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/lit/ - Literature

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11017181 No.11017181 [Reply] [Original]

>your favourite literature-related non-literature items

>> No.11017207
File: 195 KB, 465x465, 12pcs-lot-premium-handmade-metal-book-darts-hight-quality-super-fine-bookmarks-stainless-steel-brass-bronze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book darts

>> No.11017219

my pencil and my bookmark for all the thick juicy footnotes at the back of the book

>> No.11017221
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The book wheel

>> No.11017228
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Antique globe bookends that belonged to my grandma or somebody like that, I don't remember. The globes aren't actually accurate but they still look nice.

>> No.11017242

holy shit, that is lovely anon

>> No.11017280
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>> No.11017292
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Yes, it's nice to know my ancestors were just as devoted to shitposting en masse as me

>> No.11017502

>my ancestors

>> No.11017591
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For me, it's the bookstrap.

>> No.11017630

Library card.

>> No.11017641

ugly old and bulky, scrap it

>> No.11017660

do you strap?

>> No.11017661

Yeah that shits like having multiple different tabs opened at once

>> No.11017666
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Sometimes its a bit too dark to read by but I like having one lighted regardless

>> No.11017769

What is that called so I can buy one?

>> No.11017786

It's called plastic. You can find some in your fathers garage or in moms kitchen. If you own a knife you can cut the shape out yourself from a larger piece and start using it, right now!

>> No.11017798

Why so pissy today, anon? Is everything alright?

>> No.11017805

I hit my toe on the chair and had to vent.

>> No.11017817

Probably my TWSBI eco. It’s not the hisghest quality pen, but the aesthetic is great.

>> No.11017833

Holy shit just carry it in a bag, your books are gonna get stolen or something.

>> No.11017840
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Who the fuck steals books?

>> No.11017848

What's that book on the left? My Japanese is terrible. I can just read kitchen and then banana


>> No.11017862

Me! I'm the book thief, hehe >:)

>> No.11017909
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>> No.11017942

>Thumb-Thing-Holder-Bookmark on amazon
wtfff, brb gonna sell some thumb things

>> No.11017959

You could have just googled Japanese book kitchen banana, I t’s the first result
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

>> No.11017973

These are great if you live in a town with no precipitation or crime.

>> No.11018104

Where do you guys live that people steal books? Are there a bunch of well read thieves running around? If so you could just use it as a flail and protect yourself.

>> No.11018141

With an attitude like that you're going to get mugged one day.

>> No.11018167

Is there such a thing as some sort of a one-size-fits-all slipcase/cover for books to protect them from let's say, inclement weather or the like? I walk 99% of places and a bag is too bulky for this singular item I might sometimes carry with me.

>> No.11018191

Id have to go outside first

>> No.11018201

For what purpose?

>> No.11018225

If you have to ask, you'll never truly understand.

>> No.11018251

>why keep a bunch of books in your cluttered shelf when you can store and easily access them all with a handy book wheel!

>> No.11018425


why are you wearing a fidget spinnem on your thumb?

>> No.11018487

I live in central jersey around niggers that will steal anything and everything

>> No.11018627
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You ever think they steal because of your racism; not that your racism is a "result" of them acting some kind of way that doesn't strictly conform to your idea of culturo-Amerinormative expression of self? Ignorant bigot.

>> No.11018636

Made me laugh, based anon

>> No.11018912

This gave it away, try harder next time

>> No.11018970
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What else would you call it? Considering ummm you know that it's only AMERICA where blacks are still treated as second class citizens despite them having built the country hence it can only be an Amerinormative modality. Try again sweetie

>> No.11019071


>> No.11019106

my paperwhite desu

>> No.11019154

that is a guy

>> No.11019332

it's called a thumb thing

>> No.11019419
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>> No.11019502

guess you've never been to AUS, China, Japan, etc etc

>> No.11019524
File: 254 KB, 800x800, brown-leather-journal-vintage-style-cover-leather-notebook-custom-personalized-quote-diary-Archaic-2-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My notebook where I write all my notes(page numbers, quotes, my concatenation and ideas, etc) of each book that I been reading accounts?

To me that notebook worth his weight in gold.

>> No.11019691

shhh don't tell them !

>> No.11019695
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From 1921

>> No.11019769

Have we really arrived at the point where hipsters will use bookstraps instead of bags?

>> No.11019840
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Is it a sin that I have ironically wanted one of these since I saw Martin style one in that episode of The Simpsons?

>> No.11019847

underrated, plebs.
Support your local Library pls

>> No.11019863

>has never stolen a book
I mean, it's not like the school was going to use them, right?

>> No.11019871


>> No.11019904

I like that image.
Anon is right, truly the most important tool to and scholar.
I remember it being that a notebook was the last thing I willfully stole. I was at Targét with my then girlfriend doing some shopping. I was still 17 then, she was 24, and jived pretty well together. As we were looking at /literary supplies for myself, I noticed little black notebooks that I just adored. All black, no markings, and an elastic band to keep it closed. There was a paper pocket in the back, with a little sticker inside. I wanted that book.
I had no cash on me, and for some reason felt ashamed to ask her to just buy it for me so I could pay her back, so I hatched a plan to just kinck it for free. I'm no clepto, don't get me wrong, but the thought of just taking this one notebook, could it do any harm? I slipped in my pocket, and walked back to her, we checked out as normal and went back to her car. When we were all settled in, I pulled out my prize, and a look of pure horror filled my girl's eyes.
"Anon! She implored "How could you do this to me! We were together if we got caught it would be both you AND me"
"I.. uh.."
"I really can't believe you, why couldn't you just ask. Ugh, This sickens me. Go take it back in and return it or pay but really I don't want to see you end up this way."
"Look, I'm sorry, I just really wanted it, okay? Its black and has no markings, its perfect in every way I could imagine. I love the band and look in its pocket, there's a little sticker here."
She looked with a frown, then right in my eyes she asked: "What will you write?"
"Give me a pen, I'll show you real quick."
"Roses were red, violets could be blue. Your Anon is very sorry, it hurts more to hurt you each day that I know you. Please find it in your heart to forgive me Booboo"
She read it out loud and burst out in tears.
Laughing hysterically "Really --- I love you."
We went and got lunch right after that fact and while waiting for food I had her practice her penmanship.
"The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog." "See, every letter! I told you it's true."
and after a minute she spoke with such gusto:
"You know anon, you really don't need "Red"
"Yes, I've noticed before, but it would lose something too, I think."

>> No.11019908
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>> No.11020045
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They're not wrong

>> No.11020078
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A wojak I like beside my guy?
Pinch me, I'm dreaming, welcome mon heir

>> No.11020089

>renting books

>> No.11020096

renting specifically requires payment

>> No.11020097

that man's hands are disproportionately large

>> No.11020154

Plus computers for free, and a copier that costs $.10. Not to mention book clubs and cute librarian clerks and other meetings that occur. My local library also sells used books for ungodly cheap prices right by the door. Pirate music for free, no risk of a virus. The library is truly where a scholar is free.

>> No.11020156

>is free
forgot to change to
>can be

>> No.11020177

>Using legal piracy

>> No.11020188

A man who complains "My words are not free!" has clearly forgotten Who gave him that gift. If you can write a nice line, the joy that it brings to just one person is worth more than all gold in store. Honor His name and share what you have, for it costs you little more than some time and charity.

>> No.11020192

I wanna strapped up girl if you know what I mean

>> No.11020194

>Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto
>it's real

>> No.11020197
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>> No.11020203

I sincerely hope you're not imply her specifically

>> No.11020204

Yeah, I use a Bible carrying zip-up bag.

>> No.11020206

thats my /lit girl, paws off bub

>> No.11020209

Kobo Glo HD.
But I will buy the PocketBook Inkpad 3 later this year. I just want an eReader that has a normal file explorer and a bigger screen. The inkpad 3 offers exactly this.

>> No.11020210

Not her specifically.

>> No.11020213

>not allowing them to just pile up beside your bed until they start to get ruined so you put them on your desk to use all that flat space stopping you from doing any productive work
get a load of this patrician

Smart. But where is your Bible then anon?

>> No.11020216

I now *need* a book strap to hit my future /lit/ wife with for not finishing a chapter during RP

>> No.11020218

I keep my Bible in a second carrying case, silly anon :^)

>> No.11020224

A strapped on girl?

>> No.11020225

Oh you. I was expecting "on my night-stand"

>> No.11020226

A piece of paper. When I start reading a page, I place it at the top. Then as I read I gradually drag the paper down to cover the lines I've read.

My old literature teacher made us use it for a few reading exercises but I've kept using it ever since. Recently I met a literature professor and he told me he did it too, so now I don't feel so weird about it.

>> No.11020228

For what purpose?

>> No.11020234

I do this, but with whatever my bookmark is. Cigarette rolling papers seem to be in most. Prayer cards in special books with a few random scraps if I need one quick.
I just follow the beginning or end of the sentence with the corner to help keep track but also stay away from "oh look at the brainlet using his fingers to read" Girls seem to dislike that last part if they read too

>> No.11020241

I pretty much do this on my phone and I'm sure most people do this. I'm constantly scrolling so I can always focus on the upper line.

>> No.11020249

L-lewd but yes.

>> No.11020254

>prefering this to whipping her bare red butt cheeks into submission with a leather book belt and making her recite your sensual sexual poetry
t.Catholic who is sad with the world

>> No.11020275
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>his poetry is so bad he can only find girls who are literal masochists who'd be willing to subject themselves to the act of reading it
When you think something sounds cool but then it doesn't.

>> No.11020307

>when his insult's so dry he needs a cute shark drive home his "points"
When you forget you're on /lit/ but you are.

>> No.11020321

>when you take silly banter this seriously because you're actually a massive try hard with thin skin
W E W (that shark is cute tho, i agree)

>> No.11020323

Mainly to avoid accidentally rereading lines above and losing concentration/focus. Especially if I'm reading something like Infinite Jest with many lines per page, I find that it can sometimes be difficult to keep myself focused if I don't use the paper. It also helps me keep reading at a steady pace.

>> No.11020338

Buddy its ^:#) AM I'm not exactly the one who would be so self-respecting to steer clear of internet fights, especially with people who think they can go (You)less
>I saved him too now to keep me company. it's not his fault he's used as cannon fodder, what's his name?

>> No.11020344

You're a cringe factory, mate.

>> No.11020346

This. Libraries are awesome

>> No.11020351

Well, he is now Fodder the Fin-Fish, my deep sea pal. Made to dance to some ridiculous crowd. For the entertainment of those who he has such disdain, Fodder the Fin-Fish will not be used in vain. To help improve my meter, that is his true gain.

>> No.11020352

I'm glad I don't live where you live

>> No.11020360

>Paying for library
what the

>> No.11020362

>not both
lel at your life

>> No.11020378

>filling deviant desires with literal dildos
no, thanks.

>> No.11020397

Stop being insecure, anon. You might even like it.

>> No.11020404

I'd prefer not to describe why I know I don't, nerd
But go right on ahead, laughing at nature "for pain and for pleasure"

>> No.11020436

Spooky. Enjoy your nature, I'll enjoy taking turns with my gf fucking each other in the ass.

>> No.11021080

I meant like assaulting/mugging someone for book

>> No.11021115

For multi reading purposes. I have one installed in my house.

>not having a book wheel

>> No.11021197
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Steal a bookstrap next time and fucking hang yourself and me for writing that autism John Green.

>> No.11022247

>that autism John Green

>> No.11023306

Were you never seventeen?
or have yet to be.
He calls me Mr. Green as if I fuck cereal and think this world is too mean.

>> No.11023317

Please be serious

>> No.11023323

I would like to think the bookstore would help prevent this from occurring.
It's a morning-star made of pure knowledge and tree, knock that fucker out;
bring him to his knees.

>> No.11023328


>> No.11023394

>Strapped with a dictionary
How will Google ever recover?

>> No.11024062

>what book should I read today
>spin the wheel
Earliest known version of a roll thread

>> No.11024738

but I'll take a Faulkner.

>> No.11025662

I was expecting a payoff

>> No.11026667

>a bunch of well read thieves running around
yeah, they're called writers

>> No.11026952

>"The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog." "See, every letter! I told you it's true."
Where is the "s"? Brainlets can't pangram.