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/lit/ - Literature

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11014690 No.11014690 [Reply] [Original]

What book about the holocaust is this from?

>> No.11014762

Saw IV

>> No.11015198

I argued about this on /pol/ a few month ago, from what I remember it was from "the black book of jew" or some bullshit like that. Basically it's a sensational "historical" book filled with bullshit that's only remembered by stormfag trying to pass it as some kind of official document.

>> No.11015221
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>> No.11015247

lol i yeah i remember that book, its like all these video game type traps and shit but like in a concentration camp

>> No.11015259

Can someone please post the ones about the masturbating and head hammering machines. Those ones are great.

>> No.11015291

kek this can't be fucking real

>> No.11016101

>kek this can't be fucking real
I just scored a copy of the book from >>11015221 for $6.28. I always wanted a copy of this comedy gold. It is surprisingly difficult to find at a decent price.

>> No.11016114

The Holocaust will never be discussed properly because the Israeli lobby is far too powerful in the West.
The fact is: If the Hoax is found out to be as such, then everything to do with Israel and their plans falls apart

>> No.11016118

oh fuck off /pol/

>> No.11016154

>fuck off
Not an argument.

>> No.11016248

>splinter minority controls news media
>splinter minority controls publishing
>splinter minority controls music and entertainment
>splinter minority controls banking
>splinter minority controls advertising
>splinter minority controls a large amount of the food supply
>the majority population looks the other way for a hundred years
>mfw they realize it was not a good idea to let a splinter minority control information, food, or the economy
The plight of the Jew was always a tender story for me - the way they were universally expelled from every country they ever inhabited. Perusing their pattern of behavior,however, lifts the cloak. The reason they are treated the same way everywhere they go is because the behave the same way everywhere they go. From the screaming that I am hearing from them regarding having their narrative questioned, it does not sound like there will be a long wait until the narrative collapses. Their screeching only attracts more attention to the breaches in the narrative that they decry. I await a watershed moment against which they will feel the need to defend but that falls beyond what their control of the narrative can obscure. The critical mass of questions will get asked and the lack of acceptable answers will drive a correction.

>> No.11016271

I don't want to argue, I want you to fuck off the board.

>> No.11016287

>I don't want to argue, I want you to fuck off the board.
You may purchase my ticket for expulsion with a valid argument.

>> No.11016506
File: 70 KB, 500x434, 5CC9B53D-3A16-4A13-BB8D-A16E11526A60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read the source material for Raul Hilberg it’s really not much better, if you don’t believe me watch the first part of “1/3 of the Holocaust”, the guy literally films himself going through Hilbergs sources and shows how Raul cherry-picked the stuff that sounds less insane and obviously made up. You don’t have to be a stormfag to realize that a lot of the “official” stories are a bit... odd. Start at 9:30, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vjlT_aSUH5U

>> No.11016530
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Oy vey, shut it down!

>> No.11017439
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I’ve yet to see a person who believes the official Holocaust story refute this video. Most of it isn’t /lit/ related, but when he checks Hilbergs sources it definitely is.

>> No.11017445

not him,
That there were some hyperboles in holocaust literature and you have found them and ridiculed them does not disprove that the holocaust happened.

>> No.11017462

>book by Jews
>"surprisingly" difficult to find at a good price

>> No.11017479

Holy fuck, that Jewess on the left is ugly. She reminds me of something but I can't put my finger on it...

>> No.11017490

holy shit it's a hoax

>> No.11017601

>there were some hyperboles in holocaust literature
Case in point is the 4 million number being changed to 1.5 million on the Auschwitz plaques. This hyperbole is used to support a false narrative that there was a systematic extermination of the Jews, as opposed to the death of many Jews during their expulsion. Without the hyperbole, the argument that it was a murderous rampage falls short. The Jews were being forcibly relocated, hence the camps and records. Many died due to typhus and starvation due to wartime conditions. If there had been a systematic campaign of extermination then there would have been no need for camps. The bodies could have been very efficiently buried. If wartime conditions had been worse in the USA then many of the Japanese in the US concentration camps would likely have perished in a similar fate.

>> No.11017653


>> No.11017679

>some hyperboles
did we read the same OP there. 'some hyperboles' indeed

>> No.11017738
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Pretty weird huh? Then think about how lots of this stuff came from the Soviets. I think jews were killed for sure, but not like how they claim, they are terrible, weird liars.

>> No.11017782
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It’s funny to see the older stuff still being used after they’ve worked hard to get the story straight(er).
“Shaul Ladany, who was in the camp as an 8-year-old and later survived the Munich Massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics recalled:
I saw my father beaten by the SS, and I lost most of my family there... A ransom deal that the Americans attempted saved 2,000 Jews and I was one. I actually went into the gas chamber, but was reprieved. God knows why.”
From here, the wiki on a non-death camp still includes this lie about gas chambers when everyone agrees they were never present at Bergen Belsen.
Why is that?

>> No.11017784
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Deconstructing the anti-semitic criterion of "fiction" and "fact" in testimonies of the Holocaust

>> No.11017846

I'm 1 hour into that documentary. TY for posting.

>> No.11017887
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NP dude, if this is your first intro to this stuff take it very slow and check everything, pro/anti, etc. Like I said in the other post, I think people were killed, but I also think the official story is full of weird and fishy stuff. Question everything and check all sources, keep an open mind about whether it did or did not happen the way the official story says. I think deniers get stuff wrong and make dumb arguments too, but the official story is just full of so many holes IMO. Best of luck anon, your world will be changed now, for better or worse.

>> No.11017938

kill yourself schlomo

>> No.11018275

and yet it is a published book that you could cite as a "source" and nobody would notice shit unless they were familiar with it

>> No.11018399


It's not available in my country. Give me the 3 top argument of this video. I've yet to see a syormfag argument being valid.

>> No.11018424
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>4 million number

That one is easily explainable if you bother googling it for 5 minutes.

What do you think is weird about the story ?

Well yeah. And the one constantly bringing this kind of forgotten book up is stormfag not jews.

>> No.11018528

It's completely absurd that anyone trots out the muh scapegoat trope anymore.
Jews transfer their delusion onto non-jews so whites still buy it, but it should be patently obvious that when a group has been kicked out of everywhere they've ever been, it's their own fault.

>> No.11018804

Get a VPN dummy, I’m not going to summarize a 3 hr video.
Mostly the incredibly weird movie-like stories from “survivors”, and the fact that lots of it has been walked back(lampshades, soap, Belsen being a death camp, etc). I can’t think of another event that has such fantastical and lurid stories that defy physics and reason. Finally, motive, it’s why Israel exists and has become the modern religion that you can’t legally challenge in most Western countries, that’s pretty unique.

>> No.11018821

I find the most unbelievable aspect is that all the extermination camps (not concentration camps) were in East Germany and all the concentration camps (U.S. investigated) were in West Germany, but there wasn't an "East and West Germany" during World War II. They still arrested and sent thousands of innocent people to brutal prisons, but I believe that there is still far too much information about the Holocaust that isn't actually fact.

>> No.11018833
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Anyway to save this thread from stupidity. I have fallen in love with this cute jewish girl. Can anyone recommend good books on dealing with desire and the pitfalls of love?

>> No.11018878
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The so-called extermination camps were in German controlled Poland and parts of “eastern Germany”, not “East Germany” as we knew it in the Cold War. I can kind of understand wanting your “extermination camps” to be away from your own country, isolated in the fog of war, but like you, I still think there’s a lot of weird stuff about the standard story.
I dated a jewish girl once, she had tremendous knockers, best I’ve ever seen, watch out anon, the Khazar Milkers meme is real.

>> No.11018910
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>incredible movie like story
Plenty of completly baffling and incredibly lucky events happened in history. Nothing too weird here unless you have some specific exemples

>a lot of it has veen walked back
Let's see.
The soap was true but not related to the holocaust. There was some experiment done with that but that's all. The rumors probably come from here
The lampshade was one guy who accused a single nazi of having a lamp during the nuremberg trial. The nuremberg trial found that the lamp was made of goatskin. It wasn't walked back at all.
I don't see what's Belsen but the confusion probably came from overzealous reporters believing it's a death camp. That happened with a few I believe.

If you want another event with similar story you should probably start reading up on other genocides. Go ask /his/.

>it's why Israel exists
It was very convenient for the zionist but they were already trying to get the region. The holocaust was also seen as a huge embarassement over there and survivors were mocked.

>you can't legally challenge
You can't deny the holocaust, not the jews.

And if it was the motive it would imply that both the western allies AND the soviet were all controled by jews and all created a lie that wouldn't benefice them.

The death camp were mostly in poland and such because they tried to hide them from the allies and their own german citizen. They knew that killing every jews wasn't exactly a popular action. Aktion T4 (the killing the mentaly defficient) a few years earlier horrified a sizeable part of the population.

>> No.11018998
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Do you really need me to post the bizarre survivor stories like shitting and eating diamonds for years, the masturbation machines, the bear and the hawk in the death cage that ripped jews apart, the Holocoster, you’re being obtuse. I even provided an example itt from the sources of the eminently respected Raul Hilberg, time stamp and everything.
>the soap was true, but
Now you’re desperate, the soap/lampshade shit was peddled hard for years, gimme a break anon. As for Belsen, once again, I showed an example itt, of a wiki of a non-death camp that inexplicably still has a jew claiming he survived a deadly gas shower “somehow”.
>And if it was the motive it would imply that both the western allies AND the soviet were all controled by jews and all created a lie that wouldn't benefice them.
First true thing you’ve said homie. It’s just a coincidence that Israel can operate concentration camps for African migrants without a peep from MSM and other countries just magically love them and want to cater their foreign policy to help Israel. Most Western governments are run by rat bastards, but the jews certainly aren’t helpful in that regard.

>> No.11019089

>other countries just magically love them and want to cater their foreign policy to help Israel
>acting in the interests of your country to support a government you have morale qualms with is magic
Also Israel's practices against other ethnic groups is reviled the world over. The west puts up with Israel because they are a key strategic partner in the middle east, not necessarily because they like them.

>> No.11019100

Yep, just like South Africa was a key strategic partner in Africa

>> No.11019132
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>Also Israel's practices against other ethnic groups is reviled the world over.
And almost never reported in the MSM, did you forget that part?
>South Africa
They just wanted nukes dude.
>key strategic partner
You mean massive intelligence liability(not even China spies on us as much as “are greatest ally”) that drags us into disastrous foreign entanglements with the help of its domestic fifth column of media control and think tanks.
We’re done here.

>> No.11019143


>> No.11019153

Who left the gate open at the retard farm today?
The amount of /pol/ bullshit on /lit/ recently is unprecedented.

>> No.11019187

>too much information about the Holocaust that isn't actually fact.
The problem lays in the exaggeration. There was a forced expulsion and it was not kind. This is what generates your "evidence". The expulsion, however, was well deserved and some even agreed to it.
>Havaara Agreement
Most of the death toll in the camps can be accounted by considering typhus and starvation. There was no need for a mass extermination to account for 1.5 million dead Jews in camps in war torn Germany. It was an unfortunate side effect of a forced expulsion being conducted under austere circumstances.

>> No.11019189
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reddit must be down today

>> No.11019205

>And almost never reported in the MSM, did you forget that part?
Well a very quick google showed that there is plenty of news outlets covering it.

>You mean massive intelligence liability
>which they get away with because of how important a partner they are. The USA has had plenty of strategic partners in the past where the only reason they aren't at war is because they have a common enemy. Strategic partner =/= being nice.

I'm not clued into the matter. How does South Africa have any bearing on this conversation?

>> No.11019207

>muh masturbation machine

Read the tread you imbecile. I probably already explained all you bizarre story.
I've looked at your "documentary" and the only bizarre stuff could easily be attributed to some stylistic choice. There's nothing as outlandish as your first stories. And anyway do you realy believe jews would go manipulate severals different countries to lie about some huge event only to have one of their one completly fuck it up in a single book?

>soap/lampshade was peddled hard

The first time I've heard of it was on fucking /pol/. I do agree it's peddled hard though but by stormfags not jews


The gas chamber seems indeed to be a point of contention, although it seems the fact that it was the first camp liberated sparked all kind of rumors. I'll look into it more.

>muh joos control everything
Oh yeah. There was no news about the africans migrant in Israel being treated like shit. Not all.
>other countries just love them
They're being used by severals countries. I'm french and my country helped niggers genocide other nigger severals time during the rwanda genocide and the congo wars, it doesn't mean we secretly obey Kara Boga.

>> No.11019210
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You’re welcome to refute anything I said, or you can just stick to the standard adhom non-arguments I guess.

>> No.11019214

somehow he believes it was a white enclave on niggerland

everytime i step here i see the same crap

>> No.11019217

>How does South Africa have any bearing on this conversation?
I think that it had to do with the fact that they were once strategic partners. Also RSA shipped their nukes to Israel when the ANC assumed control. I am a different anon and I am just spitballing but it makes sense to me.

>> No.11019223

>The first time I've heard of it was on fucking /pol/.
No i remember many jokes about jews and soaps growing up

The division here is he is just throwing proofs of zionism being a legit political actor and you take this as a signifier of world jew conspiracy and flatly reject it... cause of white/western guilt imo

>> No.11019228

Unfortunately I can only disagree because you haven't provided any credible sources. I won't hold it against you. You haven't received higher education so you wouldn't know how to construct an argument.

>> No.11019236

I still don't see how that has any bearing my argument. All he seems to be saying is that maybe in the future Israel won't be a strategic partner but that doesn't do anything to my position. It just seems like a pointless non-sequitur.

>> No.11019267

>The first time I've heard of it was on fucking /pol/.
I am not letting go of that one. The first I saw of it being debunked was on /pol/. I was taught this bullshit in school. The fact that you guys are conceding this point means that you are admitting (rightfully so) that I was taught a bullshit narrative in school. If you said the lampshade narrative was untrue in the 1970s then you would have been lambasted as a denier. Bergen Belsen is not a deathcamp? Denier again. Most of what I was taught is now fully recognized by even the Holocaust Museum as being untrue. Consider that you likely are only looking back on all of these things as having been debunked since before you were educated. I did not have that luxury. I was taught them as fact. I lived with these things that you freely recognize as being lies as being my formal education. We have different perspectives.

>> No.11019279

not him, but the thing is most other things you were taught are also lies, everything is just lies and lies and lies

specially neo-nazism that is literally the conscious weaponization of "jewry" against jews, at least actual nazism is less cynic in its approach

>> No.11019288
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>he’s now appealing to credentialism and the fact the subject at hand is illegal to discuss openly in almost all western countries hence it doesn’t have a stamp of mainstream approval, therefore it’s invalid.
Cool. I have actually graduated college and I’m conversationally fluent in German. If you still refuse to believe that I’m an educated person (based on the clear evidence of just my diction) who happens to disagree with you then go ahead and assume I’m toothless and living in a trailer park if that makes you feel any better you brainlet.

>> No.11019295

The other anon is a little loose with his language and he probably allowed a permutation that you are interpreting against its original intent. The general gist of his comments on RSA are correct.

>> No.11019311

>I was taught this bullshit in school
Was this a university? Lower schools aren't exactly prized for their rigor or accuracy when it comes to history. Also it takes time for changes in ideas that take place in academia to reach lower schools.

>Most of what I was taught is now fully recognized by even the Holocaust Museum as being untrue
Most? Really? Of ever statement that was ever taught to you about the holocaust you are going to say that over 50% of them were untrue? Surely you can provide a long list of false things you were taught if you were taught even a small amount about it.

>We have different perspectives.
We certainly do. In an endless sea of evidence a couple of things being debunked or refined does not undo the remains of that extensive evidence.

>> No.11019312
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I'm french I remember joke about ovens but not soap.
Anyway I don't really care about zionism, at least they're killings arabs.

Well shit dude, if you're telling the truth (I'm trusting you as much as you're trusting a jew) then maybe move out of America yes.

>If you said the lampshade narrative was untrue in the 1970s then you would have been lambasted as a denier.
The whole lampshade buisness was proven to be false in the fucking Nuremberg Trial. Read the fucking thread you mong or maybe do some research. Why the fuck would a school lie about that, you jew.

>I'm an educated person!
>didn't bothered doing basic holocaust research before gorging himself on neo-nazis propaganda

pic related, I'm going to bed.

>> No.11019313
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You kind of undermined that little resume by demonstrating that you don't know what credible sources are. Everything you have posted in this thread remains as opinion.

>> No.11019324

Oh yeah, finally about the soap

>During the 20th century, there were various alleged instances of soap being made from human body fat. During World War I it was claimed in the British press that the Germans had a corpse factory in which they used the bodies of their own soldiers to make glycerine and soap. After the war the British government accepted that the stories were untrue. During World War II it was believed that soap was being mass-produced from the bodies of the victims of Nazi concentration camps located in German-occupied Poland.During Nuremberg trials evidence was presented that German researchers had developed a process for the production of soap from human bodies.[1][2] The Yad Vashem Memorial has stated that the Nazis did not produce soap from Jewish corpses on an industrial scale, saying that rumors that soap from human corpses was mass-produced and distributed were deliberately used by the Nazis to frighten camp inmates.[3][4][5] It is now known that Nazi Germany has produced soap from human corpses, but not on industrial scale.[6].

The jews themselves say it has nothing to do with the holocaust.

>> No.11019336

>A Wikipedia page
Do /pol/acks intentionally mock themselves?

>> No.11019345

>the fact the subject at hand is illegal to discuss openly in almost all western countries
That's a lie. Most western countries don't. A lot do but most do not.

>discuss openly in almost all western countries
If you actually read any of those laws none of them stop questions as to the scope and evidence of the holocaust in an academic setting. The reason why academia has so universally opposed holocaust denial is the same reason why it so strongly opposes evolutionary denial. They contradict the evidence as is presented in an open, peer reviewed system comprising of experts from all over the world, most of them from countries which don't have the kinds of laws you are talking about.

>> No.11019346

>I don't really care about zionism, at least they're killings arabs.

Sounds pretty Zionist to me my dude

>> No.11019351

I'm anti-/pol/.

I've seen severals sites with the same basics information, I just went to wikipedia because it's the fastest.


Herean other source if you wish.

>> No.11019373

Oh, so they just fire you if you disagree, that is actually an improvement over jail I guess.
>peer reviewed system
You mean citing the same sources in circular manner, while petrified of writing anything that might lose them a grant. Modern academia is a pathetic joke.

>> No.11019377

axis revisionism is career suicide

>> No.11019399

And you demonstrated that you are a total brainlet by proving that you don’t understand that modern academia will never certify anything that would threaten their funding or cause a storm of MSM condemnation to rain down on them. I’m not even a hardcore denier, but the truth is that you are either too stupid or too cowardly to question the “settled history” that has undergirded the world since 1945.

>> No.11019409
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I am aware that "neo-nazis" are controlled opposition. I have known many and they are driven by ignorance and hate. I believe them to be held in place to give us a physical manifestation of what they purport the NSDAP to have been. Why else would the Jews have defended the vitriolic Nazis in Skokie without qualm but decry anyone peacefully questioning their agenda. Pic related is what was in the hearts of Germans in WW2.

>> No.11019429

nazism goes way beyond that though, its one of the answers to fears over industrialization. The whole cog in the wheel of time for example, is inhumane

>> No.11019440

and aryan esoterism is another big laugh

>> No.11019448

>You mean citing the same sources in circular manner, while petrified of writing anything that might lose them a grant. Modern academia is a pathetic joke
>same sources
>for an even that happened 80 years ago where the Nazis attempted to destroy as much evidence as possible
Evidence doesn't just appear like magic.

>if I deny the authority of all sources of information then I can believe what I want
Yet stormfront types are never half as rigorous with sources when they say what they want as is evidence by the guy in this thread peddling the skin lamp lie.

>axis revisionism is career suicide
>evolutionary revisionism is career suicide
Only if you argue massive changes to the way we understood that period of time which radically softens the way we think about the Nazis and that's because you would be blindly ignoring all evidence on an extremely sensitive topic. You could post a paper talking about minor misunderstandings or clarifications. Because whoever thought that posting garbage in a peer reviewed setting against people fully qualified and knowledgeable on the exact topic in question could lead to evidence being brought against you.

>> No.11019453

>Most? Really?
I was taught the 4 million at Auschwitz number as fact in fifth or sixth grade. Lampshades, book covers, soap - the lot of that. I was taught that all of the camps were deathcamps. The list continues. I see evidence of mass death due to wartime conditions enmeshing with a forced expulsion. I see evidence for perhaps 1.5 million dead Jews in Europe caused directly or indirectly by Germans. This makes me lean towards the expulsion argument and away from the extermination argument. Extermination would not have required camps - relocation would. There is a haze of blue from the cyanide in the clothing disinfecting gas chamber at Auschwitz but all trace of cyanide has "disappeared" from the "extermination chamber" - which curators admit was modified by the Russians.

>> No.11019476

First of all, History isn't Biology, stop using that fake analogy.

The fact that its a taboo matter, and with good reason, is what makes it career suicide, no one in his right mind would risk his career by trying to elucidate the truth on this issue.

But the fact is if you look at it contextually, it all happened in the same moment that propaganda and counterintelligence boomed, it also alligned with the popularization of the cinematographic camera and TV, with all that that implies for massive narrative dissemination.

I think its pretty obvious most of that era is obscured by a thick layer of lies, and due to the sensitive nature of it, and the techologies and techniques of sophisticated propaganda that erupted in that era, combined with postmodern ideas of the importance of the text in subjective understanding of reality, probably means we will never know what really went on

>> No.11019481

>I was taught the 4 million at Auschwitz number as fact in fifth or sixth grade. Lampshades, book covers, soap - the lot of that. I was taught that all of the camps were deathcamps.

You're sure you didn't sleep through the classes ? This all sounds like stormfront propaganda.

> This makes me lean towards the expulsion argument and away from the extermination argument.

Yeah I'm sure those einsatzgruppen guys were an antiterrorist organisation.
Also, look at pic here plenty of proof >>11019312

>> No.11019482

>Evidence doesn't just appear like magic.
My point was that most academics just cite other academics who cited Raul Hilberg who cherry picked period accounts as demonstrated in the very long vid that I posted way up itt.
>if I deny the authority of all sources of information then I can believe what I want
And the corollary is:
>if I blindly accept authority then I will believe anything they tell me
Go on and tell me what view you hold that isn’t supported by either academia or the corporate powers that be.
>fully qualified and knowledgeable
>fully indoctrinated and pliable toadies

>> No.11019494

>The fact that its a taboo matter, and with good reason, is what makes it career suicide, no one in his right mind would risk his career by trying to elucidate the truth on this issue.

Yeah, or maybe it's career suicide because "finding the truth" about the hololohoax would be like trying to prove the roman empire never existed.

>> No.11019499

Not him, but the lampshades and soap thing was extremely widespread until fairly recently. I learned about it as a kid as well.

>> No.11019503

>My point was that most academics just cite other academics who cited Raul Hilberg

So you are absolutly retarded and didn't even bother doing any research about what kind of evidences we have.


>> No.11019509

Again, stop lying you mutt and reread the thread.

>> No.11019511

nice job just jumping over all the context i gave for why the truth of this era might be obscured, gonna give two more just for fun:

1- justification for allied war crimes
2- obvious caricaturization of axis powers, any attemp to do so now is instantly noticed to have foul smell

>> No.11019516

dude I'm asking for a credible source to support your view. Give me that.

>> No.11019530

>justification for allied war crimes

No need, the germs were already seens as the bad guy of WWI and even without the holocaust they broke enought treaty and commited plenty of massacre. Germs were going to be the bad guy, holocaust or not.

>obvious caricaturization of axis powers
Oh yeah, the holocaust is unbelievably cruel, incredible. Maybe read some more about genocide you cunt. The only reason it's still in our mind is because a western power did it mainly on the most visible succesful minority accross the western world.

>> No.11019547
File: 118 KB, 600x536, D5B32F42-0AD1-4D0C-AFCE-4E987CE9CC3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have a bunch of “evidence” the bulk of which is from the greatest enemy of the Nazis(Soviets) and the people accusing them of the greatest war crimes in modern history
>it’s totally impartial guys, 100%
>he actually believes this.

>> No.11019564

>This all sounds like stormfront propaganda.
Thank you for the vote of confidence that I was taught bullshit.

>> No.11019566

>lookit me ma, i ken lists!
No probable evidence
Plz no caricature of Nazi because they are to feel bad :(

we have a bunch of evidence the bulk of which is from translated Nazi documents
Fixed that for ya, bucko.

>> No.11019569

>stop lying
Please, articulate the lie.

>> No.11019572

Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews.
“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”
Here’s an example, Simon lied and was told he was lying, but nobody spoke up and we just heard about it recently. Once again, I’m not a hardcore denier, but this is the undergirding of the modern age, you should be at least a little skeptical about it.

>> No.11019578

>we have a bunch of evidence the bulk of which is from translated Nazi documents
Post it, then.

>> No.11019580

>I don't believe in the holocaust this mean EVERY single german documents written or audio, about the holocaust were faked by russian
>EVERY survivor is a jewish actor
>EVERY testimonies from nazis were obtained via torture and threats
>USA, UK, France, Germany, Poland, and Russia all cooperated to fake the holocaust
>The 6 millions jews who disapered after the war all went into hiding in Israel that's how they won the war

>> No.11019584

>the germs were already seens as the bad guy of WWI and even without the holocaust they broke enought treaty and commited plenty of massacre. Germs were going to be the bad guy, holocaust or not.
disinfo was on during the war, and also this is unawareness of the popularity of fascist movements in us and europe around the time, unawareness of dresden, the conditions in the camps for germans, and of the revisionist view on the fairness of versailles in contrast with the political need to split germany with the soviets

its not unbelievable, i believe it happened, i meant the whole corpus of stories around the war and the axis, both during and after the war, specifically what is discussed in this thread, soaps, lampshades, horror rollercoasters, hitler being a syphilitic jew transexual closeted midget, etc

>No probable evidence
lol when did /lit/ become US fan club

>> No.11019588


>> No.11019589
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A bunch of evidence you got from the Soviets who fought the bloodiest war the world has ever seen against the people they are accusing. The Soviets, who you probably don’t trust on literally any other subject, you trust emphatically on this one subject. LMFAO.

>> No.11019602

>Simon lied
About ?


Oh yeah. The nazis never did anything like that. Poor germs.

>the conditions in the camps for germans
Yeah quite a lot of died because of the sudden enormous influx of german prisonner. But it's not like they didn't treat a lot of their own prisonners like shit either.

>the fairness of versailles
Versailles wasn't harsh enough.

>> No.11019605

Actually there is also intercepted communication by the british.

The brits knew about the whole jews killing buisness much before discovering the camp.

>> No.11019606

>I don't believe in the holocaust this mean EVERY single german documents written or audio, about the holocaust were faked by russian
No, but it’s smart to be skeptical of them, especially when talking about the most hated regime in modern history
>EVERY survivor is a jewish actor
Actually, I’m a Catholic, and they killed lots of priests, the funny thing is that the priests died in conventional ways(starvation/beatings/disease), not weird, unbelievable, outlandish ways.
>EVERY testimonies from nazis were obtained via torture and threats
Honestly, a whole lot of them were and they admitted to things that we don’t believe today, Rudolf Höss from Auschwitz admitted to killing millions in camps that never existed. But you knew that.
>USA, UK, France, Germany, Poland, and Russia all cooperated to fake the holocaust
I mean, they all gained substantially from it, it’s not implausible, especially when you study history. States often act in shitty, shady ways to destroy rivals that they’ve all fought in bloody wars with.
>The 6 millions jews who disapered after the war all went into hiding in Israel that's how they won the war
Probably a lot of them yes, I do think the Germans killed some either directly or indirectly, but i don’t believe 6 million died, no.

>> No.11019607

Post something that was not made for ants.

>> No.11019608

so now you are justificating allied war crimes with claims of axis caricature evil

>> No.11019612

>if I blindly accept authority then I will believe anything they tell me
But both the options don't have the same weight. One position is the universal consensus in a peer reviewed setting. This means that every citation, every use of evidence can be looked into by other experts who can point out problems. This happens completely in the open. If you wanted to and you were no studying/teaching at a university you could subscribe to any number of journals to see the arguments and evidence for yourself. In such a setting there is a universal consensus. Your position is merely that you can't know for sure that it isn't some huge conspiracy theory therefore it makes just as much sense to look at arguments that don't come from open backgrounds and where you have no ability to look at the evidence that are told by only an extreme fringe.
Next time you go to the hospital please refrain from using any of the advances to medicine and healthcare because of academia. After all homeopathy works just great! All the doctors are lairs. Trust my sources instead.

>First of all, History isn't Biology, stop using that fake analogy
It's an incredibly apt comparison. Both evolution and the holocaust both have enormous amounts of circumstantial evidence (after all smoking gun evidence of evolution isn't really possible just like in history) to support each case. If you have said it isn't mathematics, or it isn't physics then sure I would agree with you. Except I didn't make that comparison.

>The fact that its a taboo matter, and with good reason, is what makes it career suicide
I don't doubt it's an extremely sensitive matter. However your argument is that since it's sensitive you can just blindly disregard academia.

>with all that that implies for massive narrative dissemination
You have only given the possibility for such a misinformation campaign to take place, not that it happened.

This is just b8 at this point. Ignoring all evidence from sources you don't like doesn't stop them from existing.

>> No.11019620

I believe that, actually, but I think he’s talking about killing partisans many of whom were jews (and probably some innocent jews as well). I thought that they cracked the Axis codes fairly early on, why did they never intercept stuff specifically about camps? I mean, millions of people would get mentioned sometimes, right? No intercepted cables about Auschwitz that I know of, feel free to post them though.

>> No.11019628

Sent with love, anon.

>> No.11019629

>Its an incredibly apt comparison
Microbiology and DNA, evolution is no longer proved by finding fossils

>However your argument is that since it's sensitive you can just blindly disregard academia.
No, its not, my argument is that its career suicide cause its sensitive but its obviously tainted

>You have only given the possibility for such a misinformation campaign to take place, not that it happened.
Its a known fact that informational warfare started there and then perfected itself during the cold war

>> No.11019630

>the priests died in conventional ways
A lot of jews died the same way. Actually most of them died like that. But surely you knew that ?
>a whole lot of them were

>Rudolf Höss from Auschwitz admitted to killing millions in camps that never existed.
What did he say again ?

>I mean, they all gained substantially from it, it’s not implausible, especially when you study history.
Actually it would be the first time I encounter so many countries cooperating to fake some bullshit reason to take over the corpse of their ennemy when they could just pin the whole war on them, with reason, and use that as justification.
But maybe I'm wrong, yes ? You must have some exemples of such thing happening before ?

>Probably a lot of them yes
I rest my case.

>> No.11019635

Go buy some glasses, stormfag.

It isn't caricature if it happened.
What if I bring up the nazis penal soldiers lead by a rapist ? Would that be caricature too ?

>> No.11019639

thx i totally forgot, i feel ashamed

>so many countries
winning party

>exemples of such thing happening before ?

>> No.11019641

>No, but it’s smart to be skeptical of them
Skeptical of all of it? All of it? Being skeptical would be to take a level of caution reading it, not to say that because some of it might be fake that means all of it is fake.

>Actually, I’m a Catholic
So you admit that you think the millions of people were lying then. Well I believe you are lying. I mean if you get to choose to decide who is telling the truth or not to fit your idea then I can do that on a scale several million times smaller.

>Rudolf Höss from Auschwitz admitted to killing millions in camps that never existed
>one thing being false means everything HAS to be false
Why do you insist on being so suspicious of the mainstream story but don't apply any of that rigor to your own position.

>> No.11019642

>What did he say again ?
He "admitted" to running a camp that never existed.

>> No.11019646
File: 636 KB, 1200x1565, 80FA71A3-9E50-4BAC-898D-B5DBFB640883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you go to the hospital please refrain from using any of the advances to medicine and healthcare because of academia. After all homeopathy works just great! All the doctors are liars. Trust my sources instead
>the public trust has never been abused and we never make mistakes, just trust us.

>> No.11019648

>Would that be caricature too ?
no, i can believe that

>It isn't caricature if it happened
>the act of transforming an image into a caricaturized or cartoon version of the image.

>> No.11019656

>Its a known fact that informational warfare started there and then perfected itself during the cold war
Let me repeat myself verbatim. You have only given the possibility for such a misinformation campaign to take place, not that it happened.

>> No.11019667

>the public trust has never been abused and we never make mistakes, just trust us
Did you just agree to not taking advantage of any medical advancements? I admire your consistency.

>> No.11019668

I thought most were gassed or shot? Why didn’t they gas/shoot priests?
I thought you were really well-versed in the subject? You can look it up yourself if you want dude.
>Actually it would be the first time I encounter so many countries cooperating to fake some bullshit reason to take over the corpse of their ennemy when they could just pin the whole war on them, with reason, and use that as justification.
There’s no way you actually believe this.

>> No.11019675

you must be trolling

>> No.11019683

>asking for evidence is trolling

>> No.11019685

>Why do you insist on being so suspicious of the mainstream story but don't apply any of that rigor to your own position.
I do actually, like I’ve said multiple times, I’m not a hardcore denier and lots of the arguments are frankly stupid, IE, “you can’t burn 6 million bodies in the years between 1939-1945!!!” That’s an example of a stupid argument that i disagree with. Just one of many. I think there probably were a lot of killings on the Eastern Front, but I don’t believe in death camps or 6 million.

>> No.11019687


>"The fact that the police are killing all Jews that fall into their hands should now be sufficiently well appreciated. It is not therefore proposed to continue reporting these butcheries unless so requested."

There was also some educational site where they showed what the british knew but I can't find it again, and I'm too sleepy to keep going. Maybe if the thread is still alive. Go ask /his/ if you're curious otherwise.

>> No.11019693

the role of information warfare is like unit 2 of wwii
here, specific to america:

>> No.11019705

>makes constant requests for sources
>look it up yourself
I mean I know you're just trolling at this point, but based on the fact that you're attempting to disprove a common narrative, the burden of proof is on you.

>you must be trolling
ad hominem aside, you've given us no reason not to. "maybes" and "it's possibles" and "well i don't know buts" aren't anything above troll tier

>> No.11019723

>no reason not to
this is why theres more and more pollack vermin

>> No.11019741

It's a cheap thrill for them, I'm sure.

Honestly, between the outright deniers and the 'well I just have a question about'ers, it's not worth the time to attempt rational discourse. I'll post a link to scholarly sources, and watch them stick their heads back into the sand. Can lead a horse to water, but if you try to make it drink it'll scream "waterboarding!"

>> No.11019744

its not about the interlocutor its about the people watching

>> No.11019780

Thank you anon.
My point was that you claim to be so sure of this, but you don’t know about the particulars of the capture, torture and “confession” of the man who was running Auschwitz. I’m not going to look it up for you because I had to look it up and it’s clear that you’ve never done such work.
>you must be trolling
I didn’t say that specifically, I said that you seem kind of naive if you don’t know the history of Central Europe well enough to think that France/England would try and destroy the hated Prussians, America wouldn’t seize on an opportunity to kill off a major industrial competitor, Poland wanted to retain their country and lose an aggressive neighbor, and the Soviets wanted to gain territory and material. It’s entirely plausible that they’d go along with it, it kills an enemy and makes them the good guy for all time, what’s the downside?

>> No.11019786

Jews on overtime today, do they ever get a break?

>> No.11019790

>I'll post a link to scholarly sources
Could you link Sturdy Coll’s ground penetrating radar work? I’ve heard about it and not read it yet.

>> No.11019817
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What I gained from this thread is /lit/ anons are good goys. So okay.

>> No.11019836

ain't much talking once the bodies start dropping

>> No.11019962

You're claim is that the information warfare makes scholarly understanding of the holocaust difficult to verify. Your link did nothing to establish that. I specifically asked about evidence that would lead credible doubt as to our current understanding of that event. The existence of propaganda and information control doesn't do that.

>> No.11019978

>The existence of propaganda and information control doesn't do that.
yes it does

>> No.11020014


Soap was mentioned in a John Wayne movie.

>> No.11020026

Lampshades and soap were still taught as fact here in Austria when I was in high school (~10 years ago). People need to realize that insisting on the whole package narrative, including the absurdities, only hurts their cause. Cesaranai's "The Final Solution" is my go-to recommendation as far as the current standard of scholarship is concerned, dispenses with a lot of the mythology, especially with that leading up to the Holocaust.

>> No.11020138

I was taught a ton of pop history bullshit about the middle ages in the school but it doesn't mean that middle ages did not happen. It just means that the teachers are humans who propagate the ideas which they find personally appealing/interesting/truthful instead of the results of academic research. Bad history is a really common thing to find in popular perceptions and no one denies that there is a ton of bad holocaust history.

>> No.11020170
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>> No.11020174
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>> No.11020184

>and yet it is a published book that you could cite as a "source" and nobody would notice shit unless they were familiar with it
Sure, anybody can publish a book about anything and potentially be cited as a source by ignorant people. However, notice that academic historians do not generally accept such stories as valid. Stormtards, out of ignorance or cunning, act as if the existence of a few wild stories somehow automatically disproves all mainstream Holocaust scholarship. But this is silly. Every event as large as the Holocaust inevitably will produce some number of wild, untrue tales.

>> No.11020288

>bunkmate Grynszpan is hitting on my favorite camp prostitute
>kick his orchestra sheets into the swimming pool
>Bartoszewski face

>> No.11020314
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>> No.11020402

I didn't realize there were so many on /lit/ pretty surprising honestly.

>> No.11020407

>This hyperbole is used to support a false narrative that there was a systematic extermination of the Jews, as opposed to the death of many Jews during their expulsion.
what in the world

>> No.11020415

semitic hands drew that picture

>> No.11020424

The middle ages is first and foremostly a social construct, it indicates a "period" in-between two other periods that are deemed more important for completely arbitrary reasons, not an "event".

>> No.11020521

Holocaust is not an "event" either but a social construct used to describe a collection of more or less related events. Which events are included in holocaust and which events are excluded from it is completely arbitrary as well.

>> No.11020531

You're holocausting me right now

>> No.11021737

>However, notice that academic historians do not generally accept such stories as valid
The problem is that they also don’t push back against these nutty stories. Lots of evidence at Nuremberg was weird as shit, for instance, the testimony about Treblinka said that a Soviet submarine engine(which is diesel) was used to kill jews. Never mind that no Soviet submarine was ever captured by the Germans in WW2 and that diesel exhaust wouldn’t kill you the same way that normal gasoline exhaust would, IE at all. The fact that men were killed based on this testimony is absurd. Perhaps they were mistaken, it seems that they didn’t see these engines themselves, but the complete lack of fact checking should be appalling to anyone. On the other hand you have a gullible public being fed bizarre stories about being able to tell the nationalities of the dead being cremated by the color of the smoke from the chimneys from material distributed by Steven Spielberg. I’d be just as irritated if survivors of the Holodomor claimed that Stalin fed them poisoned Orca meat to try and kill them. But that doesn’t happen, in fact the testimony of survivors of the Holodomor give very plausible reasons for the deaths of their countrymen.

>> No.11021759

Even postwar, as in the trial of Eichmann, there’s some... weird testimony that’s duly accepted into a court of law as “evidence”. Tell me honestly that you think this is a legitimate testimony and not a bizarre attempt to emotionally manipulate people. A man died in part because of this testimony: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o0T9tZiKYl4

>> No.11021799

use hooktube dummy

>> No.11021930

There is no evidence that this testimony influenced the judgement at all. Next time you could actually point to illegitimate and emotionally manipulative evidence cited by the judges when they gave the sentence instead of some random stuff from the middle of the trial.

>Tell me honestly that you think this is a legitimate testimony
He just spoke about his pen name in his own style. His novels are widely regarded as somewhat surreal fictionalized accounts of Auschwitz even by Holocaust industry and Jewish researchers.

>> No.11021985

>There is no evidence that this testimony influenced the judgement at al
Prove that it didn’t.
>He just spoke about his pen name in his own style.
And then collapsed in an incredibly dramatic and manipulative way. Why was this sort of thing even introduced as “evidence”? If he’s well known for this sort of thing, why introduce him as a witness? I’m having a hard time finding similarly insane and weird testimony in similar proceedings, maybe you can help?

>> No.11022020

>Prove that it didn’t.
It is actually you who should show that it did. But you can find the transcript of the judgement online and read it. It doesn't speak of any planets or other stuff mentioned by him.

>Why was this sort of thing even introduced as “evidence”? If he’s well known for this sort of thing, why introduce him as a witness?
Because he was still a survivor? Even if the neighborhood methhead is probably going to ramble and say silly things as a witness he still is a witness if he witnessed the crime. Also they never got to ask the questions they intended to ask him so he might have actually had a lot of saner things to say.

>> No.11022093

>and aryan esoterism is another big laugh
As is any esoterism.

>> No.11022205



wtf is this

>> No.11022209

not available in UK


>> No.11022216

Then why stop at the holocaust? Why not broaden that to any point of history in the last 100 years. That is the ultimate conclusion of your argument. The existence of modern propaganda doesn't require evidence that it is heavily tied to the distortion of an understanding of a historical event and that therefore we must be extremely skeptical of the academic understanding of every even that has happened since that time regardless of how much contrary evidence there is. It's just a license to believe what you want.

>> No.11022259

>Even if the neighborhood methhead is probably going to ramble and say silly things as a witness he still is a witness if he witnessed the crime
Do you wanna know how I know that you aren’t a lawyer?
>Also they never got to ask the questions they intended to ask him so he might have actually had a lot of saner things to say.
LMAO, yeah, because he conveniently “collapses” in the lamest way possible when subjected to scrutiny. C’mon man, you honestly find this credible? Even if there are true/credible things in this trial, it’s clouded by this kind of clown show stuff, and a responsible court would never have invited this guy in the first place unless they wanted some emotional manipulation.

>> No.11022501

>Do you wanna know how I know that you aren’t a lawyer?
Please tell. I have the feeling you will also offer some illuminating information about Israeli legal system in early 60s.

>C’mon man, you honestly find this credible?
No and neither did the court given evidence presented by him was not used.

>Even if there are true/credible things in this trial
Eichmann himself did not deny the charges.

>it’s clouded by this kind of clown show stuff
So you find one dubious witness from the 112 witnesses brought by prosecution and the whole case is clouded? Especially when the prosecutions main evidence was documents as eye witnesses were thought to less reliable for various reasons?

>and a responsible court would never have invited this guy in the first place unless they wanted some emotional manipulation
The issue here is that this is not how Israeli courts worked back then.

>> No.11022521

Well questioning the Holocaust can result in you being locked up, which isn't the case for every single other historical event

>> No.11022559

then you shouldn't post at all becuase you're well aware that these buthurt post will only increase such threads

>> No.11022715

>first time i heard it was on pol

you're either a liar or an idiot. my dad told me about the soap and the lamps when i was a child, my teacher talked about that (it wasn't on the book, she was having a conversation with the class), and there's even the very popular (in the genre) dead kennedys song with a verse that goes "go to the camp, you'd look nice as a drawstring lamp" (the song is about a fascist takeover of america by gov jerry brown. pretty ironic, especially today)