think what you like, samefag

>> No.11054969

Sorry I'm typing this in front of my mother...

I apologize for my rude comment about your novel. I'm sure it's great and the prose was dandy. Please accept this apology.

>> No.11054976

This is a six-year-old tier argument. Why do I have to prove myself to give a simple bit of criticism? Is there any real problem with what I posted? Would it not sound better if the writer hadn't repeated 'nodded' so soon after it had already been used?

>> No.11054992
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>Sorry I'm typing this in front of my mother...
>I apologize for my rude comment about your novel. I'm sure it's great and the prose was dandy. Please accept this apology.
Being patronizing doesn't make you seem any smarter, anon.
>This is a six-year-old tier argument.
Says the anon who unironically used common pepe's as a tool of criticism
>Why do I have to prove myself to give a simple bit of criticism? Is there any real problem with what I posted? Would it not sound better if the writer hadn't repeated 'nodded' so soon after it had already been used?
Nobody's saying you have to do anything. The fact that you decided to reply with no valuable input and use memes to voice criticism already revealed the intent of your posts in the first place, which was to upset/hurt another anon.
Now that you've been called out for being a dickhead, you can't just backtrack and pretend like you didn't try to demean someone else's work.
Try opening with intelligent criticism next time and maybe you won't just get smug faces and some slightly better than "no u" banter.

>> No.11055024
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>> No.11055032
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Reply directly to me next time. My criticism was very clearly that the repeated use of the word "nodded" stuck out to me. My use of an image was meant to convey my mood in reaction to the excerpt I quoted, which is one of displeasure. I am insinuating that if it were to not be changed, future readers would react in a similar manner.

>> No.11055079
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> My criticism was very clearly that the repeated use of the word "nodded" stuck out to me. My use of an image was meant to convey my mood in reaction to the excerpt I quoted, which is one of displeasure. I am insinuating that if it were to not be changed, future readers would react in a similar manner.
And yet you chose to do so in the most inept and intentionally lazy way possible. I understood what you meant with your first post. It was intentionally inflammatory, but still lazy and unoriginal. I don't care that you offered criticism; it was helpful. I do care that instead of being constructive and concise that you instead chose to shitpost and be a general dickhead.
Your subsequent posts are proof that you can act like you give a damn. I still think you're a dickhead, but at least you're not shitposting because you can't do anything else; you're just bored.

Also, I don't know if this >>11055024
is you, but this the lowest effort trolling since "ur mom lol" was a thing. If I'm going to be insulted, please do me the good service of being clever about it.

>> No.11055106

>It was intentionally inflammatory, but still lazy and unoriginal.
I can guarantee that the reason you are so offended is because you interpreted these posts ( >>11054938 >>11054930 ) to have been made by a single person in an attempt to insult you(?) because they both used images of pepe and quoted the source in the same manner.
The concept that my initial post was "intentionally inflammatory" is an invention of your own design, and it is only through the lowest amount of effort that I would point out the simplest of mistakes. My post was not a shitpost. You merely interpreted it as such due to the context you found it in.

>> No.11055116

I still haven't settled on an idea. There are a lot of themes and emotions floating around in my head but I can't seem to tie it all down to something concrete

>> No.11055119

Tie these nuts to your mouth. Just write something, virgin.

>> No.11055146
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>I can guarantee that the reason you are so offended is because you interpreted these posts ( >>11054938 >>11054930 ) to have been made by a single person in an attempt to insult you(?) because they both used images of pepe and quoted the source in the same manner.
Denying that your post was intentionally inflammatory doesn't change the intent with which it was posted. Paired with the second or by itself, the intent is the same. And it is still lazy.

>The concept that my initial post was "intentionally inflammatory" is an invention of your own design, and it is only through the lowest amount of effort that I would point out the simplest of mistakes. My post was not a shitpost. You merely interpreted it as such due to the context you found it in.
Read my previous post for clarification on this point. The manner of your post and the amount of effort applied to it were lackluster. You can do better. You're doing better now, in fact. Like I said before, if you're going to criticize me via insult, at least be clever about it.
Pepe is old and busted without any real supporting text. That is just laziness.

>> No.11055152

Write down settings you think they might all fit into. An alternate Earth? Another world? A dream? Regular Earth?
Or you could start with the genre. High or low fantasy? Mystery? Action? Romance?
Start with huge focus and drop down until you've got a better idea of what you want. And if you're conflicted, just flip a coin. Don't like the result of the toss? You suddenly know where your desires lie.

>> No.11055173

Please tell me why I should put effort into correcting someone's mistake when the point gets across easily with the method I employed? (Which you confirmed was helpful in your previous post >>11055079 )
If it can be so easily understood, then there is no reason to put any more effort, especially if the only drawback is someone being artificially offended. There was no insult in my original post, unless you consider pointing out an error to be an insult, in which case it would again be by your own interpretation that my post becomes inflammatory.

>> No.11055207
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>Please tell me why I should put effort into correcting someone's mistake when the point gets across easily with the method I employed?
>If it can be so easily understood, then there is no reason to put any more effort, especially if the only drawback is someone being artificially offended.
Missing the entire point, anon.

>> No.11055874

Not an argument

>> No.11055993


>> No.11057077

Added another few thousand words. 111k words

>> No.11057135
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>increasingly love Spurdo over the years.

Spurdo is patrician. You know he just as autistic as pepe but spurdo is still cheery and fun he is nice man

>> No.11057174 [DELETED] 

What are some books on the concept of free? Other than free will.

>> No.11057179

>Decide "I'm gonna write a novel"
>When I actually finish it it was only 20k words

>> No.11057215

Literally just make things vague while sounding intelligent. Normies won't tell the difference.

>> No.11057220

What? Learn to read, it's already finished.

>> No.11057238

I realized that a couple minutes after posting it.

>> No.11057266

Stuck trying to figure out suitable transitions between scenes. Don't know if I should just go for a hard cut or not.

>> No.11057273

Pro tip: a novel isn't a movie script.

>> No.11057284

No, too lazy to think of a good intro right now

>> No.11057572

I finished a 6500 word short story a month ago.

Now that I have more free time I really want to write but I have absolutely no idea what to. No idea for poetry, nothing for a short story, nothing for a novel. I'm completely empty.

What the hell am I supposed to do now

>> No.11057958

give up, give in

>> No.11058148

Write things that interest you

>> No.11058365

How do I go about writing my Novel that has an Unlikable Main Character?

>> No.11058708
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>won a writing competition a few years ago and have it published
>looking at the result, it's actually not an achievement I'm particularly proud of
>rushed work and the publisher being lazy, they published it as it is without editorial, typos here and there, and embarrassingly bad cover
>today someone messaged me, asking is he contacting the right person who write that novel
>say yes, I thought it was from the publisher informing me my contract is about to end and I can submit it to another publisher
>it's not
>it's someone who borrow it from his siblings for his literature homework
>message me just to say he likes my novel

>> No.11059357

Fuck off humblebragger.

>> No.11059943

Try writing prompts.

>> No.11060042

Feel exactly the same way. Tried to write but nothing really came out and it just feels bad.
This post is helpful to see though. Something about seeing what the problem really is. Thanks friend.

>> No.11060044

>tfw you actually did

>> No.11061516

You don't, unless you want your novel to be shit -- unless by "unlikable" you mean possessing a personality most people wouldn't get along with. It's more than possible to make detestable personalities work as main characters, such as serial killers and the like. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether or not the character's actions are interesting and entertaining. Don't let them be boring, and if you think they're too obnoxious, let them suffer for their actions from time to time to offer the reader some catharsis.

>> No.11061665
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Keep writing anon. The feels will always be there for older and lesser works, feel 'em and get gud for the great works.

>trying to bring down the minute, embarrassing happiness an author feels about a published work being praised; especially one the publisher dicked
>hasn't published shit
>writes like a high school student with an ELA teacher's ruler in his ass
The fuck back to plebbit, wordvirgin.

>> No.11061668

what does reddit have to do with published writers humblebragging to poor writers?

>> No.11061689
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You don't listen/heed shit like this >>11061516
that's for damn sure.

If you make the MC unlikeable, you have to have redeeming traits. Could be humour, an amazing sideboard character, an interesting antagonist that makes the unlikable main character grow... look at what you don't like and ask yourself why.

I dislike most MC's in anime because they're goody-goody fairy faggots that wouldn't take advantage of opportunities, especially in that isekai shit. Same reason for hating on Superman. Spidey's a'ight, like the Bats, but only because they have Venom, Carnage, the Joker, Penguin, Robin, etc. to make them more interesting.

Even fucking Teletubbies is like this. It's an absolute crock of colorful shit, but the laughing baby-faced sun makes it much better.
>When the whole world is a faggy surrealist 80's vibe with a cast full of incoherent monsters, write in a laughing baby.

>> No.11061706
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>maybe 10K away from finishing my novel
>stop dead in my tracks and don't touch it for a month
It's because subconsciously I know that finishing it means revisiting my writing and editing which I dread doing. How do you guys edit?

>> No.11061707

>Same reason for hating on Superman
Let me guess: you don't read Superman comics.

>> No.11061711

Editing is the funnest part for me. I dread writing. Editing clears the soul.

>> No.11061718
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>being desperate enough for sympathy to mistake published for rich, unpublished for poor
It's the shitty mindset of fags on leddit that gives rise to this self-defeating shit. 4chin is the place to tell people to kill themselves when they fuck up, to berate the shit out them when they make something shit-tier, and to share in their glory when they gets. This is the hellhole that made epic fail = massive win a thing after all.

>TL;DR Don't be a prissy fairy faggot because you didn't try hard enough to get your shitty attempt at releasing your inner turmoil published. EL James, DFW, and Foucault did it; no reason anyone here can't unless they have that shitty plebbit attitude.
Not aimed at you so much as counsel to all the cunts.

>> No.11061723

>this post
>"epic fail"
>fair world fallacy
Holy cringe.

>> No.11061733

I'm so fucking conflicted. I'm writing a non-sexual play about lesbians and I'm not sure if I should keep going because I'm Catholic and I'm not so sure if I want to keep writing if my faith kinda condemns homosexuality. Not to mention, I'm scared I might, or I might be forced to, disown it because of my Catholicism. What should I do?

>> No.11061737

I did for nearly 20 years, just to force myself to deal with the discomfort and different perspective(s). I can't stand moral absolutism, or the retarded ass-pulls people come up with to defend that pool of piss, but I'd regret not trying to see from/learn another perspective.

You're probably too attached to your thoughts and the effort you put into it if you've got jeebies for editing/revision. Face up to yourself some nights before you sleep and ask yourself what you're holding onto.

>> No.11061746

>I did for nearly 20 years
Oh, really? What are your favorite runs?

>> No.11061754

>this post
>not knowing the history of what you use
>not comprehending effort, and the degeneracy of having a shitty attitude
>holy anything
>still using "cringe" in 2018
Wow. Bet you're the most successful author with the shittiest attitude here, huh fucko? Either that or you're too young to have any life experience; in that case, underage b&.

>> No.11061762
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You misrepresent me. You're clearly assuming that a true "unlikable" character can posses redeeming traits at all. Perhaps this is up to interpretation of the post as to what an "unlikable" character truly entails, but by virtue of having anything /anything/ considered redeeming, they cease to be unlikable. There are many heinous villains that are near universally liked because of their "redeeming traits" and ideals. A true unlikable character, to me, is one that the reader genuinely wishes to see punished, when you continue reading purely in the hopes that the character receives their comeuppance, even though their actions are entertaining and thrilling. They might have circumstances you can understand and even empathize with, but possessing anything "redeeming" completely kills the whole dynamic.

>> No.11061771

LGBT will dislike you for being insufficiently supportive and Catholics will dislike you for 'normalizing' homosex. In short, you can't win and just write what interests you.

>> No.11061777

What are you, a 12yo girl in middle school?
>as if there's any other answer than the tail end of Man of Steel

>> No.11061783

That's not a run. Thanks for proving you don't actually read comics.

>> No.11061809

No, I'm not misrepresenting you. I'm a professional in marketing/pr. I'm telling you that to write something that only has tension and places a grinding stress on the reader for an entire book will not sell well, if at all.
>That was my misrepresentation, the assumption you'd actually want something giving you back a monetary return for the effort you put in.

The other part of this is something you may be cognitively dissonant(?) about,or determined to push past, but you'll have a hard time writing someone completely unlikable. There are people who adore Hitler, Stalin, Assad, Mohammed, Judas, Genghis Khan, etc. Hillary Clinton was almost president of a current world superpower. Donald fucking Trump was elected. Humans are fucked up, anon, no matter which way you look at us.

>Now, all that said, Humbert from Lolita is generally despised by the average of the majority once they comprehend what he did.
If you're going for something like that, get ready to be mobbed by angry idealists and have your house burned down if it catches wind in the western media. If it has anything to do with children, be ready to have public backlash and be called a pedophile, rapist, and diddler like Caroll is nowadays.

>> No.11061815

Man of Steel ran from 91 to 03, right about when 4chin started. Thanks for proving you're a newfag and don't know what you're talking about, 12yo.

>> No.11061819

I wrote another poem today. At this rate within another month or two I'll have enough for a chapbook.

>> No.11061821

And volumes are not runs.

>> No.11061848

And that's not a volume, that's actually a series. Not even counting the annuals. One which was called a longrunner, making a light joke at Bogs for at least 25 of the past 30 years.

>> No.11061863

Write some shitty short form stuff.

>> No.11061897
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What in the world are you talking about, you incorrigible neophyte? Don't bring the word "unlikable" into such absolutist nonsense. Are you such a pedant you'd require someone to specifically describe what reference point they were using when they accredited something as being "tall"? You may be shocked to find that "unlikable" does not mean "literally impossible to be liked."

But now that we're past that, I might need to accuse you of either not actually reading books or that you are unfortunately retarded. To put it simply, unlikable characters are ones who are disliked because of their actions, and the absence of anything to justify them. Recent memory calls to the titular Monk from The Monk, who fell from grace through a spiral of irredeemable debauchery so foul you could only feel satisfaction when he met his demise.

I'm truly having difficulty understanding what you're getting at with all that textual diarrhea -- what the fuck does Trump have to do with any of this? The concept of a character that is generally disliked should not be difficult to understand, and your continued failure to grasp such a simple concept worries me.

>> No.11061916

Jesus, you know series are divided in volumes right?

>> No.11062522

Consume media until something inspires you. Writing prompts may also help.

>Though onscreen the Fab Four appear to be a baby-friendly size, in "person" they are gargantuan, bigger than Barney, bigger even than Big Bird. Po, the smallest, is 6 ft. 6 in., while Tinky Winky looms around 10 ft. tall. This makes for a costume that weighs more than 30 lbs. And if the performers, who see and breathe through the mouth holes, keep their heads on too long, there is a danger of carbon-dioxide buildup.


>> No.11062643

No. What you have is better. Stay focused, motherfucker.

>> No.11063152
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How do I make sure I find enough time to write and attend to my other obligations as well? Do I just need to set aside a certain hour in the day for it?

>> No.11063506

That would help. Carrying a pocket-sized notepad is also good to squeeze in bits of time here and there.