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/lit/ - Literature

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11013060 No.11013060 [Reply] [Original]

>living in the last days
>reading anything but THE truth

I hope this isn't you, anon.

>> No.11013069

>implying truth exists
I don't read

>> No.11013079

This. The world is ending, the end is nigh. This truly is the most destroyed state the world has ever been in. It's nothing but horror in every way, you can't look anywhere without seeing death and destruction. This is the worst ever time to be alive
Wish we lived in a world like 500 years ago with women subordinate to men, white nationalistic beliefs, and no degeneracy

>> No.11013102

Just the thread i was looking for.

S o, what's the best way to find the best trans lation. The problem is that this question inside to bring a bit of shilling from people with their denominations ' interpretation.

Anyway, I can get any version on my kindle.

>> No.11013115

I'm convinced /lit/'s biblical fascination is meme to troll newfags

>> No.11013122

Honestly, I can't reconcile white nationalism with a belief in God. How does that make sense at all?

And fyi i live in a 98% white country and it hasn't stopped two sides here from killing each other for centuries. I agree with racial separation for the sake of quelling any culture clashes and shut like that but how the fuck would God care if you're white or any other race?

>> No.11013134

you lie

>> No.11013143 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11013150

try the redpill, if we were racially homogenous and women in the kitchen, and no sex in media, then there'd be nothing wrong. but we all know who detroyed it thanks to the redpill

>> No.11013199

Reminder if you've had sex and not married you've just added to the sullied women out there so don't complain about whores or degeneracy.

I feel bad enough fapping because it makes me feel weak but ive never had sex because as above, I don't want to add to promiscuous women.

I know, gay or whatever but that's how I feel and it's the right thing to do.

As for our society, it's ultimately meant to fail, many nations fall out of grace and only the virtuous get out alive, it's happened to many times.

>> No.11013206
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Would you a thot if she insisted desu

>> No.11013207

We are the virtuous. Behind all the gore threads, hatred of women, jews, blacks, animal torture and pedophelia, this really is the last place for the virtuous white man like us

>> No.11013222

No. I've had the chance. It's felt dirty and pointless and my friends obsession over sex made it even more unappealing. It's a moment of pleasure with a terrible comedown - shame, std's, etc

Im not a white nationalist or a woman hater (although im sure the feminists would see my disdain for their poison as women-hate).

What internet forum isnt a melting pot of ideas?

>> No.11013225

I remember being 13 and attending youth group

>> No.11013231

So you're only an anti-semite, a racist, and a pedophile? My apologies, I'm sure you're one of the virtuous to 'get out alive'.

>> No.11013232

Imagine being this insecure and needing to be ruled by others in order to feel like you are in control. You're like a beta male being dominated by a dominatrix, your virtues have no realistic value and when you die your life will have been meaningless as you never truly enjoyed it

>> No.11013242

Op here. I personally read the KJV and find it to be good for reading the Lord's word. Another version that is good is the NKJV. However, if you want a more modernized translation, try the NASB or ESV.

No trolling here, anon. I'm just a born-again Christian recognizing the truth in Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior. I did research into other peripheral topics and came towards the truth in the Bible. I've also experienced supernatural events after becoming born-again. God is coming soon.

Galatians 3:28-29 (ESV)

>28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
>29 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.

I was a heavy fornicator before I came to Christ. It isn't worth it, anon. Fornication and all other sins of the flesh, bring about restlessness and strife. I haven't masturbated in 4 months and I haven't felt the need to. With the Holy Spirit, you will find it hard to give into the flesh. I'm waiting till I get married, per the Lord's will, before I ever spill my seed again.


1 John 2:15-17 (ESV)

>15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
>16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.
>17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

>> No.11013252

Empty words. I don't why you're mocking me.

It's how I feel. I'm not part if any church or group, i'm trying to find a meaning from my own journey, and that's not meaningless to me.

>> No.11013263

Join us on /pol/. We're a community of like-minded men who are trying to live a virtuous life in the end times of degeneracy and fornication.

>> No.11013284

In the year 1000 French monks were running all over Europe, telling people the world was ending. Ever since then, the majority of every generation of Christians has believed that they would see the end times and meet Jesus.

The world isn't ending, Christianity is stupid and Quakerism is its only worthwhile form, and Buddhism is superior.

>> No.11013285

you masturbate to anime characters

>> No.11013495

Is there any knowledge of what Lot's daughter's names were? It always seems so disheartening that the names of women are almost never mentioned unless they're extremely major in the old testament.

>> No.11013548

>say opinion that the /pol/ hivemind doesn't like
>get called shill
Great political discussion there guys

>> No.11013572

>unadulterated truth.

>> No.11013578

No, thanks. I dont do weed

>> No.11014060

>>living in the last days
t. someone in every generation since Jesus