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11016621 No.11016621 [Reply] [Original]

>last sentence/paragraph of a novel is the same as the first

>> No.11016627

Name zero (0) novels that do this. You literally can't

>> No.11016643

this is actually a neat idea, thank you.

>> No.11016647


>> No.11016651

i like how each movement of a clockwork orange opens with the same phrase. very apt.

>> No.11016656

Name literally juan example of this

>> No.11016658

The poem portion of Pale Fire does this, and does it well.

>> No.11016681

hm. pale fire THE POEM does. also i seem to recall whole blocks of repeated text in Dick's Unteleported Man, but maybe youre right..
The last 4 books of the TANAKH recycle..
>thinking.. thinking..

>> No.11016745

Stupid frogposter

>> No.11016877

You could sort of describe Finnegans Wake as doing this, as the last line and first line are two parts of one sentence

>A way a lone a last a love a long the
>riverrun, past Eve and Adams, through swerve of shore and bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle & Environs.

>> No.11016888
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Way to show me up

>> No.11016906

The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.11017312

The Outsiders

>> No.11017344

Infinite Jest and Finnegans Wake are the obvious ones.

>> No.11017904

>last couple of words of a novel is the title

>> No.11017917

>I am seated in an office, surrounded by heads and bodies
>and the tide was way out

>> No.11018294

The Dark Tower
>The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.