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File: 279 KB, 800x634, 1933-may-10-berlin-book-burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11011425 No.11011425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It´s 1933 and you live in germany. Two Nazi generals knock on your door and want to take a look at your book collection. How fucked are you?

>> No.11011450

>they see Hitler Triumphant
>realize it's a book from the future
>don't realize it's an AU book
>Hitler does everything the book says and wins

>> No.11011519

> knut hamsun
> murakami
> books about Norwegian history
> multiple bibles

I think the only thing that might would've messed me up is Roadside Picnic and a book on Anders Behring Breivik (Åsne Seierstad)

>> No.11011550

>Two Nazi generals knock on your door
point out they're faggots and if they want the pictures that prove it, they'll have to keep me alive. immediate besties with goering.

>> No.11011551

Why the fuck would Nazi generals be doing the work of the Gestapo and SA?

>> No.11011572

probably fucked

>> No.11011599

I'd have to knock them out with my Kafka and Heine collections and gtfo

>> No.11011608

Expose my pozhole to them and tell them to do their worst (thus tricking them into receiving AIDs)

>> No.11011611

they would probably just kill me and steal the books about quantum mechanics i have to build weapons

>> No.11011620

>PKD won't acknowledge he's dead
Please stop Philip

>> No.11011624

maybe 1/3-1/4 burned. Most of it is classics/19th century fiction. I don't think the Nazis would like my cultural/political theory section or my copy of Capital. (I'm not a communist though, I have some Marxist thinkers but nothing explicitly socialist/communist in orientation)

>> No.11011640
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>> No.11011643

>see a book titled "the rise and fall of the third riech"
>immediately go to jail for treason
> nothing else changes and they still lose because they just chucked it into the fire

>> No.11011646

>see Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
>kill me
>kill Shirer next

>> No.11011661


>> No.11011674

thanks for the tip, kamerad

>> No.11011677


>> No.11011698

[palms sweating intensifies]

>> No.11011737

are you really poz

>> No.11011747

>Sir we've found Das Kapital, and a book on Freemasonry in your collection. You do realize these are heavily subversive texts right?
>Oh sorry General. I just owned them because I was curious about these groups. It didn't seem right to hate them without knowing what they had to say. You can have the books if you'd like.
>No thankyou, sir. They aren't illegal. We just wanted to inspect it fo-
>No no, I insist. If you won't take them at least tell me where I can donate them to the next book burning ceremony?
>Well if you'd like to donate them we'll take them off your hands. Have a good day comrade.
>Have a good day, Officer. I wish you and your NSDAP friends luck in fixing the economy.

>> No.11011749

Absolutely entartet

>> No.11011813

> multiple bibles
I guess you didn't get arrested for owning bibles and going to church without causing a ruckus, but the Nazis didn't actually like Christians all that much.

>> No.11012341

Oh really? I always thought that the Nazis was conservative Christians. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.11012390

Everyone knows that 10x more books are banned in present day Germany than were during the third reich, right?

Of course you don't.

WWII was a jewish war against Germany and jews are far more censurious, which is why they're banning shit left and right these days, including speech negative of jews.

The truth is the opposite of what you've been told it is.

>> No.11012407

to be honest if you saw berlin before the nazis marched in, you'd probably want to censor it too. stop being such a jew

>> No.11012422

Think you misread that post, chap.

>> No.11012442

I have a lot of Kafka and Freud. Probably wouldn't look good.

>> No.11012468
File: 74 KB, 400x610, AF126B81-CE52-4FC1-AA8F-5201E0B06894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazi Generals
>Not SA Haupttruppführer
The absolute state of /lit/ lefty historical ignorance. Wasn’t most of the stuff they burned from Magnus Hirschfeld who was advocating tranny and pedo shit?

>> No.11012474

>Why the fuck would Nazi generals be doing the work of the Gestapo and SA?
Because your correcting the op bumps the thread. This is why the lowest quality threads rise to the top.

>> No.11012500

Yup. We even have proof, like that headline where the global powerhouse of working class jewish seamstresses shoemakers and newsprinters declares war on the geman people, slaughtering millions until adolf bravely put his foot down. One must fight fire with fire, after all.

>> No.11012501

>see Mein Kampf
>see Doctrine of Fascism
>see Evola
>see the Greeks
>see second reich picture books
>see vedas
>see book of mormon
Probably get questioned a bit, nothing much

>> No.11012508

>mfw I have books written after 1933
>mfw they think I'm a time travelling alien and they bring me to Mengele so he can dissect me

>> No.11012519

>Wasn’t most of the stuff they burned
I would like to see an honest record of this aspect. The more that I research what I was taught in school, the more I realize that almost all of the negativity surrounding the NSDAP was pretty loose. Most of the things that drive hatred of them are either from propaganda or from people letting their imaginations run wild. The idea that nurturing an environment in which the vilest of lies can be told about a group without anyone defending the truth is not conducive to any kind of growth of understanding.

>> No.11012524

i think you don't know why the 1920s called berlin babylon. stop being an ignorant jew and go horrify your censorious ass with history

>> No.11012534

>Wasn’t most of the stuff they burned from Magnus Hirschfeld who was advocating tranny and pedo shit?
there's a rumour they burnt those first, and raided his institute first, to remove their own files from his ethnographic studies

>> No.11012557

>slaughtering millions
Jews did that in Russia, then Germany after the war.

Which leads to another fun fact: more German soldiers died after the war than during it.

>> No.11012563

I'd say they liked them, they at least didn't hate them enough to treat them like the people they actually didn't like. In Mein Kampf Hitler claims to be a Christian and thanks Providence for good luck in his youth multiple times.

>> No.11012581

they really hated jehovah's witnesses. mostly because the witnesses went around knocking on everyone's doors showing pictures of hitler burning jews and killing polish babies and saying nobody was doing anything about it therefore jehovah
figures the one time god's actually talked to them they all get put in separate camps within the camps so they stop telling other prisoners that jehovah will save them if they just read this booklet with burning babies on the front

>> No.11012584
File: 70 KB, 640x419, 3A9FD335-EB48-4F26-B0F0-3E1F102151C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like to see an honest record of this aspect.
You probably never will. Hitler is the Genghis Khan of our times and will remain so until the next worse guy ever comes along.
> to remove their own files from his ethnographic studies
Where did you read that? I somehow doubt any Nazi would visit a jew sex doctor with Hirschfeld’s rep. I know that there were a lot of deviants and weirdos in the NSDAP, but c’mon anon, think about what you wrote for a second.

>> No.11012591

I'd be fine

>> No.11012595

I would like sources for these

>> No.11012601

>Lots of Goethe
>Thus Spake Zarathustra
I'd be fine, unironically.

>> No.11012605
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>believing anything at all from the Jehovas Witnesses

>> No.11012610

Mencius Moldbug's essay on "Nazi Wikipedia" blew my mind a couple of years ago. Required reading for everyone.

>> No.11012612

>Where did you read that? I somehow doubt any Nazi would visit a jew sex doctor with Hirschfeld’s rep. I know that there were a lot of deviants and weirdos in the NSDAP, but c’mon anon, think about what you wrote for a second.
a lot of Berlin was deviants and weirdos, you could hire a general fucking his old fat wife in uniform for fucking nothing in nonWeimarer money as your first tourist stop and keep going from there. a lot of the Nazis were deviants, and left and right deviants were as common as each other. Nazis had a lot of love for nudity and homosexual relationships, which they eventually stifled, but they didn't crack down til about 1939, and even then they left some valuable queers stay. Berlin got converted to Nazism because they were so fucking deviant. Goebbels recommendation to Hitler was to be violent and gross as possible because "Berlin needs sensationalism like a fish needs water". I mean, why do you think Goering's found high off his tits in a toga surrounded by painted teenage boys once the Reich fell? A lot of the early converts who got in before they started repressing that shit thought that kind of shit was Greek and heroic. You don't get that love of the Gothic and Hugo Boss without being a little bit queer, and you certainly didn't survive inflation in Berlin without sucking some dicks.

>> No.11012615

ikr, hitler could have left them alone and there'd never be a WWII because everyone would be like JW's are showing us torture porn again [door closing intensifies]

>> No.11012621

This is me, plus some more philosophy.

>> No.11012623

>the Death of Ivan Ilyich
I'm the only person in 1933 Germany with good taste

>> No.11012632

This is some jewish revisionist bullshit if I've ever heard it. Anyone who knows the first thing about pre-war Germany knows it was jews who turned the nation into a degenerate state, which is what led to the people wanting to kick the jews out.

>In 1931, over 60 percent of German films were produced by Jews and 82 percent of the film scripts were written by Jewish writers, though Jews made up less than 1 percent of the German population (0.90%). A quick look at the names of directors, producers, stage managers, actors, script writers and critics, “revealed everywhere an overwhelming preponderance of Jews.”

>A cursory survey of the film titles, Wiehe tells us, shows us that the Jews had only one thing on the brain: sex. Here are some typical titles: “Moral und Sinnlichkeit” (Morals and Sensuality); “Was kostet Liebe?” (What is the Price of Love); “Wenn ein Weib den Weg verliert” (When a Woman loses her Way); “Prostitution” (Prostitution); “Sündige Mutter” (Sinful Mama); “Das Buch des Lasters” (The Book of Vices).

>“The sensational titles correspond to the sleazy contents,” Wiehe complains. “All wallow in filth and display with cynical frankness the vilest scenes of sexual perversion.” [3]


>> No.11012638

made me kek

i've got the russian meme books, some crowley, homer, the bible, and a lot of christian philosophy. i'd probably be put on a list but allowed to stay.

>> No.11012644

also if you're looking for specific names, anything Isherwood or Auden wrote about Berlin should get you started. there's a lot more deviant shit going on, and if you just pick up artists/writers who were tourists in Berlin during the interwar period, you'll find out they're basically the same people who become "English teachers in Thailand" now (i.e. sex tourists).

>> No.11012651

>calling WH Auden a liar
You have no aesthetic standing or soul.

>> No.11012664
File: 167 KB, 736x981, 5B72873E-F453-41C1-87B5-63817B368FE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't crack down til about 1939
You mean 1933, Night of the Long Knives and all that.
>Goering surrounded by teenage boys
Are you going to provide any sources at all for this stuff? C’mon dude.
>Greek and heroic
There’s a difference between love of Hellenic culture and sucking dick, I know people love to blur that line constantly, but there is. Especially in this period before “gay” was really a thing. Sure, I’m sure some future SA men did some stuff, but your average kid from Magdeburg was friendly towards his “Kamerad” in ways that neither thought of as “gay”, they didn’t even know that was a thing.

>> No.11012678

>at the height of German cinema, most films were made by Jews
>they leave and Hollywood's golden age starts
To be fair, at least the Germans kept Leni? A director's better than keeping Marlene Dietrich or Brecht, r-right? I'm sure lots of people remember Leni above those two sympathizers.

>> No.11012689

Sorry. All scholarship of Germany after WWII is laden with intense jewish propaganda. The reason this has been become an albatross around whites worldwide is because the jews don't allow any criticism of their narrative. They attack anyone who goes against it. It was as true then as it was before the internet, and it is only since that the real story has come out.

>> No.11012708
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Sure, I’ve read “Voluptuous Panic”, I’d put more credence in that work than two gossipy queens wanting to paint a picture that they wanted to be true. I know that there was a lot of sick stuff going on, but gays are famous for writing their jerkoff fantasies as fact. I’d take both with a grain of salt since they had an interest in normalizing their behavior. “Voluptuous Panic” has actual adverts and photos, harder to deny that.

>> No.11012711
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I feel like i have a fanfiction on Anne frank and Adolf around my hard drive somewhere

>> No.11012721
File: 24 KB, 300x329, Anne-Frank-300x329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it have a cover?

>> No.11012734

>You mean 1933, Night of the Long Knives and all that.
No, they didn't crack down on queers or other deviants in the party until 1939. Sure they cracked heads before that, but the deviants helped with that.
>Are you going to provide any sources at all for this stuff? C’mon dude.
Why are you judging Goering? Does it help if I mention they were also just playing with his train sets and nail varnish? I'm not saying he fucked them, he was just having a good time in single sexed young company.
>There’s a difference between love of Hellenic culture and sucking dick, I know people love to blur that line constantly, but there is.
The difference is time period. Plenty of Nazis, including Hitler, survived accusations of pederasty because it did form soldierly bonds as the Greeks did (through sex acts). The thing you have to remember is that they thought it was scientifically progressive, and the reason why Jews might want to rape their boys was because that would educate them in Jewishness, not that it would make them gay or do anything other than teach them their place. They were not convinced that homosexuals were deviants for a long time, and by that time they couldn't kick out all the homosexuals. The just got rid of the non-useful ones. You see the same thing happening with Jews, but the framing of "two guys naked together" as "gay" to a Nazi before wouldn't have made any sense, and only became potentially suspect much later to the party.

The Nazis liked a lot of shit which seems really weird if you have a modern concept of them: they loved healthy living, which they thought was best executed naked, while being vegetarian, and not smoking. Free love, and unwed mothers, once it wasn't race mixing also were lauded. They fuggin loved scouting organizations and "brotherly love" groups. People want it to be all Death to the Jews, but a lot of their ideas were more about "progressivism" than just getting rid of deviants. Getting rid of deviants only became big after 1939.

>> No.11012735

>Article doesn't even cite his sources

>> No.11012756

That article has appeared numerous places; it was syndicated by VT.

And every source is at the end of the article, why are you lying? Because you're jewish?

>> No.11012771
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>Magnus Hirschfeld who was advocating tranny and pedo shit?
Yes. The photos are from when the SA raided Hirschfeld's child porn collection and burned it.

>> No.11012776

To expand on this: Getting rid of deviants was not only a Nazi imperative during wartime. Anything considered subversive was derided - as is typical during total war. Gay men freed from German camps were taken to new prisons after the fall of the Reich.

>> No.11012777
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*teleports into your attic*

>> No.11012788

I'm talking about having external tourist accounts which aren't after everyone decided Hitler was bad. A lot of the people going to Berlin are deviants (males and females) or about to become deviants once they get there, and the city does get called Babylon by most everyone in the world because of its lack of any real censorship and rampant prostitution. There are however, as you say, pictures of the streets lined with prostitutes of all different kinds in such numbers it's kind of hard to deny. It's like saying the Great Depression and Dustbowl were made up post fact by Jews. I don't see why you'd bother arguing against all the newspapers and heavy literary evidence.

I haven't read the book you mention, but I purposefully chose Isherwood and Auden because
>it's a literature board
>they're so famous you're ignorant if you haven't read either
>they were in berlin writing and publishing before Hitler
Since this thread is replete with cries of revisionism, pointing to sources after Hitler's been deposed seems less likely to get the response

Pretty much anyone writing in the interwar period uses Berlin as an example of decadent vice, so it's kind of surprising it's in doubt, even if you only read fiction from the era.

>> No.11012789
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>Sure they cracked heads before that, but the deviants helped with that.
>cracked a few heads
Do you actually know what the NotLK
>playing with trains
Any source? Any at all?
>People want it to be all Death to the Jews, but a lot of their ideas were more about "progressivism" than just getting rid of deviants
Completely agree, they incorporated a lot from earlier groups like the “Wandervögel” and are difficult to pin down on a modern left/right axis.
>Getting rid of deviants only became big after 1939.
Where are you getting 1939 from? Hitler never cared for gay shit, but tolerated Röhm because he had connections, he was always pragmatic about social issues above all else. They purged that shit once they came to power, in 1933.

>> No.11012791

>doesn't understand Auden's poetry still
>waffles on
You're soulless, artless, and a bore.

>> No.11012806
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I have this outline for an erotic novel about a nine month pregnant Anne Frank. pic related


>> No.11012831

Many of the greatest men of the postwar era have fallen into jew-worship due to the moral pressure guided by the 6 million narrative and the many stories now rendered bogus about jew soap and lampshades, etc.

They found our flaw, morality, and have been guilting us with it nonstop since, so that whites won't question them as they amass more power in our nations. Auden and many others failed us as intellectual stewards, but thankfully the script is changing and jews are finally being exposed for the frauds they are.

>> No.11012836

>Large collection of Russian classics
>Das Kapital
>The good book (communist manifesto)
I'm instakill

>> No.11012841

Im far from a neo-nazi, although I suppose I have fascist tendencies which do not intersect entirely with the anti-semitism of the nazi's; nevertheless, most /lit/izens would be fine because we all just read german philosophy and the Greeks anyhow

>> No.11012849
File: 89 KB, 323x499, E08EF1C8-19DE-4F91-933B-A3016A13BB83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I misread your response anon, I see what you’re saying and reasons you chose Auden and Isherwood(all solid), my point is that both are outsiders and I suspect that some of what they wrote might be a bit “theatrical”. I’ll admit that I have not read them, but I think Otto Friedrich’s “Before the Deluge” is a superior work. It’s been awhile since I read that work however, I should really re-read it.

>> No.11012879

I’d probably be invited to join the NSDAP since I own lots of their period magazines, leaflets, newspapers. I probably wouldn’t be allowed to join the SS however since I’m a devout Catholic. I think I have some Sarte lying around, that might be suspect, but I’m sure the other stuff would outweigh it.

>> No.11012885

>Do you actually know what the NotLK
It's more of an attack on old party members than queers. The crack down on queers is much later, like I said. (This is also why Goebbels was able to convince Hitler to take Goering out of command, when Goering probably could have saved the country on any amount of opiates. Goebbels convinced Hitler he wasn't a clean living soldier, and so they lost the whole country because Goering would have made some concessions to keep the Reich going) Roehm needed to go along with the rest of those taken out of the SA because they were threats to Hitler's leadership from politics, not from being queer. Goering on the other hand is said to be a political threat because he's a deviant drug addict.
>Any source
Literally google Goering and train set. He was very proud of it, it was a feature of his estate he showed everyone and threw parties around. It's fucking based.
>Completely agree, they incorporated a lot from earlier groups like the “Wandervögel” and are difficult to pin down on a modern left/right axis.
It's more their policy changed over time. Like with not caring about queers early on, because there was a lot of Greek worship and "scientific reasons" why it would be okay wasn't a problem for a long time. The Nazis did like those things. It became a problem when they wanted to expand and had changed their understanding of deviant to include a lot more people.
>Where are you getting 1939 from? Hitler never cared for gay shit,
Hitler didn't mind pederasty, but I have to specify, this is the Greek kind of relationship, not where anything gets stuck in anyone's pooper (which would be a punishment to the Greeks). He'd be horrified by the current meaning, as would a lot of people who did shit back then we'd now consider gay. Romping naked through your garden naked with male friends and wrestling naked at the time were considered deviant by traditionalists, but modern by most people advocating it. Being vegetarian was still a "radical" thing. People get used to the "There is no peace without order" Nazis, but they forget a lot of their shit was as loopy as an instagram chick to everyone else at the time and it was a very young party.

>> No.11012890

Auden is mostly pre-war, you utter illiterate.

>> No.11012905

>The chinese
>French communist
>All the slavs
>Seriously, what is whit all the jews?

Would the Japanese and German works balance it out?

>> No.11012907

>a bit "theatrical"
Compared to Berlin at the time, that would take a lot of effort. If anything, they missed out on a lot of other kinds of deviance, just by being gay and moving closer to their favourite bar so they wouldn't have to go as far for boipussi.
Most everyone in Berlin, by a large margin, came from outside Berlin at the time. It's millions of people come there to fuck and do coke over the inflation period. Ten US dollars in Berlin at the time would keep you fucked up for weeks.

>> No.11012917


>> No.11012948

Oh! Now I get that reference in GR. Pynchon is a fucking genius comedian. Someday I'd like to read Mein Kampf, but I'm so past the edge teenage phase that I'm afraid it'd be a waste of time. I hate missing a good joke though.


"So you guys like to read too eh? Did you ever hear about this UFO incident in...."

>> No.11012958

It’s really not an edgy book, it’s long and rambly and badly in need of editing since it’s essentially a long speech. The part about jews is pretty brief in comparison to everything else, and his writings on how to build an effective political coalition are really excellent.

>> No.11012985

You’re right about the political threats from Röhm, but don’t underplay how much his antics were beginning to embarrass the fledgling party. I thought you were implying that Goering was a diddler, my mistake. I think their policy changed over time due to political reasons, it’s easier to overlook things when you are a small party out of power, harder when you need to convince the country at large of your legitimacy.(sorry for the brief response, my son just woke up from a nap)
This is fair.

>> No.11013007

Seriously only would read it for historical context about jokes.... I'm more interested in the effectiveness of their radio propaganda in Africa.


"So I says to the Alien, 'Quit complaining and get us back home,' and he says...hey, didn't you guys want to talk about books? I rarely get to see many people face to face these days and I don't have much going on. No? Ok, well fuck you socialists! When us fascists take over, you'll have no choice but to listen me then. You just wait!"