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File: 155 KB, 735x1116, Confessions_of_a_Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11012068 No.11012068 [Reply] [Original]

What books are quintessential gay /lit/

>> No.11012074

Memories of Hadrian

>> No.11012083

my diary desu

>> No.11012096

The gay science

>> No.11012103

you're mom diary

>> No.11012104

Moby Dick

>> No.11012109

The Wild Boys by William S. Burroughs

I'm all for gay rights, but I've never been more disturbed by any other piece of media.

>> No.11012123


Samsa is closet-gay, bugs his family

>> No.11012128

Ecce Homo

>> No.11012130


Anon.. easy on the misinterpretation

>> No.11012136
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Have you read Forbidden Colors by Mishima? It's on my to read list, because I've heard it's also pretty gay.

I've never read that one, but pic related is also an obvious choice.

I've been meaning to read that.

>> No.11012137

You clearly didn't understand the meaning of the book, you stupid nigger.

>> No.11012144

Any book. Books are for fags.

>> No.11012145

could you please explain that book to me, anon?

>> No.11012151

The Bible

>> No.11012156

Do the work yourself and don't bother me with your talmudic reasoning.

>> No.11012159

I suppose the few 650 lines of Sappho's poetry we have would be obvious.

>> No.11012165

>Largely personal book by a gay author
>Gay main character
>Not a gay book
hmm really causes you to think

>> No.11012167

Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote. I remember reading it and not remembering any gay stuff. But perhaps I should read it again. There was a really vivid passage of an old nigger farmhand leading the young boy out to this dilapidated house in a swamp type area, where a horse crashes through the second story of the house.

>> No.11012168

Fellow redpiller here. I think it's best if you teach these (((people))) why they're wrong. That's the only way we can save whiteness, virtue, and masculinity in the face of degeneracy

>> No.11012191

Call Me by Your Name any good?

>> No.11012192

>gay author
Not true.

Furthermore, he has clarified in detail that homosexuality in the book serves as a metaphor.


>> No.11012208

Mishima wasn't gay

>> No.11012209

ya if youre a flamer or "bi" girl

>> No.11012234


Don't start this shit again

>> No.11012246

He wasn't gay. Why do Jews always so desperately try to subvert gentile literature? It's pathetic.

>> No.11012254

my diary desu

>> No.11012260

They want to destroy our white heritage through subversion. That's why you see so many men on hormones today while hip hop is shilled as good

>> No.11012263


>> No.11012273
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>> No.11012281

Bi girl here. It's good.

>> No.11012283
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>enter thread
>see "ackchyooally, mishima wasn't gay, his gayness was a metaphor and jews are just making people think he was gay"
we have reached redpill levels unforeseen, holy fuck

>> No.11012284
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>> No.11012295

Not an argument.

>> No.11012302

Not an argument either.

>> No.11012311

Anything by Borroughs as far as I've seen is horrifically gay. The Soft Machine was so nasty, I think God made me leave it in a place where it would get water damage on purpose so that I would stop reading it.

>> No.11012314
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>> No.11012318

Weird, because I don't remember the statement "Mishima wasn't gay, Jews made him seem gay" qualifying as a valid argument either. Almost like none of us are concerned with presenting Valid Arguments™

>> No.11012328

Hm... weird. I guess your brainlet Wojak is not only referring to me, but also to yourself in this case.

>> No.11012337
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>> No.11012343

Simply saying 'homosexuality is immoral' isn't /pol/.

Saying 'the jews caused homosexuality' is /pol/. There's a difference.

Only half of those posters should go to /pol/

>> No.11012367

>"the jews caused homosexuality"
No one has said that in this thread.

>> No.11012371

denying that a author who prominently wrote about homosexuality in semi-autobiographic novels is gay because it doesn't fit your right wing agenda is turbo /pol/

>> No.11012378

Mishima was gay you fucking idiot

>> No.11012382

He meant "The Jews caused people to think that xyz person was gay" you insufferable retard, don't act THAT dumb

>> No.11012399

No he was not you inbred jew.

LOL. You seem quite distressed about your poor reading comprehension. Pay closer attention next time, semite.

>> No.11012400

In defense of polposters:
Mishima can really only be called homosexual when viewed through a modern Western lens. Mishima fathered two children and was married. Just as it's not entirely accurate to call ancient Greek men homosexual for having relationships with young men and eventually settling down with a wife. In order to enjoy Mishima's works and see the metaphor that yes, he did say existed in CoaM, you have to be more open minded and charitable than you are currently being. Mishima's writing and life was a tribute to warrior culture, it is no wonder than 'polposters' see a draw here, as the underlining issue that polposters have is a lack of meaning in their lives. From their view neoliberalism has stripped their lives of any potential meaning, so they fall into books by people like Mishima and Junger to experience what they believe life should still be like. They seek the reglorifaction of warrior culture. If you stopped being obsessive over identity for a second you could see that.

>> No.11012424
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>can't infer from context
>insults my reading comprehension

>> No.11012444
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>reads my post
>doesn't understand it
>misrepresents it in his post
>I call you out on it
>"kek your just dumb xD XD"

>> No.11012450

God bless their hearts

>> No.11012455

I swear to fucking god or whatever that mishima was gay. Look it up man

>> No.11012480

i like this thnx

>> No.11012497


Oscar Wilde was married too. So was Rock Hudson. Are we going to call them straight?

>> No.11012511

If they were around today they most likely would be called gay, if I had wheels I'd be a wagon. Ignoring historical cultural context is for morons, and the looming behemoth 'intellect' of idPol posters apparently doesn't see it that way as they collect more people for their side. It's all so futile.

>> No.11012578

That just makes him bisexual.

>> No.11012597

Which means that he isn't gay, retard.

>> No.11012602

>If you stopped being obsessive over identity for a second you could see that
Its not wanting to assign the label "gay" to Mishima and his work for the purpose of "claiming" an author. When looking at Mishima you see themes almost universally present in gay literature, the three most obvious being the struggle for masculinity, the duality of the public and private self and the nature of sexual doubt - combine these with a heavy resentment of femininity (and not only the typical femininity as weakness but also femininity as a force barring affection) and prominent homosexual characters (see Forbidden Colors if Mask is to vague for you) it becomes obvious that Mishima's work is tied to the homosexual experience - regardless of cultral and temporal boundaries

>> No.11012616

he obviously considers male-male relationships to be superior to female-male.

>> No.11012645

I beg to differ. However, even if he considers male-male relationships superior, that wouldn't make him a homosexual. He would still be bisexual.

>> No.11012655

Start with The Greeks.

>> No.11012676 [DELETED] 
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>YAS KWEEN SLAY! So. Diverse. And. Progressive. Muh queering le gender binary. Le virtue signal. Muh leftist social engineering. Cultural Marxism Doritos! Child Drag queens! I'm dying my hair pink and majoring in victimhood studies! Muh politically correct victim lifestyle is subversive and edgy despite being aggressively promoted by mainstream media and all major corporations!

Anyone else unironically HATE the homosexual?

>> No.11012688

Rimbaud, Wittgenstein, and Hart Crane. All gay. All masters.

if you are arbitrarily prejudiced against the homosexual you are a brainlet.

>> No.11012693

I would love to see evidence that Mishima put more value on male-female relationships (In fact if he valued these more it seems unlikely he would approach male-male relationships considering there is really nothing to gain there except social stigma if you don't see them as beneficial). There is really no point into arguing over semantics - themes relating to male-male relationships have been approached by both homosexual and bisexual men but it would be bizarre to classify work dealing with male-male relationships as bisexual rather than the simpler "gay"

>> No.11012696

he doesn't.

Mishima just showcases how flawed and pointless the notion of categorizable sexuality is. To be on the safe side one has to say that he's "bisexual".but one learns nothing from such a statement.

>> No.11012698

Anon are you okay? Have you been drinking too many "red pills"?

>> No.11012710

wow nice literature discussion anon! If only there was a place i could find more of these insightful posts...

>> No.11012747

Honest question, Do you people actually like getting fucked in the ass or do you merely put up with it for a chance to join America's SJW victim priesthood? Gays don't 'have sex' they virtue signal and engage in shrill, politically correct activities at the behest of a powerful cabal of cultural Marxist academics

>> No.11012768
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Dude, unless you have a testimony of this actually happening shut the fuck up
Most colleges aren't actually communist central like you believe. Gay people just want to live their lives, and frankly i could give a shit where they stick their penis as long as it isn't in me

>> No.11012770

He didn't feel any romantic attraction toward men. How does that make him gay?

>> No.11012772


>> No.11012782

>Do you people actually like getting fucked in the ass
the answer is yes

>> No.11012798
File: 39 KB, 361x407, IMG_0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people don't 'just wanna live their lives' they see you as the enemy and want to subvert society. They are hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to normalize and sexualize children on a deliberate and systematic basis.

>> No.11012810

thanks for reminding me anon - i almost forgot to go run a train on the neighbor's son today

>> No.11012815
File: 34 KB, 600x619, 1522441419320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh but when the Hitler youth existed that basically indoctrinates kids it's fine huh?
They will make videos that are cringy and a little insane but at least they don't force it onto children

>> No.11012850
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> at least they don't force it onto children
What kind of bigot would dare complain about such a beautiful display of diversity, progress and inclusion! I bet those bad whites haven't even read Foucault!

>> No.11012854

There's your answer, its a joke

>> No.11012873

>i will never be this fucking woke


>> No.11012878

It seems to me the only person trying to sow discord is you. Please fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.11012988

Unironically, this. A Squeeze of Hands is the gayest chapter ever written.

>> No.11013020

He didn't feel any sexual attraction towards women either. Seems like none of you guys actually read Confessions of a Mask, but he explicitly says that he never had a sexual desire for women. Though, he does seem to feel a romantic attachment to his girlfriend. The categorization of this guy would be homosexual and not into romance, since I don't recall him being into men romantically. It's easiest to call him gay because the only attraction that he experienced, as far as we know, was toward males. This argument is useless.

>> No.11013073

>He didn't feel any sexual attraction towards women either

He obviously did to some degree in order to have kids. Everyone reads confessions of a mask and assumes its a factual autobiography.

>> No.11013508

Good post, but I disagree a tiny bit.
The feeling isn't inherently tied to being homosexual, it's tied to being different. There is no uniform homosexual experience that transcends cultures - well, there is now but was not then before homosexuality became a marketing strategy. Mask is a story of an outsider in almost every way, his hair too light at birth, his games not acceptable to other children, his fascination with blood, and finally his rejection of the typical progression through life that ends with a wife and children. I will check out Forbidden Colours though, thank you for the recommendation.

>> No.11013653
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Why aren't there any pictures of his son? I wanna know if they look alike

>> No.11013813

Jose donoso - el lugar sin límites

>> No.11013877
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>> No.11014128

Did you miss the implied sexual tension between him and his sister?

>> No.11014295
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"The Arab was by nature continent; and the use of universal marriage had nearly abolished irregular courses in his tribes. The public women of the rare settlements we encountered in our months of wandering would have been nothing to our numbers, even had their raddled meat been palatable to a man of healthy parts. In horror of such sordid commerce our youths began indifferently to slake one another's few needs in their own clean bodies — a cold convenience that, by comparison, seemed sexless and even pure. Later, some began to justify this sterile process, and swore that friends quivering together in the yielding sand with intimate hot limbs in supreme embrace, found there hidden in the darkness a sensual co-efficient of the mental passion which was welding our souls and spirits in one flaming effort. Several, thirsting to punish appetites they could not wholly prevent, took a savage pride in degrading the body, and offered themself fiercely in any habit which promised physical pain or filth. "

Really makes you think

>> No.11014874

Plato's Symposium is pretty gay in the best way possible. The bitching and moaning from Alcibiades about Socrates and how Socrates is depicted as a fucking player genuinely had me left with a hacking cough

>> No.11014984

Fingersmith, Tipping the Velvet and Affinity by Sarah Waters.

>> No.11014994

It's very very meh

>> No.11015010
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>> No.11015017

Mishima viewed himself through a modern Western lens idiot. He wasn't some Samurai living in rural Edo Japan. He read Freud, he read Wilde, he read Mann. His whole work is about the irreversible tension between traditional and modern, Japanese and Western.

>> No.11015025

>being this naive
Thousands of gay men are married with families. Look at "pro-family" republicans like Ralph Shortey and Wes Goodman. Both men are married with children.

>> No.11015031

This was really erotic when I came across it in Seven Pillars. Is it possible to write with this subdued explicity today... or does the zeitgeist demand we say cock and cum

>> No.11015032

Lot and his daughters, not Lot and his sons you faggot.

>> No.11015059

Your essentialist position is a ridiculous one, even from the small translation of his work we have in english he consciously conflicted with western influence on his own being and his work is as much a reaction to it as it is a product of it. There are stacks of cultural and political papers he wrote that will never be translated because they hold no interest outside japan

>> No.11015073

how is my position essentialist retard. nothing you've said in this post seems to reflect any disagreement, fundamental or superficial. are you responding to the wrong post?

>> No.11015096

The notion he viewed himself through western lens is an absolute statement when obviously he was more complex than that, he wasn't an inverse weeabo. And his homosexual tendencies wasn't some mere product of reading too much Wilde and Mann

>> No.11015118

I didn't say he viewed himself through a western lens as an absolute statement, but western notions of homosexuality would have had an unavoidable influence on his mind and self-perception, both through the cultural exchange general to his society and through his own readings and interests. I didn't say his homosexual tendencies came from reading Wilde and Mann, dummy (really, is that what you really think I'm saying? bastard bitch) but that engaging with these fags would affect, consciously and subconsciously, his introspection and self-expression. in confessions of a mask he makes reference to himself as "inverse", and as a "sodomite" - the self-identification with these concepts of the psychoanalytical and biblical traditions, their reverberation in his soul.

my point being its not nonsensical to describe mishima as "gay" when he lived in the period of absolute globalisation cultural heterogeneity, engaged with it in his works and persona, and did shit like going cruising and singing with trannies at clubs.

>> No.11015194


Thom Gunn was an English poet, active 1950s-80s, who moved to California in (I think) the mid-60s. It's very interesting to look at his whole career chronologically. He starts off veiled and allusive and gradually gets more overt; when you re-read his older work in the context of the newer, you see almost everything he wrote is at least partly influenced by his homosexuality.

Some key poems:

>Lofty in the Palais de Danse
Talking about picking up a stranger, deliberately leaves the sex ambiguous (the way Auden did in a lot of early poems).

>For a Birthday
"I have reached a time when words no longer help..." The first sign he's beginning to chafe at not being able to speak directly.

>On the Move
One of his most famous poems; a good example of an early work that need not seem particularly sexual but becomes much more so when you revisit it with hindsight.

>Market at Turk
Uses the idea of the flick-knife in the pocket as a phallic symbol exactly the way Charles Laughton did in the film Night of the Hunter, and for the same purpose.

>The Allegory of the Wolf Boy
Once you know this is about being homosexual in England in the 1950s it makes perfect sense. Only anonymously at night can he indulge his true nature, and even then he is unable to "let go" entirely of his orthodox daytime persona.

>The Feel Of Hands
Concentrates on a few minute physical details gives him some "plausible deniability".

Similar to "Lofty in the Palais de Danse", he doesn't specifically mention the sex of his companion.

Surrendering to his own sexuality.

>Jack Straw's Castle
Much more overt by this stage in his career.

>Sweet Things & Venetian Blind
Hedonistic homosexual hook-up culture.

>The Man With Night Sweats

>> No.11015242

What a fucking trash thread
What the hell even is "gay literature"? This fucking identitarian bullshit is seriously this common? I don't understand.

>> No.11015273

>What the hell even is "gay literature"?
Your diary desu

>> No.11015277

I might be wrong, but I think that the term refers to literature that deals with homosexuality.

>> No.11015284
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s a v a g e

>> No.11015288

I mean, he's not wrong

>> No.11015325

these poor little guys AKA gay people or 'queers' represent a wise and vibrant although marginalized culture that has lots of positive life lessons to teach white people in terms of empathy and caring, specially straight white males

>> No.11015337

Please stop marginisalising us by using dumb stereotypes and generalizations, and focusing only on using us like tools to 'fix' the 'broken' straight people. Seriously why do leftists always pretend to be all for equality and then do this shit.
>inb4 you were joking and I look like an idiot

>> No.11015543

Last Exit to Brooklyn
Fight Club

>> No.11015773

>/pol/ retards now have to rewrite Mishima's biography because being gay will somehow make his personal life more pathetic than it already was

>> No.11015784

It's clear as day, get real, nothing wrong about it.

>> No.11015786

Its an American thing. Most of the world doesn't even group "gay people" into one umbrella term.

>> No.11015789

>Lot and his daughters, not Lot and his sons you faggot.
Typical over-compensation

Also: Mein Kampf is pretty gay

>> No.11015790

1. Never dated or courted men
2. Courted women
3. Married women.
4. had children with women.

I don't care if he practiced sodomy with some men who he found attractive but that doesn't make you gay.

>> No.11015794

>Last Exit to Brooklyn

>> No.11015795

Bisexuals are part gay and part straight so technically he was gay.

>> No.11015798

>I don't care if he practiced sodomy with some men who he found attractive but that doesn't make you gay.

>> No.11015799

>no little life

>> No.11015802

This, most people don't know the trinity is based on homoerotic principles

>> No.11015804

I think it's a contingent of /r/asianmasculinity sorts, with a few /pol/tards and a generous number of trolls.

>> No.11015808

He send gay letters so his gay lover. Look it up. And getting fucked by men... thats the gayest thing ever, thats quintessentially gay stuff.

>> No.11015809

That isn't the definition of being gay. I'm sure every man here has played with their g-spot, enjoying anal stimulation does not make one gay even its its done with another mans penis.

>> No.11015810

What if he was a bottom?

>> No.11015814

That was him in character for a role. He may have had some romantic feelings for men but that doesn't make someone gay.

>> No.11015816

>successful writer
>died honorably for something he believed in

dude was a boss desu

>> No.11015819

And the first woman was created out of a mans rip. Adam was basically fucking himself!

>> No.11015821

he wasn't fascist. his death was an erotic act. by his own will, he made his life one of the most complete and self-fulfilling of the era.

>> No.11015822

This is why there is no such thing as being "gay". People start in-grouping you with a group of people you may or may not identify with.

>> No.11015825
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>there is no such thing as being "gay"

>> No.11015826

They had no concept of being gay back then. It was all just "don't sodomize your fellow man like you would with women". Says nothing about being in relationships with them.

>> No.11015830

>guys, guys... listen to this: it's only gay when I say it is. Being sodomized by men and having romantic feelings for them it's not gay, he was just playing a lifetime role like I do!

>> No.11015835

Homosexuality is a spook

>> No.11015836

Proust. In Search of Lost Time is the gayest most complete novel you will ever find.

Also, anything Hesse. Most of his work features two gay-ish best friends.

>> No.11015837

I don't listen to greentexters, you guys never get anything right.

>> No.11015839

>They had no concept of being gay back then
Doesn´t imply they weren´t gay, however

>> No.11015842

Sorry, I'm still trying to learn about social justice and privilege. As a straight white male, I can't begin to imagine what you poor things must go through living in this heteronormative society of ours

>> No.11015848

Yeah, I get it, his identity wasn't based around being gay and he wasn't out marching for LGBT rights. Being sexually attracted to men still makes you gay and it's absurd that this is even a concern.

The bodybuilding becomes a lot less impressive when you find out that he started barring photographers from photographing him from the waist down because he didn't work legs.

>> No.11015854

lol this fag, he was gay, end of story.

>> No.11015855
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Homosexuality came out of western society's suppression of sexuality from the 17th to the mid-20th century due to the rise of capitalism and bourgeois society.

>> No.11015859

No. It's genetic.

>> No.11015861

This fag, in my country, he is nothing

>> No.11015863

If he didn't identify with the average "gay" person why should we group him in with them. Its as pointless as creating an identity around any mundane thing.

>> No.11015868

Its also genetic to want to sleep, doesn't mean we should create an identity out of it.

>> No.11015869

someone linked to this thread on lgbt

>> No.11015870

Because his personal lack of identification doesn't exclude him from the gay experience and his sexuality formed much of the inferiority complex and neuroses that inform a large chunk of his work.

>> No.11015895

fuck off, faggot

>> No.11015908

>If he didn't identify with the average "Japanese" person why should we group him in with them.
>If he didn't identify with the average "author" why should we group him in with them.
>If he didn't identify with the average "militia commander" why should we group him in with them.

>> No.11015912

Human sexuality it's not the same as "sleeping". Stop equating nonsense. Who are you, John Green?

>> No.11015921

Lots of gays don't identify with the "average gay person". Most still recognise their homosexuality, and in contemporary Western terms - like Mishima did.

>> No.11016203

Dennis Cooper's entire catalogue, but especially the George Miles Cycle.

>> No.11016333

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.11016352

It's not about grouping, it's about sexual preference and human sexuality.

>> No.11017036

Confessions of a mask is really tame compared to Forbidden Colors. Forbidden colors really explores Japan's gay scene and delves into the depravity. It's mostly about lying, deceiving and treating people horribly though.