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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 183 KB, 500x931, canwomenevenread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11010369 No.11010369 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone actually read this cover to cover?
I read the preface and about 13 pages of the chapter then put it in the bin.
I honestly don't understand why anybody would take this book seriously, let alone be rated 4.42 stars on Goodreads.
I think the best part for me is that people consider a girl who studied in English Literature at the literal worst University in my country.
This book is so evidently the culmination of a brain on years of intersectionality and activism.

>> No.11010375

My mother owns a copy and I'll probably read it sometime but I've flicked through it and it comes across as bigoted with the attitude that if you disagree with the book you're the bigot. Thanks for that, book.

>> No.11010376

white guilt personified. these are the brainlets who actually believe what is on television news. they allow others to tell them how they should feel. don't have two brain cells to rub together. shame, but that's humanity for you.

>> No.11010384

that semi-unkempt feminist look every feminist has

the tight trimmed level fringe
the semi-plucked but unkempt eyebrows
the lazy application of some eye shadow
the spaghetti shoulder straps, black
the typical denim shorts with their t-shirt tucked in

my dick likes that

>> No.11010393

This is exactly what I thought. Emma Watson in this photo is the archetype of white guilt in the west. She is the manifestation of the phenomenon of a suicidal culture. The fact that people treat her, or the writer of this book with any level of credibility just makes me sad.
The irony is that I used to be a strong feminist and cultural Marxist. It was the fact that I ended up behind the "leftist" pack and marginalised for it that woke me up from a brainwashing that had started in highschool.

>> No.11010398

>my mother owns a copy. Tell her she's a fucking stupid useless cunt and to go and make you some food

>> No.11010403

>How I justify throwing a tantrum when people disagree with me
This sentiment is what is pushing me further and further away from the left everyday.

>> No.11010411

Is Emma a P zombie?

>> No.11010457

Are you me? I don’t remember typing this.

>> No.11010464

You soundlike an alpha male and not at all like a mentally 15 yo letting his self hatred out on his mother

>> No.11010468

Have you ever taken a photo of yourself while holding a book to show off to your social media followers?

>> No.11010470

Pretty sure she is showing off the book sweetie

>> No.11010473

I can't hate on my mother for being open to new perspectives, it's up to her to think for herself

>> No.11010485

I think it’s a common story. I’m actually going to write a book on it and that’s why I attempted to read this drivel.
Not him but I’m pretty sure she’s showing herself off. It’s called virtue signalling, ugly.

>> No.11010487
File: 90 KB, 804x743, 1523887614898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't heard of the book until I saw it on /lit/.

Why do you know about it and I don't? Are you perchance a pleb?

>> No.11010518
File: 370 KB, 960x1200, 9FD4AFA7-59DD-44E3-9A40-DBDAFFD12C49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know when I want to share something on the internet I always do it by taking a picture of it along with my face.

>> No.11010676

It's time for you to go back to /pol/ and stop making threads about retarded idpol books that hurt your fragile feelings.

>> No.11010709

You’re right this book deserves 4.42 starts. I’m really a bigot thanks for showing me the light!

>> No.11010736

I'm saying the book isn't worthy of being discussed because it's inherently shit - it's content won't last a decade or two. You're not a bigot, you're a fragile kid that's throwing a tantrum at mass produced shit for the plebs.

>> No.11010757

>calls retarded idpol book retarded
>angry when others call retarded idpol book retarded
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11010772

Can't blame her after getting dicked by Weinstein.

>> No.11010835 [DELETED] 

Especial that trimmed level fringe lol

>> No.11010860

believe it or not devoting time to getting mad at shit everyone already knows is stupid is not a marker of high intellect

>> No.11010888

Thinking about whether something shows you as being high intellect or not on an anonymous weeb board also isn’t a marker of high intellect. Go choke on some black dick, shill

>> No.11011033
File: 23 KB, 320x499, 41CrXbB7qRL._SX318_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to assume that the essays contained within pic related make the entire book a complete waste of time.

Business idea: Social media attention whoring taking selfies with various Sowell books.

>> No.11011069

>hurt your fragile feelings
This is as silly as calling people transphobic. Autists on 4chan dont even have feelings

>> No.11011084

The only things I feel are hatred and humour

>> No.11011274

One might argue that Emma Watson is a more influential person than you or I. By including her face in a picture of a book she obviously holds in high regard, people are probably going to be more apt to read it.

>> No.11011286

If you do this you're going to have to learn to cook and clean on your own.

Maybe you need that.

>> No.11011380

I read the extracted bits in the guardian. You don't need to, it's exactly what you think. The usual American campus politics imported into a society where they don't apply, but fuck that doesn't stop them trying. I suppose it would be harder and involve actual thought to develop a version of American racial politics that applied in the radically different landscape of Britain, but hey that would be like actual work.
Ethnic minorities in this country actually do better on most metrics than the indigenous whites but fuck, class is so passe darling

>> No.11011657
File: 902 KB, 380x208, trump-wrestles-cnn-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what life is now, there is not escaping ''idpol''. I am what I am and I rather die fighting than live on my knees. If these freaks, the progs, NYT/Guardian/Pitchfork staff jews, feminists and the lgbtbbqwtf want war, I'll give them war. I want to become everything they hate and fear. I tried being a nice guy, but this honky can only take so much.

>> No.11011841

Art hoe uniform

>> No.11011894

I wholeheartedly support your endeavour, but maybe you'd fight your war somewhere else? There are no feminists nor jews here, we just want to discuss fucking books

>> No.11012661

I'm not making a thread every week about a book that was advertised by a walking, breathing, talking product to idiots on the internet. Stop creating these threads. They've never had any valuable discussion because the book has nothing of value to offer. It's just /pol/ bent out of shape because of its content.

>> No.11014167


This man blew the fuck out of SJWs 30 years ago yet here they are.

>> No.11014177

Photoshop it

>> No.11014299

that jacket
>literally ruining fun

>> No.11014320

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11014624

Please tell us your lived experience. I'm not kidding wither these people are dangerous ideologues. When did the facade start cracking for you?

>> No.11014632

I bet the whole book is about race, false advertising.

>> No.11014652

Do you hate her for all the nigger dick she's had inside her?

>> No.11014658

I will explain:

>be woman
>have no genuine interest in anything really
>unable to spend five minutes alone without someone else to validate your existence
>make "cute" face as you send out for attention, desperately hoping something or someone will respond
>naturally unconcerned with the real substance of anything on account of your being too busy trying to figure out if you exist

>> No.11014672

Ignorant bitch. Spitting on the memory of men that wrestled nature and evil men into submission. Dumbfuck should be flung into the wilderness if she hates society that much