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/lit/ - Literature

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11011753 No.11011753 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing that "people" like this read more books than you ever will in your lifetime?

>> No.11011763

at first i thought you were a faggot, then i read your sentence and realise your not.

>harry potter
but your still a faggot anyway

>> No.11011764

there is always someone better than you

>> No.11011765

Quality not quantity.

Fictionplebs btfo

>> No.11011781

Only girls subscribe to the "I'm such a nerd xD" lifestyle
This thread isn't even about literature
0/10 this isn't lolcow

>> No.11011788

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.11011800

Man I wish I lived in that world, where all women are easy to impress and all men are patricians and patriots.

>> No.11011801

why does it have brown hands?
I've never met a black "bookworm".

>> No.11011802

Books like Harry Potter?

>> No.11011815

This is a flawed mentality

>> No.11011816
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If you define "bookworm" the same way op's meme does, you probably just live in a really white area.

>> No.11011829

I keep on proving myself more knowledgeable than others. Going forward, I don't see how this disparity is going to change if fiction readers keep reading about fictional universes they can pretend they live within because their own lives aren't exciting enough.

Fucking loser.

>> No.11011847

factual though

>> No.11011850

Yes, but plenty of nonfiction books are no better than fiction. The only truly intellectual pursuit is an understanding of the natural sciences, if you can't name both extant groups of archosaur you're a brainlet who doesn't actually understand the workings and origin of the world around you.

>> No.11011854

Only if you think you should be better than other people.

>> No.11011872

I was referring to your idea that quality is more important than quantity

>> No.11011884

fuck off

>> No.11011893
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These type of people are usually white girls and gay men between ages 17 & 28 who pre-order YA novels, follow all of the latest series, post gif image reviews on Goodreads, and never try to challenge themselves. The kind of books they read, despite the size, can usually be read in 2-3 days. These are the people who grew up with Harry Potter.

>> No.11011925

The Hogwarts bit made me cringe to the point I felt an unpleasant sensation travel trough my spine.

>> No.11011955

>100% posturing
>0% actually reading
>0% browsing /lit/
Not gonna make it

>> No.11012086

Browsing /lit/ is posturing

>> No.11012098

Spoken like a true brainlet

>> No.11012122

Nah when I was a kid I read all the Magic Treehouse books so I feel okay taking my time with Hegel. I'm still ahead of most people in this contest.

>> No.11012149

I literally do not care

>> No.11012161

feels completely ambivalent because I'm not an egoist who thinks "amount of books read" is a competition, or that it even matters at all

>> No.11012231

Definitely 11% of my personality is making literary references nobody gets. This is because I make literary references to my own literature, which remains unpublished. When somebody does something outrageously stupid, I say, "Wow, you're really pulling a Gregory Berrycone there." I wait for somebody to ask who Gregory Berrycone is, and then explain that he is a minor character in my absurdist novella (untitled right now) about a man who wakes up one morning with a mysterious plastic knob on the back of his head.

>> No.11012241

this diagram has 0% dedicated to reading its basically /lit/

>> No.11012369

Op here, this is why I made this thread.

>> No.11012397


>> No.11012583


>> No.11012660

girls and soyboys*

>> No.11012668
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>natural science

>> No.11012675

Not at all.

It's a flawed mentality because there is no person that is inherently 'better' or 'worse' than someone else. It's just not how people are. They aren't able to be ranked.

>> No.11012681

t. bottom of the class

>> No.11012682

No. :)
Hahaha. Go ahead then, tell me what a partial differential is. I'm waiting.

>> No.11013047

Biology is the natural science by definition, you even study it in the School of Natural Sciences in my country.

>> No.11013056

Life science actually by etymology. You know.. that thing that comes before a definition.

>> No.11013057

your your your your your your your
're 're 're 're 're 're 're 're 're 're 're 're 're 're

>> No.11013082
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>> No.11013085

I wish I grew up with Harry Potter

>> No.11013100

Well, I'm not a native English speaker so we don't use the term life science but natural sciences and exact sciences to refer to physics, chemistry and such.

>> No.11013106

I'm fine with them reading genre fiction
and this 100%

>> No.11013112

Not bothered, quality > quantity. I'm sure there are people who watch more movies then me, but if they never go beyond Star Wars marathons, why should I care?

>> No.11013121

>girls and group of guys created for me that I'm told not to like because I'm a free thinker

>> No.11013130
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>the goal is how many books you read, fuck the content its about raising my goodreads read count.

Direct quote from OP btw

>> No.11013145

I dropped it at the 4th book. You didn't miss much.

>> No.11013640

Depends on their age. Obviously this was the self-expression of a child; if it were an adult woman it would be 90% e-book chick-lit romance porn.

>> No.11014003

This is a flawed mentality.
There will be always someone better at you AT something.

>> No.11014268
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If you were arranging your bookshelves by ~emotion~, where would you put this guy?

>> No.11014272


>> No.11014275

You ever glance at a book and think it would be too terrible to read? Then, you force yourself through it because you spent five dollars on it and someone suggested it to you, and you're not looking like an illiterate cunt to this person. So you spend 500 pages just wishing that shit never happened, that you never knew this fucking book existed, then you get to the end of it and you fucking burn it, you burn the fucking book in a fucking fire.

That's what it takes to be a quality reader

>> No.11014291

My fucking sides you deluded socialist scumbag

>> No.11014315

You are pretty delusional desu.

>> No.11014384

They read shit books in a shit way and it has as much impact on you as watching a TV show.

>> No.11014400

Yeah, we're all scholars and gentlemen here on /lit/

>> No.11014437

Love this pasta

>> No.11014535

Read the first three books in high school out of curiosity

>> No.11014798

You're being super autistic

Non-fiction lit can provide you with one thing and fictional literature can provide you with something else. Do you really think it is so black and white that only of those things are useful or are you trolling?

>> No.11015057

The moment Rowling started aiming them at teenagers she failed as a writer. She can write perfectly charming kids books, but anything beyond that falls embarrassingly flat.

>> No.11015163

Most black people don't read or write. It is known.

>> No.11015165



>> No.11015771

>implying he isn't just a super-neet

>> No.11017111

Quality over quantity

>> No.11017259

>brown hands
Nah u

>> No.11017415
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>> No.11017417


shutup you posturing brainlet fuck

/lit/ doesn't read

>> No.11017437

>basing your self-worth on how many books you've read

>> No.11017486
File: 8 KB, 300x168, let.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

natural science consists of life science and physical science you absolute brainlet

>> No.11017551

that nigga brown like cinammon

>> No.11017961

>implying children's literature is inherently easier to write

>> No.11019563

There is no single axiom which measures the quality of an individual.

Ergo, it's impossible to objectively judge someone "better" or "worse" than another.

>> No.11019809

You are pretty delusional desu.
There are many quantitative parameters by which you can objectively compare two individuals.
Now, you can argue that "from your point of view" being less intelligent etc. is not inherently good or bad but evolution will disagree.
Unless you think dying is good of course.