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/lit/ - Literature

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11017519 No.11017519 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this book so popular? Has anyone here actually read it?

>> No.11017531

Because of fuck.

>> No.11017555

The title

>> No.11017563

I have. It's a waste of fucking time, I wasn't expecting to get enlightened by this book but it was pretty atrocious.

>> No.11017598

This so much.

I read it to see what the fuss was all about and realized it's just a bunch of repetitive "bro" advice.

>> No.11017632

I love getting life advice from a 33 year old blogger with a degree in finance.

Fuck Seneca.

>> No.11017643

it's bullshit for "entrepreneur" bros to try to apply to their sales funnels and startups or whatever

>> No.11017646

His career, age and degree are irrelevant. I read the book and it's improved my life in several ways. I passed on my copy to a friend who has also benefited from it. He's the real deal.

>> No.11017657

Terrible, I have read it... Similar to Rich Dad, Poor Dad

>> No.11017659

>He's the real deal.
With a face like that how could he not be the "real deal"?

>> No.11017677

Its essentially Stoicism for brainlets

>> No.11017711

Starting to read it, and so far unimpressed.

Which is a shame, because during my dating insecurity phase I read a bunch of PUA books, and Models by Mark Manson was literally one of the only good books on the topic.

Maybe Manson bit off more than he could chew with this. I guess the smartest guy in dating advice is still a retard in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.11017716

I read a few pages.
It's meh.

Watered-down stoicism for dummies. Not good enough to leave a good impression. Not bad enough to be memorable at all.

>> No.11017740

I read it when my anxiety was really bad and it helped a lot. In particular, the distinction between "responsible" and "to blame" was really valuable. It wasn't some magic cure-all but it was one stepping stone among a growing number in the right direction for me.

That said, I don't think it's especially profound to anybody who's already mentally/emotionally healthy.

>> No.11017744

I didn't find it all that bad, the "you should start by doing something" pretty interesting. Most of his life stories are bullshit, but the overall impression that book left on me was positive.

>> No.11017754

I hear that. I know you should disconnect advice from its source, but some of his life advice started to ring a little hollow when I found out he inherited massive wealth from his grandparents.

I still kinda like him, but I've lost a lot of enthusiasm for him.

>> No.11017977

go away mark

>> No.11018337

If you need a book to ‘’not give a fuck’’, then you are beyond fucking pathetic. Shit-tier book, probably popular because of weak people in the west that care too much for people’s opinions.

>> No.11018344

he used to write PUA shit
I feel that says it all

>> No.11018354

The title says put me on the coffee table so I look edgy as FUCK..

though since I truly dont give a fuck I would probably just trow it like everything else on the floor for a few months.

>> No.11018490

tried reading it and gave up. my power level's way to fucking big at this point to read shit this basic

>> No.11018801
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holy shit lel. I've read about this cunt going around samefagging in blog comments but to see it in action here is hilarious

>> No.11018851

What did you guys hate about it specifically? It's a two-day read with decent advice supported by reputable evidence. It isn't excellent by any means, but it isn't bad in the sense that it provides patently bad advice (which is the only acceptable criticism of a goddamn self-help book). I suspect y'all's vehement disavowal is merely a reaction to its success, an entirely common /lit/ thinking pattern.

>> No.11018908

Dubious values don't equate to impractical advice. You can be a shitlord in one area and a sage in another (not to call Charles' son a sage)

>> No.11018916
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>> No.11018927
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>the subtle art of not giving a f*ck
>censors fuck

>> No.11018953
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Kitschy title = Retard food.

>> No.11018963
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>supported by evidence
>muh empiricism
opinion discarded

>> No.11019114

Fuck you guys are retarded.

Anyway, thanks for validating my opinion: you're mentally vacant troglodytic contrarians that let popular opinion determine your thinking. You're worse than sheep. You actually try to convince yourself you're not one. I revile you.

>> No.11019124

Anyone who overuses the word fuck should be gassed

>> No.11019126

How is once overuse?

>> No.11019167

>when you don't give a fuck so hard that you just have to write an entire book to tell everyone about it

>> No.11019255
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>implying bro-lit isn't best-lit

>> No.11019665

What were the other good PUA books? Most of them are cringe and systematic.

>> No.11019900

It's like reading a cracked article stretched out into a book.

>> No.11019958
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x1244, PsoidFroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for Enlightenment? Should've read Psoid Froid instead.

'Most self-help books are flattering Goldfish flakes; colourful, attractive, and fun veneers ultimately devoid of any nutritional value beyond basic sustenance. The fraction of books that are not, cease their competitive advantage when the knowledge is too easily digestible and widely spread. To put it differently, the worst that can happen to a great self-help book is to become popular. A book can not at once be prominent, easily digestible, and applicable to the extent of producing a competitive advantage for the reader unless it (deliberately or not) obscures and/or—more nefariously—deludes.

Books that are both applicable and who hold a competitive advantage for the reader hide under the protective wings of taboo and obscurity. Few dare pierce taboo, many (rightfully) write off obscurity as drivel; drivel thrives in obscurity because stupid things said in a complicated way sound smart, even when they are in fact stupid.

The tricky part about obscurity is that you cannot ascertain whether something obscure is drivel until you’ve delved deeper into it; its complexity precludes at-glance valuation; obscurity’s merit only becomes apparent once it has been investigated. Obscurity is Schrodinger’s Merit.

Great self-help books that become popular can only retain their virtue of providing a competitive advantage when a large portion of the reader base does not gain accurate, applicable comprehension of the knowledge upon reading the book. Knowing this, act accordingly.'

>> No.11019996
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>> No.11020041
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>> No.11020053

Great music is lost on the ears of the villagers, but play them "The Breaking of the Willow" or "Bright Flowers" and they grin from ear to ear. In the same way, lofty words make no impression on the minds of the mob. Superior words gain no hearing because vulgar words are in the majority. It is like the case of the two travelers tramping along in confusion and never getting where they are going. With all the confusion in the world these days, no matter how often I point the way, what good does it do? And if I know it does no good and still make myself do it, this too is a kind of confusion. So it is best to leave things alone and not force them. If I don't force things, at least I won't cause anyone any worry.

>> No.11020372

>reputable evidence
says everyone about everything

>> No.11020374

it's an american self help book
emphasis on american

>> No.11020377

It has nothing to do with being a shitlord it has to do with caring about such stupid shit in the first place.

>> No.11020385

>I revile you.
You're beyond help anon how times do you cry a day.

>> No.11021222

>*posts on fourchan*

How has your life improved?

>> No.11021503

0.6, on average.
missed my point
oh, please recommend me a Portuguese or Mozambican one
the evidence in the book is well-researched, it's of repute
only proving the accuracy of my insult
sorry, are you implying that "y'all" isn't acceptable English?

You peasants lack all nuance.

>> No.11021529

But rich dad poor dad has some legit financial advice. What is wrong with it?

>> No.11021554

>You peasants lack all nuance.

>> No.11021570

“If you lack the motivation to make an important change in your life, do something—anything, really—and then harness the reaction to that action as a way to begin motivating yourself. I call this the “do something” principle.”
― Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

>> No.11021593

>I call this the “do something” principle.”
Very profound, Mark.

>> No.11021653

Is it just stoicism for dumb people?

>> No.11021661

I mean, he isn't wrong.

>> No.11021982

Why haven't you been banned yet?

>> No.11022360
File: 801 KB, 3264x2448, we dont give a f#ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a redditor writing for redditors. let that sink in.

>> No.11022442

Ryan Halliday > Mark Manson >Epictetus

>> No.11022474


>> No.11022486

this looks like any other "weird internet people" meetup
I expected redditors to be much more normiesque

>> No.11022613

its second person possessive plural ya brainlet.

>> No.11022671

Calm down, hick.

>> No.11022687

"Y'all" sounds better than "Yous guys" which I hear all the time in the Northeast.

>> No.11022696

you can't make fun of rednecks for saying 'y'all' because black people also say it, so by the transitive property you're being racist

>> No.11022721

that's how amerimutt normies look

>> No.11022737
File: 14 KB, 184x184, 966176f1936bcbb0e3c8d2b9ade5d96b0d74d32e_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would a book by an anon for anons be then?

>> No.11022738

You guys are so negative. It's unreal.

>> No.11022739

poor doggo

>> No.11022756
File: 74 KB, 614x960, 1513042132831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're very critical of self help books anon, because they don't actually help

>> No.11022796


Well obviously they aren't a cure. They're for people who get trapped in a certain way of thinking and need some alternatives. I guess it completely depends on what's wrong with the individual in question.

>> No.11022799

the thing with all self help books is that its very ground level stuff. like rich dad poor dad comes from the perspective of making someone really just not waste there money on useless shit and have reasonable goals. interaction and social books are largely on not being autistic. Its almost never about going above and beyond but just improving enough to not be a shit robot

>> No.11022807

The book is mainstream liberal American normie bro science.
Which means that inevitably a good portion of 4chan will like it, because some of you come straight from r*ddit.

So the only objective criticism I can come up with is that the guy kinda sounds like a brainlet who hasn't read a serious book in his life.
The only philosophy (if any at all) he ever consumed were probably some youtube TED clips.
The whole thing is really on a high school level, intellectually.
At least other self-help guys like Deepak Chopra or Jordan Peterson put effort into it, even if they're frauds. But this is just kinda pedestrian and low quality. ("why should I read much or think haha I just don't give a f*ck man and if I get enough upvotes I'm gonna make a book out of this lol")

>> No.11022836

>I expected redditors to be much more normiesque
They are but the type of redditors that would actually attend a meetup are the weird ones, the ones with no friends or families.

>> No.11022848

Mein Kampf

>> No.11023057

I don't get it, who reads self-help books? Anything they tell you is basic stuff any human should know through life experiences

>> No.11023185

Sorry, just saw this. You're absolutely right.
The only other one I can unreservedly recommend is The Manual by W. Anton.

>> No.11023978

Holy shit the watermelon headed dude on the left--

>> No.11024790

The Manual is great.

>> No.11025154

I haven't read it, but from what I've heard from other people it's just regurgitated basic self-help shit. The author is a nobody who dated a z-list e-celeb blogger and decided to start his own blog for some easy money.

>> No.11025164
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>frontbutt holding the niglet
gets me everytime

>> No.11025227

>the two relatively normie women on the bottom right keeping their distance

>> No.11025833

I first saw it today read by some guy in a bus and now I see it on 4chan wtf

>> No.11025962
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>> No.11025970

All self-help books are trash. The philosophy of a relatively young person filled with cherry picked pseudo science and outdated / unsupported psychological theories to give it the illusion of truth.

>> No.11025993

What about the ones that are written by older people who are scientists?
Don't answer that. While 95% are trash, there are some good ones, and your blanket statements are worthless.

>> No.11026012

Name one good self-help book, I'll wait. Good scientists don't attach their name to research and publish self-help books in an attempt to earn money.

>> No.11026016

>Why is this book so popular?
Is it? I've only seen it mentioned here

>> No.11026019

So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport
Essentialism by Greg McKeown
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

>> No.11026025

>I know you should disconnect advice from its source
who gave you that idea. knowledge and propositions? maybe. advice? no.

>> No.11026032

>you're mentally vacant troglodytic contrarians
stephen fry's epic insults compilation

>> No.11026036

I've only read the last one and it was terrible. Also the title is off. It's a book about getting business acquaintances.

>> No.11026041

If you think that one was terrible, then your opinions are terrible.

>> No.11026043

It extends way beyond business. You're not very bright if you thought that was all it was about.

>> No.11026059

damn, so this is the power of not giving a f*ck...

>> No.11026089

How much of an autist brainlet do you have to be to read books like this?

You need people to explain to you how to live your life and be successful on your own terms? How are this many people so insecure about their own thoughts.

>> No.11026150

You don't know the books I mention, which describe how to be more effective. You're a moron.

>> No.11026155

Hello Mr mark manson

>> No.11026157

>How much of an autist brainlet do you have to be to read books like this?
where do you think are

>> No.11026159

>le ryan holiday
Pls pls reddit pls go

>> No.11026216

It's the 2nd most read book on Amazon right now. Yeah, I'd say it's popular.


>> No.11026234

The obstacle is the way, my friend.

>> No.11026252 [DELETED] 

>That woman in the green shirt making what I can only describe as a numale face.
That´s weird. I tought women in general were culturally conditioned to laugh like normal people. What caused her to like like tihs?

>> No.11026262

>That woman in the green shirt making what I can only describe as a numale face.
That´s weird. I tought women in general were culturally conditioned to laugh like normal people. What caused her to laugh like this?

>> No.11026275

You needed a book to tell you how to be effective in life?

Why do you even have a brain if you're not going to use that shit.

>> No.11026288

>#1 jordan peterson
>#2 this book

the absolute state of non-fiction right now

>> No.11026290

You don't know the books I mention. You're a retard.

I have my Master's, I'm pretty well traveled, I do zen meditation. And I find some of these books on productivity helpful. They're mostly about creating productive habits. If you think you're above that and you begrudge people who aren't, then I think you're either delusional, or you have no ambition.

>> No.11026296

wow you're all those buzzwords and not even a #CE0,000,000

back to the drawing board idiot

>> No.11026304

>I have my Master's, I'm pretty well traveled, I do zen meditation
damn bro. thats epic. cant wait for you to make it big in silicon valley

>> No.11026306

Those aren't buzzwords. Keep your redpills, you pseudo-intellectual faggot.

>> No.11026311

I'd rather those two than The Ethical Slut and fifty shades

>> No.11026315

I'm not trying to say that I'm some big shot. I'm a loser who posts on 4chan. My point is, I don't buy it when people who dismiss this stuff pretend to be so far above it.

>> No.11026465


i think its hilarious that dopey girls are reading this book when previously this guy was authoring books on pickup artistry

but yeah this books selling tons

>> No.11026473

I agree with you to some degree, but I read his stuff back in his pick up days, which is why I bothered with this, and even back then he was very into respecting wammen

>> No.11026490

always go for the pull

>> No.11026622
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>self-help guide by a superstar blogger

>> No.11026987

If you're a tattooed 'entrepreneur' trying to be an instagram personality, boy have I got the book for you!